Best solder free electrical connection

On Tue, 24 Aug 2010 06:18:42 -0400, wrote:

On Mon, 23 Aug 2010 20:26:51 -0500, "krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzzzz"
krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzzzz> wrote:

On Mon, 23 Aug 2010 19:39:56 -0400, wrote:

On Mon, 23 Aug 2010 17:48:48 -0400, "Michael A. Terrell"> wrote: wrote:

On Mon, 23 Aug 2010 15:47:52 -0400, "Michael A. Terrell"> wrote:

Phil Hobbs wrote:

Dave wrote:
On 22/08/2010 02:08, Michael A. Terrell wrote:

It was a fast plane, but a poor design.

Fast it was, but poor design NO.

They spent wads of money to
build and maintain them, then junked the entire fleet. It was noisy and
very fuel inefficient.

As is any super fast jet. I should know, I spent many years working in
that environment.

That forced the fares so high that they weren't
able to compete with better planes from multiple countries.

Lots of passengers enjoyed the fact they could spend the day shopping in
another continent and be home for tea.

Oh, come on. Anything designed in England in the 1960s has to leak oil.

Even their lightbulbs.

Many years ago in a previous life, radio host Don Imus brought me his
Triumph Motorcycle to look at because the headlight as in fact,
leaking oil!

Long story short: Bad oil pressure sending unit had it's wire lead
encased in a plastic spaghetti tube that ran up along the frame to the
headlight housing. Oil was running up through the spaghetti tubing and
collecting in the headlight housing. When he parked, it would drip

One look at Imus, and you knew it wasn't hair oil. ;-)

He was very well lubricated, himself, back when I knew him.

But not with oil. He used white, dry, "lubricant". THat was when he was

He was drinking copious quantities of vodka in those days, and he
wasn't all that funny in person. In fact, he was quite rude and
unpleasant. His then wife, Harriet, however was a sweetheart, and some
of his friends were fun to be around.
I don't doubt you at all. That was the scuttlebutt around NY.
On Tue, 24 Aug 2010 07:45:09 -0400, "Michael A. Terrell"
<> wrote:

"krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzzzz" wrote:

On Mon, 23 Aug 2010 23:57:25 -0400, "Michael A. Terrell"> wrote: wrote:

On Mon, 23 Aug 2010 17:48:48 -0400, "Michael A. Terrell"> wrote: wrote:

On Mon, 23 Aug 2010 15:47:52 -0400, "Michael A. Terrell"> wrote:

Phil Hobbs wrote:

Dave wrote:
On 22/08/2010 02:08, Michael A. Terrell wrote:

It was a fast plane, but a poor design.

Fast it was, but poor design NO.

They spent wads of money to
build and maintain them, then junked the entire fleet. It was noisy and
very fuel inefficient.

As is any super fast jet. I should know, I spent many years working in
that environment.

That forced the fares so high that they weren't
able to compete with better planes from multiple countries.

Lots of passengers enjoyed the fact they could spend the day shopping in
another continent and be home for tea.

Oh, come on. Anything designed in England in the 1960s has to leak oil.

Even their lightbulbs.

Many years ago in a previous life, radio host Don Imus brought me his
Triumph Motorcycle to look at because the headlight as in fact,
leaking oil!

Long story short: Bad oil pressure sending unit had it's wire lead
encased in a plastic spaghetti tube that ran up along the frame to the
headlight housing. Oil was running up through the spaghetti tubing and
collecting in the headlight housing. When he parked, it would drip

One look at Imus, and you knew it wasn't hair oil. ;-)

He was very well lubricated, himself, back when I knew him.

Teflon in his beer?

No beer. I believe his favorite was vodka and coke. It may have been Gin and
coke, but it's been 30 years since I listened regularly.

