Chip with simple program for Toy

On Aug 19, 10:54 am, wrote:
On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 16:28:29 -0700 (PDT), wrote:
On Aug 18, 7:18 am, DarkMatter <> wrote:
Rod Speed is arrogant, along with Grendel, Jim Pennino and Greg Nail.
I remember a thread where Rod Speed called my altruistic and socialist
ideas about land and illegal alliens my "little pathetic fantasyland".
Here's the thread:

There are a lot of pro-capitalist, fascist and anti-communist posters
on usenet which makes me believe usnet serves as an haven for greedy
pro-capitalist assholes and Nazis.

Actually, being anti-communist is similar to being anti-fascist,
because there's about a dime's worth of difference between the
two.  The only difference is in marketing material.

Actually the fascists were rabidly anti-communist.
Yeah and so were most of the communists. Or did you forget the
ice-pick to the brain?

Don't let the
reality and details dissuade you though.
This is not a wager. ?It is a free market free trade offer.

I'll pay $200 US for a hard copy answer to The Question from an
outspoken "market" economist at the Hoover Inst., Heritage Foundation,
American Enterprise, Cato, the Chicago School of Economics, von

The Question is:

"Does free speech precede each and every free trade?"

The rules are simple.

1. ?The letterhead must be from Hoover Inst., Heritage Foundation,
American Enterprise, Cato, the Chicago School of Economics, von Mises

2. ?The Question must appear in the body of the letter.

3. ?Some text must appear to be an answer to The Question, either a
"yes" or "no" or "I dunno."

4. ?The signature of the outspoken economist must appear in the

5. ?Email a copy in an attached pdf or tiff file
along with a mailing address. ?If you are really secretive include a
map of a stump or pipe where I can stuff the cash. ?(Lower 48 only..)

* Other shill tanks may be considered.

Don't be silly. A professional economist with a job at the Cato Institute
isn't going to waste their time writing articles for $200.

?ah, but we know they surf the ngs, and i have engaged a few over the

Anyone, for very little money, about $1 at the post office, can out
any outspoken GOP "market" economist simply by posting here with the
tracking number from a polite hard copy letter, before and after it is

I have original hard copy scribblings from Milton Friedman. �What are
the odds of _all_ of the "outspoken" economists dodgin' 'n dodgin' one
simple question?

Quite good actually. �They _all_ know the correct answer will
immediately end up in a federal lawsuit that will destroy their

So now it's "Brett Cahill the killer of Economists?"
Karl Rove astutely abandoned GOP "market" rhetoric in favor of
jingoism. Not that that would last long either but it was better than

You think too highly of yourself.
Genius isn't necessary to admit to a self evident truth but only a
complete moron would try to deny one.

Bret Cahill

"Only nobodies are ever modest."

-- Goethe
This is not a wager. �It is a free market free trade offer.

I'll pay $200 US for a hard copy answer to The Question from an
outspoken "market" economist at the Hoover Inst., Heritage Foundation,
American Enterprise, Cato, the Chicago School of Economics, von

The Question is:

"Does free speech precede each and every free trade?"

ďż˝ And what possible use could the answer to that question have?
Well into 13 figures a year to the U. S. economy.

Bret Cahill
On Thu, 21 Aug 2008 21:42:41 -0700 (PDT),

Genius isn't necessary to admit to a self evident truth but only a
complete moron would try to deny one.
Problem with that is it's often complete morons who subscribe to what
they think are self-evident truths.

Geocentrism is a good example and, with your tenuous grasp of things
scientific, one you certainly would have supported as self-evident and
damned Galileo for rejecting.

On Thu, 21 Aug 2008 21:48:39 -0700 (PDT),

This is not a wager. ?It is a free market free trade offer.

I'll pay $200 US for a hard copy answer to The Question from an
outspoken "market" economist at the Hoover Inst., Heritage Foundation,
American Enterprise, Cato, the Chicago School of Economics, von

The Question is:

"Does free speech precede each and every free trade?"

? And what possible use could the answer to that question have?

Well into 13 figures a year to the U. S. economy.
So what?

On Aug 22, 7:09 am, John Fields <> wrote:
On Thu, 21 Aug 2008 21:48:39 -0700 (PDT),

This is not a wager. ?It is a free market free trade offer.

I'll pay $200 US for a hard copy answer to The Question from an
outspoken "market" economist at the Hoover Inst., Heritage Foundation,
American Enterprise, Cato, the Chicago School of Economics, von

The Question is:

"Does free speech precede each and every free trade?"

? And what possible use could the answer to that question have?

Well into 13 figures a year to the U. S. economy.

