On Thu, 23 Jul 2009 13:50:27 -0700, Andrew Rossmann wrote
(in article <MPG.24d2890c122f253498968e@news.eternal-september.org>
few of the lines on that connector to see if it's actually data or just
pulling lines high or low, I won't know.
p/n cable that came with the UPS.
Thanks for your input.
(in article <MPG.24d2890c122f253498968e@news.eternal-september.org>
This has been said a few times here. Until I get a breakout box and look at aTo add in: Many of the basic APC UPS's don't use true serial
communications. They just use some of the control lines to signify power
out, low battery, and to signal the UPS to do a shutdown. I don't know
if it will work correctly through a USB-to-serial adapter.
few of the lines on that connector to see if it's actually data or just
pulling lines high or low, I won't know.
I know that APC says that a standard serial cable won't work. I'm using theirMy work computer has a BP650M with a self-made cable. It's just a
standard 9-pin serial cable, but the UPS end is slightly rewired, and I
think there is also a resistor. It's just using the stock Win2K support.
p/n cable that came with the UPS.
Thanks for your input.