Paul E. Schoen
"David M Lemcoe Jr." <lemcoe9@bellsouth.net> wrote in message
There has been actually a reduction in spam in the last couple of months. I
think Google has taken steps to make it more difficult for spammers to use
their free usenet access as indiscriminately as they had been. It seems
like there are now maybe five to ten spam messages a day, here, and the
reason this NG is especially plagued is that Google Groups identifies it as
a high activity NG, which is a big fat carrot for the dumb asses who expect
to get rich quick by getting more clicks on their sites.
[snipped and bottom posted per usual netiquette]Hello Fleetie,
Not neccesarily what I expected, but okay.
The reason I called it channel, my bad, was because before this I oped in
IRC channels, and still haven't gotten 100% used to Usenet.
I thought I could also get a friendlier response, but apparently not.
There has been actually a reduction in spam in the last couple of months. I
think Google has taken steps to make it more difficult for spammers to use
their free usenet access as indiscriminately as they had been. It seems
like there are now maybe five to ten spam messages a day, here, and the
reason this NG is especially plagued is that Google Groups identifies it as
a high activity NG, which is a big fat carrot for the dumb asses who expect
to get rich quick by getting more clicks on their sites.