Chip with simple program for Toy

"tempus fugit" <> wrote in message news:<d9krd.89$>...
Thanks John.

I don't think the chip is made anymore. I could email you the schematic or
post it on ABSE if you don't mind.
Either or both is fine.

John Popelish
Well, the unit has to be switched on and off in the first place, so I'll get
the DC problems whether I have a separate switch for phantom or not.

What is the reason for turning the phantom power off and on? I've used
dynamic mics on phantom powered preamps with no ill effect. Obviously
the condenser mic requires the power. I've also had no problems
plugging the condenser mic into the preamp 'hot'. Just curious.

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On 2 Dec 2004 03:46:30 -0800, wrote:


I would like to control arund 100 electric switches from my PC.
Can someone guide me on this.

Thanks in advance

Arun Sahlam
You can do this with the standard parallel printer port.
It's easier if your system uses Win9x or DOS, but should
work from NT,2K, XP with an IO driver so you can get
access to the port.

The standard port has only 8 output lines, but it also
has several control lines. The trick is to make a multiplexer
8-bit latch chips. Use 4 control lines to select one of 16
latch chips to be updated from the common 8 lines.
That will give you 8 * 16 = 128 possible outputs.

There is lots of port info at

Hope this helps!

Bob Masta

Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Try reading up on X10 at They have a controller that attaches
to your PC and the switches you'll need.

<> wrote in message

I would like to control arund 100 electric switches from my PC.
Can someone guide me on this.

Thanks in advance

Arun Sahlam wrote in message news:<>...

I would like to control arund 100 electric switches from my PC.
Can someone guide me on this.

Thanks in advance

Arun Sahlam

well how do you want to control them.? and what sort of switches are
they.? and what do they control.?, what kind of hardware do you have
hooked up to your computer at the moment.???......You could use a
microcontroller to do this, but some information regarding your
existing infrastructure would be useful
I would like to control arund 100 electric switches from my PC.
Can someone guide me on this.
This like asking "How can I get to work?"

What sort of switches, what sort of electric devices, what voltages, what
wattage, what distances, etc..

Ask better questions and you'll probably get better answers.
If you want industrial strength safety and ease of use, go with an I/O
card that you can plug into your PC. There are many vendors, and is one of the popular ones. The others you
would have to google.

Most of these cards have multiple output options including relays and
SSR that you can use to control almost anything. They also have drivers,
samples and everything you need to get going fast.

Hopes it helps,

Thomas Yip wrote:

I would like to control arund 100 electric switches from my PC.
Can someone guide me on this.

Thanks in advance

Arun Sahlam
"Eric R Snow" <> wrote in message
Then, I foolishly said that if
the blanket were run on DC we wouldn't need to worry. Now she wants me
to fix the blanket to run on DC.
Meh. Take it apart, look like you're doing something, then put it back
together as it was. As long as she knows you did something, but not exactly
what, she'll buy it.


"I've got more trophies than Wayne Gretsky and the Pope combined!"
- Homer Simpson
Website @
Hi, several things spring to mind. 1. decoupling capacitors. 2 RFI filter on
the ac supply to the psu. 3. DC filter to the pic vcc pin, I use 100r +01uf cap
(low pass) twice, that seems to kill everything. 4. Are you using the RB0 input
in interrupt mode? don't. 5. write your software so that it recovers from
crashes, ie use the brown out interrupt.
What do think about issues around MCLR? Increasing current or more filtering
on that pin. Or are you meaning to include MCLR when you refer to 'supply
lines' above?

Very grateful for your help
There are several circuits in the data sheets for the pin, or you can just tie
it to the vcc.
On Sat, 04 Dec 2004 01:59:06 GMT, "jim dorey"
<> wrote:

On Thu, 2 Dec 2004 15:10:48 -0500, wkearney99 <

I would like to control around 100 electric switches from my PC.
Can someone guide me on this. this might help, and you
might go nuts and use a tcp stack chip too. but you could just use a
stack chip and get a matrix of 256 switches from it anyway.
The below link has info on controlling 300+ christmas light
strings from the parallel port.
On Thu, 2 Dec 2004 23:46:00 -0600, "Tim Williams"
<> wrote:

"Eric R Snow" <> wrote in message
Then, I foolishly said that if
the blanket were run on DC we wouldn't need to worry. Now she wants me
to fix the blanket to run on DC.

Meh. Take it apart, look like you're doing something, then put it back
together as it was. As long as she knows you did something, but not exactly
what, she'll buy it.
Good idea! wimmin will buy anything.
it's not a good idea to convert hte blanket to dc, anyway. All the
time its running on AC, there's an even distribuion of blood cells in
your body. If you change to DC, all you blood cells will either get
drawn to your head or your feet depending on which way around the
polarity is. ;-)

Fat, sugar, salt, beer: the four essentials for a healthy diet.
Subject: a great electrical engineering forum site
From: "Spaceman"
Date: 04/12/2004 15:34 GMT Standard Time
Message-id: <

The only web forum site for Electrical and Electronic Engineers!
Yeh right! I had a look at it, thats one really dead site.
--Getcher self a couple of warm doggies; works wonders, heh.

"Steamboat Ed" Haas : Whatever happened
Hacking the Trailing Edge! : to Ethyl Meatplow?
---Decks a-wash in a sea of words---
Trying to get people there....then it will be great

"CBarn24050" <> wrote in message
Subject: a great electrical engineering forum site
From: "Spaceman"
Date: 04/12/2004 15:34 GMT Standard Time
Message-id: <

The only web forum site for Electrical and Electronic Engineers!

Yeh right! I had a look at it, thats one really dead site.
On Sat, 04 Dec 2004 18:21:51 -0600, John Fields
<> wrote:

Use the 7555 to get a 50% duty cycle square wave, then invert that
output with a transistor to get another square wave 180° out of phase
with the first one.
--- _________
Since you don't use the DISCHARGE output when you're running a 50%
duty cycle 7555 astable, you can use it as the inverted version of the
output by pulling it up to Vcc, so it looks like the transistor
inverter can go away as well.

John Fields
"Spaceman" <> wrote in message news:<>...

The only web forum site for Electrical and Electronic Engineers!
Well, it is with some problems for user registration ( fail to send
out e-mails )
"oookhc" <> wrote in message
"Spaceman" <> wrote in message

The only web forum site for Electrical and Electronic Engineers!

Well, it is with some problems for user registration ( fail to send
out e-mails )
Yes, I need to fix that
On Sun, 05 Dec 2004 11:39:56 -0600, John Fields
<> wrote:

Just for grins, I'll post the schematic to abse sometime today. I'll
probably go ahead and build it too. I've got all the parts and it
sounds like a fun project for a slow Sunday. If I do, I'll post
pictures and waveforms on abse.
Got the design and the schematic done, :) but I didn't build or
simulate it yet. :-(

It's at abse as "More on dual pulse generator".

John Fields
fritzo*** wrote:
Can anyone point me to a source of snap dome switches?
THanks- Oppliger) KE6VDA

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