So what?

now there is a fine example of a logic. its called "what me worry"
Genius isn't necessary to admit to a self evident truth but only a
complete moron would try to deny one.

Problem with that is it's often complete morons who subscribe to what
they think are self-evident truths.
Well? Don't keep us settin' on the edges of our chairs.

We're waiting for you to try to question -- not refute, just question,
-- the following self evident truth:

"Freedom speech on the germane economic issues for all parties is a
precondition of each and every free trade."

Bret Cahill
On Fri, 22 Aug 2008 08:42:43 -0700 (PDT),

Genius isn't necessary to admit to a self evident truth but only a
complete moron would try to deny one.

Problem with that is it's often complete morons who subscribe to what
they think are self-evident truths.

Well? Don't keep us settin' on the edges of our chairs.

We're waiting for you to try to question -- not refute, just question,
-- the following self evident truth:

"Freedom speech on the germane economic issues for all parties is a
precondition of each and every free trade."
You can't even construct a sentence properly and yet you expect to be
taken seriously when you issue your cockamamie challenges?

Fuck you _and_ the horse you rode in on, Cahill, and try to get some
kindergartners to play your stupid games with.

On Fri, 22 Aug 2008 08:49:26 -0700 (PDT),

This is not a wager. ?It is a free market free trade offer.

I'll pay $200 US for a hard copy answer to The Question from an
outspoken "market" economist at the Hoover Inst., Heritage Foundation,
American Enterprise, Cato, the Chicago School of Economics, von

The Question is:

"Does free speech precede each and every free trade?"

? And what possible use could the answer to that question have?

Well into 13 figures a year to the U. S. economy.

So what?

?now there is a fine example of a logic. its called "what me worry"

Actually he has "bigger fish to fry" than trillions a year, i. e.,
trying to debate a self evident truth.
I have no fish to fry, I just like to burst balloons.

On Aug 22, 10:49 am, wrote:
This is not a wager. ?It is a free market free trade offer.
I'll pay $200 US for a hard copy answer to The Question from an
outspoken "market" economist at the Hoover Inst., Heritage Foundation,
American Enterprise, Cato, the Chicago School of Economics, von
The Question is:
"Does free speech precede each and every free trade?"
? And what possible use could the answer to that question have?
Well into 13 figures a year to the U. S. economy.
So what?
now there is a fine example of a logic. its called "what me worry"

Actually he has "bigger fish to fry" than trillions a year, i. e.,
trying to debate a self evident truth.
but, alfred e. neuman does not fret the small stuff:) actually he
does not fret anything, he is unable to.

> Bret Cahill
On Fri, 22 Aug 2008 08:55:04 -0700 (PDT), wrote:

On Aug 22, 10:49 am, wrote:
This is not a wager. ?It is a free market free trade offer.
I'll pay $200 US for a hard copy answer to The Question from an
outspoken "market" economist at the Hoover Inst., Heritage Foundation,
American Enterprise, Cato, the Chicago School of Economics, von
The Question is:
"Does free speech precede each and every free trade?"
? And what possible use could the answer to that question have?
Well into 13 figures a year to the U. S. economy.
So what?
now there is a fine example of a logic. its called "what me worry"

Actually he has "bigger fish to fry" than trillions a year, i. e.,
trying to debate a self evident truth.

but, alfred e. neuman does not fret the small stuff:) actually he
does not fret anything, he is unable to.
I understand he's a luthier and frets rosewood fingerboards.

This is not a wager. ?It is a free market free trade offer.
I'll pay $200 US for a hard copy answer to The Question from an
outspoken "market" economist at the Hoover Inst., Heritage Foundation,
American Enterprise, Cato, the Chicago School of Economics, von
The Question is:
"Does free speech precede each and every free trade?"
? And what possible use could the answer to that question have?
Well into 13 figures a year to the U. S. economy.
So what?
now there is a fine example of a logic. its called "what me worry"

Actually he has "bigger fish to fry" than trillions a year, i. e.,
trying to debate a self evident truth.

�but, alfred e. neuman does not fret the small stuff:) actually he
does not fret anything, he is unable to.
Even AEN might have had some basic reasoning ability. This one's
thought processes have been compromised so severely he's not

He once tried the dumbest of all newsgroups bluffs:

Claiming he had a patent but he wouldn't post the patent number.

Think about it: An inventor who is ashamed of his work!

You can't get nonsense that good in _Alice In Wonderland_ or

He always outs himself when trying to fake a tech background so all he
can post is:



"Show your work."

