Call Bush to Action on Science, Math, and Engineering Educat

Below is the text of a petition urging President Bush and our national
leaders to call upon the nation to embark upon a modern-day 'Manhattan
Project' in scientific education and research to protect and extend
America's position of global leadership in technology and science; a
position that becomes more fragile and tenuous every passing day that
we continue to let our public schools lag behind the rest of the
industrial world, and increasingly Asian nations, in the sciences.

Would you be willing to sign this petition and pass it along to your
fellow scientists, mathematicians, and engineers? You can sign an
electronic copy of the petition and see who else has signed it at:

The petition will be delivered to President Bush and your respective
Congressmen on September 1, 2005.

The text of the petition is as follows:
America's Engineering, Mathematics, and Scientific Communities: A
Petition Urging President Bush to Call America to Action in a
Modern-Day 'Manhattan Project' for Scientific Education and Research

Whereas historically, the most powerful weapons the West has fielded in
defeating threats to liberty are education and research, specifically
in math, science, and engineering; from the intelligence and technology
that sank the axis powers in WWII, winning the Cold War, to the
stabilizing technology-enabled Western presence today, the champions of
liberty have always relied upon having the most educated and innovative
scientific minds;

Whereas Western technology has created a modern global political
economy in which geography and other traditional Western defenses are
increasingly irrelevant;

Whereas the United States has been the primary engine for scientific
progress throughout the 20th century, whether directly or indirectly
through stimulated competition;

Whereas the current trajectory for US education and scientific research
makes the West's position of prominence in science and technology
unsustainable, as well as the service economies based upon scientific

Whereas the United States, and indeed the entire Western world, is
facing a dynamic world of unprecedented threats, change, and challenge;

Whereas we believe the American people are capable of overcoming and
achieving any challenge when called upon, whether it be defeating
fascism and communism, or being the first to walk on the Moon;

Whereas the nations of East Asia have long since embraced their own
call to action and are undertaking their own Cold War-esque 'arms race'
in scientific education and research and are now poised to unseat the
stability and prosperity of the West;

Whereas we believe it is reckless and irresponsible to continue
ignoring this challenge when American leadership, spirit, and ingenuity
are so desperately needed by the West;

Whereas your challenge to reach Mars is in the right spirit, but rings
hollow, irrelevant, and fails to capture the American imagination since
it lacks the competitive element of the Kennedy challenge you sought to

Whereas we believe with the downfall of the Soviet Union, we need a
leader to focus and tap into the American drive by first acknowledging
and defining this new competitive environment and secondly, calling on
American's to rise to the challenge through action and sacrifice;

We, the undersigned members of America's engineering, mathematics, and
scientific communities, hereby call upon you, President Bush, to
reaffirm our government's commitment to research and summon Americans
to this momentous challenge to tackle head-on the threats facing our
next generation by embarking upon a modern 'Manhattan Project' aimed at
maintaining and extending our position of leadership in science, math,
and engineering education and research, our sole sources of competitive
advantage in an increasingly competitive and dangerous world.
Sorry. I stopped reading when you said " 'Manhattan
Project' " wrote:
Below is the text of a petition urging President Bush and our national
leaders to call upon the nation to embark upon a modern-day 'Manhattan
Project' in scientific education and research to protect and extend
America's position of global leadership in technology and science; a
position that becomes more fragile and tenuous every passing day that
we continue to let our public schools lag behind the rest of the
industrial world, and increasingly Asian nations, in the sciences.
Well, with Mr Bush's recent disclosure that he thinks schools should
teach "Intelligent Design", his long standing positions on stem cell
research and global warming, and with members of his administration
editing scientific studies in order to help political contributors, I'm
not sure I want his administration to do anything of the sort.

Bob Monsen

If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has
so much as to be out of danger?
Thomas Henry Huxley, 1877
On Fri, 05 Aug 2005 10:22:03 -0700, Bob Monsen <>
wrote: wrote:
Below is the text of a petition urging President Bush and our national
leaders to call upon the nation to embark upon a modern-day 'Manhattan
Project' in scientific education and research to protect and extend
America's position of global leadership in technology and science; a
position that becomes more fragile and tenuous every passing day that
we continue to let our public schools lag behind the rest of the
industrial world, and increasingly Asian nations, in the sciences.

