Another proof that American idiots have the brain size of a



Yup! this guy he doesn't know much about the power of an Alternator, he
speaks just like you jerks. An alternator can produce 4-5 kilowatt easily
if you know how to double its current and its voltage, like I said before
your PMA generator is a piece of shit. I bought it to compare with my
Alernator-Wind generator, there is a big difference in power. I know you
dumbasses don't believe me because you can't never figure the hard part,
the easy part about anything in life you can figure out because you got the
brain of a monkey's penis...Don'tchaknow Punks?

When it comes to Electronics, you're good with the talk, not with the walk.


Alternator and Generator Comparison
for Wind Power

| Vehicle Alternators | Homemade PM Alternators | PM Converted Induction
Motors |
DC Generators | DC Brushless PM Motors | Induction Motors |

Para EspaĂąol, traduccióŽ ¤e Julio Andrade.

Vehicle Alternators

a.. Advantages: cheap, easy to find, pre-assembled.
b.. Disadvantages: high rpms required, gears or pulleys needed, low power
output, slip rings need maintenance.
c.. Suitability for Wind Power: POOR
The biggest problem with using car alternators for wind power is that they
are designed to rotate at too high a speed to be practical in wind power
applications without significant modifications. Even a small, seemingly
fast windmill might do most of its work at 600 rpm, not nearly fast enough
for a car or truck alternator. This means that gearing up with pulleys or
other methods is needed, so lots of power is lost to friction--a big
problem with wind or water power, but not a problem with a gasoline engine.
Check out how useful car alternators can be for building a small
gas-powered charger HERE.
A standard car or truck alternator is electromagnetic-- meaning that some
of the electricity produced by the unit must be used internally and sent to
the armature through brushes and slip rings to make the magnetic field.
Alternators that use electricity to generate the field current are less
efficient and more complicated. They are quite easy to regulate, however,
since the magnetic flux inside can be changed by adjusting the field power.

Also, the brushes and slip rings wear out, requiring more maintenance. Car
and truck alternators can also be rewound to produce power at lower speeds.
This is done by replacing the existing stator windings with more turns of
smaller gauge wire. This project is not for the faint of heart, but check
our PRODUCTS page for the inexpensive booklet Alternator Secrets by Thomas
Lindsay if you are interested. The booklet is invaluable for any alternator
experimentor! Also, some alternator/electric motor shops may have the
knowledge to do this for you.

Homemade Permanent Magnet Alternators

a.. Advantages: Low cost per watt of output, very efficient, huge power
output possible, extremely sturdy construction
b.. Disadvantages: A time-consuming, somewhat complicated project,
machining needed.
c.. Suitability for Wind Power: GOOD

I work with German engineers and Japanese engineers long before you were
born don't chuknow?. They don't care about a few of my glitches here and
there, and I don't care about their glitches neither, many Japanese
engineers can't speak English. English is defined as communication tool,
not artificial intelligence as you think don't chu know dumbasses?
"Richardson" <> wrote in

Yup! this guy he doesn't know much about the power of an Alternator,
he speaks just like you jerks. An alternator can produce 4-5 kilowatt
easily if you know how to double its current and its voltage, like I
said before your PMA generator is a piece of shit. I bought it to
compare with my Alernator-Wind generator, there is a big difference in
power. I know you dumbasses don't believe me because you can't never
figure the hard part, the easy part about anything in life you can
figure out because you got the brain of a monkey's
penis...Don'tchaknow Punks?

When it comes to Electronics, you're good with the talk, not with the


Alternator and Generator Comparison
for Wind Power

| Vehicle Alternators | Homemade PM Alternators | PM Converted
| Induction
Motors |
DC Generators | DC Brushless PM Motors | Induction Motors |
then again you haven't a clue just how big our penis is
On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:29:54 -0700, "Richardson" <>

Yup! this guy he doesn't know much about the power of an Alternator, he
speaks just like you jerks. An alternator can produce 4-5 kilowatt easily
if you know how to double its current and its voltage, like I said before
your PMA generator is a piece of shit. I bought it to compare with my
Alernator-Wind generator, there is a big difference in power. I know you
dumbasses don't believe me because you can't never figure the hard part,
the easy part about anything in life you can figure out because you got the
brain of a monkey's penis...Don'tchaknow Punks?

When it comes to Electronics, you're good with the talk, not with the walk.
Geez, you seem to think that we've forgotten that you don't know enough
about electronics to wire LEDs in series when using the mains in order
to keep the dissipation down in the current limiting resistor, that you
can't tell the difference between a diode and a Zener diode, and that
you can't tell the difference between a resistor and a capacitor.

So,as far as walking the walk goes, you're still crawling while the rest
of us are flying!

