Chip with simple program for Toy

On Oct 26, 5:35 am, Jasen Betts <> wrote:
On 2011-10-24, act pcb <> wrote:

American circuit technology is the leading manufacturer of various
types of circuit boards which are the veins & arteries of any
electronic goods for performing the critical tasks.

problem is they also produce spam.

these guys:

on the other hand never spam and produce professional pcbs ins small
quantities at hobbyist friendly prices.

⚂⚃ 100% natural

--- Posted via news:// - Complaints to ---
Oh, spamming the spammers! I like Advanced circuits.

There use to be a link to their cheap proto site,
But now you have to register....
George H.
On 27/10/2011 6:28 AM, Kaz Kylheku wrote:
On 2011-10-26, Jasen Betts<> wrote:

Quote from webpage:

"So the more you spread the word, the more orders we get, and the quicker our turnaround time."

ROFL! *More* orders in a queue lead to *shorter* turnaround times? In what

Usually when I find some good shop that I like, I shut up about it. Otherwise
it will become crowded with customers, leading items going out of stock, long
lineups and higher prices.
As they say just below their banner, they hold up the very large single
board submitted to the PCB manufacturer until it is totally full. More
customers submitting boards to means they forward them
quicker to the actual PCB manufacturer and hence to *shorter* turnaround
times for the final customer.

How do you do it...
On 2011-10-26, Jasen Betts <> wrote:
Quote from webpage:

"So the more you spread the word, the more orders we get, and the quicker our turnaround time. "

ROFL! *More* orders in a queue lead to *shorter* turnaround times? In what

Usually when I find some good shop that I like, I shut up about it. Otherwise
it will become crowded with customers, leading items going out of stock, long
lineups and higher prices.
On Wed, 26 Oct 2011 20:28:03 -0700 (PDT), George Herold
<> wrote:

On Oct 26, 4:28 pm, Kaz Kylheku <> wrote:
On 2011-10-26, Jasen Betts <> wrote:

Quote from webpage:

"So the more you spread the word, the more orders we get, and the quicker our turnaround time. "

ROFL! *More* orders in a queue lead to *shorter* turnaround times?  In what

Usually when I find some good shop that I like, I shut up about it.  Otherwise
it will become crowded with customers, leading items going out of stock, long
lineups and higher prices.

I disagree, If you find a good vendor let everyone know. So they too
make money and stay in buisness.
And prosper. It's good to have successful suppliers (and customers).
On Oct 26, 4:28 pm, Kaz Kylheku <> wrote:
On 2011-10-26, Jasen Betts <> wrote:

Quote from webpage:

"So the more you spread the word, the more orders we get, and the quicker our turnaround time. "

ROFL! *More* orders in a queue lead to *shorter* turnaround times?  In what

Usually when I find some good shop that I like, I shut up about it.  Otherwise
it will become crowded with customers, leading items going out of stock, long
lineups and higher prices.
I disagree, If you find a good vendor let everyone know. So they too
make money and stay in buisness.

George H.
On 11/12/2011 2:34 PM, Crowd Finch wrote:
CrowdFinch Technologies is a India based professional Web Design and
Internet Marketing Company providing full featured of Web Services.
Our main focus on web services including Web Designing, Web
Development, Web Application Development, Mobile Application
Development and Internet Marketing Services.
You forgot spamming.
Crowd Finch wrote:
CrowdFinch Technologies is a India based professional Web Design and
Internet Marketing Company providing full featured of Web Services.
Our main focus on web services including Web Designing, Web
Development, Web Application Development, Mobile Application
Development and Internet Marketing Services.
Specialists in building bait&switch sex sites and distributed eMarketing
solution hosted in their parasitic BHO.
"Hanoi Jane Fonda" wrote in message

Bradley Manning should be tried, sentenced and killed for his

Civilized countries gave up the death penalty many years ago as you support
it, obviously you are not civilized.
On Tue, 24 Jan 2012 00:22:53 +1000, < of Baal> wrote:

"bushkultie" wrote in message
... killed for his

Civilized countries gave up the death penalty many years ago as you support
it, obviously you are not civilized.
Excellent point.
On 1/30/2012 7:27 AM, * US * wrote:
On Tue, 24 Jan 2012 00:22:53 +1000, < of Baal> wrote:

"bushkultie" wrote in message
... killed for his

Civilized countries gave up the death penalty many years ago as you support
it, obviously you are not civilized.