Well, with Mr Bush's recent disclosure that he thinks schools should
teach "Intelligent Design",
Just for the loonie right religious vote

his long standing positions on stem cell
research and global warming,

But Frist will win in the end.

and with members of his administration
editing scientific studies in order to help political contributors, I'm
not sure I want his administration to do anything of the sort.
But can you cite some fact... what scientific studies were edited?

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
"Jim Thompson" <> wrote in message
On Fri, 05 Aug 2005 10:22:03 -0700, Bob Monsen <
wrote: wrote:
Below is the text of a petition urging President Bush and our national
leaders to call upon the nation to embark upon a modern-day 'Manhattan
Project' in scientific education and research to protect and extend
America's position of global leadership in technology and science; a
position that becomes more fragile and tenuous every passing day that
we continue to let our public schools lag behind the rest of the
industrial world, and increasingly Asian nations, in the sciences.

Well, with Mr Bush's recent disclosure that he thinks schools should
teach "Intelligent Design",

Just for the loonie right religious vote

his long standing positions on stem cell
research and global warming,


But Frist will win in the end.

and with members of his administration
editing scientific studies in order to help political contributors, I'm
not sure I want his administration to do anything of the sort.

But can you cite some fact... what scientific studies were edited?
You haven't heard of this? You should tune in something besides Fox News.

Here's the first thing that popped out of googling White House editing
On Fri, 5 Aug 2005 14:08:24 -0700, "Richard Henry" <>

"Jim Thompson" <> wrote in message
On Fri, 05 Aug 2005 10:22:03 -0700, Bob Monsen <
wrote: wrote:
Below is the text of a petition urging President Bush and our national
leaders to call upon the nation to embark upon a modern-day 'Manhattan
Project' in scientific education and research to protect and extend
America's position of global leadership in technology and science; a
position that becomes more fragile and tenuous every passing day that
we continue to let our public schools lag behind the rest of the
industrial world, and increasingly Asian nations, in the sciences.

Well, with Mr Bush's recent disclosure that he thinks schools should
teach "Intelligent Design",

Just for the loonie right religious vote

his long standing positions on stem cell
research and global warming,


But Frist will win in the end.

and with members of his administration
editing scientific studies in order to help political contributors, I'm
not sure I want his administration to do anything of the sort.

But can you cite some fact... what scientific studies were edited?

You haven't heard of this? You should tune in something besides Fox News.

Here's the first thing that popped out of googling White House editing
What hare-brained scientist would publish THROUGH The White House?
Government scientists? Now there's an oxymoron! 'Bout like NASA ;-)

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
The oil and energy companies must already be regretting the vast
amount of money they expended on George Bush's election to president.

Their senior management must be as unintelligent as he is. What a fine
bunch of nitwits to be in charge of the World's energy resources.

Jim Thompson wrote:
On Fri, 05 Aug 2005 10:22:03 -0700, Bob Monsen <
wrote: wrote:

Below is the text of a petition urging President Bush and our national
leaders to call upon the nation to embark upon a modern-day 'Manhattan
Project' in scientific education and research to protect and extend
America's position of global leadership in technology and science; a
position that becomes more fragile and tenuous every passing day that
we continue to let our public schools lag behind the rest of the
industrial world, and increasingly Asian nations, in the sciences.

Well, with Mr Bush's recent disclosure that he thinks schools should
teach "Intelligent Design",

Just for the loonie right religious vote
When are you going to figure out that Bush is a card carrying member of
the religious right?

his long standing positions on stem cell
research and global warming,


But Frist will win in the end.
Actually, Bush's silly position about limiting lines was a compromise.
He wanted to prohibit it. What he did effectively moved research offshore.

After the Schiavo affair, I never thought I'd be saying this, but Frist
appears to be moving in the proper direction. I'm sure it has nothing to
do with the fact that he is going to run for president, and is thus
trying to move towards the center. Bush ran as a moderate in 2000.
Remember the 'compassionate conservative'? Look what happened. If the
trend holds true, Frist will get elected, then show his true colors by
declaring a theocracy, and issuing a fatwah on abortion doctors. ;)

and with members of his administration
editing scientific studies in order to help political contributors, I'm
not sure I want his administration to do anything of the sort.

