Completely puzzled: Strange shift register behaviour


o pere o


I am not an FPGA expert although this is not my first design. The
problem that I am having for two days now, is that I am observing
different results when simulating a design in GHDL and in Modelsim
ALTERA starter edition.

The design includes a shift register. The significant code is:

read_sro : process(s_sample)
if rising_edge(s_sample) then
if ... --irrelevant here
end if;
if ...
end if;
if sr_burst_ena = '1' then --First phase: store data in shift_reg
new_data <= sr_sro_wave & new_data(c_burst_no-1 downto 1);
elsif dec_shift_ena = '1' then --Second phase: rotate data

new_data <= new_data(0) & new_data(c_burst_no-1 downto 1);

--irrelevant, but included for completeness
max_cnt <= max_cnt + 1;
if usum > max then
max <= usum;
max_pos <= max_cnt;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process read_sro;

the clock signal s_sample is obtained from the main 50 MHz clock with
the following process:

sr_signals : process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
if sr_clear = '1' or sr_burst_ena = '1' or dec_shift_ena ='1' then
s_sample <= not s_sample;
end if;
end if;
end process sr_signals;

I have uploaded some screenshots here:

1- ghdl+gtkwave result
2- simulink

It may be seen that the input signal (top signal in the GHDL result and
third from the top in SIMULINK) is zero during the first 5 s_sample
clocks, then is at one during 10 clocks and zero again for the rest of
the (up to 20) clocks.

The GHDL simulation shows up ok, with the register correctly loaded with
0000011111111110000 after the 20 clocks, however Altera's quartus gives

Exactly the same file is being fed to to Quartus II for synthesis!! But
Alteras RTL (and gate level) simulations do not behave as intended.

Is there something with the coding style than can make Quartus infer an
absolutely different behaviour? Any help is very much appreciated!!

On Wednesday, July 11, 2012 7:23:51 AM UTC-4, o pere o wrote:

I am not an FPGA expert although this is not my first design. The
problem that I am having for two days now, is that I am observing
different results when simulating a design in GHDL and in Modelsim
ALTERA starter edition.

The design includes a shift register. The significant code is:

read_sro : process(s_sample)
if rising_edge(s_sample) then
if ... --irrelevant here
end if;
if ...
end if;
if sr_burst_ena = '1' then --First phase: store data in shift_reg
new_data <= sr_sro_wave & new_data(c_burst_no-1 downto 1);
elsif dec_shift_ena = '1' then --Second phase: rotate data

new_data <= new_data(0) & new_data(c_burst_no-1 downto 1);

--irrelevant, but included for completeness
max_cnt <= max_cnt + 1;
if usum > max then
max <= usum;
max_pos <= max_cnt;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process read_sro;

the clock signal s_sample is obtained from the main 50 MHz clock with
the following process:

sr_signals : process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
if sr_clear = '1' or sr_burst_ena = '1' or dec_shift_ena ='1' then
s_sample <= not s_sample;
end if;
end if;
end process sr_signals;

I have uploaded some screenshots here:

1- ghdl+gtkwave result
2- simulink

It may be seen that the input signal (top signal in the GHDL result and
third from the top in SIMULINK) is zero during the first 5 s_sample
clocks, then is at one during 10 clocks and zero again for the rest of
the (up to 20) clocks.

The GHDL simulation shows up ok, with the register correctly loaded with
0000011111111110000 after the 20 clocks, however Altera's quartus gives

Exactly the same file is being fed to to Quartus II for synthesis!! But
Alteras RTL (and gate level) simulations do not behave as intended.

Is there something with the coding style than can make Quartus infer an
absolutely different behaviour? Any help is very much appreciated!!

By generating an internal clock signal you're not following synchronous design practice. In an FPGA design that spells trouble. What you need to do to make it synchronous is:

- Change the 'sr_signals' process that currently generates 's_sample'. What you'll want is for 's_sample' to be a one clock cycle pulse at the appropriate time. Modify your if statement to accomplish this.
- Modify the 'read_src' process to use the free running clock and 's_sample' like this

read_sro : process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
if (s_sample = '1') then
-- Put all of the code you have that was previously within
-- the "if rising_edge(s_sample) then" statement here
end if;
end if;
end process read_src;

The reason that generated clocks are bad news in an FPGA is that you have essentially zero control over signal skew. A signal generated in one clock domain can, depending on the routing, make it over into the other clock domain even before the generated clock gets there, or perhaps after. In your case, you really have no way to say what skew there is between 'clk' and 's_sample'. The signals 'sr_burst_ena' and 'dec_shift_ena' are used in both of your processes and yet each can only be valid in one clock domain (your posted code does not show those signal assignments so it is not clear in which domain they have been generated, but I suspect it is in 'clk').

Kevin Jennings
On 07/11/2012 02:02 PM, KJ wrote:
On Wednesday, July 11, 2012 7:23:51 AM UTC-4, o pere o wrote:

I am not an FPGA expert although this is not my first design. The
problem that I am having for two days now, is that I am observing
different results when simulating a design in GHDL and in Modelsim
ALTERA starter edition.

The design includes a shift register. The significant code is:

read_sro : process(s_sample)
if rising_edge(s_sample) then
if ... --irrelevant here
end if;
if ...
end if;
if sr_burst_ena ='1' then --First phase: store data in shift_reg
new_data<= sr_sro_wave& new_data(c_burst_no-1 downto 1);
elsif dec_shift_ena ='1' then --Second phase: rotate data

new_data<= new_data(0)& new_data(c_burst_no-1 downto 1);

--irrelevant, but included for completeness
max_cnt<= max_cnt + 1;
if usum> max then
max<= usum;
max_pos<= max_cnt;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process read_sro;

the clock signal s_sample is obtained from the main 50 MHz clock with
the following process:

sr_signals : process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
if sr_clear ='1' or sr_burst_ena ='1' or dec_shift_ena ='1' then
s_sample<= not s_sample;
end if;
end if;
end process sr_signals;

I have uploaded some screenshots here:

1- ghdl+gtkwave result
2- simulink

It may be seen that the input signal (top signal in the GHDL result and
third from the top in SIMULINK) is zero during the first 5 s_sample
clocks, then is at one during 10 clocks and zero again for the rest of
the (up to 20) clocks.

