If you want to see electronics hardware customized for the collider
at CERN, use this link
The Large Hadron Collider uses big diodes in color photos.
Many images of September 2019 status report on magnets and wiring
The .pdf file says, "High voltage specialists (EN-EL and Contractors) will be fully available during the period with a single source to minimize downtime."
See a billion dollars of shiny lab electronics and vacuum kit.
Many status reports are up to date for your reading about
electromagnetic accelerators.
at CERN, use this link
The Large Hadron Collider uses big diodes in color photos.
Many images of September 2019 status report on magnets and wiring
The .pdf file says, "High voltage specialists (EN-EL and Contractors) will be fully available during the period with a single source to minimize downtime."
See a billion dollars of shiny lab electronics and vacuum kit.
Many status reports are up to date for your reading about
electromagnetic accelerators.