Can any of you tell, from the accent of this English, WHERE

On Wed, 27 Aug 2014 15:45:06 -0400, Frank wrote:

What really annoys me is that while the government cannot stop the
crooks calling from out of the country, the telephone companies know
where they are but will not cut them off since they profit from all
these calls.

Actually, the Feds did sting this very same scam, and are prosecuting
the Indians as we speak, at least according to this article:

From a cultural standpoint, what's odd is that the Indian callers don't
just hang up when they've been p0wned; they get malicious.

For example, in this case, they purposefully deleted files on the computer
of a security researcher from malwarebytes and called him a childish
derogatory term having to do with the anatomy:

Seems to me an American would simply cut his losses and hang up.
Why did they bother to call the malwarebytes researcher names, and, in my case,
they said they did and would have sex with every female member of my family.

Is such childishness a cultural thing with Indians?
We can safely assume they were after money, which, if they didn't get in
both these documented cases, they began to call us (the consumer) names.

Would that happen in the US?
Culturally, I don't think so (although anything is possible).

I wonder, culturally, if Indians are backward compared to us, in that these
are 4th-grade antics of a spoiled brat who doesn't get his way.

In my case, you can literally hear the caller groan in high-pitched frustration
because he couldn't rile me with his description of f*cking my mother, sisters,
and wife (both past, present, and future).

You can tell me what you think, culturally, about the conversation. It seemed to
me that these Indians are culturally regressed to a childish level. I can't think
of a single time, in 40 years of working, anyone has ever acted so childishly in
the USA with me on the phone as that Indian did to me (and to the security

Are Indians, culturally, really so childish as to think it would actually,
somehow, "hurt" us to "say" they f*d our women?
On Wed, 27 Aug 2014 13:17:01 +0000 (UTC), Ned Turnbull
<> wrote:

On Wed, 27 Aug 2014 09:26:01 +0200, Steve Hayes wrote:

in nearly all of them the accent has sounded Indian to me.

That's interesting.
Do you know if the accent is particular to any specific region?

I haven't heard a big enough sample.

Speakers of different Indian languages might have different accents whenn
speaking English, but I haven't heard enough to say for sure.

Steve Hayes from Tshwane, South Africa
E-mail - see web page, or parse: shayes at dunelm full stop org full stop uk
On Wed, 27 Aug 2014 14:41:04 -0400, FromTheRafters wrote:

You did a fair job of not laughing, though I could tell that you were
laughing inside. I was expecting "Could you put the nice fella I was
talking to before back on?"

That's a good way of expressing it.

The "nice fella" was there in the beginning, all helpful and supportive,
and then he went away for two and a half minutes, replaced by his evil
(childish) twin, but then the nice fella came back on for almost ten
minutes, before regressing back to his fourth-grade childhood name calling.

I spoke with the police department, who pretty much has confirmed that
the files they wanted me to download are not the payload. Those files
are merely legitimate remote access programs.

The illegitimacy comes later, with what they do with the remote access
they have gleaned.

However, back to the cultural divide, you can hear in the recording that
I asked him what caste he was from (he ignored the question).

But, what I don't understand, is why he wasted his time stating that he
f'd all the female members of my family.

Is that something that would rile up an Indian?

Here, in the USA, it's sophomoric to the point of being meaningless.

I do realize profanity was invented by humans to indicate a conflict
emotional escalation prior to the physical escalation ...

But, what I don't get is, if he was really after money, what is it about his
culture that made him even bother to threaten all the females in my family
with his sexual attention?
On Wed, 27 Aug 2014 21:41:07 +0100, Adrian Tuddenham wrote:

Here's one I dealt with a couple of years ago:

Hey, they found the same "problem" with your computer as with mine!

Then they had you go to wwww (dot) oooooo (dot) us
but I wasn't sure *what* they were expecting at the Start->Run command
(maybe that part was cropped out?).

