Another proof that American idiots have the brain size of a

On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 19:40:24 -0700, "Richardson" <>

"John Fields" <> wrote in message
On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:49:24 -0700, "Richardson" <

I work with German engineers and Japanese engineers long before you were
born don't chuknow?. They don't care about a few of my glitches here and
there, and I don't care about their glitches neither,

Slop tolerates slop?

John Foo

Hey John Foo,

Many sellers left eBay, so don't you think it's heaven there. In fact many
of you Crooks used to be sellers there I can tell, that's why you knew
their rule to get someone busted. Your evil-doers didn't get me busted, I
simply think your cheap attitude annoy me more than anything else. I
explained to eBay clearly that an Alternator can be made into a Wind
generator, they finally get it. Here is proof of your crooks mumble jumble
about your own problem with them.
I don't see anything there about crooks, I see a lot of disgruntled
people who hate Ebay because of the unfair way they've been treated by

In your case, though, if the way you misrepresented yourself regarding a
simple LED circuit is indicative of the way you represented yourself on
Ebay, then I thing your getting busted was fully warranted.

But you don't want to talk about that circuit, do you?

Of course not, because then you'd be shown up for the fraud you really

Instead, as is common with you and your ilk, you merely snip what you
can't face and change the subject, cheater.

On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 19:59:11 -0700, "Richardson" <>

"Bart Bervoets" <> wrote in message
Well, i personally would like someone to explain this windmill thing
to me as i would like to build one and i too have tried to use an
induction motor and failed.

Some people suggest using a large servo motor.
That must be a suggestion from American jerks. Servo motor is made for
precision drive, not for power generation.

How can i make some good micro wind turbines?
Bart Bervoets

In Belgium people look for size first for Wind Turbines?

In America people look for easy-way-out first like Bail-out, or weaken PMA
generator, that's Junk comparing to Alternator Power. Why do I like the
Alternator so much for Wind generator? It's been tested for many decades,
it outputs so much power, it's flexible. The only problem with American
dumbasses is they don't know how to interface with it, they blame the
alternator instead of their weak brains, don't chu know?
Since the man asked for someone to explain the windmill thing to him,
why didn't you just do that instead of changing the subject and doing
the America-bashing thing you love so dearly to get you off the hook?

I think the reason is that you can't.

"John Fields" <> wrote in message
On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 19:59:11 -0700, "Richardson" <

"Bart Bervoets" <> wrote in message
Well, i personally would like someone to explain this windmill thing
to me as i would like to build one and i too have tried to use an
induction motor and failed.

Some people suggest using a large servo motor.
That must be a suggestion from American jerks. Servo motor is made for
precision drive, not for power generation.

How can i make some good micro wind turbines?
Bart Bervoets

In Belgium people look for size first for Wind Turbines?

In America people look for easy-way-out first like Bail-out, or weaken
generator, that's Junk comparing to Alternator Power. Why do I like the
Alternator so much for Wind generator? It's been tested for many
it outputs so much power, it's flexible. The only problem with American
dumbasses is they don't know how to interface with it, they blame the
alternator instead of their weak brains, don't chu know?

Since the man asked for someone to explain the windmill thing to him,
why didn't you just do that instead of changing the subject and doing
the America-bashing thing you love so dearly to get you off the hook?

I think the reason is that you can't.


John Fool, If you don't understand something, it's up to you to figure out.
People with the right mind don't blame on the object or other people, get
it right dumbass. Everybody is brought up differently, so don't expect
others to fit your routine dumbass.
On Sun, 26 Jul 2009 10:22:36 -0700, "Richardson" <>

"John Fields" <> wrote in message
On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 19:59:11 -0700, "Richardson" <

"Bart Bervoets" <> wrote in message
Well, i personally would like someone to explain this windmill thing
to me as i would like to build one and i too have tried to use an
induction motor and failed.

Some people suggest using a large servo motor.
That must be a suggestion from American jerks. Servo motor is made for
precision drive, not for power generation.

How can i make some good micro wind turbines?
Bart Bervoets

In Belgium people look for size first for Wind Turbines?

