CF3254J Vertical Squashed



I have a Toshiba CF3254J The bottom half of the picture is squashed
into the top half. Does anyone have any idea of what the best way to
correct this would be?

Service manuals for this model are non-existant... or are they? Has
anyone else had any luck fixing a similar problem, or locating a
service manual?

Thank you in advance,

Jon O. Noble
ESR check the capacitors in the vertical circuit or simply replace all of
the electrolytics with the same location designation as the vertical output
ic. With a little searching on Google groups, you probably will find the
information you need.

"JoN" <> wrote in message
I have a Toshiba CF3254J The bottom half of the picture is squashed
into the top half. Does anyone have any idea of what the best way to
correct this would be?

Service manuals for this model are non-existant... or are they? Has
anyone else had any luck fixing a similar problem, or locating a
service manual?

Thank you in advance,

Jon O. Noble

Service manuals don't seem to exist... and neither do replacement
boards anymore (even if I could afford one). However, I did follow
some advice (thank you) and esr checked most of the capacitors.

I replaced two capacitors (301 and 305), and the picture is no longer
squashed. However, there are light horizontal bands emanating
(smeared?) from any light objects on the screen, be they from input,
or the tv's indicators (volume, channel, etc.).

Does anyone have any idea what can cause these, or what direction I
should head next? Would it be more bad cap's, that perhaps I missed?
I was afraid that maybe I had changed something adjustable, but
everything I had messed with before is (I believe) where it was when I
opened the tv.

Any help with what direction to go... where to look... what possible
causes could be... would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You VERY Much!


"David" <> wrote in message news:<>...
ESR check the capacitors in the vertical circuit or simply replace all of
the electrolytics with the same location designation as the vertical output
ic. With a little searching on Google groups, you probably will find the
information you need.

"JoN" <> wrote in message
I have a Toshiba CF3254J The bottom half of the picture is squashed
into the top half. Does anyone have any idea of what the best way to
correct this would be?

Service manuals for this model are non-existant... or are they? Has
anyone else had any luck fixing a similar problem, or locating a
service manual?

Thank you in advance,

Jon O. Noble

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