The GHDL simulation shows up ok, with the register correctly loaded with
0000011111111110000 after the 20 clocks, however Altera's quartus gives

Exactly the same file is being fed to to Quartus II for synthesis!! But
Alteras RTL (and gate level) simulations do not behave as intended.

Is there something with the coding style than can make Quartus infer an
absolutely different behaviour? Any help is very much appreciated!!


By generating an internal clock signal you're not following synchronous design practice. In an FPGA design that spells trouble. What you need to do to make it synchronous is:

- Change the 'sr_signals' process that currently generates 's_sample'. What you'll want is for 's_sample' to be a one clock cycle pulse at the appropriate time. Modify your if statement to accomplish this.
- Modify the 'read_src' process to use the free running clock and 's_sample' like this

read_sro : process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
if (s_sample = '1') then
-- Put all of the code you have that was previously within
-- the "if rising_edge(s_sample) then" statement here
end if;
end if;
end process read_src;

The reason that generated clocks are bad news in an FPGA is that you have essentially zero control over signal skew. A signal generated in one clock domain can, depending on the routing, make it over into the other clock domain even before the generated clock gets there, or perhaps after. In your case, you really have no way to say what skew there is between 'clk' and 's_sample'. The signals 'sr_burst_ena' and 'dec_shift_ena' are used in both of your processes and yet each can only be valid in one clock domain (your posted code does not show those signal assignments so it is not clear in which domain they have been generated, but I suspect it is in 'clk').

Kevin Jennings


Thanks for your input!

I know that this does not result in a synchronous design, and I was
already thinking of rewriting it with clock enables, as you suggested.

However, this was done because, in this case, there is no signal
generated in the "clk" domain that is read by "s_sample". Actually
"s_sample" is only used to read some signals from the outside world and
the shift register more or less tries to correlate what is read in the
present cycle with the previous ones.

Is it correct to say that, in this case, "it doesn't matter"?

Now, completely agreeing with your observation, I am still puzzled by
the fact that the even the RTL simulation (which I assume does not take
any delays into account) is not working properly. If you have a look at
the simulation results, this is absolutely not a shift register!

It seems that Altera's synthesis tool infers something quite
different... but why??

o pere o <> wrote:

I am not an FPGA expert although this is not my first design. The
problem that I am having for two days now, is that I am observing
different results when simulating a design in GHDL and in Modelsim
ALTERA starter edition.

the clock signal s_sample is obtained from the main 50 MHz
clock with the following process:

sr_signals : process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
if sr_clear = '1' or sr_burst_ena = '1' or dec_shift_ena ='1' then
s_sample <= not s_sample;
end if;
end if;
end process sr_signals;
You don't show where dec_shift_ena comes from.


The GHDL simulation shows up ok, with the register correctly loaded with
0000011111111110000 after the 20 clocks, however Altera's quartus gives

Exactly the same file is being fed to to Quartus II for synthesis!! But
Alteras RTL (and gate level) simulations do not behave as intended.

Is there something with the coding style than can make Quartus infer an
absolutely different behaviour? Any help is very much appreciated!!
There are designs where the HDL code can simulate differently from
the usual synthesis. In that case, one could expect differences
from different simulators.

Unless you are doing post-route simulation, there are no delays
in use, but some signals are known to come after others.

The output of a FF will change after, never at the same time, as
the input.

You can't make any assumption, though, on the outputs of two FFs
with the same clock input. In simulation, one may be considered
before or after the other. In actual logic, with actual wire
delays, the result can be a race condition, where the result
is uncertain.

I didn't see in the logic where that happened, but maybe in
the part that wasn't shown. Especially dec_shift_ena.

-- glen
On Jul 11, 12:48 pm, o pere o <> wrote:
On 07/11/2012 02:02 PM, KJ wrote:

On Wednesday, July 11, 2012 7:23:51 AM UTC-4, o pere o wrote:

I am not an FPGA expert although this is not my first design. The
problem that I am having for two days now, is that I am observing
different results when simulating a design in GHDL and in Modelsim
ALTERA starter edition.

The design includes a shift register. The significant code is:

read_sro : process(s_sample)
if rising_edge(s_sample) then
if ... --irrelevant here
end if;
if ...
end if;
if sr_burst_ena ='1' then --First phase: store data in shift_reg
new_data<= sr_sro_wave& new_data(c_burst_no-1 downto 1);
elsif dec_shift_ena ='1' then --Second phase: rotate data

new_data<= new_data(0)& new_data(c_burst_no-1 downto 1);

--irrelevant, but included for completeness
max_cnt<= max_cnt + 1;
if usum> max then
max<= usum;
max_pos<= max_cnt;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process read_sro;

the clock signal s_sample is obtained from the main 50 MHz clock with
the following process:

sr_signals : process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
if sr_clear ='1' or sr_burst_ena ='1' or dec_shift_ena ='1' then
s_sample<= not s_sample;
end if;
end if;
end process sr_signals;

I have uploaded some screenshots here:

1- ghdl+gtkwave result
2- simulink

It may be seen that the input signal (top signal in the GHDL result and
third from the top in SIMULINK) is zero during the first 5 s_sample
clocks, then is at one during 10 clocks and zero again for the rest of
the (up to 20) clocks.

The GHDL simulation shows up ok, with the register correctly loaded with
0000011111111110000 after the 20 clocks, however Altera's quartus gives

Exactly the same file is being fed to to Quartus II for synthesis!! But
Alteras RTL (and gate level) simulations do not behave as intended.

Is there something with the coding style than can make Quartus infer an
absolutely different behaviour? Any help is very much appreciated!!