In America people look for easy-way-out first like Bail-out, or weaken
generator, that's Junk comparing to Alternator Power. Why do I like the
Alternator so much for Wind generator? It's been tested for many
it outputs so much power, it's flexible. The only problem with American
dumbasses is they don't know how to interface with it, they blame the
alternator instead of their weak brains, don't chu know?

Since the man asked for someone to explain the windmill thing to him,
why didn't you just do that instead of changing the subject and doing
the America-bashing thing you love so dearly to get you off the hook?

I think the reason is that you can't.


John Fool,
Wanna start namecalling?

OK, you stupid cocksucker, go for it.

If you don't understand something, it's up to you to figure out.
What a fucking hypocrite you are!

Bart Bervoets asked for help in understanding the "windmill thing", and
since this (sci.electronics.basics) is a technical newsgroup and you say
you're an expert in those matters, it should have been easy for you to
come up with a short explanation which would have helped him out.

But no...

Instead, you chose to dodge the issue posting some goddam bullshit about
that it's up to him to figure it out, then by posting some totally
irrelevant crap about what you like, and then posting some pointless


because you don't know the first thing about how they work, while you
pretend you do, so that makes you a hypocrite. And a liar. And a

And a miserable piece of shit.

People with the right mind don't blame on the object or other people, get
it right dumbass.
Hey, I'm not the one who got kicked off of Ebay and then tried to blame
it on everyone else, dumbass, that was you.

Also, take a look at your miserable posting history and, if you can take
the blinders off of those shit-filled eyes of yours, you might come to
the realization that about 90% of what you post is "Geez, it's not _my_
fault, it's _theirs_."

Everybody is brought up differently, so don't expect others to fit your
routine dumbass.
Boy, you've got some attention span!

I love it; you skewered yourself again with that two-faced crap.

Who wrote this shit?"

"Stop listening to the appliance seller (Wayne) for your technical
needs. Stop teaching each other your junky design."

"So stop teaching each other your Baloney formula, and quick thinking
you're right and others are wrong."

"Plus quit listening to Eistein theory of relativity, and Newton's Law
of Bogus (Heavy thing DOES NOT fall at the same speed of light thing).
You people teach other wrong theory in University. No wonder, you
couldn't sell your cars/trucks. It's all because of your poor science
and math."

Seems to me like you want everyone to follow _your_ routine, but you
don't want to follow anyone else's.

And yes, everyone was brought up differently, but with as much hate as
you've got bottled up inside of you, I'd bet that you were brought up
and spoiled spectacularly badly by leftist weenie (thanks, Jim ;)

In article <Xns9C53CB1CAB8B1zyadayadayada@>,
z <> wrote:

"Richardson" <> wrote in

"John Fields" <> wrote in message
On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:49:24 -0700, "Richardson" <

I work with German engineers and Japanese engineers long before you
were born don't chuknow?. They don't care about a few of my glitches
here and there, and I don't care about their glitches neither,

Slop tolerates slop?

John Foo

Hey John Foo,

Many sellers left eBay, so don't you think it's heaven there. In fact
many of you Crooks used to be sellers there I can tell, that's why you
knew their rule to get someone busted. Your evil-doers didn't get me
busted, I simply think your cheap attitude annoy me more than anything
else. I explained to eBay clearly that an Alternator can be made into
a Wind generator, they finally get it. Here is proof of your crooks
mumble jumble about your own problem with them.

Do you really think ebay can track you by using your mac address?
What makes you think that your MAC Address isn't embedded in each and
every Packet that leaves your IP Stack........
You <you@shadow.orgs> wrote in

In article <Xns9C53CB1CAB8B1zyadayadayada@>,
z <> wrote:

"Richardson" <> wrote in

"John Fields" <> wrote in message
On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:49:24 -0700, "Richardson"> wrote:
pow er-plant-soln/windpower/

I work with German engineers and Japanese engineers long before
you were born don't chuknow?. They don't care about a few of my
glitches here and there, and I don't care about their glitches

Slop tolerates slop?