The last line is hilarious ... "What do you think I am a fool?", and "I'm as big
a liar as you are"; but, I wasn't sure what their payload was supposed to be.
Hans Aberg wrote:
On 2014/08/27 15:16, Ned Turnbull wrote:
On Wed, 27 Aug 2014 08:17:18 -0400, Mayayana wrote:

Indeed. And don't people have caller ID?

I don't have caller ID on my landline, unfortunately.

Here in Sweden, one typically has to order it from the phone company and
pay a few bucks a month. For mobile phones, it is built into the
protocol, so they always have it.

Caller ID isn't available to people who use the Lifeline phone
service. You can't have anything other than local phone service for
that type of account.

Anyone wanting to run for any political office in the US should have to
have a DD214, and a honorable discharge.
Ned Turnbull pretended :
Can any of you tell from whence this caller came from, based on his
English accent (as he attempts to 'repair' my home Windows PC)?

Here is a 3MB 30-minute MP4 recording of an unsolicited call today that I
received from the “Microsoft IT” department, telling me my computer was
"sending reports" to them (this file kindly uploaded by Marek):

I realized it was a scam within the first seconds, but I was surprised,
that, at the 21:30 mark, the increasingly frustrated caller threatens to
f* up my entire family (explicitly threatening my sister, my mother, my
daughter, etc.).

That first tirade lasted more than two minutes, from 21:30 to 23:50.
Miraculously, the caller calmly resumes his attempt to get me to execute
the Microsoft file, even going so far as to attempt to remotely log into
my computer!

Despite the fact the caller calms down after the first set of invectives,
within 10 minutes, the caller repeats the threats against me and my
family at the 32:24 mark to about 33:29, which is essentially the end of
the recording.

Here is a truncated 400KB 5-minute recording with chirps inserted into
the removed (boring) sections:

The first web site they had me go to was the following:
- http:// www (dot) windowscare (dot) us
Which brought me to:
- http:// www (dot) windowscare (dot) us/
(Calling the listed phone number, +1-845-241-1234, just gets a computer-
generated recording identifying itself as "Thank you for calling Windows
Support ... please leave a message").
The domain is registered to "windows tech support" (all lower-case),
which has a New York, NY, postal address.

The caller then directed me to click on the green "Get Support" button at
that web page, which downloaded a Windows executable file (into my Linux /
tmp directory), which actually came from:
- http:// www (dot) ammyy (dot) com
The postal address for the ammyy domain is in Panama.

The downloaded file was 764KB file, named:
- 764184 Aug 26 09:28 AA_v3.exe

$ md5sum AA_v3.exe
- f8cd52b70a11a1fb3f29c6f89ff971ec AA_v3.exe

$ sha1sum AA_v3.exe
- 6a0c46818a6a10c2c5a98a0cce65fbaf95caa344 AA_v3.exe

The caller repeatedly asked me to execute that AA_v3.exe file, which, of
course, I wasn't going to do, so I had to fish for what he was looking
for as a result.

After quite a few false starts where I made up numbers, and many excuses,
I belatedly learned he was looking for an 8-digit number that starts with
39 just below the "client wait for session" text that said "Your ID".

Of course, I never came up with a valid number, which apparently
frustrated the caller, who probably thought, at first anyway, that he had
a fish hooked on his line from the very start.

At the 16:00 time point, he tried his second tack, which was to have me
boot my Windows XP pc to Safe Mode, so, I stalled until I could find a
Windows machine, and then booted it to "Safe Mode with Networking", where
he told me "it's totally safe now". At 18:12, he had me go to the same
web site above (you can hear me breathing heavily as I climb the stairs
from Windows to Linux).

The caller used the "broken record" approach, to get me to repeatedly run
the AA_v3.exe file, but I was guessing wrong as to what he had wanted me
to report back to him (having never executed the file).