But can you cite some fact... what scientific studies were edited?
A report on global warming was edited to remove references to greenhouse
emissions by an ex-oil industry (and now, again, oil-industry) guy
working at the whitehouse. It was big news, I'm suprised you didn't hear
about it.

Here is a quote:

'Last week, the New York Times reported that a senior White House
official had altered government documents to emphasize the uncertainties
surrounding the science on global warming. That official, White House
Council on Environmental Quality chief of staff Phillip Cooney, left the
administration last Friday to take a public relations job with oil giant
Exxon Mobil, a leading opponent of mandatory limits on greenhouse gas

...Jim Thompson
(editorial mode enabled)

These guys are going to do pretty much whatever they want, and nobody
can say or do anything about it. They want Bolton at the UN, they just
go ahead and break new ground with a recess appointment (he was booed on
his first day). When they want a war in Iraq, they just pressure
analysts to say what they want to hear about WMD, and ignore the
majority of dissenting opinions (more Bolton nonsense.) When it turns
out to be wrong, they blame the analysts, fire the head of the CIA (and
give him the medal of honor), and then they rewrite history concerning
the reason for going. They want tax cuts? They supress their own
estimates and figures, and fire the Secretary of the Treasury when he
doesn't go along. Feel like torturing prisoners of war? No problem. Have
Gonzo write a memo redefining 'prisoner'. Presto, they are 'enemy
combatants' with no rights. Somebody pisses you off? Plant a leak, and
destroy his wife's career, knowing that the ensuing furor will distract
attention from his message, which is that they lied about the
'yellowcake', since they knew it was false before the state of the
union. Want more pork for your oil buddies? Draft an energy bill that is
basically a giveaway, with no real incentives for conservation or
alternative energy sources. We are talking BILLIONs in giveaways. Is the
EPA getting in your friends' way with their annoying environmental laws?
Dismantle its enforcement arm, and appoint energy industry lobbyists to
high positions in the agency. Is PBS reporting the facts, and not the
scifi you blather to FOX? Replace the PBS director with your butt-boy,
who commissions a study on bias, and uses it to threaten their funding.
Is a backlash on global warming threatening to cut into already inflated
oil profits? Change reports so they support the position of big oil,
which is that global warming isn't happening, or at least isn't proven,
so we need 'all the facts'.

If Bush was actually good at running the country, I'd probably excuse
some of these horrors. Every administration has it's problems. However,
they suck at running the country. They have built up the deficit to the
point where our currency is in danger of collapse, gotten us into an
unwinable war in Iraq and thereby morphed the only arab secular state
into a theocracy (and possibly created a bloody civil war at the heart
of Islam), destabilized oil prices to the point where they are tipping
$60, and managed to transform our real enemy (who originally numbered
less than 1000; before all the attention, they were like the branch
davidians meet weather underground) into a 100 headed hydra, in which
pissed off european teenagers blow themselves (and the people around
them) up on major metro lines and trains after listening to audio
casettes, and moderate muslims shake their heads in dismay, but listen
to Bin Laden's most recent tapes anyway, and secretly enjoy the bloody
nose the US and Britain has received in Iraq. And they STILL haven't
caught, or even come close to catching Bin Laden... Unemployment is so
bad that most unemployed people are no longer counted, because they have
simply given up looking for work. The standard of living for most
Americans has decreased since 2000, just like it decreased under Bush I.
They can't even pass their simple religious right agenda, like allowing
prayer in schools, prohibiting abortion, teaching 'intelligent design',
and stopping stem-cell research, despite having a zombie-like yes-man
majority in both the house and senate, and a favorable supreme court.
They make a big deal about social security reform, and spend 8 months on
the road trying to sell it, but it falls flat because A) it's a stupid
idea, B) their idea doesn't help social security stay solvent at all,
and C) no congressman or senator who wants to be reelected is going to
support it. They can't even keep their buddies in baseball from using
steroids. Would you hire a CEO with a record like this? Really, would you?

