Coles Digital Set Top Box

"Alan Rutlidge"
BTW: is that a red brick flat you live in?

** It that a cockroach infested, single floor terraced dump you live in?

At least one big ugly rodent lives there for sure.

......... Phil
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
"Alan Rutlidge"

BTW: is that a red brick flat you live in?

** It that a cockroach infested, single floor terraced dump you live in?

At least one big ugly rodent lives there for sure.

........ Phil
Keep on guessing Toaster Boi. We all know about your midnight flip from the
Lackey St flat and we also know about that dump of a bed-sit you live in
now. BTW, when do we get to hear the infamous Turner tape? Bet it doesn't
exist LIAR!
Rutmaniac Arse Bandit Moron
"Phil Allison"

** It that a cockroach infested, single floor terraced dump you live in?

At least one big ugly rodent lives there for sure.

Keep on guessing Toaster Boi.

** It was a question - you fucking retard.

See the " ? "

We all know .......

** The sure sign that a complete pack of lies is about to follow.

And it does.

What a fucking, desperate lying turd.

......... Phil
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
Rutmaniac Arse Bandit Moron

"Phil Allison"

** It that a cockroach infested, single floor terraced dump you live in?

At least one big ugly rodent lives there for sure.

Keep on guessing Toaster Boi.

** It was a question - you fucking retard.

See the " ? "

We all know .......

** The sure sign that a complete pack of lies is about to follow.

And it does.

What a fucking, desperate lying turd.

........ Phil
Wow, that's priceless coming from someone who rents a bed-sit dump of a flat
on rent assistance from CentreLink. No matter what you might think about
my abode Philthy Phil, the truth is you are more than green with envy. I
own my home and its contents outright and have done so for a considerable
number of years. As is the case with all my possessions. The whitegoods in
my kitchen alone would be worth more than the entire contents of your
miserable bed-sit flat, including the stuff you rent.

Once again the incredibly autistic tossing Toaster Boi needs to take a
reality check. On the scale of economic, social, cultural and success you
score a negative on each count. At (what is it now?) 53 you are a complete
failure. It must be so depressing having to look back over all those years,
only to come to the conclusion that you've achieved nothing in all that
time. And face it Phil, unless you win Lotto, with no superannuation /
pension plan you're rapidly destined for skid row. Doesn't matter, it won't
be a culture shock - you're living on the edge of it already.

Oh, and BTW, the answer to your question is - NO.

Kissy kissy.....
"Alan Rutlidge"

** Is that a cockroach infested, single floor terraced dump you live in?

At least one big ugly rodent lives there for sure.

No matter what you might think about my abode Philthy Phil,

** Being a terraced, inner city dump is not what makes 15 Ruth Street a
"Shit Hole".

Its the Arse Bandit Shit who lives in it.

The same one who will not explain why he simply *allowed* a young Thai man
to run off with all his savings and the funds in his credit card account.

The same one who took regular holidays to Phuket until mysteriously stopping
in 1997.

The same one who runs an illegal ( self ? ) employment agency from 15 Ruth

The same one dumped from Telstra like piece of garbage.

The same one with no skills, tech knowledge or credibility at all.

The same one far to thick headed to ever attend any university.

The same one whose entire family fled WA to avoid any association with him.

The same one who used dumbfuck, gay boyfriends to carry on his obsessive,
brainless usenet vendetta.

The same one who, since he would make any decent person puke, has to hang
out with psychotic Grease Monkeys.

Any place the Rutmaniac hides out immediately becomes a Shit Hole.

......... Phil
"Phil Allison" <> a "man" with an incredibly small
penis and one hell of a big chip on his shoulder wrote in message
"Alan Rutlidge"

** Is that a cockroach infested, single floor terraced dump you live in?

At least one big ugly rodent lives there for sure.

No matter what you might think about my abode Philthy Phil,

** Being a terraced, inner city dump is not what makes 15 Ruth Street a
"Shit Hole".

Its the Arse Bandit Shit who lives in it.