From the way he looks, it looks like he hasn't been 'regular' in 30
years. ;-)
He doesn't look a day older today than he did then.
The Daring Dufas wrote:
On 8/24/2010 5:35 PM, Michael A. Terrell wrote:
? The Daring Dufas wrote:
?? On 8/24/2010 6:53 AM, Michael A. Terrell wrote:
?? ?
?? ? The Daring Dufas wrote:
?? ??
?? ?? On 8/23/2010 10:49 PM, Michael A. Terrell wrote:
?? ???
?? ??? The Daring Dufas wrote:
?? ????
?? ???? On 8/23/2010 2:28 PM, john hamilton wrote:
?? ????? "Paul"? wrote in message
?? ?????
?? ?????? On 19/08/2010 04:46, Michael A. Terrell wrote:
?? ???????
?? ??????? Paul wrote:
?? ????????
?? ???????? On 19/08/2010 01:27, The Daring Dufas wrote:
?? ????????? On 8/18/2010 6:33 PM, geoff wrote:
?? ?????????? In message?i4hmat$blj$, The Daring Dufas
?? ?????????? ? writes
?? ??????????? On 8/18/2010 4:17 PM, geoff wrote:
?? ???????????? In message?i4hhb1$np$, The Daring Dufas
?? ???????????? ? writes
?? ????????????? On 8/16/2010 12:43 PM, john hamilton wrote:
?? ?????????????? I have to connect this AAA battery holder to a toy. Although I
?? ?????????????? have a
?? ?????????????? small
?? ?????????????? soldering iron, my soldering skills are poor. I can see myself
?? ?????????????? easily
?? ?????????????? melting all the plastic around the contacts before I can get
?? ?????????????? anything to
?? ?????????????? stick to the tabs. (The part of the tabs with the small hole will
?? ?????????????? bend
?? ?????????????? upwards giving some clearence).
?? ??????????????
?? ??????????????
?? ??????????????
?? ?????????????? My immediate plan is to poke a few strands of wire through the
?? ?????????????? holes
?? ?????????????? in the
?? ?????????????? connection tabs twist and then apply some nail varnish to stop it
?? ?????????????? unwinding.
?? ?????????????? Since its a toy it does not need to be totally foolproof.
?? ??????????????
?? ?????????????? If anyone had any ideas that were a bit more sophisticated I would
?? ?????????????? be
?? ?????????????? gratefull. Thanks.
?? ??????????????
?? ??????????????
?? ?????????????
?? ????????????? If you are familiar with faston connectors, you can trim the
?? ????????????? terminals with scissors or wire cutters so a connector will
?? ????????????? slip on to them. The connectors are available in many sizes
?? ????????????? with the 1/4" being the most common. I believe The Shack,
?? ????????????? formally Radio Shack carries several sizes. Here's a link
?? ????????????? to a manufacturer that produces many types so you can see
?? ????????????? what I'm referring to:
?? ?????????????
?? ?????????????
?? ?????????????
?? ???????????? Excuse me, but is the OP a Septic or English ?
?? ????????????
?? ???????????? If he/she/it is English, it's bugger all use pointing them at Septic
?? ???????????? outlets, is it?
?? ????????????
?? ????????????
?? ???????????
?? ??????????? I'm sorry, I have absolutely no idea what you are writing
?? ??????????? about. Could you find someone to translate it into American?
?? ???????????
?? ?????????? Septic tank = yank
?? ??????????
?? ?????????? duh - colonials
?? ??????????
?? ??????????
?? ?????????
?? ????????? Um, the cultural education is nice but what's it got to do
?? ????????? with electrical connections to a battery holder? Bizarre is
?? ????????? fun but at least I try to keep my jokes within the subject
?? ????????? matter being discussed. :cool:
?? ?????????? TDD
?? ?????????? It was... Radio Shack used to have UK outlets (but seemed to have
?? ???????? vanished), but the link above was certainly for their US replacement...
?? ????????
?? ?????? Its a long way to go for a battery holder..
?? ????????
?? ??????? Yes. All the way to your mail box. Of course, that may require you
?? ??????? to get out of your chair and actually walk.
?? ???????
?? ?????? And pay three times the value in shipping and taxes
?? ?????
?? ????? =============================================================================
?? ?????
?? ????? Many thanks to all. The push on brass connectors are a welcome solution,
?? ????? many thanks. I can easily buy those at Maplins.
?? ?????
?? ????? To throw a little light on this unnecessary rudeness to our American
?? ????? cousins. The expression Amearkin came up because in the U.S. they could say
?? ????? American so quickly it sounded like Amearkin. So across the pond they became
?? ????? Amearkins...quite harmless.
?? ?????
?? ????? However some low lifes changed this to Merkins. A few hundred years ago in
?? ????? order to deal with body lice, ladies would shave their lower private parts.
?? ????? Since this was deamed un-attractive, they could buy small triangular wigs
?? ????? which were guessed it Merkins. Please dont let the low-lifes
?? ????? get you down, we have as many here as you have there. And they just love the
?? ????? internet.
?? ?????
?? ?????
?? ????
?? ???? Teasing is part of the Usenet experience, if we didn't like you we
?? ???? wouldn't even respond to you. You get a bunch of guys together and
?? ???? they are going to throw jabs at each other and kid around. It's
?? ???? basically what we call horseplay. It's like those celebrity roasts
?? ???? that are shown on TV, some of the most horrible and vile insults
?? ???? are thrown about by friends. :cool:
?? ???
?? ???
?? ??? And if the 'friends' go too far, you throw them out! ;-)
?? ??
?? ?? The only time I've seen that happen is when someone attacks the family
?? ?? or children of a nasty poster. I'll pounce and tell them to leave the
?? ?? uninvolved folks out of it. One particularly foul individual posted a
?? ?? farewell to his grandmother who had just passed away and a rival started
?? ?? making fun of the late old woman. I let him know real quick it was in
?? ?? bad taste and to direct his anger at Mr. Nasty and not someone who was
?? ?? defenseless. There is such a thing as propriety.
?? ?
?? ?
?? ? I've had online and real life stalkers, and one ass who posted some
?? ? lies about my long dead mother. So I asked why he was online, when he
?? ? was supposed to be picking up his hooker wife. He was furious, and got
?? ? even madder when not one of his cronies agreed with him. Sometimes you
?? ? have to hit them with a six foot 2"*4", right between the eyes before
?? ? they get the message. He had been making fun of the fact that I'm a
?? ? disabled US Army Veteran and bragged that he was exempt from military
?? ? service, because he was diabetic. He harped anout it for months, with
?? ? others reminding him that he started it. I had dumped him into the bit
?? ? bucket, so I only saw it in replies.
?? Let it roll off your back because words can never hurt you unless
?? followed by the banging of a gavel in a courtroom. :cool:
?? Oh yea, thanks for your service. Both my parents, my older brother
?? and paternal great uncle were regular army. I was in college during
?? The Vietnam War and joined up and was turned down even though I was
?? in the greatest shape of my life. I didn't know that I had stumbled
?? upon the secret of avoiding being drafted into the military until
?? 30 years later when I befriended a former Army recruiter. It was my
?? allergies, I had told the military doctor about my allergies causing
?? me breathing problems. All of these guys were shooting off a toe,
?? claiming to be queer or running off to Canada to avoid the draft
?? when all they had to do was tell the doctor they had allergies. I was
?? trying to join up! My recruiter friend told me that turning down a
?? potential recruit for allergies was one of the biggest secrets of the
?? war. That's been my luck, I find it by accident.
? I was given five medical 4F ratings and told I could never enlist.
? So, I started an industrial electronics repair business. Two years
? later they drafted me. I had to shut the doors when I left for basic.
? Then they tried to tell me I didn't know any electronics, but I tested
? out of the three year Broadcast Engineer course. :)

