Chip with simple program for Toy

Rod Speed wrote:
stan <> wrote
It's got pictures, don't be so afraid.

Wota stunningly original and skillful attempt at an insult.
I see I've frightened you so badly that you've been reduced to

You are clearly one the most clueless to ever use usenet. The only
interesting thing to be said for you is that you are the most
persistent, predictable, and prolific nuisances around. I'm aware of
your past Kook accomplishments but you've been at this long enough to
deserve a new category of award. Maybe your own faq? Sorry, that's
already been done several times. Maybe we could get you into an rfc? If
you try hard enough maybe ip6 will be designed to sense your level of
bull and refuse to carry the traffic.

I will add this observation. I once worked with a guy who was nearly
worthless but one day he corrected someone to point out that the world
also needs bad examples. Keep up the good work!
On Tue, 2 Sep 2008 02:00:29 -0700 (PDT), wrote:

I'm new here
I hope I will take good time with everyone
Who can tell me what can I do If I become to be a hacker?
If you have to ask, you're not cut out for it.
stan <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
stan <> wrote

It's got pictures, don't be so afraid.

Wota stunningly original and skillful attempt at an insult.

I see I've frightened you so badly that you've been reduced to repetition.
Wota stunningly original and skillful attempt at an insult.

<reams of your puerile attempts at insults any 2 year old could leave for dead flushed where they belong>

Whoops, nothing left.

Wota surprise.
"Nicholas Sherlock"
SQ wrote:

I have a 24" LCD, Dell UltraSharp 2408WFP.

I have a child in the family that got mad and poured about half a
gallon of water on top of it.

At first, it turned on and displayed mostly everything OK except that
there was this shady area at the bottom.

Now half an hour later it turns on and immediately turns off. It also
makes this hissing sound.

Is this monitor permanently gone or will the water dry up and it will
start working again?

I put it in front of a window fan for now.

You did the worst possible thing by turning it on. If you had dried it out
completely before connecting power, it would have had a chance! It might
work again by some miracle.

** Exactly correct.

Water plus solder plus electricity = bad news.

...... Phil
Rod Speed wrote:
stan <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
stan <> wrote

It's got pictures, don't be so afraid.

Wota stunningly original and skillful attempt at an insult.

I see I've frightened you so badly that you've been reduced to repetition.

Wota stunningly original and skillful attempt at an insult.

reams of your puerile attempts at insults any 2 year old could leave for dead flushed where they belong

Whoops, nothing left.
That's OK. Take your time and maybe something will come to you; but I
really doubt it.
Wota surprise.
Seems I hurt your feelings. Maybe you shouldn't swim in the deep end. wrote:
What is the large signal output resistance of this circuit?
If i put V+ and V- to groud, a test voltage generator Vx at the
output, the current Ix is divided between RdsM4 and RdsM2+RdsM5... The
current in RdsM4 is (Vdd-Vx)/RdsM4 (i consider Vdd because i'm
interested in large signal output voltage), the current in RdsM2+RdsM5
is Vx/(RdsM2+RdsM5) this right?
Thanks in advance
Assuming no clipping, the "large (vllotage) signal" output resistance could
well be the same as the "small signal" output resistance. It depends on the
load. Typically this type of circuit is driven into a buffer to, e.g. to
keep the gain high, in which case, the current in the transisters don't
change much. Usually one speciically designs ths stage such that that is
what happens. So...

ro = Va/Id, of each transister.

Where Va is the "Early voltage". If Id is only varied a small amount, ro
remains approximately constant.

Now, knowing that ro of m4 and ro of m2 are in parallel, and the expression
for ro, you should be now able to calcualte the instantaenous Ro at Vx, as
the current is M2 and M2 varied.

Kevin Aylward
stan <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
stan <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
stan <> wrote
<reams of your puerile attempts at insults any 2 year old could leave for dead flushed where they belong>

Whoops, nothing left.
Rod Speed wrote:
stan <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
stan <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
stan <> wrote

reams of your puerile attempts at insults any 2 year old could leave for dead flushed where they belong

Whoops, nothing left.
That's OK, I'm sure you tried your best.

Here are my thoughts: Charge the capacitance with a constant current source.
From the equation:

i = c * dv/dt

you will get a constant change in voltage with time.

500uA will charge a capacitance of 100pF to 5V in 1us.

You could use the micro to drive a FET to short the voltage across the
capacitance, so you know you are starting with 0V. Release the FET and start
the micro timing. Set up a precision comparator to trip at 5V and stop the
clock. The current source can be set up with moderately precision
components. the timing of the 1us is a bit tight with, say, a PIC, but you
can mess with the values to pick a time of your convenience.