Bob Monsen

If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has
so much as to be out of danger?
Thomas Henry Huxley, 1877
On Fri, 05 Aug 2005 15:34:43 -0700, Bob Monsen <>

Jim Thompson wrote:

Just for the loonie right religious vote

When are you going to figure out that Bush is a card carrying member of
the religious right?
Except he isn't, he's a Methodist... keeps it quiet though.

Bush just plays the religious nuts to get votes. The so-called
religious right is composed mostly of Democrat nutcases.

If Kerry had played it "right" he would have gotten their vote.

his long standing positions on stem cell
research and global warming,


But Frist will win in the end.

Actually, Bush's silly position about limiting lines was a compromise.
He wanted to prohibit it. What he did effectively moved research offshore.

After the Schiavo affair, I never thought I'd be saying this, but Frist
appears to be moving in the proper direction. I'm sure it has nothing to
do with the fact that he is going to run for president, and is thus
trying to move towards the center. Bush ran as a moderate in 2000.
Remember the 'compassionate conservative'? Look what happened. If the
trend holds true, Frist will get elected, then show his true colors by
declaring a theocracy, and issuing a fatwah on abortion doctors. ;)
Nah! I think you're entirely wrong about Frist. He played a game
figuring it would play with the public... it backfired even with

Frist will never be President.

and with members of his administration
editing scientific studies in order to help political contributors, I'm
not sure I want his administration to do anything of the sort.

But can you cite some fact... what scientific studies were edited?

A report on global warming was edited to remove references to greenhouse
emissions by an ex-oil industry (and now, again, oil-industry) guy
working at the whitehouse. It was big news, I'm suprised you didn't hear
about it.

Here is a quote:

'Last week, the New York Times reported that a senior White House
official had altered government documents to emphasize the uncertainties
surrounding the science on global warming. That official, White House
Council on Environmental Quality chief of staff Phillip Cooney, left the
administration last Friday to take a public relations job with oil giant
Exxon Mobil, a leading opponent of mandatory limits on greenhouse gas

...Jim Thompson

(editorial mode enabled)

These guys are going to do pretty much whatever they want, and nobody
can say or do anything about it. They want Bolton at the UN, they just
go ahead and break new ground with a recess appointment (he was booed on
his first day).
They're just afraid he will kick their asses... and he will ;-)

When they want a war in Iraq, they just pressure
analysts to say what they want to hear about WMD, and ignore the
majority of dissenting opinions (more Bolton nonsense.) When it turns
out to be wrong, they blame the analysts, fire the head of the CIA (and
give him the medal of honor), and then they rewrite history concerning
the reason for going. They want tax cuts? They supress their own
estimates and figures, and fire the Secretary of the Treasury when he
doesn't go along. Feel like torturing prisoners of war? No problem. Have
Gonzo write a memo redefining 'prisoner'. Presto, they are 'enemy
combatants' with no rights.
Damn! You're ranting like a Canadian ;-)

Somebody pisses you off? Plant a leak, and
destroy his wife's career, knowing that the ensuing furor will distract
attention from his message, which is that they lied about the
'yellowcake', since they knew it was false before the state of the
You really need to pay closer attention. You missed so much detail
you don't have the slightest clue.

[snip blather]

Is PBS reporting the facts, and not the
scifi you blather to FOX? Replace the PBS director with your butt-boy,
PBS is so biased even Democrats blush when trying to defend it. PBS
is our BBC.

[snip more blather]

Unemployment is so
bad that most unemployed people are no longer counted, because they have
simply given up looking for work.
Looks like you're talking about Europe. You're so full of shit your
eyes are brown ;-)

It's Europe that's on the verge of a depression.

The standard of living for most
Americans has decreased since 2000,
Funny I seem to observe just the opposite.

just like it decreased under Bush I.
They can't even pass their simple religious right agenda, like allowing
prayer in schools, prohibiting abortion, teaching 'intelligent design',
and stopping stem-cell research, despite having a zombie-like yes-man
majority in both the house and senate, and a favorable supreme court.
'Cept it ain't so. Lot's of Republicans are keeping the wild-assed
ideas in check.

They make a big deal about social security reform, and spend 8 months on
the road trying to sell it, but it falls flat because A) it's a stupid
idea, B) their idea doesn't help social security stay solvent at all,
and C) no congressman or senator who wants to be reelected is going to
support it.
An someday soon, Social Security WILL be bust. Although I actually
expect that the Democrats, when they regain power will do the same
corrections and claim credit for it.