The same one who will not explain why he simply *allowed* a young Thai man
to run off with all his savings and the funds in his credit card account.

The same one who took regular holidays to Phuket until mysteriously
stopping in 1997.

The same one who runs an illegal ( self ? ) employment agency from 15 Ruth

The same one dumped from Telstra like piece of garbage.

The same one with no skills, tech knowledge or credibility at all.

The same one far to thick headed to ever attend any university.

The same one whose entire family fled WA to avoid any association with

The same one who used dumbfuck, gay boyfriends to carry on his obsessive,
brainless usenet vendetta.

The same one who, since he would make any decent person puke, has to hang
out with psychotic Grease Monkeys.

Any place the Rutmaniac hides out immediately becomes a Shit Hole.

........ Phil
Jealousy is such a curse Toaster Boi. Nothing you say or do will change the
simple fact that you are a dismal failure. You can't even fix a toaster
without making a complete cock up of it. You're not even good at gobbling -
or so the story goes....

Perhaps we should rename you "Jug Boi" seeing you can't fix them either.

As for qualifications - I don't see your university degree hanging around
anywhere, nor a diploma or even a basic trade qualification, yet you parade
here more in the guise of some sort of self proclaimed guru. The truth is
you're more akin to a pompous dog's turd that has been drying far too long
in the hot sun to the point that it has lost its colour and turned holy

Philthy, I couldn't call you a "has been", simply because you've never been
anything to be a has been. All your miserable life you have just been one
failure after the next. Your pathetic Usenet posts are testament to that

Just for the record. I, unlike you, don't need to hide out anywhere. I
know I can walk down the street and not have to keep looking over my
shoulder every 5 seconds. That walk from the bed-sit to WES and back again
must leave your head feeling like it's mounted on a greased gimbal; and
justifiably so Quad Boi.
Alan Rutlidge"

** Is that a cockroach infested, single floor terraced dump you live in?

At least one big ugly rodent lives there for sure.

No matter what you might think about my abode Philthy Phil,

** Being a terraced, inner city dump is not what makes 15 Ruth Street a
"Shit Hole".

Its the Arse Bandit Shit who lives in it.

The same one who will not explain why he simply *allowed* a young Thai man
to run off with all his savings and the funds in his credit card account.

The same one who took regular holidays to Phuket until mysteriously stopping
in 1997.

The same one who runs an illegal ( self ? ) employment agency from 15 Ruth

The same one dumped from Telstra like piece of garbage.

The same one with no skills, tech knowledge or credibility at all.

The same one far to thick headed to ever attend any university.

The same one whose entire family fled WA to avoid any association with him.

The same one who used dumbfuck, gay boyfriends to carry on his obsessive,
brainless usenet vendetta.

The same one who, since he would make any decent person puke, has to hang
out with psychotic Grease Monkeys.

Any place the Rutmaniac hides out immediately becomes a Shit Hole.

......... Phil
Slipping a bit are we Phyllis (or is that syPhilis?) darling? Posting the
same post over and over again. Forgot you posted your shite already almost
an hour ago? The pressure must be getting to you pet. Slipping up in your
OLD age hey? Doesn't matter. Go put the jug on and make yourself a nice
cuppa Jug Boi.

"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
Alan Rutlidge"

** Is that a cockroach infested, single floor terraced dump you live in?

At least one big ugly rodent lives there for sure.

No matter what you might think about my abode Philthy Phil,

** Being a terraced, inner city dump is not what makes 15 Ruth Street a
"Shit Hole".

Its the Arse Bandit Shit who lives in it.

The same one who will not explain why he simply *allowed* a young Thai man
to run off with all his savings and the funds in his credit card account.

The same one who took regular holidays to Phuket until mysteriously
in 1997.

The same one who runs an illegal ( self ? ) employment agency from 15 Ruth

The same one dumped from Telstra like piece of garbage.

The same one with no skills, tech knowledge or credibility at all.

The same one far to thick headed to ever attend any university.