Bill Naylor - electronic kits of education and fun

"E.persia" <> wrote in message
hi every body
I think you are right
may be my explaination make the subject more obvious
I'm gonna make a moisture capacitive sensor for a specific oilseed ...
the moisture will be checked by the capacity that will change respect
to the dielectric beetween the plates(the oil seed)
I use this capacitive as the C in unstable multivibrator to make
square waves with diffrent T that a micro going to read it and so on
but my problem is :because of the C range (50 to 100 pf) I have to use
very big R to have a better T and in that way it can't feed the
current for 555 to be in the ideal range of work
so it's my complete problem
is ther any ic for me
is there any way to sove this problem

thank you all!
"lerameur" <> wrote in message

I would need some help determining an inductor in spec sheet:

In the diagram 'Voltage boosted boost Converter' on page 10.
WHAT does the inductor refer to. A transformer? there is three legs
and this is confusing me.
Is this a part I can buy, if so, any part number at digikey ?
It's drawn as a tapped inductor; but the caption makes clear that it's a
transformer with interleaved windings. The end of one winding is connected
to the start of the other. The secondary has 5 times as many turns as the
primary and the total inductance is 4mH. That means the primary is 110nH
and the secondary is 2.8mH because inductance is proportional to number of
turns squared. You must buy a suitable pot core and wind this yourself.
stan <> wrote:
Rod Speed wrote:
stan <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
stan <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
stan <> wrote
<reams of your puerile attempts at insults any 2 year old could leave for dead flushed where they belong>

Whoops, nothing left.
"lerameur" <> wrote in message

I would need some help determining an inductor in spec sheet:

In the diagram 'Voltage boosted boost Converter' on page 10.
WHAT does the inductor refer to. A transformer? there is three legs
and this is confusing me.
Is this a part I can buy, if so, any part number at digikey ?
It's drawn as a tapped inductor; but the caption makes clear that it's a
transformer with interleaved windings. The end of one winding is connected
to the start of the other. The secondary has 5 times as many turns as the
primary and the total inductance is 4mH. That means the primary is 110nH
and the secondary is 2.8mH because inductance is proportional to number of
turns squared. You must buy a suitable pot core and wind this yourself.
stan <> wrote:
Rod Speed wrote:
stan <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
stan <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
stan <> wrote
<reams of your puerile attempts at insults any 2 year old could leave for dead flushed where they belong>

Whoops, nothing left.
"lerameur" <> wrote in message

I would need some help determining an inductor in spec sheet:

In the diagram 'Voltage boosted boost Converter' on page 10.
WHAT does the inductor refer to. A transformer? there is three legs
and this is confusing me.
Is this a part I can buy, if so, any part number at digikey ?
It's drawn as a tapped inductor; but the caption makes clear that it's a
transformer with interleaved windings. The end of one winding is connected
to the start of the other. The secondary has 5 times as many turns as the
primary and the total inductance is 4mH. That means the primary is 110nH
and the secondary is 2.8mH because inductance is proportional to number of
turns squared. You must buy a suitable pot core and wind this yourself.
stan <> wrote:
Rod Speed wrote:
stan <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
stan <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
stan <> wrote
<reams of your puerile attempts at insults any 2 year old could leave for dead flushed where they belong>

Whoops, nothing left.
"lerameur" <> wrote in message

I would need some help determining an inductor in spec sheet:

In the diagram 'Voltage boosted boost Converter' on page 10.
WHAT does the inductor refer to. A transformer? there is three legs
and this is confusing me.
Is this a part I can buy, if so, any part number at digikey ?
It's drawn as a tapped inductor; but the caption makes clear that it's a
transformer with interleaved windings. The end of one winding is connected
to the start of the other. The secondary has 5 times as many turns as the
primary and the total inductance is 4mH. That means the primary is 110nH
and the secondary is 2.8mH because inductance is proportional to number of
turns squared. You must buy a suitable pot core and wind this yourself.
stan <> wrote:
Rod Speed wrote:
stan <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
stan <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
stan <> wrote
<reams of your puerile attempts at insults any 2 year old could leave for dead flushed where they belong>

Whoops, nothing left.
"lerameur" <> wrote in message

I would need some help determining an inductor in spec sheet:

In the diagram 'Voltage boosted boost Converter' on page 10.
WHAT does the inductor refer to. A transformer? there is three legs
and this is confusing me.
Is this a part I can buy, if so, any part number at digikey ?
It's drawn as a tapped inductor; but the caption makes clear that it's a
transformer with interleaved windings. The end of one winding is connected
to the start of the other. The secondary has 5 times as many turns as the
primary and the total inductance is 4mH. That means the primary is 110nH
and the secondary is 2.8mH because inductance is proportional to number of
turns squared. You must buy a suitable pot core and wind this yourself.
stan <> wrote:
Rod Speed wrote:
stan <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
stan <> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
stan <> wrote
<reams of your puerile attempts at insults any 2 year old could leave for dead flushed where they belong>

Whoops, nothing left.
"lerameur" <> wrote in message

I would need some help determining an inductor in spec sheet:

In the diagram 'Voltage boosted boost Converter' on page 10.
WHAT does the inductor refer to. A transformer? there is three legs
and this is confusing me.
Is this a part I can buy, if so, any part number at digikey ?
It's drawn as a tapped inductor; but the caption makes clear that it's a
transformer with interleaved windings. The end of one winding is connected
to the start of the other. The secondary has 5 times as many turns as the
primary and the total inductance is 4mH. That means the primary is 110nH
and the secondary is 2.8mH because inductance is proportional to number of
turns squared. You must buy a suitable pot core and wind this yourself.

Welcome to