They can't even keep their buddies in baseball from using
How do you control a jock? For that matter I don't consider it a
government function to regulate baseball. I don't watch that shit

Would you hire a CEO with a record like this? Really, would you?
Seems to be perfectly capable of keeping you in a lather ;-)

BTW, Buy Euros now, so I can delight when you lose money ;-)

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food. wrote:
Below is the text of a petition urging President Bush and our national
leaders to call upon the nation to embark upon a modern-day 'Manhattan
Project' in scientific education and research to protect and extend
America's position of global leadership in technology and science;
What President and national leaders? They are lackeys and lobbyists for
big industry, the USA is ruled by greed and corruption. You might get a
clue and figure out that most of the scientific breakthroughs in
American history have been made by foreigners, or recent immigrants- so
take another look at your "Manhattan Project" idea, NOT representative
of mainstream America in the slightest- 90% of the native born retards
are incapable of even spelling many of their names- or any word of more
than three syllables for that matter.

position that becomes more fragile and tenuous every passing day that
we continue to let our public schools lag behind the rest of the
industrial world, and increasingly Asian nations, in the sciences.
You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear...
On Sat, 06 Aug 2005 00:21:17 GMT, Fred Bloggs <>
wrote: wrote:
Below is the text of a petition urging President Bush and our national
leaders to call upon the nation to embark upon a modern-day 'Manhattan
Project' in scientific education and research to protect and extend
America's position of global leadership in technology and science;

What President and national leaders? They are lackeys and lobbyists for
big industry, the USA is ruled by greed and corruption. You might get a
clue and figure out that most of the scientific breakthroughs in
American history have been made by foreigners, or recent immigrants- so
take another look at your "Manhattan Project" idea, NOT representative
of mainstream America in the slightest- 90% of the native born retards
are incapable of even spelling many of their names- or any word of more
than three syllables for that matter.

position that becomes more fragile and tenuous every passing day that
we continue to let our public schools lag behind the rest of the
industrial world, and increasingly Asian nations, in the sciences.

You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear...
That's what private schools are for ;-)

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
Jim Thompson wrote:
On Fri, 05 Aug 2005 15:34:43 -0700, Bob Monsen <

Jim Thompson wrote:


Just for the loonie right religious vote

When are you going to figure out that Bush is a card carrying member of
the religious right?

Except he isn't, he's a Methodist... keeps it quiet though.

Bush just plays the religious nuts to get votes. The so-called
religious right is composed mostly of Democrat nutcases.

If Kerry had played it "right" he would have gotten their vote.

his long standing positions on stem cell
research and global warming,


But Frist will win in the end.

Actually, Bush's silly position about limiting lines was a compromise.
He wanted to prohibit it. What he did effectively moved research offshore.

After the Schiavo affair, I never thought I'd be saying this, but Frist
appears to be moving in the proper direction. I'm sure it has nothing to
do with the fact that he is going to run for president, and is thus
trying to move towards the center. Bush ran as a moderate in 2000.
Remember the 'compassionate conservative'? Look what happened. If the
trend holds true, Frist will get elected, then show his true colors by
declaring a theocracy, and issuing a fatwah on abortion doctors. ;)

Nah! I think you're entirely wrong about Frist. He played a game
figuring it would play with the public... it backfired even with

Frist will never be President.

and with members of his administration
editing scientific studies in order to help political contributors, I'm
not sure I want his administration to do anything of the sort.

But can you cite some fact... what scientific studies were edited?

A report on global warming was edited to remove references to greenhouse
emissions by an ex-oil industry (and now, again, oil-industry) guy
working at the whitehouse. It was big news, I'm suprised you didn't hear
about it.

Here is a quote:

'Last week, the New York Times reported that a senior White House
official had altered government documents to emphasize the uncertainties
surrounding the science on global warming. That official, White House
Council on Environmental Quality chief of staff Phillip Cooney, left the
administration last Friday to take a public relations job with oil giant
Exxon Mobil, a leading opponent of mandatory limits on greenhouse gas

...Jim Thompson

(editorial mode enabled)

These guys are going to do pretty much whatever they want, and nobody
can say or do anything about it. They want Bolton at the UN, they just
go ahead and break new ground with a recess appointment (he was booed on
his first day).