Excellent point.
And yet you say killing babies in the uterus is NOT killing and NOT

Hypocrites aren't you.

A little Liberalism like a little alcohol, can be a good thing but when
either of them take control, they become self destructive.
On 1/30/2012 7:27 AM, * US * wrote:
On Tue, 24 Jan 2012 00:22:53 +1000, < of Baal> wrote:

"bushkultie" wrote in message
... killed for his

Civilized countries gave up the death penalty many years ago as you support
it, obviously you are not civilized.

Excellent point.
Social Security is Sexist and racist and uncivilized discrimination.

You discriminate between people by gender and race and other DNA
determined differences and you Leftists use that to tax money from
people that are determined by DNA to live shorter lives and you write
regulations to give that money to people that have DNA which determines
they will live longer.... That in general is sexual and race

It also discriminates on the grounds of medical access.... which means
that it discriminates against the poorest of the poor who get the least
opportunity for medical care they need.


A little Liberalism like a little alcohol, can be a good thing but when
either of them take control, they become self destructive.
On Mon, 30 Jan 2012 12:02:31 -0500,
<> wrote:

...killing babies in the uterus... IMPOSSIBLE. No *baby* has ever BEEN in a wonb.

Mere (and worthless, when unwanted) RPE's *become*
babies only IF and WHEN they are *born.* At *that* moment.

The ••• ACTUAL TRUTH ••• About Abortion!

[[[ READERS: Please feel free to print out or forward the article
and outline below to everyone you know. It makes complete
DOG MEAT out of ALL of the whiney and specious "arguments"
and LIES of the ANTI-Choice bigots -- and it is totally IRREFUT-
ABLE. The most ignorant and brainwashed of the bigots won't
be swayed by these TRUTHS. But SENSIBLE people who might
in the future have been CONNED by those louts will learn BETTER,
beforehand, than to pay any attention to their LYING propaganda.

I hereby declare this copyrighted original writing on my part to
be FREELY copyable and distributable as long as NOTHING in
it is changed or omitted. You have permission to forward it as
far and widely as you wish, under those conditions, and with
proper credit given to the author, along with the contact data
at the end of it.

Use it to wreak monumental damage upon the hate-agendas
of the Anti-Choicers and the RRR Cult. --Craig Chilton. ]]]



*(Abortion Rights as they have existed since 1-22-73)

Abortion, just like aspirin, is nothing more than a valuable
REMEDY for an unwanted medical condition. Folks who are
Pro-Choice are not "pro-abortion" any more than there are any
such people as those who are "pro-aspirin." People who are
Pro-Choice regarding abortion defend the right of all girls and
women to have ready, unfettered, and legal ACCESS to that
remedy. And they would defend the right of girls and women
to have no impairments to ACCESS to the right to full gestation,
if *that* were their choice -- if there were any loons running
around seeking to deprive them of that option. Thus, Pro-
Choicers are sometimes misperceived as favoring one option
over the other. They do not. They support both options
EQUALLY. The misperception happens because the remedy of
abortion is the *only* one of the two options that has a crowd
of hateful, screeching, and ignorant bigots opposing it.