Finally, at the 26:40 time point, the caller tried a third, and totally
new approach, which was for him to take over my machine so that he could
(presumably) download the file himself.

In order to take over my machine, he instructed me to go to:
http://www (dot) support (dot) me
Which took me to:
https://secure (dot) logmeinrescue (dot) com /Customer/Code.aspx
The postal address for the above domain is in Boston, MA.

Then he gave me the 6-digit logmeinrescue authorization code:
https://secure (dot) logmeinrescue (dot) com/Customer/TrialWarning.aspx?

Entering that 6-digit code downloaded the Windows executable file into my
Linux /tmp directory:
1529152 Aug 26 09:51 Support-LogMeInRescue.exe

Which the Linux “file” command reports as:
Support-LogMeInRescue.exe: PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS

Afterward, I called LogMeInRescue at 1-877-337-2102, and at
1-866-478-1805 and provided them with the 6-digit number, for which they
thanked me, saying they will cancel the account, but that it could be a
trial account, and therefore, it would have little real impact.

They did say that the Support-LogMeInRescue.exe file allows the attacker
remote access to your Windows PC, but, since I was on Linux, they say
nothing would happen.

Where, probably in India?, do you think this accent came from?
I'm guessing somewhere in the middle or eastern India.

You did a fair job of not laughing, though I could tell that you were
laughing inside. I was expecting "Could you put the nice fella I was
talking to before back on?"
On 08/27/2014 08:16 AM, Ned Turnbull wrote:
On Wed, 27 Aug 2014 08:17:18 -0400, Mayayana wrote:

Indeed. And don't people have caller ID?

I don't have caller ID on my landline, unfortunately.

For a lot of calls I get, caller ID NAME shows as one of:

1. the phone number

2. the letter 'V' followed by the phone number

3. something meaningless, like "FYN DSO INC"

4. an unfamilier company name

5. some charity (if I donate I do it and NOT by phone, they can't TAKE it).

Those, I don't answer let the answering machine get it. Fewer than .1%
leave a message. It's like they know what they're selling isn't
worthwhile, and if you have a chance to think about it you won't want it.

Mark Lloyd

"You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on." --
Dean Martin
On 8/27/2014 9:15 AM, Ned Turnbull wrote:
On Wed, 27 Aug 2014 07:16:52 -0400, Frank wrote:

I got the MS call the other day from a gal with what sounded like an
Indian accent. I just told her that she was a lying cunt and hung u

While they did not trick you, they must be tricking *some* people,
and, for them, we should fight back.

I remember once, buying a washer & dryer combo from Costco online,
and the guys who installed it put an *old* 220V cord on the dryer.

I complained vehemently, so much so that they had to come back, with
the right cord, and they just wanted me to hide the fact.

I wouldn't let go, and finally their manager wanted to know why,
and when I told him, he was furious at the installers. Luckily, I
snapped many pictures, so that I could prove what had happened.

Likwise, Costco told me "action had been taken" when I documented
the entire event and sent a letter to the head of marketing for

It takes work to gather up the evidence, but I had to wait for
them to actually *install* the cord, before I confronted them with
the evidence.

If everyone simply cared only for themselves, then the scammers
win big time.
I'm not a docile consumer and will fight and complain if someone does me

What really annoys me is that while the government cannot stop the
crooks calling from out of the country, the telephone companies know
where they are but will not cut them off since they profit from all
these calls.
On 8/27/2014 12:17 PM, Hans Aberg wrote:
On 2014/08/27 15:16, Ned Turnbull wrote:
On Wed, 27 Aug 2014 08:17:18 -0400, Mayayana wrote:

Indeed. And don't people have caller ID?

I don't have caller ID on my landline, unfortunately.

Here in Sweden, one typically has to order it from the phone company and
pay a few bucks a month. For mobile phones, it is built into the
protocol, so they always have it.
Same in the US for old telephone lines. Internet phone, voip, give all
such services with no extra charge or charge for long distance. Think
it is the same with cell phones.

