Chip with simple program for Toy

John Fields <> wrote
Rod Speed <> wrote
John Fields <> wrote
Rod Speed <> wrote
Eeyore <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote

You're still stuck with the fat that it collects
when you fry them and thats bad for you.

Vegetable (esp olive) oil is bad for you ?

When its used for frying, yep.

Essentially because breaks down too quickly when heated.

Breaks down into what,

Look it up for yourself.

It doesn't work like that.
Wrong, as always.

and what kind of temperatures are you talking about?

What is used for frying.
<reams of your juvenile shit any 2 year old could leave for dead flushed where it belongs>
John Fields <> wrote
Rob Dekker <> wrote
Eeyore <> wrote
Rob Dekker wrote

Didn't GM already build a hybrid diesel in the 90s that got 70mpg ?

Let me look that up... YES ! The Chrysler ESX-3.
And the Precept got 80mpg.

What a terrible shame that we have these vehicle designs
already for 10 year, and still don't produce them now.....

Much worse than a shame. I'd call it borderline criminal.
Unlikely given that no one else does either.

Much more likely that it turns out to have some real practical downsides.

How much of an effect do you think big oil had in shutting down the program?
None, zero, nada, ziltch. They couldnt have done that world wide.
Eeyore <> wrote:
Rob Dekker wrote:

"Eeyore" wrote
Rob Dekker wrote:

In vehicles, load varies wildly (unless you are crusing on the
freeway), so, well-tuned diesels performing in series hybrids
(essentially driving a generator) should be the most efficient way
to power a vehicle...

I totally agree. Opel of Germany are working on one. May be out
around 2012. Google Opel Flextreme.

Did you take a look at it btw ? It's like Europe's answer to the the
Chevy Volt.

Didn't GM already build a hybrid diesel in the 90s that got 70mpg ?

Let me look that up... YES ! The Chrysler ESX-3.
And the Precept got 80mpg.

What a terrible shame that we have these vehicle designs already for
10 year, and still don't produce them now.....

Extraordinary. I never knew about any of those. I wonder why the
automakers wanted the programme halted. Maybe they preferred to make
SUVs ? Or were they too expensive to build ?
Yep, bet the last is the real reason, given that no one else bothered world wide.
John Fields <> wrote:
On Wed, 30 Jul 2008 11:51:39 +1000, "Rod Speed"> wrote:

John Fields <> wrote
Rod Speed <> wrote

Not with busses it aint.

Have you never heard of "The Grid"?

Tad unlikely I havent seeing as I have used that term a number of times.

Your desperate wanking doesnt sound anything like that, child.

The grid _is_ a "buss", Mr. Clever.
Pathetic, Master Wanker.
John Fields <> wrote in

On Wed, 30 Jul 2008 14:17:02 -0500, Kris Krieger <


Er, why don't y'all just plonk him...?

I can't speak for anyone else, of course, but the reason I don't is
because I'm having fun rattling his cage.

Cruel, perhaps, but these uppity monkeys have to be reminded of their
place, dontcha know. ;)
Fair enough ;) AS long as it's entertaining, hey, go for it <L!>


You know you can't change his mind, which means that trying to do so
is a waste of time and energy.

Au contraire!

Lately he's taken to replying to posts to which he can't refute with:



Show your calculations."

Or variants thereof.

Clearly a sign of panic leading to retreat, a severance of diplomatic
ties, and perhaps the first sign of a crack in the dam...
I've seen those. I just resent the time it tkaes to DL them, open them
in hopes fo seeing useful info, and having it just bedrivel. I'm
inpatient that way ;)


Life is too short to waste it on such unconstructive games

But I enjoy the sport of it and don't mind using up some of my life
jousting, so what's wrong with that?
Nothing, as long as you know what you're doing, why you're doing it, and
having fun ;)

I've just seen too many folks who get caught up in this sort of thing, so
that was my Obsessive Cautionary Note.

But, nah, whatever people have *fun* doing, hey, whatever floats the
proverbial boat ;)


- and every time you reply, it means you've allowed
him ot get you worked up to some degree, and no matter how small that
degree migh tbe, it means you're allowing him to manipulate you into
playing his games on his terms. Does that really make any sense?

What makes you think _I'm_ not the troll?
- I've seen you provide good info;
- your posts tend to be well-written;
- if someone disagrees with something you wrote, you don't just tell them
they're "stupid".
Probably a few more...