They're just afraid he will kick their asses... and he will ;-)

When they want a war in Iraq, they just pressure
analysts to say what they want to hear about WMD, and ignore the
majority of dissenting opinions (more Bolton nonsense.) When it turns
out to be wrong, they blame the analysts, fire the head of the CIA (and
give him the medal of honor), and then they rewrite history concerning
the reason for going. They want tax cuts? They supress their own
estimates and figures, and fire the Secretary of the Treasury when he
doesn't go along. Feel like torturing prisoners of war? No problem. Have
Gonzo write a memo redefining 'prisoner'. Presto, they are 'enemy
combatants' with no rights.

Damn! You're ranting like a Canadian ;-)
Compliments will get you nowhere... The canuks I've met seem quite
rational. They all seem a bit smug though; probably has something to do
with having a working medical system that covers everybody.

Somebody pisses you off? Plant a leak, and
destroy his wife's career, knowing that the ensuing furor will distract
attention from his message, which is that they lied about the
'yellowcake', since they knew it was false before the state of the

You really need to pay closer attention. You missed so much detail
you don't have the slightest clue.

[snip blather]
What you say about me is usually true, but I don't think so this time.

They really did know it was bogus, everybody was warning Condi that it
was trash, they had taken it out of a speech a month before at urging
from the CIA director, but I guess it just sounded so good, they
couldn't be bothered with the facts. The way they worded it, they could
blame the whole fiasco on the british when it blew up (which they tried
to do, of course). The wilson thing was really Rove trying to discredit
the notion that Wilson was sent by the administration. However, whether
he was sent by the administration or not, he was there, and what he
found was true, and has been since verified as true. The whole flap is
simply besides the point.

Is PBS reporting the facts, and not the
scifi you blather to FOX? Replace the PBS director with your butt-boy,

PBS is so biased even Democrats blush when trying to defend it. PBS
is our BBC.
I don't know much about the BBC, but there are shows on both sides of
the isle coming from PBS. Newshour is quite balanced, almost painfully
so. Tucker "Dickhead" Carlson has a show, as does the blathering bush
lackies at the WSJ. I'll admit that "Now with Bill Moyers" was pretty
progressive... ;)

Unemployment is so
bad that most unemployed people are no longer counted, because they have
simply given up looking for work.

Looks like you're talking about Europe. You're so full of shit your
eyes are brown ;-)

It's Europe that's on the verge of a depression.

The standard of living for most
Americans has decreased since 2000,

Funny I seem to observe just the opposite.
Try talking to some blue collar workers for a change. These guys have
been taking it in the wrong end for the last 25 years, minus about 8
years in the 90s when they got at least cost of living. Try talking to
some textile workers, or auto workers, or agricultural workers.

Most people don't make a million dollars a year, Jim. Its people like
you and I that are making tons of money these days, but talk to your
mailman, or your grocery clerk, or the guy flipping your burgers. They
are working two jobs to make ends meet, or living with 3 families in a 2
bedroom house. Not everybody is smart enough or lucky enough or rich
enough to be able to go to MIT or Hahvahd or Stanford.

just like it decreased under Bush I.
They can't even pass their simple religious right agenda, like allowing
prayer in schools, prohibiting abortion, teaching 'intelligent design',
and stopping stem-cell research, despite having a zombie-like yes-man
majority in both the house and senate, and a favorable supreme court.

'Cept it ain't so. Lot's of Republicans are keeping the wild-assed
ideas in check.
Ah, you mean the 'zombie-like yes men' crack? Yes, I know there are
actually reasonable republicans. Sadly, they are all being hounded out
of the party by the hard line right. Republicans actually used to be the
smart ones. Look at the demographic base these days...

They make a big deal about social security reform, and spend 8 months on
the road trying to sell it, but it falls flat because A) it's a stupid
idea, B) their idea doesn't help social security stay solvent at all,
and C) no congressman or senator who wants to be reelected is going to
support it.

An someday soon, Social Security WILL be bust. Although I actually
expect that the Democrats, when they regain power will do the same
corrections and claim credit for it.
I'm all for fixing it, but Bush's silly scheme wouldn't have done that.
It wouldn't have done anything except start a new stock investment bubble...