10 years later, I tried to join again. I went to through the testing,
they wanted me so I went for the medical exam where I was told to bend
over. Well, the doctor looked up my backside and told me I was in
perfect health but I was too nearsighted. I was deemed permanently
disqualified. Hell, I tried, which is more than most damn hippie freaks

My vision was below 20/200 and 20/400 without my glasses when they
took me.
"krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzzzz" wrote:
On Tue, 24 Aug 2010 07:45:09 -0400, "Michael A. Terrell"
? wrote:

?"krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzzzz" wrote:
?? On Mon, 23 Aug 2010 23:57:25 -0400, "Michael A. Terrell"
?? ? wrote:
?? ?
?? ? wrote:
?? ??
?? ?? On Mon, 23 Aug 2010 17:48:48 -0400, "Michael A. Terrell"
?? ?? ? wrote:
?? ??
?? ?? ?
?? ?? ? wrote:
?? ?? ??
?? ?? ?? On Mon, 23 Aug 2010 15:47:52 -0400, "Michael A. Terrell"
?? ?? ?? ? wrote:
?? ?? ??
?? ?? ?? ?
?? ?? ?? ?Phil Hobbs wrote:
?? ?? ?? ??
?? ?? ?? ?? Dave wrote:
?? ?? ?? ?? ? On 22/08/2010 02:08, Michael A. Terrell wrote:
?? ?? ?? ?? ?
?? ?? ?? ?? ?? It was a fast plane, but a poor design.
?? ?? ?? ?? ?
?? ?? ?? ?? ? Fast it was, but poor design NO.
?? ?? ?? ?? ?
?? ?? ?? ?? ?? They spent wads of money to
?? ?? ?? ?? ?? build and maintain them, then junked the entire fleet. It was noisy and
?? ?? ?? ?? ?? very fuel inefficient.
?? ?? ?? ?? ?
?? ?? ?? ?? ? As is any super fast jet. I should know, I spent many years working in
?? ?? ?? ?? ? that environment.
?? ?? ?? ?? ?
?? ?? ?? ?? ?? That forced the fares so high that they weren't
?? ?? ?? ?? ?? able to compete with better planes from multiple countries.
?? ?? ?? ?? ?
?? ?? ?? ?? ? Lots of passengers enjoyed the fact they could spend the day shopping in
?? ?? ?? ?? ? another continent and be home for tea.
?? ?? ?? ?? ?
?? ?? ?? ?? ? Dave
?? ?? ?? ?? Oh, come on. Anything designed in England in the 1960s has to leak oil.
?? ?? ?? ?
?? ?? ?? ?
?? ?? ?? ? Even their lightbulbs.
?? ?? ??
?? ?? ?? Many years ago in a previous life, radio host Don Imus brought me his
?? ?? ?? Triumph Motorcycle to look at because the headlight as in fact,
?? ?? ?? leaking oil!
?? ?? ??
?? ?? ?? Long story short: Bad oil pressure sending unit had it's wire lead
?? ?? ?? encased in a plastic spaghetti tube that ran up along the frame to the
?? ?? ?? headlight housing. Oil was running up through the spaghetti tubing and
?? ?? ?? collecting in the headlight housing. When he parked, it would drip
?? ?? ?? out.
?? ?? ?
?? ?? ?
?? ?? ? One look at Imus, and you knew it wasn't hair oil. ;-)
?? ??
?? ?? He was very well lubricated, himself, back when I knew him.
?? ?
?? ?
?? ? Teflon in his beer?
?? No beer. I believe his favorite was vodka and coke. It may have been Gin and
?? coke, but it's been 30 years since I listened regularly.
? From the way he looks, it looks like he hasn't been 'regular' in 30
?years. ;-)

He doesn't look a day older today than he did then.

Drinking formaldehyde has that effect on people. :)
On 8/25/2010 2:00 AM, Michael A. Terrell wrote:
The Daring Dufas wrote:

On 8/24/2010 5:35 PM, Michael A. Terrell wrote:
? The Daring Dufas wrote:
?? On 8/24/2010 6:53 AM, Michael A. Terrell wrote:
?? ?
?? ? The Daring Dufas wrote:
?? ??
?? ?? On 8/23/2010 10:49 PM, Michael A. Terrell wrote:
?? ???
?? ??? The Daring Dufas wrote:
?? ????
?? ???? On 8/23/2010 2:28 PM, john hamilton wrote:
?? ????? "Paul"? wrote in message
?? ?????
?? ?????? On 19/08/2010 04:46, Michael A. Terrell wrote:
?? ???????
?? ??????? Paul wrote:
?? ????????
?? ???????? On 19/08/2010 01:27, The Daring Dufas wrote:
?? ????????? On 8/18/2010 6:33 PM, geoff wrote:
?? ?????????? In message?i4hmat$blj$, The Daring Dufas
?? ?????????? ? writes
?? ??????????? On 8/18/2010 4:17 PM, geoff wrote:
?? ???????????? In message?i4hhb1$np$, The Daring Dufas
?? ???????????? ? writes
?? ????????????? On 8/16/2010 12:43 PM, john hamilton wrote:
?? ?????????????? I have to connect this AAA battery holder to a toy. Although I
?? ?????????????? have a
?? ?????????????? small
?? ?????????????? soldering iron, my soldering skills are poor. I can see myself
?? ?????????????? easily
?? ?????????????? melting all the plastic around the contacts before I can get
?? ?????????????? anything to
?? ?????????????? stick to the tabs. (The part of the tabs with the small hole will
?? ?????????????? bend
?? ?????????????? upwards giving some clearence).
?? ??????????????
?? ??????????????
?? ??????????????
?? ?????????????? My immediate plan is to poke a few strands of wire through the
?? ?????????????? holes
?? ?????????????? in the
?? ?????????????? connection tabs twist and then apply some nail varnish to stop it
?? ?????????????? unwinding.
?? ?????????????? Since its a toy it does not need to be totally foolproof.
?? ??????????????
?? ?????????????? If anyone had any ideas that were a bit more sophisticated I would
?? ?????????????? be
?? ?????????????? gratefull. Thanks.
?? ??????????????
?? ??????????????
?? ?????????????
?? ????????????? If you are familiar with faston connectors, you can trim the
?? ????????????? terminals with scissors or wire cutters so a connector will
?? ????????????? slip on to them. The connectors are available in many sizes
?? ????????????? with the 1/4" being the most common. I believe The Shack,
?? ????????????? formally Radio Shack carries several sizes. Here's a link
?? ????????????? to a manufacturer that produces many types so you can see
?? ????????????? what I'm referring to:
?? ?????????????
?? ?????????????
?? ?????????????
?? ???????????? Excuse me, but is the OP a Septic or English ?
?? ????????????
?? ???????????? If he/she/it is English, it's bugger all use pointing them at Septic
?? ???????????? outlets, is it?
?? ????????????
?? ????????????
?? ???????????
?? ??????????? I'm sorry, I have absolutely no idea what you are writing
?? ??????????? about. Could you find someone to translate it into American?
?? ???????????
?? ?????????? Septic tank = yank
?? ??????????
?? ?????????? duh - colonials
?? ??????????
?? ??????????
?? ?????????
?? ????????? Um, the cultural education is nice but what's it got to do
?? ????????? with electrical connections to a battery holder? Bizarre is
?? ????????? fun but at least I try to keep my jokes within the subject
?? ????????? matter being discussed. :cool:
?? ?????????? TDD
?? ?????????? It was... Radio Shack used to have UK outlets (but seemed to have
?? ???????? vanished), but the link above was certainly for their US replacement...
?? ????????
?? ?????? Its a long way to go for a battery holder..
?? ????????
?? ??????? Yes. All the way to your mail box. Of course, that may require you
?? ??????? to get out of your chair and actually walk.
?? ???????
?? ?????? And pay three times the value in shipping and taxes
?? ?????
?? ????? =============================================================================
?? ?????
?? ????? Many thanks to all. The push on brass connectors are a welcome solution,
?? ????? many thanks. I can easily buy those at Maplins.
?? ?????
?? ????? To throw a little light on this unnecessary rudeness to our American
?? ????? cousins. The expression Amearkin came up because in the U.S. they could say
?? ????? American so quickly it sounded like Amearkin. So across the pond they became
?? ????? Amearkins...quite harmless.
?? ?????
?? ????? However some low lifes changed this to Merkins. A few hundred years ago in
?? ????? order to deal with body lice, ladies would shave their lower private parts.
?? ????? Since this was deamed un-attractive, they could buy small triangular wigs
?? ????? which were guessed it Merkins. Please dont let the low-lifes
?? ????? get you down, we have as many here as you have there. And they just love the
?? ????? internet.
?? ?????
?? ?????
?? ????
?? ???? Teasing is part of the Usenet experience, if we didn't like you we
?? ???? wouldn't even respond to you. You get a bunch of guys together and
?? ???? they are going to throw jabs at each other and kid around. It's
?? ???? basically what we call horseplay. It's like those celebrity roasts
?? ???? that are shown on TV, some of the most horrible and vile insults
?? ???? are thrown about by friends. :cool:
?? ???
?? ???
?? ??? And if the 'friends' go too far, you throw them out! ;-)
?? ??
?? ?? The only time I've seen that happen is when someone attacks the family
?? ?? or children of a nasty poster. I'll pounce and tell them to leave the
?? ?? uninvolved folks out of it. One particularly foul individual posted a
?? ?? farewell to his grandmother who had just passed away and a rival started
?? ?? making fun of the late old woman. I let him know real quick it was in
?? ?? bad taste and to direct his anger at Mr. Nasty and not someone who was
?? ?? defenseless. There is such a thing as propriety.
?? ?
?? ?
?? ? I've had online and real life stalkers, and one ass who posted some
?? ? lies about my long dead mother. So I asked why he was online, when he
?? ? was supposed to be picking up his hooker wife. He was furious, and got
?? ? even madder when not one of his cronies agreed with him. Sometimes you
?? ? have to hit them with a six foot 2"*4", right between the eyes before
?? ? they get the message. He had been making fun of the fact that I'm a
?? ? disabled US Army Veteran and bragged that he was exempt from military
?? ? service, because he was diabetic. He harped anout it for months, with
?? ? others reminding him that he started it. I had dumped him into the bit
?? ? bucket, so I only saw it in replies.
?? Let it roll off your back because words can never hurt you unless
?? followed by the banging of a gavel in a courtroom. :cool:
?? Oh yea, thanks for your service. Both my parents, my older brother
?? and paternal great uncle were regular army. I was in college during
?? The Vietnam War and joined up and was turned down even though I was
?? in the greatest shape of my life. I didn't know that I had stumbled
?? upon the secret of avoiding being drafted into the military until
?? 30 years later when I befriended a former Army recruiter. It was my
?? allergies, I had told the military doctor about my allergies causing
?? me breathing problems. All of these guys were shooting off a toe,
?? claiming to be queer or running off to Canada to avoid the draft
?? when all they had to do was tell the doctor they had allergies. I was
?? trying to join up! My recruiter friend told me that turning down a
?? potential recruit for allergies was one of the biggest secrets of the
?? war. That's been my luck, I find it by accident.
? I was given five medical 4F ratings and told I could never enlist.
? So, I started an industrial electronics repair business. Two years
? later they drafted me. I had to shut the doors when I left for basic.
? Then they tried to tell me I didn't know any electronics, but I tested
? out of the three year Broadcast Engineer course. :)