Bret Cahill

If yer happy and you know it type "LOL!" [clap clap]
If yer happy and you know it type "LOL!" [clap clap]
If yer happy and you know it,
Then yer life is sure to show it!
If yer happy and you know it type "LOL!" [clap clap]
On Fri, 22 Aug 2008 09:29:44 -0700 (PDT),

Even AEN might have had some basic reasoning ability. This one's
thought processes have been compromised so severely he's not
The problem with that position is, as I stated before, the same
problem that confounds a moron who is trying to hold a conversation
with a genius.

That is, the genius's intellectual level so far exceeds the moron's
ceiling that the moron can't understand the genius, causing the moron
to think the genius is stupid.

Put in words you're more likely to understand: "You're so fucking
stupid you don't even know how stupid you are."

Get it?

He once tried the dumbest of all newsgroups bluffs:

Claiming he had a patent but he wouldn't post the patent number.

Think about it: An inventor who is ashamed of his work!
Not at all. It's a good invention and it made me a bunch of money.

The reason I've not posted the number is just to aggravate you, and
that seems to be working nicely!

Besides, as I've posted before, if you're really that interested you
should be able to figure out how to find it by getting off your lazy
ass and searching under my name.

Not that you'd understand it, even if you found it, since it's quite
technical and deals with data communications.

You can't get nonsense that good in _Alice In Wonderland_ or

He always outs himself when trying to fake a tech background so all he
can post is:



"Show your work."
LOL, Those are just to rattle your cage, sweetie.

They also seem to be working quite nicely!

If yer happy and you know it type "LOL!" [clap clap]
If yer happy and you know it,
Then yer life is sure to show it!
If yer happy and you know it type "LOL!" [clap clap]
Meter is something you use to measure voltage with, right?

Here, try this:

There once was a man named Bret Cayhill
who used to the air with his bray fill.
Then when hunting one day,
thought he'd come upon prey,
and then Bret's own blood did his prey spill.

On Aug 22, 11:29 am, wrote:
This is not a wager. ?It is a free market free trade offer.
I'll pay $200 US for a hard copy answer to The Question from an
outspoken "market" economist at the Hoover Inst., Heritage Foundation,
American Enterprise, Cato, the Chicago School of Economics, von
The Question is:
"Does free speech precede each and every free trade?"
? And what possible use could the answer to that question have?
Well into 13 figures a year to the U. S. economy.
So what?
now there is a fine example of a logic. its called "what me worry"
Actually he has "bigger fish to fry" than trillions a year, i. e.,
trying to debate a self evident truth.
but, alfred e. neuman does not fret the small stuff:) actually he
does not fret anything, he is unable to.

Even AEN might have had some basic reasoning ability.   This one's
thought processes have been compromised so severely he's not

He once tried the dumbest of all newsgroups bluffs:

Claiming he had a patent but he wouldn't post the patent number.

Think about it:  An inventor who is ashamed of his work!

You can't get nonsense that good in _Alice In Wonderland_ or

He always outs himself when trying to fake a tech background so all he
can post is:



"Show your work."

Bret Cahill

If yer happy and you know it type "LOL!"  [clap clap]
If yer happy and you know it type "LOL!"  [clap clap]
If yer happy and you know it,
Then yer life is sure to show it!
If yer happy and you know it type "LOL!"  [clap clap]
and he still refuses to answer a simple question. i have run into a
few like that. i give them a short line or two to refute, i get back
reams of nonsense, that when i am done reading it, still does not
answer my question. so good luck.
This is not a wager. ?It is a free market free trade offer.

I'll pay $200 US for a hard copy answer to The Question from an
outspoken "market" economist at the Hoover Inst., Heritage Foundation,
American Enterprise, Cato, the Chicago School of Economics, von

The Question is:

"Does free speech precede each and every free trade?"

? And what possible use could the answer to that question have?

Well into 13 figures a year to the U. S. economy.

So what?

?now there is a fine example of a logic. its called "what me worry"

Actually he has "bigger fish to fry" than trillions a year, i. e.,
trying to debate a self evident truth.

I have no fish to fry,
Why are you always stating the obvious?

I just like to burst balloons.
No wonder you're vexed!

Anyway you have once again dodged the issue:

You don't have to be very bright to agree with a self evident truth
but you have to be a complete dunce to try to disagree with one.

Here, try to tell us why the following might not be a self evident

"Does free speech precede each and every free trade?"

We're settin' on the edges of our chairs.

Bret Cahill
Genius isn't necessary to admit to a self evident truth but only a
complete moron would try to deny one.

Problem with that is it's often complete morons who subscribe to what
they think are self-evident truths.

Well?  Don't keep us settin' on the edges of our chairs.

We're waiting for you to try to question -- not refute, just question,
-- the following self evident truth:

"Freedom speech on the germane economic issues for all parties is a
precondition of each and every free trade."

