Arfa Daily
"PeterC" <giraffenos.pam@homecall.co.uk> wrote in message
they may well have an analogue receiver inside them as well, for when you
get fed up of listening to Daleks reading the news, or wondering why someone
in the orchestra, is blowing bubbles through a drinking straw, or even why
the whole orchestra keeps stopping momentarily at what you are sure are
inappropriate places ...
As far as OLEDs go, I'm honestly not sure that they will ever get up to
'living room' size. A much better technology which is capable of being
manufactured to large sizes, and which can apparently rival the best CRTs
(as it is in effect a variant of CRT technology, without all the bulk) has
existed for some time now. But it is unfortunately buried in litigation over
ownership or some such, so doesn't look likely to come storming into our
shops anytime soon. Which is a shame, because from what I have read of it,
it would knock all of the current technologies completely into yesterday. If
you want to look into this technology, it's called "SED" or similar slight
variations. I think that the actual name is a little longer than 3 words,
but "Surface Emission Display" is enough to find it on the 'net.
Most radios that are offered as "digital", are actually DAB types, althoughOn Fri, 15 May 2009 02:15:08 +0100, Arfa Daily wrote:
This is one of those cases in which the people most-likely to object to
advertising are those aware of the ad's meaning, who therefore don't see
as a misrepresentation.
Sets that generate the image directly using LEDs or OLEDs are not
as having fundamental advantages *, so even if the display is
called "LED", rather than "LED backlight", it is not seen as misleading.
Does that make any sense?
I'm not sure that it does, to be honest. I'm aware of the ad's meaning,
it was exactly that which made me see it as a misrepresentation.
PS: Samsung's Website calls it an "LED TV" -- as distinct from "LCD
TV" --
which is at least confusing.
No. More than that. It is patently *not* an LED TV. It is an LCD TV.
more, nothing less. I don't find that confusing - it is at the very least
I saw the ad. on TV last night and, had I seen it /before/ this thread
would have picked up on it, but how many viewers would? Most of us here
know the current state of OLED screens (and I'm waiting 'til they go to
32"+ and are affordable) but joe public will believe even politicians (and
they aren't affordable).
On similar lines is the 'digital' radio that's advertised - has LCD info
but is still analogue reception. IMO that's misleading as well.
You don't understand Newton's Third Law of Motion?
It's not rocket science, you know.
they may well have an analogue receiver inside them as well, for when you
get fed up of listening to Daleks reading the news, or wondering why someone
in the orchestra, is blowing bubbles through a drinking straw, or even why
the whole orchestra keeps stopping momentarily at what you are sure are
inappropriate places ...
As far as OLEDs go, I'm honestly not sure that they will ever get up to
'living room' size. A much better technology which is capable of being
manufactured to large sizes, and which can apparently rival the best CRTs
(as it is in effect a variant of CRT technology, without all the bulk) has
existed for some time now. But it is unfortunately buried in litigation over
ownership or some such, so doesn't look likely to come storming into our
shops anytime soon. Which is a shame, because from what I have read of it,
it would knock all of the current technologies completely into yesterday. If
you want to look into this technology, it's called "SED" or similar slight
variations. I think that the actual name is a little longer than 3 words,
but "Surface Emission Display" is enough to find it on the 'net.