On 07 Jun 2006 06:58:10 GMT, erazmus@iinet.net.au (Mike) wrote:
engineering qualifications surely - and then how to please the RTA is
the next problem.
That "Pritchard Steam Car" guy - his father invented a type of
valve... I think it was because steam engines have poor acceleration?
His valve overcame whatever the problem was anyway. Some collector in
WA bought the only car the father and son made and hid it away. What
a waste!
Yep, but how to build the thing so it doesn't explode... You'd needYes I would like to see that, I have a heat engine project on the back
burner at moment <great pun>. Basically arranging best use of pressure,
also have a pair of unused VL/Nissan 6 cyl engines in the back shed
that havent rusted yet, have in mind using them at some point though I
robbed one of them of big end bearings for my VLT...
Steam engines are really really simple, just pressure and applied to
a piston, thats effectively it...
engineering qualifications surely - and then how to please the RTA is
the next problem.
That "Pritchard Steam Car" guy - his father invented a type of
valve... I think it was because steam engines have poor acceleration?
His valve overcame whatever the problem was anyway. Some collector in
WA bought the only car the father and son made and hid it away. What
a waste!