John Foo

Hey John Foo,

Many sellers left eBay, so don't you think it's heaven there. In
fact many of you Crooks used to be sellers there I can tell, that's
why you knew their rule to get someone busted. Your evil-doers
didn't get me busted, I simply think your cheap attitude annoy me
more than anything else. I explained to eBay clearly that an
Alternator can be made into a Wind generator, they finally get it.
Here is proof of your crooks mumble jumble about your own problem
with them.

Do you really think ebay can track you by using your mac address?

What makes you think that your MAC Address isn't embedded in each and
every Packet that leaves your IP Stack........
until it hits a router right?
Michael A. Terrell wrote:
John Fields wrote:

On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 17:06:18 -0400, Hammy <> wrote:

On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:49:24 -0700, "Richardson" <

I work with German engineers and Japanese engineers long before you were
born don't chuknow?. They don't care about a few of my glitches here and
there, and I don't care about their glitches neither, many Japanese
engineers can't speak English. English is defined as communication tool,
not artificial intelligence as you think don't chu know dumbasses?

My guess would be you where hired through some sort of affirmative
action program.

A lot of large corporations have similar hiring practices as the
government; i.e. we must hire so many minorities, so many women, and
so many disabled and whatever the current politically correct BS is.

From your post's I would guess you fall in the disabled category

specifically mentally disabled.

We have a mentally disabled mail courier here. I could introduce you
to her, if you're interested?

Probably not a wise decision, since their progeny might have political


Now he's trying to pimp his mother.

Not nice to talk about mother.
Jamie <> wrote in

z wrote:

"Richardson" <> wrote in

"John Fields" <> wrote in message

On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:49:24 -0700, "Richardson" <

I work with German engineers and Japanese engineers long before you
were born don't chuknow?. They don't care about a few of my
here and there, and I don't care about their glitches neither,

Slop tolerates slop?

John Foo

Hey John Foo,

Many sellers left eBay, so don't you think it's heaven there. In fact
many of you Crooks used to be sellers there I can tell, that's why you
knew their rule to get someone busted. Your evil-doers didn't get me
busted, I simply think your cheap attitude annoy me more than anything
else. I explained to eBay clearly that an Alternator can be made into
a Wind generator, they finally get it. Here is proof of your crooks
mumble jumble about your own problem with them.

Do you really think ebay can track you by using your mac address?

You mean IP address ?
No if you read the post our friend referenced we are advised to change
our mac address to avoid ebay tracking. Which is pretty idiotic since
spoofing a mac address is so easy and it gets lost quickly if you are any
normal network.

"For those of you who have been "booted" and want to get back on the
site, here is how to do it so they can not catch you.

First, change your MAC address on your computer. (I am not going to get
into the mechanics of how to do all of these things because they are
easily found on the web). There is also software you can download that
lets you do it on the fly. "

I seriously doubt ebay bothers tracking mac addresses since they are so
un reliable for tracking.

This is just another example of our friends ability to reference

z wrote:

"Richardson" <> wrote in

"John Fields" <> wrote in message

On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:49:24 -0700, "Richardson" <

I work with German engineers and Japanese engineers long before you
were born don't chuknow?. They don't care about a few of my glitches
here and there, and I don't care about their glitches neither,

Slop tolerates slop?

John Foo

Hey John Foo,

Many sellers left eBay, so don't you think it's heaven there. In fact
many of you Crooks used to be sellers there I can tell, that's why you
knew their rule to get someone busted. Your evil-doers didn't get me
busted, I simply think your cheap attitude annoy me more than anything
else. I explained to eBay clearly that an Alternator can be made into
a Wind generator, they finally get it. Here is proof of your crooks
mumble jumble about your own problem with them.

Do you really think ebay can track you by using your mac address?

You mean IP address ?
On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 22:53:58 -0400, "Michael A. Terrell"
<> wrote:

John Fields wrote:

On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 17:06:18 -0400, Hammy <> wrote:

On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:49:24 -0700, "Richardson" <

I work with German engineers and Japanese engineers long before you were
born don't chuknow?. They don't care about a few of my glitches here and
there, and I don't care about their glitches neither, many Japanese
engineers can't speak English. English is defined as communication tool,
not artificial intelligence as you think don't chu know dumbasses?