10 years later, I tried to join again. I went to through the testing,
they wanted me so I went for the medical exam where I was told to bend
over. Well, the doctor looked up my backside and told me I was in
perfect health but I was too nearsighted. I was deemed permanently
disqualified. Hell, I tried, which is more than most damn hippie freaks

My vision was below 20/200 and 20/400 without my glasses when they
took me.
It must have been a different time, my vision is worse or I'm too ugly
and they just didn't want to tell me. I'm getting paranoid, I think the
whole world is out to crap on me, yea, that's it, it's a conspiracy. :cool:

In message <>, Michael A.
Terrell <> writes
10 years later, I tried to join again. I went to through the testing,
they wanted me so I went for the medical exam where I was told to bend
over. Well, the doctor looked up my backside and told me I was in
perfect health but I was too nearsighted.
He could tell you that from looking up your arse? That's one good

On 8/25/2010 3:44 AM, Kenny wrote:
In message <>, Michael A.
Terrell <> writes
10 years later, I tried to join again. I went to through the testing,
they wanted me so I went for the medical exam where I was told to bend
over. Well, the doctor looked up my backside and told me I was in
perfect health but I was too nearsighted.

He could tell you that from looking up your arse? That's one good doctor...

Military physician, they had the latest diagnostic toys. :cool:

? I was given five medical 4F ratings and told I could never enlist.
? So, I started an industrial electronics repair business. Two years
? later they drafted me. I had to shut the doors when I left for basic.
? Then they tried to tell me I didn't know any electronics, but I tested
? out of the three year Broadcast Engineer course. :)

10 years later, I tried to join again. I went to through the testing,
they wanted me so I went for the medical exam where I was told to bend
over. Well, the doctor looked up my backside and told me I was in
perfect health but I was too nearsighted. I was deemed permanently
disqualified. Hell, I tried, which is more than most damn hippie freaks

My vision was below 20/200 and 20/400 without my glasses when they
took me.
Umm .... anyone here ever heard of snipping an article like above?.

Means you don't have to keep scrolling down tru all the previous to get
to the latest comments?...
Tony Sayer
They spent wads of money to
build and maintain them, then junked the entire fleet. It was noisy
very fuel inefficient. That forced the fares so high that they
able to compete with better planes from multiple countries.

What other supersonic airliners are those then?...

Don't read well, do you? The 747 kicked its butt.

The 747 goes about 600 mph top whack.
Supersonic means greater than 768 mph so the 747 ain't a supersonic

I guess that answered my question (you don't read well).

The Concorde was not successful.

It was .. for what it did...

Well under a fraction of one percent isn't sucessful. It's nothing
but ego bloat.

Built here anyone;?..

How's your space agency doing? How do they like the US built
communications systems that i built?
We weren't big enough among other things to afford a space programme
which is no shame....
Tony Sayer
There was also a big outcry at the time about the pollution--apparently
folks were worried about damage to the ozone layer or something, due to
inefficient engines spewing crap in the stratosphere. I'm not sure
whether there was anything to that (there so often isn't, in the
environmentalist cosmos), but that and the sonic booms were what got
supersonic flight banned.


Phil Hobbs

Just more symptoms on Not Invented Here syndrome.

Yawn. US SS military jets were banned from populated areas long
before the first Concord was pieced together from British and french

Yawn ... zzzzzz Frank Writtle was 'working on them long before that;)...

So, where are his flying, today?

Well thats like saying where are Stevenson's locomotives working today

Rather pointless...
Tony Sayer
What superior technology? Lucas?
No "superior technology" has come out of GB since about 1950. - and
that may be stretchng it. There have been a few "good ideas" since

I might be wrong but I thought Concorde started flying after 1950.
Though then again the Septics didn't like the noise, or was it a classic
case of "Not Invented Here" syndrome?

It was a fast plane, but a poor design.

Not that bad really as it was the first one..

They spent wads of money to
build and maintain them, then junked the entire fleet. It was noisy and
very fuel inefficient. That forced the fares so high that they weren't
able to compete with better planes from multiple countries.