He keeps telling people to stop reading his posts. I figure that the
only polite (and sensible) thing to do is oblige him.

It would be if he meant it, but what he's really saying is: "Don't
post if you disagree with me."

True, but I don't disagree with him so much as I find him just plain
disagreeable. Some of my best friens, and most interesting exchanges,
have started out as a disagrrement, but that's because those
disagreements became a discussion, rather than disintegrating into name-
calling - I find name-calling diagreeable, because it's irrational,
meaningless, and unconstructive.

But I'm not in any way telling anyone what to do per se, just stating (in
my admittedly imperfect and socially-chllenged way!) what the situation
seems to me to be, just in case it might help someone else.

OK, I'll get back down off my box now...
T. Keating <> wrote
Rod Speed <> wrote
T. Keating <> wrote
Rod Speed <> wrote

The reason we don't have more nuclear plants has nothing to do with
environmentalists, it has to do with economics and right-wing ideology.

It has more to do with a mindless reaction to 3 mile island.

Let's see..

TMI Unit 2 went into meltdown less than four months after
going on-line for the first time!!!.. (Dec 1978 ->March 1979)..
That's one hell of a rate of return.. NOT...

And the french had enough of a clue to produce 80% of their electricity
using nukes anyway and got a hell of a lot of advantages from doing that.

We werent actually stupid enough to give up on widebody aircraft when
we did have a few of them go bang and produce a lousy rate of return.

And the operators released over two million curries into the local environment.

Fart in the bath compared with what all those coal fired power stations are doing.

And its India that produces most curries, TMI produced curies.

Sending several thousand area residents to early deaths

Bare faced pig ignorant lie.

and scores of others facing increased occurances of radiation related illnesses.

Bare faced pig ignorant lie.

Just the truth...
You're lying, again.

All previous predictions & claims, (prior to 2005), based on exposure to
ionizing radiation were INVALIDATED by the NAS's no threshold dose adoption,
Irrelevant to your bare faced lie about actual deaths seen.

The new position also recognized that many other
aliments can be the result of ionizing radiation exposure.
Pity that coal fired power stations put out FAR more of that than TMI ever did.
John Fields <> wrote
Rod Speed <> wrote
John Fields <> wrote
Rod Speed <> wrote
Eeyore <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
Eeyore <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
John Fields <> wrote

they blew up, among other things, embassies, ships,


and the world trade towers,

Nope. And they didnt expect them to implode like they did either.

They didn't implode.

Yes they did.

They suffered cascade failure,

Same thing, different words.



Implosion is what happens when an evacuated volume
pulls in its walls when they're rendered unstable.

Thats just one way of imploding, stupid.

The other way which you may have in mind is called 'imploding' but really isn't; it's
explosive demolition where it's generally desired for the structure to fall in on itself.
Having fun thrashing that straw man, wanker ?

In any case, the towers didn't implode, they collapsed.
They certainly werent BLOWN UP, wanker.

And they certainly didnt BLOW UP as some fool initially claimed anyway.

When you use a bomb against something you blow it up, yes?
Didnt happen with the world trade TOWERS, wanker.

They blew up the parking garage pretty good,
Doesnt qualify as 'they blew up ... the world trade towers'
you pathetic excuse for a lying bullshit artist.
Doesnt qualify as 'they blew up ... the world trade towers'
you pathetic excuse for a lying bullshit artist.
Eeyore <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
John Fields wrote

Implosion is what happens when an evacuated volume
pulls in its walls when they're rendered unstable.

Thats just one way of imploding, stupid.


That IS implosion exactly.
Thats just one way of imploding, stupid.
Eeyore <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
Eeyore <> wrote

How about addressing the source of the problem ?

Not even possible. Thats always been the problem with terrorism.

Ever heard of the 'Good Friday Agreement' ?
Thats not addressing the source of the problem, thats just
ONE group of terrorists getting sick of being terrorists.

They aint even the ones stupid enough to buy the line that blowing
yourself to bits will see you instantly transported to nirvana etc.

Once you have terrorists that stupid, there is no way to address the source of the problem.
John Fields <> wrote
Rod Speed <> wrote
Eeyore <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote

Yep, those damned rag heads aint exactly rocket scientist material.

Despite the CIA's best intel and the Iraq war !

Its always possible to do terrorist atrocitys.

