Phil Allison
"Bob Masta"
** Totally false !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The characteristic rise in published THD curves at power levels below about
1 watt is almost * entirely * due to supply frequency hum and wide band
random noise.
NOT any mysterious x-over region effects !!!!!!!!!!
The general definition of THD *** includes *** hum and noise - which
tends to be a fixed level at all power outputs.
So the PERCENTAGE increases the signal level reduces !!!
Obvious - right ?
The typical power output difference between the 0.1% THD level and 0.01%
THD level is trivial for the majority of hi-fi quality SS amps. Maybe 102
watts as compared to 100 watts.
Only by doing THD measurements on * real amplifiers * can one have any
insight into the facts of the matter .
Which I do all the time.
While Bob does not.
....... Phil
For most modern amp designs, the curve of distortion versus power
output at 1 kHz looks like a lopsided valley: At very low outputs,
there is moderate crossover distortion, which essentially is a
fixed-size discontinuity near zero so it becomes a smaller percentage
of the total at output power rises. So distortion decreases linearly
until some mid-power region (1-10 watts, say).
** Totally false !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The characteristic rise in published THD curves at power levels below about
1 watt is almost * entirely * due to supply frequency hum and wide band
random noise.
NOT any mysterious x-over region effects !!!!!!!!!!
The general definition of THD *** includes *** hum and noise - which
tends to be a fixed level at all power outputs.
So the PERCENTAGE increases the signal level reduces !!!
Obvious - right ?
** Bollocks.At any rate, the manufacturer has to make a judgement call about
what power level to claim.
The typical power output difference between the 0.1% THD level and 0.01%
THD level is trivial for the majority of hi-fi quality SS amps. Maybe 102
watts as compared to 100 watts.
Only by doing THD measurements on * real amplifiers * can one have any
insight into the facts of the matter .
Which I do all the time.
While Bob does not.
....... Phil