On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 01:53:47 -0500, z <> wrote:

"Richardson" <> wrote in

Yup! this guy he doesn't know much about the power of an Alternator,
he speaks just like you jerks. An alternator can produce 4-5 kilowatt
easily if you know how to double its current and its voltage, like I
said before your PMA generator is a piece of shit. I bought it to
compare with my Alernator-Wind generator, there is a big difference in
power. I know you dumbasses don't believe me because you can't never
figure the hard part, the easy part about anything in life you can
figure out because you got the brain of a monkey's
penis...Don'tchaknow Punks?

When it comes to Electronics, you're good with the talk, not with the


Alternator and Generator Comparison
for Wind Power

| Vehicle Alternators | Homemade PM Alternators | PM Converted
| Induction
Motors |
DC Generators | DC Brushless PM Motors | Induction Motors |
then again you haven't a clue just how big our penis is
From what I read, he and his dopey alternators got bitch-slapped off of
Ebay, so he knows it's big enough to drag his in the dirt. :)

On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:49:24 -0700, "Richardson" <>

I work with German engineers and Japanese engineers long before you were
born don't chuknow?. They don't care about a few of my glitches here and
there, and I don't care about their glitches neither,
Slop tolerates slop?

"John Fields" <> wrote in message
On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 01:53:47 -0500, z <> wrote:

"Richardson" <> wrote in

Yup! this guy he doesn't know much about the power of an Alternator,
he speaks just like you jerks. An alternator can produce 4-5 kilowatt
easily if you know how to double its current and its voltage, like I
said before your PMA generator is a piece of shit. I bought it to
compare with my Alernator-Wind generator, there is a big difference in
power. I know you dumbasses don't believe me because you can't never
figure the hard part, the easy part about anything in life you can
figure out because you got the brain of a monkey's
penis...Don'tchaknow Punks?

When it comes to Electronics, you're good with the talk, not with the


Alternator and Generator Comparison
for Wind Power

| Vehicle Alternators | Homemade PM Alternators | PM Converted
| Induction
Motors |
DC Generators | DC Brushless PM Motors | Induction Motors |
then again you haven't a clue just how big our penis is

From what I read, he and his dopey alternators got bitch-slapped off of
Ebay, so he knows it's big enough to drag his in the dirt. :)


No dumbass, your propaganda mislead eBay, they don't know shit about
Alternator neither, Your evil didn't go very far, eBay still lets me sell
but I don't want to do business with you Rednecks. You don't know the real
story, you assumed the worse. I sell the complete system to foreigners,
they are easier to deal with, they have more moneys than you dipshit,
further more your first clue of others is always "scam". Technologically
you lack behind the Chinese, the Japanese, the German and other countries.
You sell things that belong to the garbage, go check Craigslist if you
don't believe me.

Give it up now you dipshit, in 4-5 months you will flee to Canada begging
for foods like the 3rd world refugees. This time again, it's going to be
your own shit coming after you like your Iraq's problem. Your media
mistranslated IRAN's president like you misinterpreted me, he didn't say to
wipe Israel off the map, that's your own view because you want to get the
emotion going. Go out and read external news dumbass. Soon enough, the
collective view of yours will show up on 2012's the Keyword is "Mass Change
of attitude 4 America", that's right you have to go down to Zero first
before you will see your own problem, otherwise you won't see it.
"John Fields" <> wrote in message
On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:29:54 -0700, "Richardson" <

Yup! this guy he doesn't know much about the power of an Alternator, he
speaks just like you jerks. An alternator can produce 4-5 kilowatt
if you know how to double its current and its voltage, like I said before
your PMA generator is a piece of shit. I bought it to compare with my
Alernator-Wind generator, there is a big difference in power. I know
dumbasses don't believe me because you can't never figure the hard part,
the easy part about anything in life you can figure out because you got
brain of a monkey's penis...Don'tchaknow Punks?

When it comes to Electronics, you're good with the talk, not with the

Geez, you seem to think that we've forgotten that you don't know enough
about electronics to wire LEDs in series when using the mains in order
to keep the dissipation down in the current limiting resistor, that you
can't tell the difference between a diode and a Zener diode, and that
you can't tell the difference between a resistor and a capacitor.

So,as far as walking the walk goes, you're still crawling while the rest
of us are flying!

