Batteries Make Much More Sense In Large Trucks Than Commuter

On Oct 18, 3:46 am, "Androcles" <Headmas...@Hogwarts.physics> wrote:> wrote in message

On Oct 17, 4:39 pm, Eeyore <
wrote: wrote:
"Androcles" <Headmas...@Hogwarts.physics> wrote:> wrote in message

Get rid of the residential vs. commercial zoning, for starters.

Most European countries have cities set up so that you can *walk*
the corner grocery store. Wow, what a concept.

Yeah, I do that. I take a bus when I buy clothes and a train to
get into London to see a show.

Well, thanks to our exceptionally brilliant and visionary leaders
(sarcasm seeping out, sorry), we typically can't walk to a corner
grocery store, because zoning laws prohibit corner grocery stores
within residentially zoned land.

There are exceptions: high-density cities like San Francisco still
have corner grocery stores.

We even need to pay some $4,500 to apply for a permit to grow
chickens, here in Sacramento, California.

Land of the Free huh ?


Eh, free enough.

Freedom of speech: people routinely insult our President behind his
back. He just laughs it off, and says people are entitled to their
opinion. They don't get hauled off to the dungeons just for insulting
our leader. Can you do that in Britain?

We are not cowards. If I want to insult a leader I do it to his/her face.'_Corner
You can't shout "Fire!" in a crowded theatre and cause a panic, but
you can at Speaker's Corner. You'll only be laughed at.

I can burn a Union Jack in Trafalgar Square and I'll be laughed at or
cheered on by a Scot.
Burn St. George's cross and a horde of screaming soccer fans will kick
my head in as the police try to rescue me.
Burn the Stars and Stripes in Times Square and see how free you are.

Freedom of religion: isn't there some prohibition against the Royal
Family marrying a Catholic?
How civilized.

No such prohibition exists. British Royalty are free to marry whom they
please, they just can't be monarch as well. You are confusing freedom
with privilege.

Ah, the monarch. King Henry VIII and all, eh?

Isn't there some age restriction on being president? At least 35, I
and one in eight presidents are assassinated. How civilized.
What, you want younger presidents?

If we go super-socialist or communist though, I might just pack up and
head for Brazil... or Costa Rica... or the Philippines... brew and
sell beer for a living, maybe distill it...

Do that and your government will still tax you, so don't go back unless
you pay. Mine will not. I owe no taxes if I am out of the country for six
or eight months a year (I forget exactly how much) and I am free to return
whenever I choose - which I did in 2003 after 20 years living in the USA.

When I was last in the Philippines, 750cc of vodka cost 48 pesos, at a
time when 40 pesos = $1

On Oct 18, 12:20 pm, Bret Cahill <> wrote:
Since the only thing semi rigs have to do with batteries is rigs.

WalMart just took delivery of the first hybrid electric Peterbilt.

Supposedly it can operate for a time battery only.
But, you see Wal-Mart takes delvery of things, which is the people
uderstand engineering, trucks, batteries, and post Washingtoon
built post McDonald's Holograms, post Ford batteries, optical
PV Cells, post AT&T fiber optics, drones, cruise missiles,
AVVs, AUVs, Blogs, On-Line-Publishing, HDTV[], XML, USB, and
rather than more Wal-Mart outlets for science battery bozos.

Bret Cahill

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