Boo hoo fucking hoo cry us a river hillbilly

On 11/08/2011 19:27, Tom Biasi wrote:
"Desk Rabbit" wrote in message

On 11/08/2011 14:15, Tom Biasi wrote:

"Oswald Cobblepot" wrote in message news:j20hd8$cnl$

If my company received such a poorly written document as you've posted
here, it would get tossed immediately into the round file.

Why? Only the highly educated and eloquent customers deserve to be
treated properly?

Certainly not those who don't know how to quote properly :)

Are you saying that I didn't quote properly?
I would have thought that it was pretty obvious that your posts are
severely broken in the quoting department.

I see you are using Windows live mail which explains a lot.
On Thu, 11 Aug 2011 19:23:23 -0700 (PDT), JeffM <>

Tom Biasi wrote:
Are you saying that I didn't quote properly?

Aardvark wrote:
Yes, he was, and you've just failed to quote properly again.

Tom has NEVER quoted properly.
He choses to use 4th-rate software
and doesn't manually compensate for that crap.

OK Please tell me what is happening so that I can fix it.
have been having a few problems lately.

See "NEVER", above.

A **proper** newsreader does it all for you automatically.

There *used* to be a tweak for M$'s old sucky software.'t.exactly.feature.the.most.intelligent.quoting.algorithm%22
I don't think that works on M$'s latest sucky software.

_You_ have to do it _manually_.*-*-*-**-use-Micro.oft-programs+average+Netiquette+Richard.Torrens+dry+top.posting&strip=1#quila
(no trailing "e")

--or just stop using that stupid crap and get a **proper** newsreader.
I trusted that all I had to do was post. I never consider software. No
one has ever said anything to me until now. If you have seen a problem
with my posts in the past why didn't you say something.
I used what Win7 uses since I switched over. I guess I'll go back to
Agent even though I don't like it.

Tom Biasi <> writes and having writ moves on.

"Aardvark" wrote in message news:j219du$kfo$

On Thu, 11 Aug 2011 14:27:24 -0400, Tom Biasi wrote:

Are you saying that I didn't quote properly?

Yes, he was, and you've just failed to quote properly again.

OK Please tell me what is happening so that I can fix it. I have been having
a few problems lately.
You are using an e-mail client to post that can't handle Usenet.
Switch to a newsreader and the basic functions and requirements
will just be there.

Mike "you've been told this before" Yetto
In theory, theory and practice are the same.
In practice they are not.
On 12/08/2011 01:45, Tom Biasi wrote:
"Oswald Cobblepot" wrote in message news:j21op6$qhf$
In 24hoursupport.helpdesk, on Thu, 11 Aug 2011 19:16:43 -0400, Tom
Biasi wrote:

OK Please tell me what is happening so that I can fix it. I have
been having a few problems lately.

Get a real newsreader.
Notice how everyone else's places levels of the > character in front
of quoted material when they reply. Notice how your Windows Live Mail
does not.

40tude Dialog, Microplanet Gravity, Xnews, even Thunderbird ...

They are on my machine. WLM updates have been driving me crazy.
I will investigate. Thanks.
You've all four installed and still you persist with a broken newsreader?

Incredible. Just when you think you've met the stupidest person on
USenet, along comes someone else to prove you wrong.
On Thu, 11 Aug 2011 19:16:43 -0400, Tom Biasi wrote:

Please tell me what is happening so that I can fix it. I have been
having a few problems lately.
You've been told enough times by others- get a newsreader and lose WLM.

"When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask
why are they poor, they call me a Communist."
- HÊlder Pessoa Câmara, Archbishop of Olinda and Recife, Brazil
Desk Rabbit wrote:
On 12/08/2011 01:45, Tom Biasi wrote:

"Oswald Cobblepot" wrote in message news:j21op6$qhf$
In 24hoursupport.helpdesk, on Thu, 11 Aug 2011 19:16:43 -0400, Tom
Biasi wrote:

OK Please tell me what is happening so that I can fix it. I have
been having a few problems lately.

Get a real newsreader.
Notice how everyone else's places levels of the > character in front
of quoted material when they reply. Notice how your Windows Live Mail
does not.

40tude Dialog, Microplanet Gravity, Xnews, even Thunderbird ...

They are on my machine. WLM updates have been driving me crazy.
I will investigate. Thanks.
You've all four installed and still you persist with a broken newsreader?

Incredible. Just when you think you've met the stupidest person on
USenet, along comes someone else to prove you wrong.

You haven't met NymNuts. He's so stupid that he needs over 100

Politicians should only get paid if the budget is balanced, and there is
enough left over to pay them.
On Thu, 11 Aug 2011 15:39:35 -0400, Mike Yetto <myetto1@nycap.invalid>

Tom Biasi <> writes and having writ moves on.

"Desk Rabbit" wrote in message

On 11/08/2011 14:15, Tom Biasi wrote:

"Oswald Cobblepot" wrote in message news:j20hd8$cnl$

If my company received such a poorly written document as you've posted
here, it would get tossed immediately into the round file.

Why? Only the highly educated and eloquent customers deserve to be
treated properly?

Certainly not those who don't know how to quote properly :)

Are you saying that I didn't quote properly?

If you continually fail to quote properly you will continually be
told that you failed to quote properly.

Mike "even if your e-mail client can't do Usenet correctly" Yetto
Thank You Mike.
I agree that MLM is crap. But I need to use it to see what my clients
I don't recall ever being told about quoteing problems, if you can
show me the posts I would be gratefull.

"Tom Biasi" wrote in message news:4e44778d$0$23630$

They are on my machine. WLM updates have been driving me crazy.
I will investigate. Thanks.
I also have WLM and it is severely retarded and became more broken in their
2011 release when somebody at M$ decided to "fix" it, which now usually
means making it "pretty" rather than useful. I have xNews but I really like
the convenience of having my mail and usenet in one place. If I used
newsgroups a lot more than I do, I would probably switch. I tried posting
questions about WLM to the authorized M$ forum and even the official M$
techies realize that there is a problem but after a year or more nothing has
been fixed and it may be even more broken.

"Made by monkeys"! (Or maybe cats - I removed it from the follow-ups, but I
can believe cats could be responsible for the WLM problems. Cats are evil,
alien beings. Dogs rule!


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