On May 16, 10:19 pm, Mickel <mic...@nospam.com> wrote:
case of an IC, AFAIK, almost all of that
is lost in heat.
Kind of like getting 1-2 50w soldering irons, (though the top of a CPU
probably has a much smaller surface area than a soldering iron tip and
shaft) and getting them to stay below about 50 c when running
continuously. Think of the heatsink area it would need without a fan.
A low powered desktop CPU Some of them quote 90-140w, and in theOn 15/05/11 8:23 PM, Trevor Wilson wrote:
**Possible, but dumb. Use a 36 Volt supply.
How do I do that in the car?
**As others have said, you'll need VERY good bonding and a fan. Look for a
heat sink with better than 1.5 degrees C/Watt (at a minimum!). 1 degree
C/Watt would be better. LEDs lose efficiency as temperatures rise.
It could be interesting. 50W of power is similar to a computer CPU and
those don't run very long without a fan
case of an IC, AFAIK, almost all of that
is lost in heat.
Kind of like getting 1-2 50w soldering irons, (though the top of a CPU
probably has a much smaller surface area than a soldering iron tip and
shaft) and getting them to stay below about 50 c when running
continuously. Think of the heatsink area it would need without a fan.