My guess would be you where hired through some sort of affirmative
action program.

A lot of large corporations have similar hiring practices as the
government; i.e. we must hire so many minorities, so many women, and
so many disabled and whatever the current politically correct BS is.

From your post's I would guess you fall in the disabled category
specifically mentally disabled.

We have a mentally disabled mail courier here. I could introduce you
to her, if you're interested?

Probably not a wise decision, since their progeny might have political


Now he's trying to pimp his mother.
Terrell who was your reply directed at?

Your reply was to Fields but referred to my Post. I think I'm pretty
bang on with my

A lot of large corporations have similar hiring practices as the
government; i.e. we must hire so many minorities, so many women, and
so many disabled and whatever the current politically correct BS is.
I'll refrain from using a beauty of a zinger until you clarify:)
Hammy wrote:
On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 22:53:58 -0400, "Michael A. Terrell"> wrote:

John Fields wrote:

On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 17:06:18 -0400, Hammy <> wrote:

On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:49:24 -0700, "Richardson" <

I work with German engineers and Japanese engineers long before you were
born don't chuknow?. They don't care about a few of my glitches here and
there, and I don't care about their glitches neither, many Japanese
engineers can't speak English. English is defined as communication tool,
not artificial intelligence as you think don't chu know dumbasses?

My guess would be you where hired through some sort of affirmative
action program.

A lot of large corporations have similar hiring practices as the
government; i.e. we must hire so many minorities, so many women, and
so many disabled and whatever the current politically correct BS is.

From your post's I would guess you fall in the disabled category
specifically mentally disabled.

We have a mentally disabled mail courier here. I could introduce you
to her, if you're interested?

Probably not a wise decision, since their progeny might have political


Now he's trying to pimp his mother.

Terrell who was your reply directed at?

Your reply was to Fields but referred to my Post. I think I'm pretty
bang on with my

A lot of large corporations have similar hiring practices as the
government; i.e. we must hire so many minorities, so many women, and
so many disabled and whatever the current politically correct BS is.

I'll refrain from using a beauty of a zinger until you clarify:)

Richardson is filtered, it was aimed at him. The woman you described
just had to be his mother. :(

You can't have a sense of humor, if you have no sense!
Jamie wrote:
Michael A. Terrell wrote:
John Fields wrote:

On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 17:06:18 -0400, Hammy <> wrote:

On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:49:24 -0700, "Richardson" <

I work with German engineers and Japanese engineers long before you were
born don't chuknow?. They don't care about a few of my glitches here and
there, and I don't care about their glitches neither, many Japanese
engineers can't speak English. English is defined as communication tool,
not artificial intelligence as you think don't chu know dumbasses?

My guess would be you where hired through some sort of affirmative
action program.

A lot of large corporations have similar hiring practices as the
government; i.e. we must hire so many minorities, so many women, and
so many disabled and whatever the current politically correct BS is.

From your post's I would guess you fall in the disabled category

specifically mentally disabled.

We have a mentally disabled mail courier here. I could introduce you
to her, if you're interested?

Probably not a wise decision, since their progeny might have political


Now he's trying to pimp his mother.

Not nice to talk about mother.

Then don't. You mother obviously didn't teach you anything useful.
Least of all, how to write anything intelligent.

You can't have a sense of humor, if you have no sense!
On Jul 25, 7:40 pm, Bart Bervoets <> wrote:
Well, i personally would like someone to explain this windmill thing
to me as i would like to build one and i too have tried to use an
induction motor and failed.
Some people suggest using a large servo motor.
How can i make some good micro wind turbines?