ANTI-Choice louts irrationally seek to impose immense
hardship upon more than a million girls and women per year,
in the USA, by again FORCING them to gestate to term,
against their will, as was the case in the Pre-Roe vs. Wade
Dark Ages. A very real, 9-month-long form of RAPE. Such
a scenario would cause the loss of HUGE ranges of future
opportunities to those girls and women, unless they were
able to afford travel to FREE locations where abortion was
still safe, legal and unfettered. ANTI-Choicers are sociopaths,
and are totally without excuse. (And to date, NO Anti-Choicer
or RRR Cultist (usually the same people) has ever yet been
able to refute ANY of the points made in this article. Which
shows how*monumentally* morally-bankrupt they truly are.)

To see the grave and long-term DANGER that threatened
America, if McCain had won the 2008 election, please read these;
We were VERY lucky!! in each case the components of the URLS
follow, in case one or both get shortened in posting.) ---

Abortions obtained by girls and women terminate three of
the four of the reproductive-process entities (RPEs): zygotes,
embryoes & fetuses, up until the 7th month** of gestation)
which have ALL of these characteristics in common with the
first stage -- gametes (sperm and ova):

-- Human
-- Unique
-- As a stage of development, indispensable to future birth
-- Have NEVER experienced conscious awareness*
-- Alive

...which makes it hypocritical when abortion opponents
try to defend the later three stages of the reproductive
process but NOT the Stage One entities (gametes).

** (AFTER the 7th month of gestation begins, conscious
awareness may be possible, but all the other of the above-
listed attributes still apply. (But by then, the ONLY abortions
being performed are for medical emergencies.) In fact, the
procedure that Anti-Choicers LYINGLY call "partial-birth
abortion" NEVER was. It is the MID-term procedure whose
REAL name is ID&E: intact Dilation and Extraction. Which
was almost always done around 4-1/2 MONTHS *before*
birth typically occurs. Anti-Choicers are almost universally
DEVOID of honest. And usually, too, of much in the way
of intelligence.)

And the Bible, which is the primary moral authority for the
majority of Americans; 83% of them:

-- In NO way condemns abortion.
-- Doesn't even MENTION abortion.
-- By Jesus' day, abortion had been around for 1,000 yrs.
-- Contains NO defenses of RPEs as people.
-- Reserves ALL of its protection for already-BORN people
-- That it regards personhood to begin at BIRTH is
made clear by it's immense emphasis on the import-
ance it ascribes to BIRTH order, BIRTHrights. and
-- In certain cases, condemned BABIES to horrible deaths.
-- Never indicates that there is anything "special" about
-- Thus making gametes (the Stage One RPEs) *equal*
in worth to the other three stages.
-- More than a QUADRILLION gametes are electively
aborted DAILY, worldwide... by *men.* All of
which had been *potential* and unique people.

Abortion-on-request enables women to:

-- Put their lives back on track immediately.
-- Restore their well-being to pre-unplanned pregnancy levels.
-- Vast majority of women are happy with this decision.
-- Most women have NO regrets afterward.
-- Restore their full range of future opportunities to
PRE-ill-timed pregnancy levels. Immediately!
-- Avoid physical difficulties of a 9-month pregnancy.
-- Especially important for young girls, ~12-16.
-- Statistically 6-10 times safer than carrying-to-term.
-- Avoid the trauma of adopting-out, and wondering later.
-- Avoid possibility of changing mind about adopting-out,
and those losing the chance to pursue many of the
future opportunities that they formerly had had.
-- Reduce likelihood of long-term economic deprivation.
-- Avoid bringing a child into a less-loving home.
-- Avoid bringing child into unstable environment.
-- Wait until timing is better before having children.
-- Who then are MORE likely to be loved.
-- Who then are MORE likely to be in stable home.
-- And thus are LESS like to have troubled childhoods.
-- And therefore more likely NOT to become criminals.
-- And thus are MORE likely to become successful.

Legal abortion-on-request:

-- Is exponentially safer than illegal abortions.
-- Thus saving the lives of hundreds or thousands of women/yr.
-- Has been available throughout the USA since early 1973.
-- Between 1973 and 2000, 30 million women have had them.
-- Between 1973 and 2008, 45 million abortions have been done.