You can't even construct a sentence properly
Hey, maybe you can be a proof reader!

and yet you expect to be
taken seriously when you issue your cockamamie challenges?

Fuck you _and_ the horse you rode in on, Cahill,
"You are vexed therefore I am right about you."

-- Nietzsche
On 2008-08-22 00:11:04 +0200, Democracy Highlander
<> said:

QuantumDot wrote:

What is higher: 440 Hz or the Eiffel Tower?

Obviously Eiffel Tower is higher :)

Eiffel Tower it is higher than the median man made building, while a 440 Hz
sound it is lower than the median man made sound. So easy riddle :)
Curses, foiled again!
QuantumDot wrote:
On 2008-08-22 00:11:04 +0200, Democracy Highlander> said:

QuantumDot wrote:

What is higher: 440 Hz or the Eiffel Tower?

Obviously Eiffel Tower is higher :)

Eiffel Tower it is higher than the median man made building, while a
440 Hz
sound it is lower than the median man made sound. So easy riddle :)

Curses, foiled again!
Not really, his metric is wrong. We can observe to the distance of
On Aug 21, 9:29 pm, Michael Price <> wrote:
On Aug 19, 11:57 pm, wrote:

On Aug 18, 4:38 pm, wrote:

On Aug 18, 12:42 pm, wrote:

On Aug 18, 11:40 am, wrote:

This is not a wager. It is a free market free trade offer.

I'll pay $200 US for a hard copy answer to The Question from an
outspoken "market" economist at the Hoover Inst., Heritage Foundation,
American Enterprise, Cato, the Chicago School of Economics, von

The Question is:

"Does free speech precede each and every free trade?"

The rules are simple.

1. The letterhead must be from Hoover Inst., Heritage Foundation,
American Enterprise, Cato, the Chicago School of Economics, von Mises

2. The Question must appear in the body of the letter.

3. Some text must appear to be an answer to The Question, either a
"yes" or "no" or "I dunno."

4. The signature of the outspoken economist must appear in the

5. Email a copy in an attached pdf or tiff file
along with a mailing address. If you are really secretive include a
map of a stump or pipe where I can stuff the cash. (Lower 48 only..)

* Other shill tanks may be considered.

Bret Cahill

you have posted this many times before over the years, and still no
takers. they cannot answer it with a straight yes or no.

That is depends on what your definition of
"yes or no" is.

This isn't a police state.  GOP shill tank economists are Free to
Choose use any daffynition they please.

So they are Free to Choose 4 responses:

1.  Say "yes" and start looking for a job in the productive sector.

2.  Say "no" and contradict a self evident truth and start looking for
a job in the productive sector.

  It's not at all self-evident.  I can easily conclude a free trade in
Korans even if I'm not allowed to say the Koran is false.
Hmm. It looks like we have a winner. Game over.
QED. Case closed. Free speech is not a precondition
to free market trades. What man could think otherwise,
This is not a wager. ?It is a free market free trade offer..
I'll pay $200 US for a hard copy answer to The Question from an
outspoken "market" economist at the Hoover Inst., Heritage Foundation,
American Enterprise, Cato, the Chicago School of Economics, von
The Question is:
"Does free speech precede each and every free trade?"
? And what possible use could the answer to that question have?
Well into 13 figures a year to the U. S. economy.
So what?
now there is a fine example of a logic. its called "what me worry"
Actually he has "bigger fish to fry" than trillions a year, i. e.,
trying to debate a self evident truth.
but, alfred e. neuman does not fret the small stuff:) actually he
does not fret anything, he is unable to.

Even AEN might have had some basic reasoning ability. ďż˝ This one's
thought processes have been compromised so severely he's not

He once tried the dumbest of all newsgroups bluffs:

Claiming he had a patent but he wouldn't post the patent number.

Think about it: �An inventor who is ashamed of his work!

You can't get nonsense that good in _Alice In Wonderland_ or

He always outs himself when trying to fake a tech background so all he
can post is:



"Show your work."

Bret Cahill

If yer happy and you know it type "LOL!" ďż˝[clap clap]
If yer happy and you know it type "LOL!" ďż˝[clap clap]
If yer happy and you know it,
Then yer life is sure to show it!
If yer happy and you know it type "LOL!" ďż˝[clap clap]

�and he still refuses to answer a simple question. i have run into a
few like that. i give them a short line or two to refute, i get back
reams of nonsense, that when i am done reading it, still does not
answer my question. so good luck.
You can apply a "3 dodges and yer out!" policy but they are really
helping you out by dodgin' 'n dodgin'.

Bret Cahill

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