Bart Bervoets
Induction motors can be used to generate but only in whilst connected
to another AC electricity supply.
Basically you have to run it it up as a motor when it will achieve a
speed a little below synchronous speed.
Then, you have to bring in your power source & make it run faster. As
it comes up to synchronous speed, the current drawn will fall to
zero. When you drive it faster than synchronous speed, it will start
to generate and put electrical power out. So, to use this power, your
electric fire (say) will be connected in parallel with the induction
motor/generater (proper name ASYNCHRONOUS GENEATOR) and the power
company supply.
The speed has to be regulated so that it is not overloaded, it will
generate the same power as it consumes as a motor.
But it has to remain in parallel with the external AC power supply at
all times.
Simple eh!
Bit here on the subject.
On Tue, 28 Jul 2009 12:12:29 -0700 (PDT), harry
<> wrote:

On Jul 25, 7:40 pm, Bart Bervoets <> wrote:
Well, i personally would like someone to explain this windmill thing
to me as i would like to build one and i too have tried to use an
induction motor and failed.
Some people suggest using a large servo motor.
How can i make some good micro wind turbines?

Bart Bervoets

Induction motors can be used to generate but only in whilst connected
to another AC electricity supply.

An induction motor works well as a generator with the proper
caspacitors connected. 3 phase works best and they are always
available cheap used. They need to turn just over nameplate rpm and
need to be spun up with no load. They are impossible to overload -
they shut themselves down when overloaded
Basically you have to run it it up as a motor when it will achieve a
speed a little below synchronous speed.
Then, you have to bring in your power source & make it run faster. As
it comes up to synchronous speed, the current drawn will fall to
zero. When you drive it faster than synchronous speed, it will start
to generate and put electrical power out. So, to use this power, your
electric fire (say) will be connected in parallel with the induction
motor/generater (proper name ASYNCHRONOUS GENEATOR) and the power
company supply.
The speed has to be regulated so that it is not overloaded, it will
generate the same power as it consumes as a motor.
But it has to remain in parallel with the external AC power supply at
all times.
Simple eh!
Bit here on the subject.
<> wrote in message
On Tue, 28 Jul 2009 12:12:29 -0700 (PDT), harry> wrote:

On Jul 25, 7:40 pm, Bart Bervoets <> wrote:
Well, i personally would like someone to explain this windmill thing
to me as i would like to build one and i too have tried to use an
induction motor and failed.
Some people suggest using a large servo motor.
How can i make some good micro wind turbines?

Bart Bervoets

Induction motors can be used to generate but only in whilst connected
to another AC electricity supply.

An induction motor works well as a generator with the proper
caspacitors connected. 3 phase works best and they are always
available cheap used. They need to turn just over nameplate rpm and
need to be spun up with no load. They are impossible to overload -
they shut themselves down when overloaded
According to Mr. Unknown in Alternator Secrets you also need to flash it
with 12 volts (or thereabouts) to get it to start generating. At least on
some motors. So for a wind generator I assume you would need to find one
that doesn't need to be flashed, or at least will hold some residual
magnetism for a while. I have not tried this washing machine motor trick
yet but I guess I'll have to just so I'll know... Let's see: 1/3 HP=250
watts (roughly) so it looks like the hard part would be finding a small
enough engine if somone wanted to make a gasoline-powered generator.

Basically you have to run it it up as a motor when it will achieve a
speed a little below synchronous speed.
Then, you have to bring in your power source & make it run faster. As
it comes up to synchronous speed, the current drawn will fall to
zero. When you drive it faster than synchronous speed, it will start
to generate and put electrical power out. So, to use this power, your
electric fire (say) will be connected in parallel with the induction
motor/generater (proper name ASYNCHRONOUS GENEATOR) and the power
company supply.
The speed has to be regulated so that it is not overloaded, it will
generate the same power as it consumes as a motor.
But it has to remain in parallel with the external AC power supply at
all times.
Simple eh!
Bit here on the subject.
Michael A. Terrell wrote:
Jamie wrote:

Michael A. Terrell wrote:

John Fields wrote:

On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 17:06:18 -0400, Hammy <> wrote:

On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:49:24 -0700, "Richardson" <

I work with German engineers and Japanese engineers long before you were
born don't chuknow?. They don't care about a few of my glitches here and
there, and I don't care about their glitches neither, many Japanese
engineers can't speak English. English is defined as communication tool,
not artificial intelligence as you think don't chu know dumbasses?

My guess would be you where hired through some sort of affirmative
action program.

A lot of large corporations have similar hiring practices as the
government; i.e. we must hire so many minorities, so many women, and
so many disabled and whatever the current politically correct BS is.

