Rich Grise
On Sat, 18 Dec 2004 16:32:19 +0000, d.wills wrote:
receiver simultaneously, i.e., all on top of each other?
And who writes the software that parses all these IDs coming in to your IRSince you didn't indicate that this was based on some "game" "quick
response" type situation, I would go the route of IR. A simple handheld
device for each student, with the output configured to send a serial #
(uniquely assigned to each student) and then the response (A, B, C ... etc.)
You could easily place a couple of receivers around the room and have them
all tied into one PC. A simple display board that gives feedback to the
students that their response was received would allow them to know whether
or not their answer has been registered (I am thinking a grid of lights, one
per student that gets reset with every question, assuming that all students
are answering every question.) The PC could give immediate feedback to the
teacher to indicate whether they understood the material, or, if this is a
true testing situation, would give immediate scores. You would also know
each student has answered before moving on to the next question.
I see it as a bunch of IR remotes transmitting to 4 or 5 carefully placed
receivers, attached to a pc running a fairly simple VB program to tally the
Now if you are thinking a gaming system of some sort, most of this doesn't
work (ir is too prone to interference), but since you didn't indicate that,
I think this will work. The great thing about this layout is you can always
add remotes and basically have an unlimited supply of unique serial numbers
or number of answers (10 to 16 with most standard keypads), and can cover a
larger area by simply adding ir receivers. Each student can keep their own,
and you can probably build (buy?) them for $3 to $6 each (small board, PIC,
ir led, crystal, a few discreet components) and write the software in a day
(or have someone do it for you.)
Just an opinion
receiver simultaneously, i.e., all on top of each other?