I've always refused to pay for a service that costs the telephone
company nothing to give you.
On 8/27/2014 10:15 AM, rbowman wrote:
Ned Turnbull wrote:

Can any of you tell from whence this caller came from, based on his
English accent (as he attempts to 'repair' my home Windows PC)?

I play that game a lot and I'm dealing with legitimate support people at
some large software companies. Sometimes I cop out, tell them I'm hard of
hearing, and can we please move the conversation to email.
Most fun I ever had was telling a guy that I could not understand him.
When he demurred, I asked if there was a white person there I could
speak to. He went berserk and I hung up.
On Wed, 27 Aug 2014 15:45:06 -0400, Frank
<> wrote:

What really annoys me is that while the government cannot stop the
crooks calling from out of the country, the telephone companies know
where they are but will not cut them off since they profit from all
these calls.


"We don't care. We don't have to. We're the phone company."
-- Lily Tolling
Ned Turnbull <> wrote:

Can any of you tell from whence this caller came from, based on his
English accent (as he attempts to 'repair' my home Windows PC)?

Here's one I dealt with a couple of years ago:

~ Adrian Tuddenham ~
(Remove the ".invalid"s and add "" to reply)
Hans Aberg wrote:
On 2014/08/27 17:22, Tony Hwang wrote:
Guy Barry wrote:
"Ned Turnbull" wrote in message news:ltjvjh$kjg$

Here is a 3MB 30-minute MP4 recording of an unsolicited call today
that I
received from the “Microsoft IT” department, telling me my computer was
"sending reports" to them (this file kindly uploaded by Marek):

I realized it was a scam within the first seconds,

Yet you carried on with the call for 30 minutes? Why?

Sounds like East Indian or Pakis.
Nothing better to do, Eh?

They call Sweden too, typically from India; VoIP services make it cheap.
Latest call is from Pakistan for duct cleaning job, blah, blah.
The instant, I hear the vpoice, Click!
On 27/08/2014 20:40, Mark Lloyd wrote:
On 08/27/2014 08:16 AM, Ned Turnbull wrote:
On Wed, 27 Aug 2014 08:17:18 -0400, Mayayana wrote:

Indeed. And don't people have caller ID?

I don't have caller ID on my landline, unfortunately.

For a lot of calls I get, caller ID NAME shows as one of:

1. the phone number

2. the letter 'V' followed by the phone number

3. something meaningless, like "FYN DSO INC"

4. an unfamilier company name

5. some charity (if I donate I do it and NOT by phone, they can't TAKE it).

Those, I don't answer let the answering machine get it. Fewer than .1%
leave a message. It's like they know what they're selling isn't
worthwhile, and if you have a chance to think about it you won't want it.

The auto-diallers which these scammers use can recognise an answering
machine and so do not put the call through to a human but just drop it.

On 2014/08/27 19:20, Michael A. Terrell wrote:
Hans Aberg wrote:

On 2014/08/27 15:16, Ned Turnbull wrote:
On Wed, 27 Aug 2014 08:17:18 -0400, Mayayana wrote:

Indeed. And don't people have caller ID?

I don't have caller ID on my landline, unfortunately.

Here in Sweden, one typically has to order it from the phone company and
pay a few bucks a month. For mobile phones, it is built into the
protocol, so they always have it.

Caller ID isn't available to people who use the Lifeline phone

That's bad, because malicious phone calls typically have withheld Caller
ID and do not leave a message on the answering machine.

You can't have anything other than local phone service for
that type of account.

What is this and why can't one have Caller ID presentation on that?
On 2014/08/27 21:53, Frank wrote:
On 8/27/2014 12:17 PM, Hans Aberg wrote:
On 2014/08/27 15:16, Ned Turnbull wrote:
On Wed, 27 Aug 2014 08:17:18 -0400, Mayayana wrote:

Indeed. And don't people have caller ID?