What other supersonic airliners are those then?...

Don't read well, do you? The 747 kicked its butt.

Yes I read fine I interpret differently from you!...

The 747 has nothing to do with supersonic air travel its a completely
different class of aircraft.

We \were\ talking about Supersonic airliners....

You need to take a remedial reading course.

May I suggest you take the narrow bandwidth blinkers off;?...

You really do need a remedial reading course. ...or a brain.
Insult, if it makes you feel better or in someway superior;!...
Tony Sayer
The Daring Dufas wrote:
On 8/25/2010 2:00 AM, Michael A. Terrell wrote:

The Daring Dufas wrote:

On 8/24/2010 5:35 PM, Michael A. Terrell wrote:
? The Daring Dufas wrote:
?? On 8/24/2010 6:53 AM, Michael A. Terrell wrote:
?? ?
?? ? The Daring Dufas wrote:
?? ??
?? ?? On 8/23/2010 10:49 PM, Michael A. Terrell wrote:
?? ???
?? ??? The Daring Dufas wrote:
?? ????
?? ???? On 8/23/2010 2:28 PM, john hamilton wrote:
?? ????? "Paul"? wrote in message
?? ?????
?? ?????? On 19/08/2010 04:46, Michael A. Terrell wrote:
?? ???????
?? ??????? Paul wrote:
?? ????????
?? ???????? On 19/08/2010 01:27, The Daring Dufas wrote:
?? ????????? On 8/18/2010 6:33 PM, geoff wrote:
?? ?????????? In message?i4hmat$blj$, The Daring Dufas
?? ?????????? ? writes
?? ??????????? On 8/18/2010 4:17 PM, geoff wrote:
?? ???????????? In message?i4hhb1$np$, The Daring Dufas
?? ???????????? ? writes
?? ????????????? On 8/16/2010 12:43 PM, john hamilton wrote:
?? ?????????????? I have to connect this AAA battery holder to a toy. Although I
?? ?????????????? have a
?? ?????????????? small
?? ?????????????? soldering iron, my soldering skills are poor. I can see myself
?? ?????????????? easily
?? ?????????????? melting all the plastic around the contacts before I can get
?? ?????????????? anything to
?? ?????????????? stick to the tabs. (The part of the tabs with the small hole will
?? ?????????????? bend
?? ?????????????? upwards giving some clearence).
?? ??????????????
?? ??????????????
?? ??????????????
?? ?????????????? My immediate plan is to poke a few strands of wire through the
?? ?????????????? holes
?? ?????????????? in the
?? ?????????????? connection tabs twist and then apply some nail varnish to stop it
?? ?????????????? unwinding.
?? ?????????????? Since its a toy it does not need to be totally foolproof.
?? ??????????????
?? ?????????????? If anyone had any ideas that were a bit more sophisticated I would
?? ?????????????? be
?? ?????????????? gratefull. Thanks.
?? ??????????????
?? ??????????????
?? ?????????????
?? ????????????? If you are familiar with faston connectors, you can trim the
?? ????????????? terminals with scissors or wire cutters so a connector will
?? ????????????? slip on to them. The connectors are available in many sizes
?? ????????????? with the 1/4" being the most common. I believe The Shack,
?? ????????????? formally Radio Shack carries several sizes. Here's a link
?? ????????????? to a manufacturer that produces many types so you can see
?? ????????????? what I'm referring to:
?? ?????????????
?? ?????????????
?? ?????????????
?? ???????????? Excuse me, but is the OP a Septic or English ?
?? ????????????
?? ???????????? If he/she/it is English, it's bugger all use pointing them at Septic
?? ???????????? outlets, is it?
?? ????????????
?? ????????????
?? ???????????
?? ??????????? I'm sorry, I have absolutely no idea what you are writing
?? ??????????? about. Could you find someone to translate it into American?
?? ???????????
?? ?????????? Septic tank = yank
?? ??????????
?? ?????????? duh - colonials
?? ??????????
?? ??????????
?? ?????????
?? ????????? Um, the cultural education is nice but what's it got to do
?? ????????? with electrical connections to a battery holder? Bizarre is
?? ????????? fun but at least I try to keep my jokes within the subject
?? ????????? matter being discussed. :cool:
?? ?????????? TDD
?? ?????????? It was... Radio Shack used to have UK outlets (but seemed to have
?? ???????? vanished), but the link above was certainly for their US replacement...
?? ????????
?? ?????? Its a long way to go for a battery holder..
?? ????????
?? ??????? Yes. All the way to your mail box. Of course, that may require you
?? ??????? to get out of your chair and actually walk.
?? ???????
?? ?????? And pay three times the value in shipping and taxes
?? ?????
?? ????? =============================================================================
?? ?????
?? ????? Many thanks to all. The push on brass connectors are a welcome solution,
?? ????? many thanks. I can easily buy those at Maplins.
?? ?????
?? ????? To throw a little light on this unnecessary rudeness to our American
?? ????? cousins. The expression Amearkin came up because in the U.S. they could say
?? ????? American so quickly it sounded like Amearkin. So across the pond they became
?? ????? Amearkins...quite harmless.
?? ?????
?? ????? However some low lifes changed this to Merkins. A few hundred years ago in
?? ????? order to deal with body lice, ladies would shave their lower private parts.
?? ????? Since this was deamed un-attractive, they could buy small triangular wigs
?? ????? which were guessed it Merkins. Please dont let the low-lifes
?? ????? get you down, we have as many here as you have there. And they just love the
?? ????? internet.
?? ?????
?? ?????
?? ????
?? ???? Teasing is part of the Usenet experience, if we didn't like you we
?? ???? wouldn't even respond to you. You get a bunch of guys together and
?? ???? they are going to throw jabs at each other and kid around. It's
?? ???? basically what we call horseplay. It's like those celebrity roasts
?? ???? that are shown on TV, some of the most horrible and vile insults
?? ???? are thrown about by friends. :cool:
?? ???
?? ???
?? ??? And if the 'friends' go too far, you throw them out! ;-)
?? ??
?? ?? The only time I've seen that happen is when someone attacks the family
?? ?? or children of a nasty poster. I'll pounce and tell them to leave the
?? ?? uninvolved folks out of it. One particularly foul individual posted a
?? ?? farewell to his grandmother who had just passed away and a rival started
?? ?? making fun of the late old woman. I let him know real quick it was in
?? ?? bad taste and to direct his anger at Mr. Nasty and not someone who was
?? ?? defenseless. There is such a thing as propriety.
?? ?
?? ?
?? ? I've had online and real life stalkers, and one ass who posted some
?? ? lies about my long dead mother. So I asked why he was online, when he
?? ? was supposed to be picking up his hooker wife. He was furious, and got
?? ? even madder when not one of his cronies agreed with him. Sometimes you
?? ? have to hit them with a six foot 2"*4", right between the eyes before
?? ? they get the message. He had been making fun of the fact that I'm a
?? ? disabled US Army Veteran and bragged that he was exempt from military
?? ? service, because he was diabetic. He harped anout it for months, with
?? ? others reminding him that he started it. I had dumped him into the bit
?? ? bucket, so I only saw it in replies.
?? Let it roll off your back because words can never hurt you unless
?? followed by the banging of a gavel in a courtroom. :cool:
?? Oh yea, thanks for your service. Both my parents, my older brother
?? and paternal great uncle were regular army. I was in college during
?? The Vietnam War and joined up and was turned down even though I was
?? in the greatest shape of my life. I didn't know that I had stumbled
?? upon the secret of avoiding being drafted into the military until
?? 30 years later when I befriended a former Army recruiter. It was my
?? allergies, I had told the military doctor about my allergies causing
?? me breathing problems. All of these guys were shooting off a toe,
?? claiming to be queer or running off to Canada to avoid the draft
?? when all they had to do was tell the doctor they had allergies. I was
?? trying to join up! My recruiter friend told me that turning down a
?? potential recruit for allergies was one of the biggest secrets of the
?? war. That's been my luck, I find it by accident.
? I was given five medical 4F ratings and told I could never enlist.
? So, I started an industrial electronics repair business. Two years
? later they drafted me. I had to shut the doors when I left for basic.
? Then they tried to tell me I didn't know any electronics, but I tested
? out of the three year Broadcast Engineer course. :)