By generating an internal clock signal you're not following synchronous design practice. In an FPGA design that spells trouble. What you need to do to make it synchronous is:

- Change the 'sr_signals' process that currently generates 's_sample'. What you'll want is for 's_sample' to be a one clock cycle pulse at the appropriate time. Modify your if statement to accomplish this.
- Modify the 'read_src' process to use the free running clock and 's_sample' like this

read_sro : process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
if (s_sample = '1') then
-- Put all of the code you have that was previously within
-- the "if rising_edge(s_sample) then" statement here
end if;
end if;
end process read_src;

The reason that generated clocks are bad news in an FPGA is that you have essentially zero control over signal skew. A signal generated in one clock domain can, depending on the routing, make it over into the other clock domain even before the generated clock gets there, or perhaps after. In your case, you really have no way to say what skew there is between 'clk' and 's_sample'. The signals 'sr_burst_ena' and 'dec_shift_ena' are used in both of your processes and yet each can only be valid in one clock domain (your posted code does not show those signal assignments so it is not clear in which domain they have been generated, but I suspect it is in 'clk').

Kevin Jennings


Thanks for your input!

I know that this does not result in a synchronous design, and I was
already thinking of rewriting it with clock enables, as you suggested.

However, this was done because, in this case, there is no signal
generated in the "clk" domain that is read by "s_sample". Actually
"s_sample" is only used to read some signals from the outside world and
the shift register more or less tries to correlate what is read in the
present cycle with the previous ones.

Is it correct to say that, in this case, "it doesn't matter"?

Now, completely agreeing with your observation, I am still puzzled by
the fact that the even the RTL simulation (which I assume does not take
any delays into account) is not working properly. If you have a look at
the simulation results, this is absolutely not a shift register!

It seems that Altera's synthesis tool infers something quite
different... but why??

Your design is synchronous, but you have more than one clock, so you
need to be sure of the timing of signals that cross the clock
domains. For example, the signals sr_clear, sr_burst_ena and
dec_shift_ena seem to be used in both the clk and the s_sample clock
domains without being synchonized. I guess that might be ok if you
can make sure the delays in the s_sample clock don't result in one of
these signals changing on the edge of either clock.

If the simulation is not what you want, then there is likely something
wrong with the code. But remember that while the simulation does not
account for logic delays, there are delta delays that mean signals
clocked by clk will have already changed by the time the remaining
code sees the change in s_sample.

On 07/11/2012 08:53 PM, glen herrmannsfeldt wrote:
o pere o<> wrote:

I am not an FPGA expert although this is not my first design. The
problem that I am having for two days now, is that I am observing
different results when simulating a design in GHDL and in Modelsim
ALTERA starter edition.


the clock signal s_sample is obtained from the main 50 MHz
clock with the following process:

sr_signals : process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
if sr_clear = '1' or sr_burst_ena = '1' or dec_shift_ena ='1' then
s_sample<= not s_sample;
end if;
end if;
end process sr_signals;

You don't show where dec_shift_ena comes from.
Sorry for the omission!

dec_shift_ena is generated as follows. First, I have a counter the is
reset periodically:

clock_counter: process(clk) --counter counting over the symbol length
if rising_edge(clk) then
if tc_symbol = '1' then
clk_count <= 0;
clk_count <= clk_count + 1;
end if;
end if;
end process clock_counter;
tc_symbol <= '1' when clk_count=c_ticks_per_symbol-1 else '0';

From this counter, I also generate some time markers, such as

dec_shift_ena_pre <= '1' when (clk_count >= ...) and (...)
else '0';

which are resynchronized in

if rising_edge(clk) then
dec_shift_ena <= dec_shift_ena_pre;
end if;
end process;


The GHDL simulation shows up ok, with the register correctly loaded with
0000011111111110000 after the 20 clocks, however Altera's quartus gives

Exactly the same file is being fed to to Quartus II for synthesis!! But
Alteras RTL (and gate level) simulations do not behave as intended.

Is there something with the coding style than can make Quartus infer an
absolutely different behaviour? Any help is very much appreciated!!

There are designs where the HDL code can simulate differently from
the usual synthesis. In that case, one could expect differences
from different simulators.

Unless you are doing post-route simulation, there are no delays
in use, but some signals are known to come after others.

The output of a FF will change after, never at the same time, as
the input.

You can't make any assumption, though, on the outputs of two FFs
with the same clock input. In simulation, one may be considered
before or after the other. In actual logic, with actual wire
delays, the result can be a race condition, where the result
is uncertain.

I didn't see in the logic where that happened, but maybe in
the part that wasn't shown. Especially dec_shift_ena.

-- glen
I get the same results with RTL and with post-route simulation (except
for minor delays, as expected). I guess Altera's synthesis tool is doing
something strange at exactly the half of the shif register new_data: The
top half shifts correctly, but the bottom half looks as if it was
inverted. I can't figure out how a timing issue could have this outcome,
but I am probably missing something obvious -and hopefully someone can
point this out :) !!

On 07/11/2012 10:13 PM, rickman wrote:
On Jul 11, 12:48 pm, o pere o<> wrote:
On 07/11/2012 02:02 PM, KJ wrote:

On Wednesday, July 11, 2012 7:23:51 AM UTC-4, o pere o wrote:

I am not an FPGA expert although this is not my first design. The
problem that I am having for two days now, is that I am observing
different results when simulating a design in GHDL and in Modelsim
ALTERA starter edition.

The design includes a shift register. The significant code is:

read_sro : process(s_sample)
if rising_edge(s_sample) then
if ... --irrelevant here
end if;
if ...
end if;
if sr_burst_ena ='1' then --First phase: store data in shift_reg
new_data<= sr_sro_wave& new_data(c_burst_no-1 downto 1);
elsif dec_shift_ena ='1' then --Second phase: rotate data

new_data<= new_data(0)& new_data(c_burst_no-1 downto 1);

--irrelevant, but included for completeness
max_cnt<= max_cnt + 1;
if usum> max then
max<= usum;
max_pos<= max_cnt;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process read_sro;

the clock signal s_sample is obtained from the main 50 MHz clock with
the following process:

sr_signals : process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
if sr_clear ='1' or sr_burst_ena ='1' or dec_shift_ena ='1' then
s_sample<= not s_sample;
end if;
end if;
end process sr_signals;

I have uploaded some screenshots here:

1- ghdl+gtkwave result
2- simulink

It may be seen that the input signal (top signal in the GHDL result and
third from the top in SIMULINK) is zero during the first 5 s_sample
clocks, then is at one during 10 clocks and zero again for the rest of
the (up to 20) clocks.