I don't have caller ID on my landline, unfortunately.

Here in Sweden, one typically has to order it from the phone company and
pay a few bucks a month. For mobile phones, it is built into the
protocol, so they always have it.

Same in the US for old telephone lines. Internet phone, voip, give all
such services with no extra charge or charge for long distance. Think
it is the same with cell phones.

I've always refused to pay for a service that costs the telephone
company nothing to give you.

You mean: like SMS. Here in Sweden, there is a flood of telephone
spammers, so it is hard to not have it.
On 2014/08/27 22:49, Tony Hwang wrote:
Hans Aberg wrote:
On 2014/08/27 17:22, Tony Hwang wrote:
Guy Barry wrote:
"Ned Turnbull" wrote in message news:ltjvjh$kjg$

Here is a 3MB 30-minute MP4 recording of an unsolicited call today
that I
received from the “Microsoft IT” department, telling me my computer
"sending reports" to them (this file kindly uploaded by Marek):

I realized it was a scam within the first seconds,

Yet you carried on with the call for 30 minutes? Why?

Sounds like East Indian or Pakis.
Nothing better to do, Eh?

They call Sweden too, typically from India; VoIP services make it cheap.

Latest call is from Pakistan for duct cleaning job, blah, blah.
The instant, I hear the vpoice, Click!

Perhaps the business has expanded. :)
Ned Turnbull formulated on Wednesday :
On Wed, 27 Aug 2014 14:41:04 -0400, FromTheRafters wrote:

You did a fair job of not laughing, though I could tell that you were
laughing inside. I was expecting "Could you put the nice fella I was
talking to before back on?"

That's a good way of expressing it.

The "nice fella" was there in the beginning, all helpful and supportive,
and then he went away for two and a half minutes, replaced by his evil
(childish) twin, but then the nice fella came back on for almost ten
minutes, before regressing back to his fourth-grade childhood name calling.

I spoke with the police department, who pretty much has confirmed that
the files they wanted me to download are not the payload. Those files
are merely legitimate remote access programs.

The illegitimacy comes later, with what they do with the remote access
they have gleaned.

They attempt to extort money and if you don't comply they have been
known to call you an asshole and delete your files.

However, back to the cultural divide, you can hear in the recording that
I asked him what caste he was from (he ignored the question).

I asked one where he was located, and he said New Jersey and gave me a
(I figured bogus) street address. He said error messages were being
sent to the main server - so I asked him if he was in NJ why was it a
Maine server. I only wasted about 15 minutes of his time but I did it
without a computer. Next time, I may let him have his way with my WinXP
Home - but not my mother and sister.

But, what I don't understand, is why he wasted his time stating that he
f'd all the female members of my family.

It's probably part of the textual Tourettes script he follows.

> Is that something that would rile up an Indian?

I am not to be knowing this.

> Here, in the USA, it's sophomoric to the point of being meaningless.

Agreed, almost as old as 'your mother wears combat boots'.

On Wed, 27 Aug 2014 15:53:57 -0400, Frank
<> wrote:

On 8/27/2014 12:17 PM, Hans Aberg wrote:
On 2014/08/27 15:16, Ned Turnbull wrote:
On Wed, 27 Aug 2014 08:17:18 -0400, Mayayana wrote:

Indeed. And don't people have caller ID?

I don't have caller ID on my landline, unfortunately.

Here in Sweden, one typically has to order it from the phone company and
pay a few bucks a month. For mobile phones, it is built into the
protocol, so they always have it.

Same in the US for old telephone lines. Internet phone, voip, give all
such services with no extra charge or charge for long distance. Think
it is the same with cell phones.

I've always refused to pay for a service that costs the telephone
company nothing to give you.
Here in Canada caller ID is an option an most cell phones (but most
plans include it)
Oren wrote:

> ...I bet she hates cunt-ree music

Shooter Jennings is his father's son alright.

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