Other related facts include:

-- MOST women who have abortions go on to HAVE kids later,
when the timing is better .
-- Those children would NOT have been born if the abortions
had not taken place earlier, because the same sperm and
ova would not have matched up.
-- Those "2nd-round" kids STARTED reaching age 13 in
significant numbers by 1988. By the early 1990s, millions
of those "2nd-round" kids were in their mid-teens by the
early 1990s.
-- Mid-teens is the highest risk age for crime, and this
continues into the early 20s.
-- As pointed out above, wanted and loved children are
LESS prone to criminal behavior.
-- By 1995, millions of "2nd-round kids" were entering the
workforce. Perhaps a million-plus MORE have entered it
every year SINCE. By 2000, the oldest ones had reached
the age where they could be getting quite successful.
-- Since the early 1990s, the rate of violent crime in the USA
has declined dramatically, and by 2000 had reached 40-year
lows in many categories.
-- The decade of the 1990s, and the 21st century to date,
in the USA, has been the most economically-dynamic
period of time for any nation in the entire history of the
world, despite temporary fluctuations.

Although the exact figures may be impossible to derive, the
probability that abortion-on-request has SIGNIFICANTLY benefitted
all of America's society in terms of the crime rate and the economy
is normally QUITE strong, and will be again, once the current and
temporary worldwide recession has run its course. And a strong
U.S. economy benefits the entire world.


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

••• Rest in Peace •••
••• George Richard Tiller, MD •••
••• A True American HERO! •••
••• August 8, 1941 – May 31, 2009 •••
••• Visit -- •••

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

-- (Ż`ˇ.¸Craig Chilton¸.ˇ´Ż) E-Mail me if you wish, from sites below: -- Unemployment Solution! -- Fight the hateful RRR Cult! -- Tactics: Defending Human Rights -- Exposing RRR Cult Bigotry -- Learn "The LOPAQUA Secret!" -- Learn how to get PAID to TRAVEL!
On 1/30/2012 4:26 PM, (Ż`ˇ.¸ Craig Chilton ¸.ˇ´Ż)
<> wrote:
On Mon, 30 Jan 2012 12:02:31 -0500,
BeamMeUpScotty> wrote:

...killing babies in the uterus... IMPOSSIBLE. No *baby* has ever BEEN in a wonb.

SO you think word games make you less evil....?

A little Liberalism like a little alcohol, can be a good thing but when
either of them take control, they become self destructive.
On Mon, 30 Jan 2012 17:35:05 -0500,
<> wrote:
(Ż`ˇ.¸ Craig Chilton ¸.ˇ´Ż)> wrote:
BeamMeUpScotty> wrote:

...killing babies in the uterus... IMPOSSIBLE. No *baby* has ever BEEN in a wonb.

SO you think...
...that FACTS **count**? YES.

UNlike you, Anti-Choice, bigoted, clueless wonder.

Previous complete post follows, which includes MANY
*FACTS* that you couldn't disprove in a million years! ---

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

On Mon, 30 Jan 2012 12:02:31 -0500,
<> wrote:

...killing babies in the uterus... IMPOSSIBLE. No *baby* has ever BEEN in a wonb.

Mere (and worthless, when unwanted) RPE's *become*
babies only IF and WHEN they are *born.* At *that* moment.

The ••• ACTUAL TRUTH ••• About Abortion!

[[[ READERS: Please feel free to print out or forward the article
and outline below to everyone you know. It makes complete
DOG MEAT out of ALL of the whiney and specious "arguments"
and LIES of the ANTI-Choice bigots -- and it is totally IRREFUT-
ABLE. The most ignorant and brainwashed of the bigots won't
be swayed by these TRUTHS. But SENSIBLE people who might
in the future have been CONNED by those louts will learn BETTER,
beforehand, than to pay any attention to their LYING propaganda.