The GHDL simulation shows up ok, with the register correctly loaded with
0000011111111110000 after the 20 clocks, however Altera's quartus gives

Exactly the same file is being fed to to Quartus II for synthesis!! But
Alteras RTL (and gate level) simulations do not behave as intended.

Is there something with the coding style than can make Quartus infer an
absolutely different behaviour? Any help is very much appreciated!!


By generating an internal clock signal you're not following synchronous design practice. In an FPGA design that spells trouble. What you need to do to make it synchronous is:

- Change the 'sr_signals' process that currently generates 's_sample'. What you'll want is for 's_sample' to be a one clock cycle pulse at the appropriate time. Modify your if statement to accomplish this.
- Modify the 'read_src' process to use the free running clock and 's_sample' like this

read_sro : process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
if (s_sample = '1') then
-- Put all of the code you have that was previously within
-- the "if rising_edge(s_sample) then" statement here
end if;
end if;
end process read_src;

The reason that generated clocks are bad news in an FPGA is that you have essentially zero control over signal skew. A signal generated in one clock domain can, depending on the routing, make it over into the other clock domain even before the generated clock gets there, or perhaps after. In your case, you really have no way to say what skew there is between 'clk' and 's_sample'. The signals 'sr_burst_ena' and 'dec_shift_ena' are used in both of your processes and yet each can only be valid in one clock domain (your posted code does not show those signal assignments so it is not clear in which domain they have been generated, but I suspect it is in 'clk').

Kevin Jennings


Thanks for your input!

I know that this does not result in a synchronous design, and I was
already thinking of rewriting it with clock enables, as you suggested.

However, this was done because, in this case, there is no signal
generated in the "clk" domain that is read by "s_sample". Actually
"s_sample" is only used to read some signals from the outside world and
the shift register more or less tries to correlate what is read in the
present cycle with the previous ones.

Is it correct to say that, in this case, "it doesn't matter"?

Now, completely agreeing with your observation, I am still puzzled by
the fact that the even the RTL simulation (which I assume does not take
any delays into account) is not working properly. If you have a look at
the simulation results, this is absolutely not a shift register!

It seems that Altera's synthesis tool infers something quite
different... but why??


Your design is synchronous, but you have more than one clock, so you
need to be sure of the timing of signals that cross the clock
domains. For example, the signals sr_clear, sr_burst_ena and
dec_shift_ena seem to be used in both the clk and the s_sample clock
domains without being synchonized. I guess that might be ok if you
can make sure the delays in the s_sample clock don't result in one of
these signals changing on the edge of either clock.

If the simulation is not what you want, then there is likely something
wrong with the code. But remember that while the simulation does not
account for logic delays, there are delta delays that mean signals
clocked by clk will have already changed by the time the remaining
code sees the change in s_sample.

Hi, Rick

the signals you are mentioning are being updated in the same
process(clk) that creates s_sample. They are only read in the
process(s_sample) as shown. However, there are no timing issues with
this showing up in the post-route simulation (in hindsight, perhaps I
was too lucky with this).

Otoh, the main point is that one simulation does what I want (and
corresponds with the intended behaviour: the GHDL result) but the other
one does not! GHDL simulates the semantics of VHDL, and Simulink
simulates what Quartus' synthesis has inferred -which does not seem to
be the same!


On 07/12/2012 02:55 PM, glen herrmannsfeldt wrote:
o pere o<> wrote:

(snip, I wrote)
You don't show where dec_shift_ena comes from.

Sorry for the omission!

dec_shift_ena is generated as follows.
First, I have a counter the is reset periodically:

clock_counter: process(clk) --counter counting over the symbol length
if rising_edge(clk) then
if tc_symbol = '1' then
clk_count<= 0;
clk_count<= clk_count + 1;
end if;
end if;
end process clock_counter;
tc_symbol<= '1' when clk_count=c_ticks_per_symbol-1 else '0';

From this counter, I also generate some time markers, such as

dec_shift_ena_pre<= '1' when (clk_count>= ...) and (...)
else '0';

which are resynchronized in

I read verilog much better, but this sounds suspicious.
Why does it need resynchronizing?
Being a combinational assignment, it is subject to glitches. The
instants where they happen seemed to upset the post-route simulation,
with complaints of hold time to short (iirc). BTW, the timing analyser
did not complain at all. Making them a registered signal (and
pre-compensating the one-cycle delay) cleared glitches and moved the
transitions so that simulation goes ok.


if rising_edge(clk) then
dec_shift_ena<= dec_shift_ena_pre;
end if;
end process;

-- glen
o pere o <> wrote:

(snip, I wrote)
You don't show where dec_shift_ena comes from.

Sorry for the omission!

dec_shift_ena is generated as follows.
First, I have a counter the is reset periodically:

clock_counter: process(clk) --counter counting over the symbol length
if rising_edge(clk) then
if tc_symbol = '1' then
clk_count <= 0;
clk_count <= clk_count + 1;
end if;
end if;
end process clock_counter;
tc_symbol <= '1' when clk_count=c_ticks_per_symbol-1 else '0';

From this counter, I also generate some time markers, such as

dec_shift_ena_pre <= '1' when (clk_count >= ...) and (...)
else '0';

which are resynchronized in
I read verilog much better, but this sounds suspicious.
Why does it need resynchronizing?

if rising_edge(clk) then
dec_shift_ena <= dec_shift_ena_pre;
end if;
end process;
-- glen
On Jul 12, 3:35 am, o pere o <> wrote:
On 07/11/2012 10:13 PM, rickman wrote:

On Jul 11, 12:48 pm, o pere o<>  wrote:
On 07/11/2012 02:02 PM, KJ wrote:

On Wednesday, July 11, 2012 7:23:51 AM UTC-4, o pere o wrote:

I am not an FPGA expert although this is not my first design. The
problem that I am having for two days now, is that I am observing
different results when simulating a design in GHDL and in Modelsim
ALTERA starter edition.

