Ricky C
On Tuesday, April 28, 2020 at 12:14:29 AM UTC-4, Flyguy wrote:
It is meaningless because the top 10% are gaining a hugh share of the income. So it is inevitable they will pay more than 10% of the total taxes. The only way to have everyone pay the same share is to have a flat tax which no one wants.
Why does it matter if Buffett is a liberal or not??? He is stating a fact about taxes that IS relevant that the wealthy get taxed at lower rates because most of their income is capital gains. I suppose you are just deflecting from this fact.
Like Buffett you didn't lie here, but unlike Buffett you distort the truth. Yes, every year Trump has been in office the tax revenue has increased and is at the highest levels. But that is exactly the same as nearly every year under nearly every President. Most of it is due to inflation and another portion is due to the inevitable economic growth that is part of any economy that isn't hurting. In other words, if your economy isn't growing (and therefore the tax revenue) you are failing.
The point is the growth under Trump has been no more than under other Presidents including Obama.
I like the way you want to blame the deficit on Congress. Congress passes bills, but Trump signs them into law. Trump signed the bills for spending just Congress passed the laws for tax cuts and Trump signed for that. If he doesn't approve, he doesn't sign. If he signed, he must have approved. Bottom line, either he gets both credit and blame or neither. Pick one.
Again, Trump is the beneficiary of the previous administration's work digging us out of the 2006-7 real estate bubble collapse. Unemployment peaked near the end of 2009 and dropped steadily ever since. So even Trump wasn't able to screw it up. Wonderful.
And yet it was doing great as it was handed to Trump after growing 33% under Obama. BTW, your 1% number is a lie according to World Bank.
You really do have a knack for distorting the truth.
Rick C.
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On Monday, April 27, 2020 at 8:41:31 PM UTC-7, Ricky C wrote:
On Monday, April 27, 2020 at 11:23:06 PM UTC-4, Flyguy wrote:
On Monday, April 27, 2020 at 3:46:10 PM UTC-7, Ricky C wrote:
On Monday, April 27, 2020 at 6:21:24 PM UTC-4, Flyguy wrote:
On Monday, April 27, 2020 at 2:55:11 PM UTC-7, Ricky C wrote:
On Monday, April 27, 2020 at 4:05:00 PM UTC-4, bloggs.fre...@gmail.com wrote:
On Monday, April 27, 2020 at 1:30:38 PM UTC-4, whit3rd wrote:
On Monday, April 27, 2020 at 9:33:57 AM UTC-7, jla...@highlandsniptechnology.com wrote:
Congress is a pack of criminal idiots. They have been for decades.
They have got so used to spending that they take it for granted now.
Why isn't that all meaningless? Congress can tax (it'd be "extortion" by any
non-government entity) and spend, and (like every government) does so.
The power to do so is written into the Constitution (has been for centuries), by
which it IS granted to, and taken by, Congress.
I see no evidence of idiocy.
There's not that much left to tax. The misleaders have created the impression that the GDP is this huge reservoir of wealth they can tap into at will. But, it's not nearly as big as they make it out to be. For one thing, government spending is included in the GDP, as idiotic as that sounds. And it amounts to typically 20-25% of GDP in a "good" year. It may go into 30-35% territory in the corona era. The useless fools can't sustain an economy for more than 2-3 years before something crashes, which means it's a really flimsy operation. So the kind of tax hikes you're talking about will probably kill it for a long time, and do more harm than good.
Yes, it's a terrible system, really bad. It's just better than all the others.
Rick C.
-- Get 1,000 miles of free Supercharging
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Increasing taxes MIGHT reduce the debt IF the extra tax revenue was used SOLELY to pay off debt. But this is not done - any new tax revenue is spent long before it is collected. Furthermore, we have already shifted the tax burden to the wealthy. The top 10% by income used to pay 50% of all federal taxes in 1980 - now it is up to 70%. A similar shift has occurred in the top 1% and top 5%. There simply is not that much money left to tax. How many more hours would YOU work if the government took more than half of it? The bottom line is that politicians get elected by spending our money, not by cutting programs.