In spades when the fools are happy to die in the process.

And to bring those atrocities to an end,
Not even possible, as I said.

you advocate that other "fools" who willingly give up their lives to end it are wrong?
Nope. Just do whats practical to stop them doing stuff like hijacking aircraft and
get used to the fact that there will always be some risk when using mass public
transport where its not practical to search everyone and dont sit next to swathy
individuals who are carrying anything much who are sweating a bit.
Eeyore <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
Eeyore <> wrote
Rob Dekker wrote
"Eeyore" wrote
Rob Dekker wrote

In vehicles, load varies wildly (unless you are crusing on the
freeway), so, well-tuned diesels performing in series hybrids
(essentially driving a generator) should be the most efficient
way to power a vehicle...

I totally agree. Opel of Germany are working on one.
May be out around 2012. Google Opel Flextreme.

Did you take a look at it btw ? It's like Europe's answer to the the Chevy Volt.

Didn't GM already build a hybrid diesel in the 90s that got 70mpg ?

Let me look that up... YES ! The Chrysler ESX-3.
And the Precept got 80mpg.

What a terrible shame that we have these vehicle designs
already for 10 year, and still don't produce them now.....

Extraordinary. I never knew about any of those. I wonder why
the automakers wanted the programme halted. Maybe they
preferred to make SUVs ? Or were they too expensive to build ?

Yep, bet the last is the real reason, given that no one else bothered world wide.

Now that was a sensible, civil response.
Mine always are.

Why not try more of those ?
No need, thats all I ever do.

I dont even troll like some gutless individual thats got delusions about rabbits.
Eeyore <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
Eeyore <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
John Fields wrote

Implosion is what happens when an evacuated volume
pulls in its walls when they're rendered unstable.

Thats just one way of imploding, stupid.



That IS implosion exactly.

Thats just one way of imploding, stupid.

"verb collapse or cause to collapse violently inwards."

***INWARDS*** not DOWN.
The top imploded inwards, stupid.
Eeyore <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
Eeyore <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
Eeyore <> wrote

How about addressing the source of the problem ?

Not even possible. Thats always been the problem with terrorism.

Ever heard of the 'Good Friday Agreement' ?

Thats not addressing the source of the problem, thats just
ONE group of terrorists getting sick of being terrorists.

But they WERE terrorists and now they're not.
Yes but that wasnt due to any addressing of the source of the problem, they just
got sick of being terrorists, presumably because it wasnt getting them anywhere.

And there were two sets not one,
Wrong as far as the worst of the terrorism was concerned.

although the Unionists didn't usually do much harm. NOW they are
politicians sitting round the same table governing their own country.
And thats never happened with the worst of the stupid ragheads.

There's just one country in the middle east that anything even
remotely resembling anything like a democracy, and thats Isreal.

And yes, they used to be terrorists and then they
got what they used terrorism to try to achieve.

They aint even the ones stupid enough to buy the line that blowing
yourself to bits will see you instantly transported to nirvana etc.

Some of them nevertheless did manage to blow themselves
to bits though. Including at least one in my home town.
Sure, but that wasnt intentional, just stupid Irish.

There's always some that manage to end up dead without intending to kill themselves.

Once you have terrorists that stupid, there is no way to address the source of the problem.

You call it stupid.
There is no other adequate description for that sort of stupidity,
actually being stupid enough to buy that line about nirvana.

They call it a 'cause'.
That wasnt the stupidity I was talking about there.

If you don't understand the phsychology of it, it'll never go away.
And it wont even if you do either. Its easy enough to understand the
psychology of the fools that are stupid enough to believe that blowing
themselves to bits is a guaranteed ticket to nirvana. Understanding
that doesnt do a damned thing about making it go away.
Eeyore <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
John Fields <> wrote
Rod Speed <> wrote
Eeyore <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote

Yep, those damned rag heads aint exactly rocket scientist material.

Despite the CIA's best intel and the Iraq war !

Its always possible to do terrorist atrocitys.

In spades when the fools are happy to die in the process.

And to bring those atrocities to an end,

Not even possible, as I said.

you advocate that other "fools" who willingly give up their lives to end it are wrong?

Nope. Just do whats practical to stop them doing stuff like
hijacking aircraft and get used to the fact that there will always
be some risk when using mass public transport where its not
practical to search everyone and dont sit next to swathy individuals
who are carrying anything much who are sweating a bit.