The design includes a shift register. The significant code is:

     read_sro : process(s_sample)
       if rising_edge(s_sample) then
         if ... --irrelevant here
         end if;
         if ...
         end if;
         if sr_burst_ena ='1' then  --First phase: store data in shift_reg
             new_data<= sr_sro_wave& new_data(c_burst_no-1 downto 1);
          elsif dec_shift_ena ='1' then --Second phase: rotate data

             new_data<= new_data(0)& new_data(c_burst_no-1 downto 1);

             --irrelevant, but included for completeness
             max_cnt<= max_cnt + 1;
             if usum> max then
                max<= usum;
                max_pos<= max_cnt;
             end if;
          end if;
       end if;
     end process read_sro;

the clock signal s_sample is obtained from the main 50 MHz clock with
the following process:

sr_signals : process(clk)
      if rising_edge(clk) then
        if sr_clear ='1' or sr_burst_ena ='1' or dec_shift_ena ='1' then
             s_sample<= not s_sample;
        end if;
      end if;
end process sr_signals;

I have uploaded some screenshots here:

1- ghdl+gtkwave result
2- simulink

It may be seen that the input signal (top signal in the GHDL result and
third from the top in SIMULINK) is zero during the first 5 s_sample
clocks, then is at one during 10 clocks and zero again for the rest of
the (up to 20) clocks.

The GHDL simulation shows up ok, with the register correctly loaded with
0000011111111110000 after the 20 clocks, however Altera's quartus gives

Exactly the same file is being fed to to Quartus II for synthesis!! But
Alteras RTL (and gate level) simulations do not behave as intended.

Is there something with the coding style than can make Quartus infer an
absolutely different behaviour? Any help is very much appreciated!!


By generating an internal clock signal you're not following synchronous design practice.  In an FPGA design that spells trouble.  What you need to do to make it synchronous is:

- Change the 'sr_signals' process that currently generates 's_sample'..  What you'll want is for 's_sample' to be a one clock cycle pulse at the appropriate time.  Modify your if statement to accomplish this.
- Modify the 'read_src' process to use the free running clock and 's_sample' like this

read_sro : process(clk)
      if rising_edge(clk) then
         if (s_sample = '1') then
            -- Put all of the code you have that was previously within
            -- the "if rising_edge(s_sample) then" statement here
         end if;
      end if;
end process read_src;

The reason that generated clocks are bad news in an FPGA is that you have essentially zero control over signal skew.  A signal generated in one clock domain can, depending on the routing, make it over into the other clock domain even before the generated clock gets there, or perhaps after.  In your case, you really have no way to say what skew there is between 'clk' and 's_sample'.  The signals 'sr_burst_ena' and 'dec_shift_ena' are used in both of your processes and yet each can only be valid in one clock domain (your posted code does not show those signal assignments so it is not clear in which domain they have been generated, but I suspect it is in 'clk').

Kevin Jennings


Thanks for your input!

I know that this does not result in a synchronous design, and I was
already thinking of rewriting it with clock enables, as you suggested.

However, this was done because, in this case, there is no signal
generated in the "clk" domain that is read by "s_sample". Actually
"s_sample" is only used to read some signals from the outside world and
the shift register more or less tries to correlate what is read in the
present cycle with the previous ones.

Is it correct to say that, in this case, "it doesn't matter"?

Now, completely agreeing with your observation, I am still puzzled by
the fact that the even the RTL simulation (which I assume does not take
any delays into account) is not working properly. If you have a look at
the simulation results, this is absolutely not a shift register!

It seems that Altera's synthesis tool infers something quite
different... but why??


Your design is synchronous, but you have more than one clock, so you
need to be sure of the timing of signals that cross the clock
domains.  For example, the signals sr_clear, sr_burst_ena and
dec_shift_ena seem to be used in both the clk and the s_sample clock
domains without being synchonized.  I guess that might be ok if you
can make sure the delays in the s_sample clock don't result in one of
these signals changing on the edge of either clock.

If the simulation is not what you want, then there is likely something
wrong with the code.  But remember that while the simulation does not
account for logic delays, there are delta delays that mean signals
clocked by clk will have already changed by the time the remaining
code sees the change in s_sample.


Hi, Rick

the signals you are mentioning are being updated in the same
process(clk) that creates s_sample. They are only read in the
process(s_sample) as shown. However, there are no timing issues with
this showing up in the post-route simulation (in hindsight, perhaps I
was too lucky with this).

Otoh, the main point is that one simulation does what I want (and
corresponds with the intended behaviour: the GHDL result) but the other
one does not! GHDL simulates the semantics of VHDL, and Simulink
simulates what Quartus' synthesis has inferred -which does not seem to
be the same!


I don't know why you are expecting to see your problems or solutions
in any simulation. A post route simulation uses typical timings and
can't be expected to be 100% realistic, even a chip can't be expected
to be the same as another chip. That is why they use synchronous
concepts, meet the cycle timing and all other timing issues are
handled by the chip qualification and the design tools.

If the signal is generated in the clk domain and s_sample is generated
in the clk domain, you can't predict which delay will be longer and
you have a race condition between all the signals and the s_sample
clock. One thing that would help is to generate the signals on one
edge of clk and generate s_sample on the other edge of clk. Then you
know the timing on a course level and can constrain the timing of
paths from the clk to the s_sample clock domain... or just use an
enable instead of generating a new clock.

If you don't believe the timing is a problem, draw a timing diagram
showing *all* delays. You will see the routing delay of s_sample can
be giving you trouble.

On Jul 12, 10:42 am, o pere o <> wrote:
On 07/12/2012 02:55 PM, glen herrmannsfeldt wrote:

o pere o<>  wrote:

(snip, I wrote)
You don't show where dec_shift_ena comes from.