What percentage of federal taxes were paid by the 10% income earners in 2015? Not sure "income" is even the right way to assess wealth. Most of the very wealthy don't have much income. They make money by capital gains which are not "income".
Suggesting there is not much money left to tax ignores the fact that corporate tax rates were just lowered a couple of years ago. Undoing tax cuts instituted over the last few years would be a good start, no?
We already have welfare for the poor. Do we really need it for the rich?
Rick C.
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News flash: income taxes are taxes assessed on INCOME. Heaven help us if they even enact a wealth tax (it didn't work in Europe). Wealth and income are not the same thing (people can, and do, spend all of their income, leaving no wealth in the aftermath). About 70% of all federal taxes were paid by the top 10% of earners in 2015.
Corporations don't pay any taxes: their CUSTOMERS do. ALL taxes paid by corporations are passed thru to us consumers thru higher prices.
No, undoing the tax cuts would HAMMER the economy, which is hanging on by a thread now. How many companies do you think will be posting profits in the next few quarters, anyhow?
I don't call paying 70% of ALL federal taxes welfare. That is just another liberal lie.
It's also a meaningless statistic. I just feel that taxes should be paid, dollar for dollar. Shouldn't matter if it is income or capital gains (which are taxed as part of the income tax). The really big money guys pays a lower tax rate than their secretaries... at least that is that Warren Buffet would have you believe. Is he lying?
It is sure as hell meaningful if you are the one paying the taxes. I don't set tax rates, Congress does. Capital gains taxes are actually double taxation because the income used to generate the capital gain has ALREADY been taxed at income tax rates. Nobel prize winner Milton Friedman thought that the correct capital gains tax rate was zero, but explained justification for a lower rate thus:
No, Buffett wasn't lying - he is a dyed in the wool liberal.
It is meaningless because the top 10% are gaining a hugh share of the income. So it is inevitable they will pay more than 10% of the total taxes. The only way to have everyone pay the same share is to have a flat tax which no one wants.
Why does it matter if Buffett is a liberal or not??? He is stating a fact about taxes that IS relevant that the wealthy get taxed at lower rates because most of their income is capital gains. I suppose you are just deflecting from this fact.
The Trump tax cuts didn't do diddly for the economy. He claimed they would stimulate the economy and produce a surplus. Never happened. Now we already have a huge deficit before piling on the trillions being spent on propping up everyone during this pandemic.
Yup it did - we are presently generating record levels of tax revenue with outstanding economic results - until COVID hit and they shut the economy down. Deficits are the direct result of even higher spending by Congress.
Like Buffett you didn't lie here, but unlike Buffett you distort the truth. Yes, every year Trump has been in office the tax revenue has increased and is at the highest levels. But that is exactly the same as nearly every year under nearly every President. Most of it is due to inflation and another portion is due to the inevitable economic growth that is part of any economy that isn't hurting. In other words, if your economy isn't growing (and therefore the tax revenue) you are failing.
The point is the growth under Trump has been no more than under other Presidents including Obama.
I like the way you want to blame the deficit on Congress. Congress passes bills, but Trump signs them into law. Trump signed the bills for spending just Congress passed the laws for tax cuts and Trump signed for that. If he doesn't approve, he doesn't sign. If he signed, he must have approved. Bottom line, either he gets both credit and blame or neither. Pick one.
Yup, the wrong economic thinking at the wrong time. We just leaned into a left hook all thanks to Trump.
No, again the economy was setting all kinds of GOOD records with record unemployment and good income growth.
Again, Trump is the beneficiary of the previous administration's work digging us out of the 2006-7 real estate bubble collapse. Unemployment peaked near the end of 2009 and dropped steadily ever since. So even Trump wasn't able to screw it up. Wonderful.
The real irony was that Obama handed a pretty sweet economy to Trump when he left office. All Trump needed to do was not fuck it up.
The economy was limping along under Obama with the slowest growth out of a recession since the Great Depression (less than 1% in his last year).
And yet it was doing great as it was handed to Trump after growing 33% under Obama. BTW, your 1% number is a lie according to World Bank.
You really do have a knack for distorting the truth.
Rick C.
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