London's 'tube' or NYC's subway being perfect examples.

Now, if the West were on better terms with certain nations
instead of aggravating them and the extreme cults within them .........
Again, not even possible. You english tried it tried it right thruout your
colonys and it just plain isnt possible with the worst of the rabid loonys.

You didnt even manage to apply the jackboot to the Irish for very long
and got fucked over trying to apply the jackboot to afghanistan very
comprehensively indeed. So comprehensively that with one attempt,
there was literally just ONE survivor out of thousands.

In spades with the current terrorist activity in India.
Eeyore <> wrote
John Fields wrote
Rod Speed wrote
Eeyore wrote
Rod Speed wrote

Yep, those damned rag heads aint exactly rocket scientist material.

Despite the CIA's best intel and the Iraq war !

Its always possible to do terrorist atrocitys.

In spades when the fools are happy to die in the process.

And to bring those atrocities to an end, you advocate that other
"fools" who willingly give up their lives to end it are wrong?

To jaw-jaw is always better than to war-war.
Winston Churchill
Pity that he hardly ever did it like that himself.

In spades in the early part of the war.

That IMHO is the only likely resolution.
More fool you.

It worked in Northern Ireland ultimately.
And never did with Ireland itself.
Some pathetic excuse for a troll claiming to be
John Fields <>
desperately attempted to bullshit and lie its way out of its
predicament and fooled absolutely no one at all, as always.
Some pathetic excuse for a troll claiming to be
John Fields <>
desperately attempted to bullshit and lie its way out of its
predicament and fooled absolutely no one at all, as always.
John Fields <> wrote
Rod Speed <> wrote
John Fields <> wrote
Rob Dekker <> wrote
Eeyore <> wrote
Rob Dekker wrote

Didn't GM already build a hybrid diesel in the 90s that got 70mpg ?

Let me look that up... YES ! The Chrysler ESX-3.
And the Precept got 80mpg.

What a terrible shame that we have these vehicle designs
already for 10 year, and still don't produce them now.....

Much worse than a shame. I'd call it borderline criminal.

Unlikely given that no one else does either.

Two wrongs make a right?
A rolling stone gathers no moss.

Much more likely that it turns out to have some real practical downsides.

Like, f'rinstance?
Not economic to build.

How much of an effect do you think big oil had in shutting down the program?

None, zero, nada, ziltch. They couldnt have done that world wide.

Yeah, right.
Fraid so.

From a zillion barrels a day to a quarter of that
Big oil doesnt get to do that.

and the source wouldn't bitch?
There is no source, stupid.

You're a lot stupider than you pretend to be.
You're a pathetic excuse for a troll.
Eeyore <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
Eeyore <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
Eeyore <> wrote
Rob Dekker wrote
Eeyore wrote
Rob Dekker wrote

In vehicles, load varies wildly (unless you are crusing on the
freeway), so, well-tuned diesels performing in series hybrids
(essentially driving a generator) should be the most efficient
way to power a vehicle...

I totally agree. Opel of Germany are working on one.
May be out around 2012. Google Opel Flextreme.

Did you take a look at it btw ? It's like Europe's answer to the the Chevy Volt.

Didn't GM already build a hybrid diesel in the 90s that got 70mpg ?

Let me look that up... YES ! The Chrysler ESX-3.
And the Precept got 80mpg.

What a terrible shame that we have these vehicle designs
already for 10 year, and still don't produce them now.....

Extraordinary. I never knew about any of those. I wonder why
the automakers wanted the programme halted. Maybe they
preferred to make SUVs ? Or were they too expensive to build ?

Yep, bet the last is the real reason, given that no one else bothered world wide.

Now that was a sensible, civil response.

Mine always are.

I'm pleased to hear you aspire to that.
I dont aspire to a damned thing, I deliver that.

Why not try more of those ?

No need, thats all I ever do.

I can't entirely agree with that part.
You have always been, and always will be, completely and utterly irrelevant.

What you might or might not claim to agree with in spades.

Try being nicer and less confrontational.
Go and fuck yourself.

I'd also advise you read dictionary definitions more thoroughly.
I order you to go shove your head up a dead bear's arse.
Some pathetic excuse for a troll claiming to be
John Fields <>
desperately attempted to bullshit and lie its way out of its
predicament and fooled absolutely no one at all, as always.

Welcome to

