Martin Riddle
On 26 Oct 2019 04:42:49 -0700, Winfield Hill <winfieldhill@yahoo.com>
Jeroen Belleman wrote...
Winfield Hill wrote:
Jeroen Belleman wrote...
Winfield Hill wrote:
Jeroen Belleman wrote...
Winfield Hill wrote:
omnilobe@gmail.com wrote...
The Large Hadron Collider uses big diodes in color photos.
What can you tell us about the big diodes?
The LHC superconducting bending magnets are arranged in series
strings of 154 powered by a single 13kA power supply. In the
event of a quench of one of the magnets, the diodes divert the
current around it while the whole string is ramped down.
They are bespoke 75mm diameter diffusion-type diodes. They
are clamped between two heat sinks and are kept at liquid
helium temperature.
Thanks, Jeroen. Any idea what their forward voltage drop is,
during the 13kA quenching event?
The forward voltage during a quench is of the order of 6V,
dropping rapidly as the diode heats up.
Does the diode have a part number and datasheet?
I had an exchange with the guys working with these things.
They say it's similar to the Dynex DS2101SY for which they
gave me a data sheet. I can't seem to find it on Dynex's
site, but I have a copy here:
http://cern.ch/jeroen/tmp/DYNEX_DS2101SY.pdf> (97kB).
Very interesting, 113mm dia, 79kA peak capacity. I don't
suppose it needs much reverse-voltage capability?
Jeroen Belleman