On Fri, 7 Jan 2022 18:05:49 -0800 (PST), Phil Allison
<pallison49@gmail.com> wrote:
If some idea violates a basic conservation principle, it can be
instantly rejected... but actually shouldn\'t be too soon.
Most people are hostile to new ideas. They live at the bottom of the
pay scale.
I yam what I yam - Popeye
<pallison49@gmail.com> wrote:
Jasen Bullshits wrote:
I think signals from multiple dipoles can be combined without altering
the far-field pattern. I can think of several ways to do that.
You\'re mistaken. if you build a phased-array antenna you get increased
directionality (so a tighter far field pattern) and a stronger signal.
Gain and directionality are inextricably linked for passive antannnae.
** ROTFL - insects have \"antennae\" !!!
Worse than that idiocy, is that everyone but me has arrogantly ignored the OP\'s context.
Colossal pedant Ralph Mowery kicked it off and all the sheep here followed.
For fixed location antennas, only the *horizontal * pattern ever matters and is the only one speced.
So \"directionality\" = horizontal pattern.
FFS when are you going to learn that queries posted here are NOT fucking exam questions.
( except when some wanker sneakily posts one they need to answer)
..... Phil
If some idea violates a basic conservation principle, it can be
instantly rejected... but actually shouldn\'t be too soon.
Most people are hostile to new ideas. They live at the bottom of the
pay scale.
I yam what I yam - Popeye