Toby Ponsenby
On Fri, 30 Dec 2005 16:02:40 +1100, watchcat wrote:
But Id like to hear from 'anyone' wh can find any GPS nav firm that
manages to give even the impression of giving a rats arse about
I really would.
quidquid latine dictum
sit, altum viditur
Interesting."Penelope Plopworth" <msplopworth@yahoo.com> wrote in message
I'm seeking a decent cost-effective GPS satellite navigation system for
use in Australia. I've got Bluetooth enabled Pocket PCs and laptops which
I could conceivably hook up, but most of the solutions I've seen which
utilize them seem overly messy.
What is the best program/system to use? Am I better off trying to use my
existing devices with some new software, or buy a new standalone device.
If so which one? I can get a basic Navman 320 unit for under $500, or the
Navman 4420 unit & software to plug into my PocketPC for around the same
price. Are Navman any good or are there better brands available?
All opinions appreciated.
I'm using a TomTom 300. If you really don't know where you are or how to get
somewhere (a frequent occurrence for me), it's a godsend, because it will
get you there - eventually. It's when you 'demo' it in a route that you
already know that you see some of the stupid decisions it makes. Mine is set
to take the shortest route and mostly out of curiosity, I had it running on
a drive i just completed from Adelaide to Canberra. Bloody great highway is
the most obvious route to take, but it kept wanting to take me along little
side roads and obviously had zero understanding of the purpose of bypass
roads. That trip is supposed to be a 12 hour journey, but if I'd followed
the TomTom directions, it would have been around 17 hours. I was not
overly impressed with it in Adelaide either. Didn't have a damn clue where
Hahndorf and that's not exactly a new town/suburb. Don't know how to
update the maps or even give feedback - their website is crap.
On the good side, the unit has very good sound and visibility and the
attaching device isn't too bad, but I'll still look at something different
next time, because the TomTom people really don't give a rats about service
and I don't see any hope of the aforementioned routing problems being fixed
by them.
But Id like to hear from 'anyone' wh can find any GPS nav firm that
manages to give even the impression of giving a rats arse about
I really would.
quidquid latine dictum
sit, altum viditur