Best Image Markup Software for PCBs?

On Sat, 24 Nov 2012 09:35:33 -0800 (PST), KenO <>

"For tweaking photos, I use Irfanview. Hit "F12" for the drawing tools."
Did you hit F12? If not, hit F12.

Did you notice the arrow button? Push the arrow button. Put the
starting point of the arrow somewhere on the picture. Hold the mouse
button down and drag it to the destination. Let go of the mouse
button. You have an arrow. You can adjust the color and width at the
bottom of the drawing tools window.

Did you notice the text button in the drawing tools window? It looks
like the letter "A". Push the A button. Click the mouse where you
want the text to appear. A box should appear on the screen. Type
something into the box, and hit OK. You should have text on your JPG.

Here's another way to do text:

Did a search for tutorials using "text and arrows using irfanview" but only thing got was this post.
Try YouTube. There are literally hundreds of tutorials on Irfanview
(of radically varying quality). Also, Google for "Irfanview Tutorial"
or "Irfanview Instructions". Plenty of those to be found. The reason
your search didn't find anything for "text and arrows" is that these
are two seperate topics and it's unlikely that you'll find both in a
single document.

Jeff Liebermann
150 Felker St #D
Santa Cruz CA 95060
Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558
KenO wrote:

Looked at your example of marking up PCBs using Paint.

Looks Good to me!

Any tips concerning making arrows and text to add to photos? Would also like to make rectangles of different colors around a component so someone can easily tell which item I am referring to.

Thanks again for your help!

I just zoom in to a large image to make it easier to draw straight
lines. Find a sample photo or drawing and play with the program. It's
dirt simple.
On Sat, 24 Nov 2012 09:39:10 -0800 (PST), KenO <>
put finger to keyboard and composed:

"I'm still using PaintShop Pro 5.0 which is about as old as Windows 95. I'm running Win98SE, though."

Do you have any examples that I can link to?

Version 5.0 was shareware. I don't know about the others.

In any case I would go with IrfanView. I just stick with PSP because
I'm used to it.

The following site is very useful if you're after an older version of
an application:

- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 'i' from my address when replying by email.
On Nov 24, 1:42 pm, KenO <> wrote:

Looked at your example of marking up PCBs using Paint.

Looks Good to me!

Any tips concerning making arrows and text to add to photos?  Would also like to make rectangles of different colors around a component so someone can easily tell which item I am referring to.

Thanks again for your help!

I also use Paint to add text, boxes and arrows to pictures.
My only suggestion is that if it's a complicated picture then save it
often with different names. There's an undo button in paint, but it
only goes back so far. At some point you're stuck with whatever
you've done and have to reload the original file if you watn to change

George H.
(I'm going to try Irfanview.)

Welcome to