Sorry for the omission!

dec_shift_ena is generated as follows.
First, I have a counter the is reset periodically:

clock_counter: process(clk) --counter counting over the symbol length
     if rising_edge(clk) then
        if tc_symbol = '1' then
           clk_count<= 0;
           clk_count<= clk_count + 1;
        end if;
     end if;
   end process clock_counter;
   tc_symbol<= '1' when clk_count=c_ticks_per_symbol-1 else '0';

 From this counter, I also generate some time markers, such as

   dec_shift_ena_pre<= '1' when (clk_count>= ...) and (...)
                        else '0';

which are resynchronized in

I read verilog much better, but this sounds suspicious.
Why does it need resynchronizing?

Being a combinational assignment, it is subject to glitches. The
instants where they happen seemed to upset the post-route simulation,
with complaints of hold time to short (iirc). BTW, the timing analyser
did not complain at all. Making them a registered signal (and
pre-compensating the one-cycle delay) cleared glitches and moved the
transitions so that simulation goes ok.


      if rising_edge(clk) then
         dec_shift_ena<= dec_shift_ena_pre;
      end if;
   end process;

-- glen
There is a problem. dec_shift_ena was transitioning in the setup/hold
time window of s_sample because the logic/routing delays of the two
paths were too close to equal. The signal needs to be synced, but not
to the clk domain, to the s_sample domain! Better to change the
timing altogether by generating s_sample on the opposite edge of
clk... or like I said above, use an enable rather than a new clock.

On Thursday, July 12, 2012 12:51:18 PM UTC-4, rickman wrote:
There is a problem. dec_shift_ena was transitioning in the setup/hold
time window of s_sample because the logic/routing delays of the two
paths were too close to equal. The signal needs to be synced, but not
to the clk domain, to the s_sample domain! Better to change the
timing altogether by generating s_sample on the opposite edge of
clk... or like I said above, use an enable rather than a new clock.

I pointed out exactly these points (use a clock enable and that he was using two signals in two different clock domains) in the very first reply to his post...maybe it will click this time.

On 07/11/2012 01:23 PM, o pere o wrote:

I am not an FPGA expert although this is not my first design. The
problem that I am having for two days now, is that I am observing
different results when simulating a design in GHDL and in Modelsim
ALTERA starter edition.

The design includes a shift register. The significant code is:

read_sro : process(s_sample)
if rising_edge(s_sample) then
if ... --irrelevant here
end if;
if ...
end if;
if sr_burst_ena = '1' then --First phase: store data in shift_reg
new_data <= sr_sro_wave & new_data(c_burst_no-1 downto 1);
elsif dec_shift_ena = '1' then --Second phase: rotate data

new_data <= new_data(0) & new_data(c_burst_no-1 downto 1);

--irrelevant, but included for completeness
max_cnt <= max_cnt + 1;
if usum > max then
max <= usum;
max_pos <= max_cnt;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process read_sro;

the clock signal s_sample is obtained from the main 50 MHz clock with
the following process:

sr_signals : process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
if sr_clear = '1' or sr_burst_ena = '1' or dec_shift_ena ='1' then
s_sample <= not s_sample;
end if;
end if;
end process sr_signals;

I have uploaded some screenshots here:

1- ghdl+gtkwave result
2- simulink

It may be seen that the input signal (top signal in the GHDL result and
third from the top in SIMULINK) is zero during the first 5 s_sample
clocks, then is at one during 10 clocks and zero again for the rest of
the (up to 20) clocks.

The GHDL simulation shows up ok, with the register correctly loaded with
0000011111111110000 after the 20 clocks, however Altera's quartus gives

Exactly the same file is being fed to to Quartus II for synthesis!! But
Alteras RTL (and gate level) simulations do not behave as intended.

Is there something with the coding style than can make Quartus infer an
absolutely different behaviour? Any help is very much appreciated!!

Thanks to everybody for your inputs. Making the whole design work on
only one clock (with suitable enables) solves the issue. This is really
not a surprise.

However, I still have some questions on this. If I built my design from,
lets say, discrete components, I might have problems with setup and hold
times at the shift register (SR) input, but I would NEVER EVER get the
results that showed up in the simulation:

The SR was initially cleared. The serial input to the SR is zero at the
first clock but, surprisingly, a one appears at the 9th (!!) SR output
after the first edge of the clock. Can anybody find a plausible
explanation for this?

The second question is, is there a way to tell Quartus that it should
synthesize something that resembles the physical circuit? I did tell
Quartus that s_sample was a clock (and told the frequency), however this
was obviously not sufficient. Any thoughts?

On 07/13/2012 05:37 PM, rickman wrote:
On Jul 13, 11:20 am, o pere o<> wrote:
On 07/11/2012 01:23 PM, o pere o wrote:


I am not an FPGA expert although this is not my first design. The
problem that I am having for two days now, is that I am observing
different results when simulating a design in GHDL and in Modelsim
ALTERA starter edition.

The design includes a shift register. The significant code is:

read_sro : process(s_sample)
if rising_edge(s_sample) then
if ... --irrelevant here
end if;
if ...
end if;
if sr_burst_ena = '1' then --First phase: store data in shift_reg
new_data<= sr_sro_wave& new_data(c_burst_no-1 downto 1);
elsif dec_shift_ena = '1' then --Second phase: rotate data

new_data<= new_data(0)& new_data(c_burst_no-1 downto 1);

--irrelevant, but included for completeness
max_cnt<= max_cnt + 1;
if usum> max then
max<= usum;
max_pos<= max_cnt;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process read_sro;

the clock signal s_sample is obtained from the main 50 MHz clock with
the following process:

sr_signals : process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
if sr_clear = '1' or sr_burst_ena = '1' or dec_shift_ena ='1' then
s_sample<= not s_sample;
end if;
end if;
end process sr_signals;

I have uploaded some screenshots here:

1- ghdl+gtkwave result
2- simulink

It may be seen that the input signal (top signal in the GHDL result and
third from the top in SIMULINK) is zero during the first 5 s_sample
clocks, then is at one during 10 clocks and zero again for the rest of
the (up to 20) clocks.

