In bud-- <> wrote:
| wrote:
|> In Don Kelly <> wrote:
|> | Now - is this all germane to household protection? You say not and I agree
|> | with you- because household equipment can ride through - at worst- doubling
|> | of the clamped voltage for a very short time even though the clamped voltage
|> | is relatively small compared to the peak of the incoming surge. --
|> My belief is that they
|> can, and will at times.
| People believe in flying saucers.
| Where is a source that supports your belief?
My observations support my belief. I don't expect YOU to believe it on the
basis if MY observations, as I certainly won't believe things on the basis
of YOUR observations. What I am posting about is for you to UNDERSTAND what
I believe, not that you have to believe it. Maybe someday you will come to
understand it, and then you might realize how you have misread what it is
you have been quoting online.
Since you spend all your keystrokes making person attacks or insisting on
something being cited, or make quotes that are often truncated incorrectly
or misapplied, I can only conclude you have no actual understanding of what
it is you have been quoting. What good would me citing anything do for you
if you can't understand it.
|> I do agree that things can survive at the clamping voltage. But there has to
|> be a clamping situation. It's too easy for a surge to come in as a common
|> mode surge where the voltage difference across the MOVs would be (nearly) zero.
|> Then all we have is a propogating wavefront. And if it is strong and/or close
|> then we have very fast rise times. And it passes by the MOVs "laterally".
| Where is a source that supports your belief in nanosecond risetimes and
| 100MHz spectrum?
Another poster followed up to my post you just followed up to that also has
experienced the same thing. That might not be some published citation that
you want. But that doesn't matter. It seems you can't comprehend what this
is about regardless of whether it is observed by others, or yourself, or by
the experts you cite.
|> But one thing I do see in at least part of this thread is that Bud
|> focuses on quoting things other people say, and does very little to express
|> things in his own words.
| I focus on the real world. You focus on your beliefs.
You focus on citing and quoting things you do not understand well enough to
just talking about them in technical terms.
| Where is a source that supports your belief in nanosecond risetimes and
| 100MHz spectrum?
See above.
And after this round of followups, I'm done with this thread and with your
posts on this subject. You can have the last say, but I will not even read
|WARNING: Due to extreme spam, I no longer see any articles originating from |
| Google Groups. If you want your postings to be seen by more readers |
| you will need to find a different place to post on Usenet. |
| Phil Howard KA9WGN (email for humans: first name in lower case at |
| wrote:
|> In Don Kelly <> wrote:
|> | Now - is this all germane to household protection? You say not and I agree
|> | with you- because household equipment can ride through - at worst- doubling
|> | of the clamped voltage for a very short time even though the clamped voltage
|> | is relatively small compared to the peak of the incoming surge. --
|> My belief is that they
|> can, and will at times.
| People believe in flying saucers.
| Where is a source that supports your belief?
My observations support my belief. I don't expect YOU to believe it on the
basis if MY observations, as I certainly won't believe things on the basis
of YOUR observations. What I am posting about is for you to UNDERSTAND what
I believe, not that you have to believe it. Maybe someday you will come to
understand it, and then you might realize how you have misread what it is
you have been quoting online.
Since you spend all your keystrokes making person attacks or insisting on
something being cited, or make quotes that are often truncated incorrectly
or misapplied, I can only conclude you have no actual understanding of what
it is you have been quoting. What good would me citing anything do for you
if you can't understand it.
|> I do agree that things can survive at the clamping voltage. But there has to
|> be a clamping situation. It's too easy for a surge to come in as a common
|> mode surge where the voltage difference across the MOVs would be (nearly) zero.
|> Then all we have is a propogating wavefront. And if it is strong and/or close
|> then we have very fast rise times. And it passes by the MOVs "laterally".
| Where is a source that supports your belief in nanosecond risetimes and
| 100MHz spectrum?
Another poster followed up to my post you just followed up to that also has
experienced the same thing. That might not be some published citation that
you want. But that doesn't matter. It seems you can't comprehend what this
is about regardless of whether it is observed by others, or yourself, or by
the experts you cite.
|> But one thing I do see in at least part of this thread is that Bud
|> focuses on quoting things other people say, and does very little to express
|> things in his own words.
| I focus on the real world. You focus on your beliefs.
You focus on citing and quoting things you do not understand well enough to
just talking about them in technical terms.
| Where is a source that supports your belief in nanosecond risetimes and
| 100MHz spectrum?
See above.
And after this round of followups, I'm done with this thread and with your
posts on this subject. You can have the last say, but I will not even read
|WARNING: Due to extreme spam, I no longer see any articles originating from |
| Google Groups. If you want your postings to be seen by more readers |
| you will need to find a different place to post on Usenet. |
| Phil Howard KA9WGN (email for humans: first name in lower case at |