From your post's I would guess you fall in the disabled category

specifically mentally disabled.

We have a mentally disabled mail courier here. I could introduce you
to her, if you're interested?

Probably not a wise decision, since their progeny might have political


Now he's trying to pimp his mother.

Not nice to talk about mother.

Then don't. You mother obviously didn't teach you anything useful.
Least of all, how to write anything intelligent.

My mother would of bitched slapped you and put you up for adoption if
she pushed out you.

And when it comes to writing anything intelligent, that is an opinion
of the reader. Since it's you that is making this opinion, I consider
the source.

I've never seen you post anything interesting here. Most likely
because you are a person with little value that has little mans disease.
On Jul 29, 1:44 am, wrote:
On Tue, 28 Jul 2009 12:12:29 -0700 (PDT), harry> wrote:
On Jul 25, 7:40 pm, Bart Bervoets <> wrote:
Well, i personally would like someone to explain this windmill thing
to me as i would like to build one and i too have tried to use an
induction motor and failed.
Some people suggest using a large servo motor.
How can i make some good micro wind turbines?

Bart Bervoets

Induction motors can be used to generate but only in whilst connected
to another AC electricity supply.

An induction motor works well as a generator with the proper
caspacitors connected. 3 phase works best and they are always
available cheap used. They need to turn just over nameplate rpm and
need to be spun up with no load. They are impossible to overload -
they shut themselves down when overloaded

Basically you have to run it it up as a motor when it will achieve a
speed a little below synchronous speed.
Then, you have to bring in your power source & make it run faster. As
it comes up to synchronous speed, the current drawn will fall to
zero. When you drive it faster than synchronous speed, it will start
to generate and put electrical power out. So, to use this power, your
electric fire (say) will be connected in parallel with the induction
motor/generater (proper name ASYNCHRONOUS GENEATOR) and the power
company supply.
The speed has to be regulated so that it is not overloaded, it will
generate the same power as it consumes as a motor.
But it has to remain in parallel with the external AC power supply at
all times.
Simple eh!
Bit here on the subject.
No capacitors needed. There are a couple of errors in the Wikipedia
thing too.
Why would you need capacitors?
Three phase, single phase makes no difference.
This a thing I did at college years ago on a motor test set. It was
part of the course. It's not a big deal.
Jamie wrote:
Michael A. Terrell wrote:
Jamie wrote:

Michael A. Terrell wrote:

John Fields wrote:

On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 17:06:18 -0400, Hammy <> wrote:

On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:49:24 -0700, "Richardson" <

I work with German engineers and Japanese engineers long before you were
born don't chuknow?. They don't care about a few of my glitches here and
there, and I don't care about their glitches neither, many Japanese
engineers can't speak English. English is defined as communication tool,
not artificial intelligence as you think don't chu know dumbasses?

My guess would be you where hired through some sort of affirmative
action program.

A lot of large corporations have similar hiring practices as the
government; i.e. we must hire so many minorities, so many women, and
so many disabled and whatever the current politically correct BS is.

From your post's I would guess you fall in the disabled category

specifically mentally disabled.

We have a mentally disabled mail courier here. I could introduce you
to her, if you're interested?

Probably not a wise decision, since their progeny might have political


Now he's trying to pimp his mother.

Not nice to talk about mother.

Then don't. You mother obviously didn't teach you anything useful.
Least of all, how to write anything intelligent.

My mother would of bitched slapped you and put you up for adoption if
she pushed out you.

And when it comes to writing anything intelligent, that is an opinion
of the reader. Since it's you that is making this opinion, I consider
the source.

I've never seen you post anything interesting here. Most likely
because you are a person with little value that has little mans disease.

Do you ever post anything that makes ANY sense?

You can't have a sense of humor, if you have no sense!
"harry" <> wrote in message
On Jul 29, 1:44 am, wrote:
On Tue, 28 Jul 2009 12:12:29 -0700 (PDT), harry> wrote:
On Jul 25, 7:40 pm, Bart Bervoets <> wrote:
Well, i personally would like someone to explain this windmill thing
to me as i would like to build one and i too have tried to use an
induction motor and failed.
Some people suggest using a large servo motor.
How can i make some good micro wind turbines?