The GHDL simulation shows up ok, with the register correctly loaded with
0000011111111110000 after the 20 clocks, however Altera's quartus gives

Exactly the same file is being fed to to Quartus II for synthesis!! But
Alteras RTL (and gate level) simulations do not behave as intended.

Is there something with the coding style than can make Quartus infer an
absolutely different behaviour? Any help is very much appreciated!!


Thanks to everybody for your inputs. Making the whole design work on
only one clock (with suitable enables) solves the issue. This is really
not a surprise.

However, I still have some questions on this. If I built my design from,
lets say, discrete components, I might have problems with setup and hold
times at the shift register (SR) input, but I would NEVER EVER get the
results that showed up in the simulation:

The SR was initially cleared. The serial input to the SR is zero at the
first clock but, surprisingly, a one appears at the 9th (!!) SR output
after the first edge of the clock. Can anybody find a plausible
explanation for this?

The second question is, is there a way to tell Quartus that it should
synthesize something that resembles the physical circuit? I did tell
Quartus that s_sample was a clock (and told the frequency), however this
was obviously not sufficient. Any thoughts?


I can't answer question one, but the answer is in the code and the
simulation. If necessary you will need to step through the code that
assigns a value to the SR, but the answer will be there. The real
point is that it doesn't matter really. The simulation told you
something was wrong and you found the problem. Is it important to
understand how the error was generated?
Well, I am now just curious to know what happened to cause this
behavior. Most of us learn much more from errors than from blindly
following the rules. And I already looked at the code (actually I posted
the lines that update de SR) and I also looked at the synthesized
circuit. Nothing special there!

The second question is easy. You don't tell the tool what the
"physical circuit" is really. The tool tells you! Telling Quartus
that your clock is a clock shouldn't be needed as it can figure that
out because the signal is clocking FFs. There was no problem with the
tool. The problem was exactly as KJ described in his first post, once
you create a clock from logic, you can't control the skew between the
two clocks and so lose control over setup and hold times. The tool
also looses control over this as it depends on things the tool can't
control or even know about, the exact detailed timing of the chip.
I can follow this reasoning. However, the result of this should be a
setup or hold time violation signaled by the simulator, shouldn't it?
But the simulator did NOT show any of them. Instead, a completely bogus
behavior was observed. Nothing special was reported except the result
being completely wrong.

In summary, generating clocks is bad ju-ju. Don't cross the beams.
Ok. I will highlight this dogma once more ;)

Thank you for your time!

On Jul 13, 11:20 am, o pere o <> wrote:
On 07/11/2012 01:23 PM, o pere o wrote:


I am not an FPGA expert although this is not my first design. The
problem that I am having for two days now, is that I am observing
different results when simulating a design in GHDL and in Modelsim
ALTERA starter edition.

The design includes a shift register. The significant code is:

read_sro : process(s_sample)
if rising_edge(s_sample) then
if ... --irrelevant here
end if;
if ...
end if;
if sr_burst_ena = '1' then --First phase: store data in shift_reg
new_data <= sr_sro_wave & new_data(c_burst_no-1 downto 1);
elsif dec_shift_ena = '1' then --Second phase: rotate data

new_data <= new_data(0) & new_data(c_burst_no-1 downto 1);

--irrelevant, but included for completeness
max_cnt <= max_cnt + 1;
if usum > max then
max <= usum;
max_pos <= max_cnt;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process read_sro;

the clock signal s_sample is obtained from the main 50 MHz clock with
the following process:

sr_signals : process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
if sr_clear = '1' or sr_burst_ena = '1' or dec_shift_ena ='1' then
s_sample <= not s_sample;
end if;
end if;
end process sr_signals;

I have uploaded some screenshots here:

1- ghdl+gtkwave result
2- simulink

It may be seen that the input signal (top signal in the GHDL result and
third from the top in SIMULINK) is zero during the first 5 s_sample
clocks, then is at one during 10 clocks and zero again for the rest of
the (up to 20) clocks.

The GHDL simulation shows up ok, with the register correctly loaded with
0000011111111110000 after the 20 clocks, however Altera's quartus gives

Exactly the same file is being fed to to Quartus II for synthesis!! But
Alteras RTL (and gate level) simulations do not behave as intended.

Is there something with the coding style than can make Quartus infer an
absolutely different behaviour? Any help is very much appreciated!!


Thanks to everybody for your inputs. Making the whole design work on
only one clock (with suitable enables) solves the issue. This is really
not a surprise.

However, I still have some questions on this. If I built my design from,
lets say, discrete components, I might have problems with setup and hold
times at the shift register (SR) input, but I would NEVER EVER get the
results that showed up in the simulation:

The SR was initially cleared. The serial input to the SR is zero at the
first clock but, surprisingly, a one appears at the 9th (!!) SR output
after the first edge of the clock. Can anybody find a plausible
explanation for this?

The second question is, is there a way to tell Quartus that it should
synthesize something that resembles the physical circuit? I did tell
Quartus that s_sample was a clock (and told the frequency), however this
was obviously not sufficient. Any thoughts?

I can't answer question one, but the answer is in the code and the
simulation. If necessary you will need to step through the code that
assigns a value to the SR, but the answer will be there. The real
point is that it doesn't matter really. The simulation told you
something was wrong and you found the problem. Is it important to
understand how the error was generated?

The second question is easy. You don't tell the tool what the
"physical circuit" is really. The tool tells you! Telling Quartus
that your clock is a clock shouldn't be needed as it can figure that
out because the signal is clocking FFs. There was no problem with the
tool. The problem was exactly as KJ described in his first post, once
you create a clock from logic, you can't control the skew between the
two clocks and so lose control over setup and hold times. The tool
also looses control over this as it depends on things the tool can't
control or even know about, the exact detailed timing of the chip.

In summary, generating clocks is bad ju-ju. Don't cross the beams.

