Olivier Scalbert wrote:
excellent uses. Do you think the CDs or whatever you listen to were produced on
equipment using these stupid caps ? I can tell you for a fact because I design such
equipment that there's not a hope in hell real designers take these audiophool pieces
of junk seriously.
I am not being aggresive. I'm teaching you some valuable facts.Eeyore wrote:
Olivier Scalbert wrote:
john jardine wrote:
For a starter, increase C1 to 1000uF. 'T'll get the response down to about
Thanks !
I will try to find high quality capacitors later ...
The 'quality' of capaciors is an entire irrelevance with something so primitive.
In fact it's almost a complete irrelevance completely unless you buy Asian junk.
I take it you've been 'Audiophooled' by reading magazines written by wholesale
fraudsters. Audiophile was it ?
Graham (pro-audio designer since 1971)
Graham, why are you so aggressive with me ?
What is your problem ?
That's called marketing. Nor is the Farnell catalgue a textbook, despite its otherI have read it in Farnell catalog.
excellent uses. Do you think the CDs or whatever you listen to were produced on
equipment using these stupid caps ? I can tell you for a fact because I design such
equipment that there's not a hope in hell real designers take these audiophool pieces
of junk seriously.