Phil Allison
"Spehro Pefhany"
** Wot a fucking idiot PITA wog TROLL !!
** One of your smelly brain farts would probably do it.
Try looking at the pics again - shithead.
If you are not blinded from all that wanking you do.
.... Phil
** Wot a fucking idiot PITA wog TROLL !!
** The plastic bases of most CFLs simply push fit together - so only a
small explosion inside will blow the top part off.
If they come apart easily by pulling and expose the mains potential,
** See the word "explosion " ??
An explosion like "pop rocks" or an explosion like Bikini atoll?
** One of your smelly brain farts would probably do it.
Try looking at the pics again - shithead.
If you are not blinded from all that wanking you do.
.... Phil