The same one whose entire family fled WA to avoid any association with

The same one who used dumbfuck, gay boyfriends to carry on his obsessive,
brainless usenet vendetta.

The same one who, since he would make any decent person puke, has to hang
out with psychotic Grease Monkeys.

Any place the Rutmaniac hides out immediately becomes a Shit Hole.

........ Phil
"Alan Rutlidge"

Posting the same post over and over again.

** While ever you only post irrelevant & fuckwit replies - yes.

.......... Phil
You are shitty because your autistic pee brain can't possibly compete even
with the lowest possible life form. You're not even a half convincing liar.

Where's the tape Jug Boi? Put up or shut up.....

"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
"Alan Rutlidge"

Posting the same post over and over again.

** While ever you only post irrelevant & fuckwit replies - yes.

......... Phil
"Alan Rutlidge"

** Being a terraced, inner city dump is not what makes 15 Ruth Street Perth
"Shit Hole".

Its the Arse Bandit Shit who lives in it.

The same one who will not explain why he simply *allowed* a young Thai man
to run off with all his savings and the funds in his credit card account.

The same one who took regular holidays to Phuket until mysteriously stopping
in 1997.

The same one who runs an illegal ( self ? ) employment agency from 15 Ruth

The same one dumped from Telstra like piece of garbage.

The same one with no skills, tech knowledge or credibility at all.

The same one far to thick headed to ever attend any university.

The same one whose entire family fled WA to avoid any association with him.

The same one who used dumbfuck, gay boyfriends to carry on his obsessive,
brainless usenet vendetta.

The same one who, since he would make any decent person puke, has to hang
out with psychotic Grease Monkeys.

Any place the Rutmaniac hides out immediately becomes a Shit Hole.

........ Phil
Phil Allison wrote:

"Alan Rutlidge"

** Is that a cockroach infested, single floor terraced dump you live in?

At least one big ugly rodent lives there for sure.

No matter what you might think about my abode Philthy Phil,

** Being a terraced, inner city dump is not what makes 15 Ruth Street a
"Shit Hole".

Its the Arse Bandit Shit who lives in it.

The same one who will not explain why he simply *allowed* a young Thai man
to run off with all his savings and the funds in his credit card account.

The same one who took regular holidays to Phuket until mysteriously stopping
in 1997.

The same one who runs an illegal ( self ? ) employment agency from 15 Ruth

The same one dumped from Telstra like piece of garbage.

The same one with no skills, tech knowledge or credibility at all.

The same one far to thick headed to ever attend any university.

The same one whose entire family fled WA to avoid any association with him.

The same one who used dumbfuck, gay boyfriends to carry on his obsessive,
brainless usenet vendetta.

The same one who, since he would make any decent person puke, has to hang
out with psychotic Grease Monkeys.

Any place the Rutmaniac hides out immediately becomes a Shit Hole.

........ Phil
Oh, Phil. I've been away for a bit but I see you're still understating your
Alan Rutlidge wrote:

Jealousy is such a curse Toaster Boi. Nothing you say or do will change the
simple fact that you are a dismal failure. You can't even fix a toaster
without making a complete cock up of it. You're not even good at gobbling -
or so the story goes....

Perhaps we should rename you "Jug Boi" seeing you can't fix them either.

As for qualifications - I don't see your university degree hanging around
anywhere, nor a diploma or even a basic trade qualification, yet you parade
here more in the guise of some sort of self proclaimed guru. The truth is
you're more akin to a pompous dog's turd that has been drying far too long
in the hot sun to the point that it has lost its colour and turned holy

Philthy, I couldn't call you a "has been", simply because you've never been
anything to be a has been. All your miserable life you have just been one
failure after the next. Your pathetic Usenet posts are testament to that

Just for the record. I, unlike you, don't need to hide out anywhere. I
know I can walk down the street and not have to keep looking over my
shoulder every 5 seconds. That walk from the bed-sit to WES and back again
must leave your head feeling like it's mounted on a greased gimbal; and
justifiably so Quad Boi.
Seems to be making some kind of point here...

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