I hereby declare this copyrighted original writing on my part to
be FREELY copyable and distributable as long as NOTHING in
it is changed or omitted. You have permission to forward it as
far and widely as you wish, under those conditions, and with
proper credit given to the author, along with the contact data
at the end of it.

Use it to wreak monumental damage upon the hate-agendas
of the Anti-Choicers and the RRR Cult. --Craig Chilton. ]]]



*(Abortion Rights as they have existed since 1-22-73)

Abortion, just like aspirin, is nothing more than a valuable
REMEDY for an unwanted medical condition. Folks who are
Pro-Choice are not "pro-abortion" any more than there are any
such people as those who are "pro-aspirin." People who are
Pro-Choice regarding abortion defend the right of all girls and
women to have ready, unfettered, and legal ACCESS to that
remedy. And they would defend the right of girls and women
to have no impairments to ACCESS to the right to full gestation,
if *that* were their choice -- if there were any loons running
around seeking to deprive them of that option. Thus, Pro-
Choicers are sometimes misperceived as favoring one option
over the other. They do not. They support both options
EQUALLY. The misperception happens because the remedy of
abortion is the *only* one of the two options that has a crowd
of hateful, screeching, and ignorant bigots opposing it.

ANTI-Choice louts irrationally seek to impose immense
hardship upon more than a million girls and women per year,
in the USA, by again FORCING them to gestate to term,
against their will, as was the case in the Pre-Roe vs. Wade
Dark Ages. A very real, 9-month-long form of RAPE. Such
a scenario would cause the loss of HUGE ranges of future
opportunities to those girls and women, unless they were
able to afford travel to FREE locations where abortion was
still safe, legal and unfettered. ANTI-Choicers are sociopaths,
and are totally without excuse. (And to date, NO Anti-Choicer
or RRR Cultist (usually the same people) has ever yet been
able to refute ANY of the points made in this article. Which
shows how*monumentally* morally-bankrupt they truly are.)

To see the grave and long-term DANGER that threatened
America, if McCain had won the 2008 election, please read these;
We were VERY lucky!! in each case the components of the URLS
follow, in case one or both get shortened in posting.) ---

Abortions obtained by girls and women terminate three of
the four of the reproductive-process entities (RPEs): zygotes,
embryoes & fetuses, up until the 7th month** of gestation)
which have ALL of these characteristics in common with the
first stage -- gametes (sperm and ova):

-- Human
-- Unique
-- As a stage of development, indispensable to future birth
-- Have NEVER experienced conscious awareness*
-- Alive

...which makes it hypocritical when abortion opponents
try to defend the later three stages of the reproductive
process but NOT the Stage One entities (gametes).

** (AFTER the 7th month of gestation begins, conscious
awareness may be possible, but all the other of the above-
listed attributes still apply. (But by then, the ONLY abortions
being performed are for medical emergencies.) In fact, the
procedure that Anti-Choicers LYINGLY call "partial-birth
abortion" NEVER was. It is the MID-term procedure whose
REAL name is ID&E: intact Dilation and Extraction. Which
was almost always done around 4-1/2 MONTHS *before*
birth typically occurs. Anti-Choicers are almost universally
DEVOID of honest. And usually, too, of much in the way
of intelligence.)

And the Bible, which is the primary moral authority for the
majority of Americans; 83% of them:

-- In NO way condemns abortion.
-- Doesn't even MENTION abortion.
-- By Jesus' day, abortion had been around for 1,000 yrs.
-- Contains NO defenses of RPEs as people.
-- Reserves ALL of its protection for already-BORN people
-- That it regards personhood to begin at BIRTH is
made clear by it's immense emphasis on the import-
ance it ascribes to BIRTH order, BIRTHrights. and
-- In certain cases, condemned BABIES to horrible deaths.
-- Never indicates that there is anything "special" about
-- Thus making gametes (the Stage One RPEs) *equal*
in worth to the other three stages.
-- More than a QUADRILLION gametes are electively
aborted DAILY, worldwide... by *men.* All of
which had been *potential* and unique people.

