Michael A. Terrell
Jeff Liebermann wrote:
Ramsey used to sell that equipment.
Subject: Spelling Lesson
The last four letters in American.........I Can
The last four letters in Republican.......I Can
The last four letters in Democrats.........Rats
End of lesson. Test to follow in November, 2012
Remember, November is to be set aside as rodent extermination month.
On Wed, 17 Aug 2011 19:49:29 +0800, Man-wai Chang
toylet.toylet@gmail.com> wrote:
Because aluminum is known to block the government mind control rays
that are forcing you to post such drivel. With an aluminum foil hat,
you will be safe from cell phone radiation and mind control rays.
Could I use the bags for potato chips?
Yes, but only if I get all the potato chips. I prefer the overpriced
non-greasy rice based salt and pepper kettle fried variety. Send to
address below.
How many?
One bag holds about 240g of chips.
Some of the companies I previously listed sell a fancy aluminum and
plastic bag, with a wire mesh view port, and built in foil gloves. It
is possible to tune a radio or pager in such a bag, but it's probably
awkward. Sorry, but I don't recall the company and didn't find
anything with Google.
Ramsey used to sell that equipment.
Subject: Spelling Lesson
The last four letters in American.........I Can
The last four letters in Republican.......I Can
The last four letters in Democrats.........Rats
End of lesson. Test to follow in November, 2012
Remember, November is to be set aside as rodent extermination month.