John Fields
On Wed, 27 Feb 2013 21:54:29 -0000, "Ian Field"
<gangprobing.alien@ntlworld.com> wrote:
Certainly if WLM was my creation it would work as advertised, as
everything I do does.
If it doesn't, for you, then I'd suspect cockpit error is the problem
and you should get in touch with Microsoft instead of whining about
your problems to me.
An easy solution for your problem would be for you to get a real
newsreader and blow off Microsoft, but how likely is that to happen
when all you want to do is fix the blame instead of the problem?
<gangprobing.alien@ntlworld.com> wrote:
---"John Fields" <jfields@austininstruments.com> wrote in message
Posted the same thing twice, huh?
Actually I was wondering if WLM is yet another flaky POS designed by you -
it sometimes jams up in the outbox, then sends it twice next time the app is
Certainly if WLM was my creation it would work as advertised, as
everything I do does.
If it doesn't, for you, then I'd suspect cockpit error is the problem
and you should get in touch with Microsoft instead of whining about
your problems to me.
An easy solution for your problem would be for you to get a real
newsreader and blow off Microsoft, but how likely is that to happen
when all you want to do is fix the blame instead of the problem?