Abortion-on-request enables women to:

-- Put their lives back on track immediately.
-- Restore their well-being to pre-unplanned pregnancy levels.
-- Vast majority of women are happy with this decision.
-- Most women have NO regrets afterward.
-- Restore their full range of future opportunities to
PRE-ill-timed pregnancy levels. Immediately!
-- Avoid physical difficulties of a 9-month pregnancy.
-- Especially important for young girls, ~12-16.
-- Statistically 6-10 times safer than carrying-to-term.
-- Avoid the trauma of adopting-out, and wondering later.
-- Avoid possibility of changing mind about adopting-out,
and those losing the chance to pursue many of the
future opportunities that they formerly had had.
-- Reduce likelihood of long-term economic deprivation.
-- Avoid bringing a child into a less-loving home.
-- Avoid bringing child into unstable environment.
-- Wait until timing is better before having children.
-- Who then are MORE likely to be loved.
-- Who then are MORE likely to be in stable home.
-- And thus are LESS like to have troubled childhoods.
-- And therefore more likely NOT to become criminals.
-- And thus are MORE likely to become successful.

Legal abortion-on-request:

-- Is exponentially safer than illegal abortions.
-- Thus saving the lives of hundreds or thousands of women/yr.
-- Has been available throughout the USA since early 1973.
-- Between 1973 and 2000, 30 million women have had them.
-- Between 1973 and 2008, 45 million abortions have been done.

Other related facts include:

-- MOST women who have abortions go on to HAVE kids later,
when the timing is better .
-- Those children would NOT have been born if the abortions
had not taken place earlier, because the same sperm and
ova would not have matched up.
-- Those "2nd-round" kids STARTED reaching age 13 in
significant numbers by 1988. By the early 1990s, millions
of those "2nd-round" kids were in their mid-teens by the
early 1990s.
-- Mid-teens is the highest risk age for crime, and this
continues into the early 20s.
-- As pointed out above, wanted and loved children are
LESS prone to criminal behavior.
-- By 1995, millions of "2nd-round kids" were entering the
workforce. Perhaps a million-plus MORE have entered it
every year SINCE. By 2000, the oldest ones had reached
the age where they could be getting quite successful.
-- Since the early 1990s, the rate of violent crime in the USA
has declined dramatically, and by 2000 had reached 40-year
lows in many categories.
-- The decade of the 1990s, and the 21st century to date,
in the USA, has been the most economically-dynamic
period of time for any nation in the entire history of the
world, despite temporary fluctuations.

Although the exact figures may be impossible to derive, the
probability that abortion-on-request has SIGNIFICANTLY benefitted
all of America's society in terms of the crime rate and the economy
is normally QUITE strong, and will be again, once the current and
temporary worldwide recession has run its course. And a strong
U.S. economy benefits the entire world.


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

••• Rest in Peace •••
••• George Richard Tiller, MD •••
••• A True American HERO! •••
••• August 8, 1941 – May 31, 2009 •••
••• Visit -- •••

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

-- (Ż`ˇ.¸Craig Chilton¸.ˇ´Ż) E-Mail me if you wish, from sites below: -- Unemployment Solution! -- Fight the hateful RRR Cult! -- Tactics: Defending Human Rights -- Exposing RRR Cult Bigotry -- Learn "The LOPAQUA Secret!" -- Learn how to get PAID to TRAVEL!
On 2012-01-30, Hanoi Jane Fonda <invalid@not-for-mail.invalid> wrote:
Bradley Manning should be tried, sentenced and killed for his
Why bother with trying and sentencing?

Just put a camera around his neck (close enough facsimile to a
rocket-propelled grenade or AK-47), send him out into a city in the desert
somewhere, and have him run for his life under a helicopter.

Welcome to