On Friday, July 13, 2012 11:20:27 AM UTC-4, o pere o wrote:
However, I still have some questions on this. If I built my design from,
lets say, discrete components, I might have problems with setup and hold
times at the shift register (SR) input, but I would NEVER EVER get the
results that showed up in the simulation:
Yes you could. If you built a circuit with exactly the timing delays that were the result of simulation and did so with the same type of components used in the FPGA implementation (i.e. LUTs and FFs). It's probably not very likely that anyone could actually physically build such an accurate model out of discrete parts, but the point is that the simulator is not lying to you. It simulated a model that was provided to it.

The SR was initially cleared. The serial input to the SR is zero at the
first clock but, surprisingly, a one appears at the 9th (!!) SR output
after the first edge of the clock. Can anybody find a plausible
explanation for this?
Timing violation. In this case, it was most likely that a setup time requirement was violated. The cause of this violation was due to the skew between the two clock domains and the signals that crossed from one to the other..

Since you have the detailed model, you would have to track that one down and since you are rightly interested in getting to the bottom of this you should do so. The method I would suggest you follow is to use the original RTL that works as you expect as the 'golden' model and compare the simulation results to that of the 'failing' model. One way to do this is to
- Create a testbench that instantiates both models
- Connect all inputs to both models
- Run the simulation up until the outputs of the two models diverge
- Look at the input to the logic that creates the failing output and determine if why the output is wrong (which is generally because the input is wrong...which means you iterate on this step until you finally come across the root cause signal that started the cascade of bad)

The second question is, is there a way to tell Quartus that it should
synthesize something that resembles the physical circuit? I did tell
Quartus that s_sample was a clock (and told the frequency), however this
was obviously not sufficient. Any thoughts?

Unless you describe your logic in the form of lookup tables and flip flops, Quartus will never be able to "synthesize something that resembles the physical circuit". Your source code describes a logic function description. Synthesis takes that description as input and produces a bitstream that can be loaded into a device that will then implement that function. If you create timing problems that's a design issue (i.e. you described a function that has a design flaw). In many cases, such design issues are beyond the scope of the tool.

Kevin Jennings
On Friday, July 13, 2012 12:02:40 PM UTC-4, o pere o wrote:
I can follow this reasoning. However, the result of this should be a
setup or hold time violation signaled by the simulator, shouldn't it?
But the simulator did NOT show any of them. Instead, a completely bogus
behavior was observed. Nothing special was reported except the result
being completely wrong.

Simulators don't necessarily catch timing violations. That is the job for a static timing analysis tool. However, even STA doesn't catch problems when the constraints are not properly defined. In this case, did you tell Quartus to ignore clock domain crossings when performing timing analysis? If I recall correctly, Quartus defaults to this setting and you have to actually tell it to perform the cross clock domain timing analysis.

In short, there are a lot more requirements that need to be defined correctly in order for static timing analysis to be correctly performed (and no good way to validate that you have really got those requirement correctly specified). But when you do specify all the requirements correctly, the timing analysis tool will catch and report the problems. A simulator might get lucky and catch something, but it will miss far more errors because it is not equipped to simulate function in a manner equivalent to how you perform static timing analysis.

Kevin Jennings
o pere o wrote:

However, I still have some questions on this. If I built my design from,
lets say, discrete components, I might have problems with setup and hold
times at the shift register (SR) input, but I would NEVER EVER get the
results that showed up in the simulation:

The SR was initially cleared. The serial input to the SR is zero at the
first clock but, surprisingly, a one appears at the 9th (!!) SR output
after the first edge of the clock. Can anybody find a plausible
explanation for this?

In FPGA hardware, easily! Xilinx guarantees their LUTs to be glitch-free
by themselves, but as has been pointed out here before, when multiple
LUTs are strung together with routing delays between them, all bets are
off. Can't say about glitch behavior on Altera, but I suspect similar
things. Then, the tools pack logic into the LUTs as they fit best,
without any attention to making sure glitches can't propagate.

Now, why this behavior showed up in simulation is not clear.
But, again, if you do things that are really wrong in the HDL,
it is possible the simulator just fouls up.
The second question is, is there a way to tell Quartus that it should
synthesize something that resembles the physical circuit? I did tell
Quartus that s_sample was a clock (and told the frequency), however this
was obviously not sufficient. Any thoughts?
To some extent, but it reveals you are trying to do something that
is bending the tools and FPGA in a way they were not designed for,
and will usually lead to trouble. Some people do special things
in very special cases such as all-silicon ring oscillators where they
are using special knowledge of the internal workings to do what the
tools can't handle, but they then have to test the results carefully.
It is far better to describe in the HDL the behavior you want and
let the tools fit that onto the chip's internal architecture.

o pere o <> wrote:


Well, I am now just curious to know what happened to cause this
behavior. Most of us learn much more from errors than from blindly
following the rules. And I already looked at the code (actually I
posted the lines that update de SR) and I also looked at the
synthesized circuit. Nothing special there!
If you wrote it in verilog, I might be able to figure it out.

My only guess is that there is a glitch on the generated clock.

That is, it clocks twice when you think it clocks only once.

Simulated clocks can have infinitesimal delay and still clock the FF.

Real gates won't be able to do that, at least not infinitesimally.
With enough delay, you can get a real glitch that can clock
a real FF. Another reason for synchronous logic.

The old favorite from asynchronous logic days was generating
a counter reset from the output of a ripple counter. In some
cases, the reset pulse is too short to reset all the FFs, though
that depends on the logic being especially fast and the FFs slow.
Usually it won't glitch, but I am not sure it isn't possible.
(That is, when the reset is also used to clock the next FF.)

(Use a 74L74 FF and 74S00 to generate the (not) reset.
Except that I forget which FFs have an active low reset.)

-- glen
KJ <> wrote:

Simulators don't necessarily catch timing violations.
That is the job for a static timing analysis tool.
However, even STA doesn't catch problems when the constraints
are not properly defined.
What does it do in the case of internally generated clocks.

In this case, did you tell Quartus to ignore clock domain
crossings when performing timing analysis?
If you have multiple clock inputs to the logic, then I might
see what it would do for static timing. If you generate a
clock internally, then it isn't so obvious.

If I recall correctly, Quartus defaults to this setting
and you have to actually tell it to perform the cross
clock domain timing analysis.
-- glen

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