William Sommerwerck
This arbument has come up before. Some people think that the quantized dataHowever one quibble: simply chopping the time stream up into integral
slices and restricting the level (or width [or frequency {or phase}]) of
an output signal to specific levels does not "really" 'digitize' the data.
Doing an analogue to digital conversion and transmitting the data in the
form of a stream of digitized information (as opposed to one out of 1024
possible levels, for example) is essential in order for the information to
be 'digital' [in my mind].
must be represted as a "number" in order to be truly digital. Am moment's
thought will show this is not so.
The "number of bits" is determined by the number of levels. Indeed, we could
quantize at non-binary increments, if we wanted, and the data would still be
You're welcome. Thank you for reading and thinking.In any case, it has been an interesting discussion to follow. Thank you