John Fields
On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 19:40:24 -0700, "Richardson" <member@newsguy.com>
I don't see anything there about crooks, I see a lot of disgruntled
people who hate Ebay because of the unfair way they've been treated by
In your case, though, if the way you misrepresented yourself regarding a
simple LED circuit is indicative of the way you represented yourself on
Ebay, then I thing your getting busted was fully warranted.
But you don't want to talk about that circuit, do you?
Of course not, because then you'd be shown up for the fraud you really
Instead, as is common with you and your ilk, you merely snip what you
can't face and change the subject, cheater.
---"John Fields" <jfields@austininstruments.com> wrote in message
On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:49:24 -0700, "Richardson" <member@newsguy.com
I work with German engineers and Japanese engineers long before you were
born don't chuknow?. They don't care about a few of my glitches here and
there, and I don't care about their glitches neither,
Slop tolerates slop?
John Foo
Hey John Foo,
Many sellers left eBay, so don't you think it's heaven there. In fact many
of you Crooks used to be sellers there I can tell, that's why you knew
their rule to get someone busted. Your evil-doers didn't get me busted, I
simply think your cheap attitude annoy me more than anything else. I
explained to eBay clearly that an Alternator can be made into a Wind
generator, they finally get it. Here is proof of your crooks mumble jumble
about your own problem with them.
I don't see anything there about crooks, I see a lot of disgruntled
people who hate Ebay because of the unfair way they've been treated by
In your case, though, if the way you misrepresented yourself regarding a
simple LED circuit is indicative of the way you represented yourself on
Ebay, then I thing your getting busted was fully warranted.
But you don't want to talk about that circuit, do you?
Of course not, because then you'd be shown up for the fraud you really
Instead, as is common with you and your ilk, you merely snip what you
can't face and change the subject, cheater.