They can't even keep their buddies in baseball from using

How do you control a jock? For that matter I don't consider it a
government function to regulate baseball. I don't watch that shit

Would you hire a CEO with a record like this? Really, would you?

Seems to be perfectly capable of keeping you in a lather ;-)
That's me, yap yap yap... but I can't do a thing. I feel like the
republicans probably felt in 65. You may remember that powerless feeling
when everything seemed to be going to shit, and there was nothing you
could do about it but watch in horror as the train collided with the bus.

I think it's a generational thing. My mom is 76, and a staunch Bush
supporter. All her kids are democrats, who torture her about it at every
opportunity. She grew up back east, we grew up in california...

BTW, Buy Euros now, so I can delight when you lose money ;-)
No, yuans...

...Jim Thompson

Bob Monsen

If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has
so much as to be out of danger?
Thomas Henry Huxley, 1877
"Jim Thompson" <> wrote in message
On Fri, 05 Aug 2005 15:34:43 -0700, Bob Monsen <

Jim Thompson wrote:

Just for the loonie right religious vote

When are you going to figure out that Bush is a card carrying member of
the religious right?

Except he isn't, he's a Methodist... keeps it quiet though.
How does being a Methodist make him not a member of the religious right? By
his own words, he is a practicing, born-again, evangelist Christian. He
listed Jesus as his favorite philosopher.

Of course, that could all just be a cynical play for votes.

Bush just plays the religious nuts to get votes. The so-called
religious right is composed mostly of Democrat nutcases.
I did not know that. Could you name, say, three of them?
On Fri, 5 Aug 2005 20:51:28 -0700, "Richard Henry" <>

"Jim Thompson" <> wrote in message
On Fri, 05 Aug 2005 15:34:43 -0700, Bob Monsen <

When are you going to figure out that Bush is a card carrying member of
the religious right?

Except he isn't, he's a Methodist... keeps it quiet though.

How does being a Methodist make him not a member of the religious right? By
his own words, he is a practicing, born-again, evangelist Christian. He
listed Jesus as his favorite philosopher.

Of course, that could all just be a cynical play for votes.
There you go. Methodists derive from Luther. They tend not to push
their religious ideas on others.

By upbringing I'm a Methodist, by choice I'm an atheist.

Bush just plays the religious nuts to get votes. The so-called
religious right is composed mostly of Democrat nutcases.

I did not know that. Could you name, say, three of them?
The whole of the South is predominantly registered Democrat.

And what you didn't know, for sure, is that so is Arizona. They just
vote right wing.

We even have a Democrat governor who slipped thru the cracks
pretending to be conservative. Then renamed Squaw Peak to Piestewa
Peak, since "squaw" is politically incorrect, and dodged the authority
of the State Geographical Site Naming Commission. Watch while we
bounce her on her head ;-)

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
"Jim Thompson" <> wrote in message

The whole of the South is predominantly registered Democrat.
I ddi not know that.
And what you didn't know, for sure, is that so is Arizona. They just
vote right wing.
Arizona Secretary of State says 35% Democrat, 40% Republican.

We even have a Democrat governor who slipped thru the cracks
pretending to be conservative. Then renamed Squaw Peak to Piestewa
Peak, since "squaw" is politically incorrect, and dodged the authority
of the State Geographical Site Naming Commission. Watch while we
bounce her on her head ;-)
Maybe if they just translated the words directly to English, we could see
how long people would refer to it as "C**t Peak".
On Fri, 05 Aug 2005 18:53:39 -0700, Bob Monsen <>

Jim Thompson wrote:
On Fri, 05 Aug 2005 15:34:43 -0700, Bob Monsen <

Jim Thompson wrote:


Somebody pisses you off? Plant a leak, and
destroy his wife's career, knowing that the ensuing furor will distract
attention from his message, which is that they lied about the
'yellowcake', since they knew it was false before the state of the

You really need to pay closer attention. You missed so much detail
you don't have the slightest clue.

[snip blather]

What you say about me is usually true, but I don't think so this time.


At whose urging did the CIA send Joseph C. Wilson to Africa?

