any active high input/output 10-4 priority encoders?



Hi - I'm hoping to find a active high input active high output 10-4
priority encoder. I'm really looking for a one chip solution to this. The
only way I've been able to come up with to do this is with an eeprom - but
that really feels like overkill - and I don't even have the means to
program an eeprom at the moment. So - can anyone reccomend a solution for
me? Thanks!

Here's one I knocked together for you in a 16v8.....(CUPL)

Device g16v8;

/** 10-4 ENC **/

/** Inputs **/

Pin 1 = i0;
Pin 2 = i1;
Pin 3 = i2;
Pin 4 = i3;
Pin 5 = i4;
Pin 6 = i5;
Pin 7 = i6;
Pin 8 = i7;
Pin 9 = i8;
Pin 11 = i9;

/** Outputs **/

Pin 19 = a0;
Pin 18 = a1;
Pin 17 = a2;
Pin 16 = a3;

/** Main functions **/

field input = [i9..0];
field address = [a3..0];

table input => address {
'b'0000000000 => 'b'0000;
'b'xxxxxxxxx1 => 'b'0001;
'b'xxxxxxxx1x => 'b'0010;
'b'xxxxxxx1xx => 'b'0011;
'b'xxxxxx1xxx => 'b'0100;
'b'xxxxx1xxxx => 'b'0101;
'b'xxxx1xxxxx => 'b'0110;
'b'xxx1xxxxxx => 'b'0111;
'b'xx1xxxxxxx => 'b'1000;
'b'x1xxxxxxxx => 'b'1001;
'b'1xxxxxxxxx => 'b'1010;

Currently running high priority. Just change the order of the table for
low priority (or any priority!!).

You could also use an 82s129 Bipolar prom, in a similar method to your
EPROM solution. the 82s129 would be ideal as it's a 256x4, so has 8
inputs and 4 outs, and is a nice compact 16 pin DIP.

Good luck! Yours, Mark.

Michael wrote:
Hi - I'm hoping to find a active high input active high output 10-4
priority encoder. I'm really looking for a one chip solution to this. The
only way I've been able to come up with to do this is with an eeprom - but
that really feels like overkill - and I don't even have the means to
program an eeprom at the moment. So - can anyone reccomend a solution for
me? Thanks!
"Mark (UK)" <> wrote in


Here's one I knocked together for you in a 16v8.....(CUPL)

Device g16v8;

/** 10-4 ENC **/

/** Inputs **/

Pin 1 = i0;
Pin 2 = i1;
Pin 3 = i2;
Pin 4 = i3;
Pin 5 = i4;
Pin 6 = i5;
Pin 7 = i6;
Pin 8 = i7;
Pin 9 = i8;
Pin 11 = i9;

/** Outputs **/

Pin 19 = a0;
Pin 18 = a1;
Pin 17 = a2;
Pin 16 = a3;

/** Main functions **/

field input = [i9..0];
field address = [a3..0];

table input => address {
'b'0000000000 => 'b'0000;
'b'xxxxxxxxx1 => 'b'0001;
'b'xxxxxxxx1x => 'b'0010;
'b'xxxxxxx1xx => 'b'0011;
'b'xxxxxx1xxx => 'b'0100;
'b'xxxxx1xxxx => 'b'0101;
'b'xxxx1xxxxx => 'b'0110;
'b'xxx1xxxxxx => 'b'0111;
'b'xx1xxxxxxx => 'b'1000;
'b'x1xxxxxxxx => 'b'1001;
'b'1xxxxxxxxx => 'b'1010;

Currently running high priority. Just change the order of the table
for low priority (or any priority!!).

You could also use an 82s129 Bipolar prom, in a similar method to your
EPROM solution. the 82s129 would be ideal as it's a 256x4, so has 8
inputs and 4 outs, and is a nice compact 16 pin DIP.

Good luck! Yours, Mark.
I must admit - I don't know the difference between a PROM and an EEPROM.
The G16V8 is a PLD, right? So - is there any way to program a PLD or a
PROM without much extra equipment? I'll probably end up needing two of
the chips (one in a dip package for bread boarding, the other in a
surface mount package for the final circuit) so it would seem silly to
me to buy a expensive programmer. Thanks!
Michael wrote:
Hi - I'm hoping to find a active high input active high output 10-4
priority encoder. I'm really looking for a one chip solution to this. The
only way I've been able to come up with to do this is with an eeprom - but
that really feels like overkill - and I don't even have the means to
program an eeprom at the moment. So - can anyone reccomend a solution for
me? Thanks!
Use a PIC or a PLD.

Many thanks,

Don Lancaster
Synergetics 3860 West First Street Box 809 Thatcher, AZ 85552
voice: (928)428-4073 email: fax 847-574-1462

Please visit my GURU's LAIR web site at

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