10 years later, I tried to join again. I went to through the testing,
they wanted me so I went for the medical exam where I was told to bend
over. Well, the doctor looked up my backside and told me I was in
perfect health but I was too nearsighted. I was deemed permanently
disqualified. Hell, I tried, which is more than most damn hippie freaks

My vision was below 20/200 and 20/400 without my glasses when they
took me.

It must have been a different time, my vision is worse or I'm too ugly
and they just didn't want to tell me. I'm getting paranoid, I think the
whole world is out to crap on me, yea, that's it, it's a conspiracy. :cool:

It was during Vietnam, and they needed electronics techs. Like in
W.W.II, anyone with an Amateur radio license was likely to be drafted so
they could work in communications.
tony sayer wrote:
? I was given five medical 4F ratings and told I could never enlist.
? So, I started an industrial electronics repair business. Two years
? later they drafted me. I had to shut the doors when I left for basic.
? Then they tried to tell me I didn't know any electronics, but I tested
? out of the three year Broadcast Engineer course. :)

10 years later, I tried to join again. I went to through the testing,
they wanted me so I went for the medical exam where I was told to bend
over. Well, the doctor looked up my backside and told me I was in
perfect health but I was too nearsighted. I was deemed permanently
disqualified. Hell, I tried, which is more than most damn hippie freaks

My vision was below 20/200 and 20/400 without my glasses when they
took me.

Umm .... anyone here ever heard of snipping an article like above?.

Means you don't have to keep scrolling down tru all the previous to get
to the latest comments?...

Buy a mouse with a scroll wheel. Or even better, a Griffin Powermate.
tony sayer wrote:
We weren't big enough among other things to afford a space programme
which is no shame....

Yet you criticize those who did.
tony sayer wrote:
There was also a big outcry at the time about the pollution--apparently
folks were worried about damage to the ozone layer or something, due to
inefficient engines spewing crap in the stratosphere. I'm not sure
whether there was anything to that (there so often isn't, in the
environmentalist cosmos), but that and the sonic booms were what got
supersonic flight banned.


Phil Hobbs

Just more symptoms on Not Invented Here syndrome.

Yawn. US SS military jets were banned from populated areas long
before the first Concord was pieced together from British and french

Yawn ... zzzzzz Frank Writtle was 'working on them long before that;)...

So, where are his flying, today?

Well thats like saying where are Stevenson's locomotives working today

Rather pointless...