Answer: Valerie Plame

The whole thing was a rig-job set up by the dirt-bag Democrats.

Valerie Plame has never been an "operative", she had a desk job ala
"Three Days of the Condor".

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
On Sat, 6 Aug 2005 11:19:12 -0700, "Richard Henry" <>

"Jim Thompson" <> wrote in message

The whole of the South is predominantly registered Democrat.

I ddi not know that.

And what you didn't know, for sure, is that so is Arizona. They just
vote right wing.

Arizona Secretary of State says 35% Democrat, 40% Republican.
That's good news, it used to be just the other way around. Looks like
Tucson is shifting away from being a hot bed for Democrats. Thank
you, Janet NOpolitaNO ;-)

We even have a Democrat governor who slipped thru the cracks
pretending to be conservative. Then renamed Squaw Peak to Piestewa
Peak, since "squaw" is politically incorrect, and dodged the authority
of the State Geographical Site Naming Commission. Watch while we
bounce her on her head ;-)

Maybe if they just translated the words directly to English, we could see
how long people would refer to it as "C**t Peak".
There's been a lot of hassling about that BS. But the native
Americans around here say, "NOT SO"!

The name is perhaps a few hundred years old. But dirt-bag Democrats
give not-a-damn for tradition.

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
In article <>, says...

We, the undersigned members of America's engineering, mathematics, and
scientific communities, hereby call upon you, President Bush, to
reaffirm our government's commitment to research and summon Americans
to this momentous challenge to tackle head-on the threats facing our
next generation by embarking upon a modern 'Manhattan Project' aimed at
maintaining and extending our position of leadership in science, math,
and engineering education and research, our sole sources of competitive
advantage in an increasingly competitive and dangerous world.
Strikes me as a waste of time, unless you can get Pat Robertson and
Jerry Falwell to sign your petition and enclose a copy with their next
check to the RNC.

-- jm

Note: My E-mail address has been altered to avoid spam
"Jim Thompson" <> wrote in message
On Fri, 05 Aug 2005 18:53:39 -0700, Bob Monsen <

Jim Thompson wrote:
On Fri, 05 Aug 2005 15:34:43 -0700, Bob Monsen <

Jim Thompson wrote:


Somebody pisses you off? Plant a leak, and
destroy his wife's career, knowing that the ensuing furor will distract
attention from his message, which is that they lied about the
'yellowcake', since they knew it was false before the state of the

You really need to pay closer attention. You missed so much detail
you don't have the slightest clue.

[snip blather]

What you say about me is usually true, but I don't think so this time.


At whose urging did the CIA send Joseph C. Wilson to Africa?

Answer: Valerie Plame

The whole thing was a rig-job set up by the dirt-bag Democrats.

Valerie Plame has never been an "operative", she had a desk job ala
"Three Days of the Condor".
That pretty much echoes the Karl Rove position, except that you left out
this part: "I didn't actually give Novak her name. I just said it was
Wilson's wife".

That brings up another question: why isn't Novak in jail?
On Sat, 06 Aug 2005 22:34:45 -0700, Richard Henry wrote:

"Jim Thompson" <> wrote in message
On Fri, 05 Aug 2005 18:53:39 -0700, Bob Monsen <

Jim Thompson wrote:
On Fri, 05 Aug 2005 15:34:43 -0700, Bob Monsen <

Jim Thompson wrote:


Somebody pisses you off? Plant a leak, and
destroy his wife's career, knowing that the ensuing furor will distract
attention from his message, which is that they lied about the
'yellowcake', since they knew it was false before the state of the

You really need to pay closer attention. You missed so much detail
you don't have the slightest clue.

[snip blather]

What you say about me is usually true, but I don't think so this time.


At whose urging did the CIA send Joseph C. Wilson to Africa?

Answer: Valerie Plame

The whole thing was a rig-job set up by the dirt-bag Democrats.

Valerie Plame has never been an "operative", she had a desk job ala
"Three Days of the Condor".

That pretty much echoes the Karl Rove position, except that you left out
this part: "I didn't actually give Novak her name. I just said it was
Wilson's wife".
Who introduced herself at parties as a CIA "operative".

That brings up another question: why isn't Novak in jail?
You sound like Howie Dean (the other Red Queen).


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