Ken Smith
In article <dfydncj3QpTKOmrfRVn-oA@comcast.com>,
Bob Monsen <rcsurname@comcast.net> wrote:
inspection which way the conditionals land. If you are hand tuning some
ASM code for the maximum speed, knowing which jumps are likely helps to
minimize the out of line jumps.
BTW: You can pulse a port bit high if you jump and another if you don't
and use a frequency counter to find the odds. This works well on
kensmith@rahul.net forging knowledge
Bob Monsen <rcsurname@comcast.net> wrote:
Profiling can be useful on nearly any modern processor if you can't see byGCC has a profiling mode that will allow one to capture this
information, for optimizing MIPS output (where it is quite useful, since
they have alternate opcodes depending on which branch is more likely).
As I recall (I've never used it) you run your code for a while, and then
get a dump of the counters, which you then feed back into GCC.
inspection which way the conditionals land. If you are hand tuning some
ASM code for the maximum speed, knowing which jumps are likely helps to
minimize the out of line jumps.
BTW: You can pulse a port bit high if you jump and another if you don't
and use a frequency counter to find the odds. This works well on
kensmith@rahul.net forging knowledge