Yes, you are. Yet you keep trolling.
In article <>, Michael A.
Terrell <> scribeth thus
tony sayer wrote:

? I was given five medical 4F ratings and told I could never enlist.
? So, I started an industrial electronics repair business. Two years
? later they drafted me. I had to shut the doors when I left for basic.
? Then they tried to tell me I didn't know any electronics, but I tested
? out of the three year Broadcast Engineer course. :)

10 years later, I tried to join again. I went to through the testing,
they wanted me so I went for the medical exam where I was told to bend
over. Well, the doctor looked up my backside and told me I was in
perfect health but I was too nearsighted. I was deemed permanently
disqualified. Hell, I tried, which is more than most damn hippie freaks

My vision was below 20/200 and 20/400 without my glasses when they
took me.

Umm .... anyone here ever heard of snipping an article like above?.

Means you don't have to keep scrolling down tru all the previous to get
to the latest comments?...

Buy a mouse with a scroll wheel. Or even better, a Griffin Powermate.
I have a scroll wheel and its giving me a bloody sore finger scrolling
so much just because some contributors can't be arsed to trim and
Tony Sayer
In article <>, Michael A.
Terrell <> scribeth thus
tony sayer wrote:

We weren't big enough among other things to afford a space programme
which is no shame....

Yet you criticize those who did.
And where was there criticism?..
Tony Sayer
In article <>, Michael A.
Terrell <> scribeth thus
tony sayer wrote:

There was also a big outcry at the time about the pollution--
folks were worried about damage to the ozone layer or something, due
inefficient engines spewing crap in the stratosphere. I'm not sure
whether there was anything to that (there so often isn't, in the
environmentalist cosmos), but that and the sonic booms were what got
supersonic flight banned.


Phil Hobbs

Just more symptoms on Not Invented Here syndrome.

Yawn. US SS military jets were banned from populated areas long
before the first Concord was pieced together from British and french

Yawn ... zzzzzz Frank Writtle was 'working on them long before that;)...

So, where are his flying, today?

Well thats like saying where are Stevenson's locomotives working today

Rather pointless...

Yes, you are. Yet you keep trolling.
You Sir are very welcome to have the last word on this one;!..

Over and out....
Tony Sayer
On Tue, 24 Aug 2010 22:51:21 -0500, "krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzzzz"
<krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzzzz> wrote:

On Tue, 24 Aug 2010 06:18:42 -0400, wrote:

On Mon, 23 Aug 2010 20:26:51 -0500, "krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzzzz"
krw@att.bizzzzzzzzzzzz> wrote:

On Mon, 23 Aug 2010 19:39:56 -0400, wrote:

On Mon, 23 Aug 2010 17:48:48 -0400, "Michael A. Terrell"> wrote: wrote:

On Mon, 23 Aug 2010 15:47:52 -0400, "Michael A. Terrell"> wrote:

Phil Hobbs wrote:

Dave wrote:
On 22/08/2010 02:08, Michael A. Terrell wrote:

It was a fast plane, but a poor design.

Fast it was, but poor design NO.

They spent wads of money to
build and maintain them, then junked the entire fleet. It was noisy and
very fuel inefficient.

As is any super fast jet. I should know, I spent many years working in
that environment.

That forced the fares so high that they weren't
able to compete with better planes from multiple countries.

Lots of passengers enjoyed the fact they could spend the day shopping in
another continent and be home for tea.

Oh, come on. Anything designed in England in the 1960s has to leak oil.

Even their lightbulbs.

Many years ago in a previous life, radio host Don Imus brought me his
Triumph Motorcycle to look at because the headlight as in fact,
leaking oil!

Long story short: Bad oil pressure sending unit had it's wire lead
encased in a plastic spaghetti tube that ran up along the frame to the
headlight housing. Oil was running up through the spaghetti tubing and
collecting in the headlight housing. When he parked, it would drip

One look at Imus, and you knew it wasn't hair oil. ;-)

He was very well lubricated, himself, back when I knew him.

But not with oil. He used white, dry, "lubricant". THat was when he was

He was drinking copious quantities of vodka in those days, and he
wasn't all that funny in person. In fact, he was quite rude and
unpleasant. His then wife, Harriet, however was a sweetheart, and some
of his friends were fun to be around.

I don't doubt you at all. That was the scuttlebutt around NY.
I think the cocaine was probably just to perk him up so he could drink
more. I didn't really like him very much, as he spent most of his time
scowling, and being very rude to everyone. The upside was that his
"posse" included some interesting and fun characters. Among them was a
fellow named Ben McGowan, who was in (Kawasaki Lets the Good Times
Roll) advertising. He was a real character, and always on board for
adventure. Another was a young and relatively unknown sports writer
named Mike Lupica. He's since become very well known.
On 8/25/2010 4:20 AM, tony sayer wrote:
? I was given five medical 4F ratings and told I could never enlist.
? So, I started an industrial electronics repair business. Two years
? later they drafted me. I had to shut the doors when I left for basic.
? Then they tried to tell me I didn't know any electronics, but I tested
? out of the three year Broadcast Engineer course. :)

10 years later, I tried to join again. I went to through the testing,
they wanted me so I went for the medical exam where I was told to bend
over. Well, the doctor looked up my backside and told me I was in
perfect health but I was too nearsighted. I was deemed permanently
disqualified. Hell, I tried, which is more than most damn hippie freaks

My vision was below 20/200 and 20/400 without my glasses when they
took me.

Umm .... anyone here ever heard of snipping an article like above?.

Means you don't have to keep scrolling down tru all the previous to get
to the latest comments?...
Well, we could top post! :cool:


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