Steve Wilson
Martin Brown <\'\'\'newspam\'\'\'@nonad.co.uk> wrote:
I thought the hydrogen line at 1,420,405,751 Hz was the obvious choice:
Science teaches us to trust. - sw
On 20/11/2020 18:38, bob prohaska wrote:
Tom Del Rosso <fizzbintuesday@that-google-mail-domain.com> wrote:
Martin Brown wrote:
It is a shame to lose a grand old instrument even if it could only
look at a fraction of the sky around the zenith it was a *very* big
Something farther from the equator could scan a lot more sky even if
was also a stationary dish. Why did we put it in Puerto Rico?
Probably, cost. It\'s built into a natural cavity in the ground. I
believe the new Chinese instrument is constructed similarly.
An aside: Over what distance could two Arecibo-like instruments
communicate if A) they knew where to look and what to look for
A considerable distance although if you knew that much detail you
might well build a phased array to do it rather than use a single
B) they knew only where to look, but not what to look for
I\'m not sure how they could be in that position since to know where to
look someone would have had to tell them!
C) They knew not where to look and not what to look for
D) they knew not where to look, but did know what to look for
C&D are more or less the same problem and looking for stars where the
radio emissions are distinctly non-thermal, polarised and have
periodicities in the could be a frame rate zone of say 10-100 FPS
would be good hunting territory. It also coincides with naturally
occurring pulsars which when first detected at Cambridge were labelled
LGM on the chart recording!
In actuality the pulsar surveys look for stuff on a much wider range
than that since they don\'t know for sure what the ultimate bounds on
pulsar spin rates actually are.
Millisecond pulsars were missed until the kit and inspired data
processing improvements became good enough to see them.
Snag is that if we are any guide a civilisation will only be obviously
radio bright from the point where they can build high power
transmitters to the time when they master spread spectrum and fibre
The answers doubtless depend on time allocated to the search.
Let\'s assume 50 years, the approximate life of the instrument.
I\'ve done a little web-surfing and found no explicit discussions.
The answers might have some bearing on Fermi\'s paradox.
I\'m not sure how far out an Arecibo class telescope could detect a
clone of itself if they were facing each other. The SETI guys have
given considerable thought to exactly what frequency(s) to transmit on
to get the greatest possible range and stand out as non-natural
The so called \"water hole\" is a favourite for SETI transmissions and
passive listening (on the assumption that all scientists think alike).
A narrowband CW signal with near 100% linear polarisation pulsed in a
binary pattern will attract attention if seen by a scientist.
Somewhere in the window between 1 & 10GHz being probably the optimum
depending on the figure of the dish and the power of the transmitter.
I thought the hydrogen line at 1,420,405,751 Hz was the obvious choice:
Science teaches us to trust. - sw