Bart Bervoets

Induction motors can be used to generate but only in whilst connected
to another AC electricity supply.

An induction motor works well as a generator with the proper
caspacitors connected. 3 phase works best and they are always
available cheap used. They need to turn just over nameplate rpm and
need to be spun up with no load. They are impossible to overload -
they shut themselves down when overloaded

Basically you have to run it it up as a motor when it will achieve a
speed a little below synchronous speed.
Then, you have to bring in your power source & make it run faster. As
it comes up to synchronous speed, the current drawn will fall to
zero. When you drive it faster than synchronous speed, it will start
to generate and put electrical power out. So, to use this power, your
electric fire (say) will be connected in parallel with the induction
motor/generater (proper name ASYNCHRONOUS GENEATOR) and the power
company supply.
The speed has to be regulated so that it is not overloaded, it will
generate the same power as it consumes as a motor.
But it has to remain in parallel with the external AC power supply at
all times.
Simple eh!
Bit here on the subject.

No capacitors needed. There are a couple of errors in the Wikipedia
thing too.
Why would you need capacitors?
Three phase, single phase makes no difference.
This a thing I did at college years ago on a motor test set. It was
part of the course. It's not a big deal.
I don't know why you need capacitors but every induction generator I've
worked on had one. Why *don't* you need one? Heck, I don't even know what
the capacitor does in this case. Are you saying all you need to do is hook
up a load and flash it by connecting a battery across the output leads
(neutral and hot)? Do all induction motors need to be flashed if they don't
have a capacitor, or does it even matter? Will it automatically establish
itself at 60 Hz (assuming it's a 60 Hz motor) if ran at a little over the
rated speed? Do they need to achieve a specific speed (rpm) in order to
start producing electricity? Is that why Bart's wind generator didn't work?
Is Bart still with us?

Now I have to go take something apart so I can hook up an old washing
machine motor...
On Wed, 29 Jul 2009 07:26:07 -0700, "Ulysses"
<> wrote:> wrote in message
On Tue, 28 Jul 2009 12:12:29 -0700 (PDT), harry> wrote:

On Jul 25, 7:40 pm, Bart Bervoets <> wrote:
Well, i personally would like someone to explain this windmill thing
to me as i would like to build one and i too have tried to use an
induction motor and failed.
Some people suggest using a large servo motor.
How can i make some good micro wind turbines?

Bart Bervoets

Induction motors can be used to generate but only in whilst connected
to another AC electricity supply.

An induction motor works well as a generator with the proper
caspacitors connected. 3 phase works best and they are always
available cheap used. They need to turn just over nameplate rpm and
need to be spun up with no load. They are impossible to overload -
they shut themselves down when overloaded

According to Mr. Unknown in Alternator Secrets you also need to flash it
with 12 volts (or thereabouts) to get it to start generating.
You may need to do that ONCE on a motor that's been sitting unused for
a long time. As soon as it has been used as a motor or generator a
residual feild is established in the motor which will remain as long
as it is used on a semi-regulat basis.

At least on
some motors. So for a wind generator I assume you would need to find one
that doesn't need to be flashed, or at least will hold some residual
magnetism for a while. I have not tried this washing machine motor trick
yet but I guess I'll have to just so I'll know... Let's see: 1/3 HP=250
watts (roughly) so it looks like the hard part would be finding a small
enough engine if somone wanted to make a gasoline-powered generator.

Basically you have to run it it up as a motor when it will achieve a
speed a little below synchronous speed.
Then, you have to bring in your power source & make it run faster. As
it comes up to synchronous speed, the current drawn will fall to
zero. When you drive it faster than synchronous speed, it will start
to generate and put electrical power out. So, to use this power, your
electric fire (say) will be connected in parallel with the induction
motor/generater (proper name ASYNCHRONOUS GENEATOR) and the power
company supply.
The speed has to be regulated so that it is not overloaded, it will
generate the same power as it consumes as a motor.
But it has to remain in parallel with the external AC power supply at
all times.
Simple eh!
Bit here on the subject.

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