John Foo
Better flying than falling like you dipshit. Soon, you will hit
Zero...heehe... Right now you're at 12 from 1,000FT that you hyped in the
last 8-yrs.
On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 07:26:44 -0700, "Richardson" <>

"John Fields" <> wrote in message
On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 01:53:47 -0500, z <> wrote:

"Richardson" <> wrote in

Yup! this guy he doesn't know much about the power of an Alternator,
he speaks just like you jerks. An alternator can produce 4-5 kilowatt
easily if you know how to double its current and its voltage, like I
said before your PMA generator is a piece of shit. I bought it to
compare with my Alernator-Wind generator, there is a big difference in
power. I know you dumbasses don't believe me because you can't never
figure the hard part, the easy part about anything in life you can
figure out because you got the brain of a monkey's
penis...Don'tchaknow Punks?

When it comes to Electronics, you're good with the talk, not with the


Alternator and Generator Comparison
for Wind Power

| Vehicle Alternators | Homemade PM Alternators | PM Converted
| Induction
Motors |
DC Generators | DC Brushless PM Motors | Induction Motors |
then again you haven't a clue just how big our penis is

From what I read, he and his dopey alternators got bitch-slapped off of
Ebay, so he knows it's big enough to drag his in the dirt. :)


No dumbass, your propaganda mislead eBay, they don't know shit about
Alternator neither, Your evil didn't go very far, eBay still lets me sell
but I don't want to do business with you Rednecks.
Aww... Poor baby. :-(

You got slapped and now you don't want to play with the "rednecks"
because they got your feathers ruffled for you?

As far as being a redneck goes, I think you need to take a look at
yourself, since it's _you_ doing all the yelling and screaming and
spewing all that hate everywhere, yes?

You don't know the real story, you assumed the worse.
And why shouldn't I, and everyone else for that matter>

All we've seen from you is vitriolic rhetoric and technical nonsense,
while you pretend that you used to be a nice guy and then, somewhere
down the line, someone upset you and turned you into the sorry son of a
bitch you are now.

That's a typical behavior pattern for spoiled brat losers like you who
can't take responsibility for their own shortcomings and want to blame
the whole world because they have a sorry life

And as far as your technical savvy goes, I think your post about what
was wrong with the circuit running an LED from the mains hoisted you on
your own petard. :)

I sell the complete system to foreigners,
they are easier to deal with,
More gullible you mean?

they have more moneys than you dipshit,
Some do, some don't.

further more your first clue of others is always "scam".
Not everyone, but when I see someone like you who says he "walks the
walk" and then trips over his own tongue, it makes me very wary.

you lack behind the Chinese, the Japanese, the German and other countries.
You sell things that belong to the garbage, go check Craigslist if you
don't believe me.
Apples and oranges.

But why should I do that when I can just look at your stuff on Ebay?

Give it up now you dipshit, in 4-5 months you will flee to Canada begging
for foods like the 3rd world refugees. This time again, it's going to be
your own shit coming after you like your Iraq's problem. Your media
mistranslated IRAN's president like you misinterpreted me, he didn't say to
wipe Israel off the map, that's your own view because you want to get the
emotion going. Go out and read external news dumbass. Soon enough, the
collective view of yours will show up on 2012's the Keyword is "Mass Change
of attitude 4 America", that's right you have to go down to Zero first
before you will see your own problem, otherwise you won't see it.
And when it doesn't happen, what are you going to do?

Jump up and down and stamp your little feet and cry because you didn't
get your wish?

You're one sick little piece of shit.

On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 07:36:58 -0700, "Richardson" <>

"John Fields" <> wrote in message
On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:29:54 -0700, "Richardson" <

Yup! this guy he doesn't know much about the power of an Alternator, he
speaks just like you jerks. An alternator can produce 4-5 kilowatt
if you know how to double its current and its voltage, like I said before
your PMA generator is a piece of shit. I bought it to compare with my
Alernator-Wind generator, there is a big difference in power. I know
dumbasses don't believe me because you can't never figure the hard part,
the easy part about anything in life you can figure out because you got
brain of a monkey's penis...Don'tchaknow Punks?

When it comes to Electronics, you're good with the talk, not with the

Geez, you seem to think that we've forgotten that you don't know enough
about electronics to wire LEDs in series when using the mains in order
to keep the dissipation down in the current limiting resistor, that you
can't tell the difference between a diode and a Zener diode, and that
you can't tell the difference between a resistor and a capacitor.

So,as far as walking the walk goes, you're still crawling while the rest
of us are flying!

John Foo

Better flying than falling like you dipshit. Soon, you will hit
Zero...heehe... Right now you're at 12 from 1,000FT that you hyped in the
last 8-yrs.
You're the one who's fallen, not I, and what proves it is your changing
the subject instead of addressing the issue, which is your technical

Would you like to revisit the post where you showed your ignorance?

Well, i personally would like someone to explain this windmill thing
to me as i would like to build one and i too have tried to use an
induction motor and failed.
Some people suggest using a large servo motor.
How can i make some good micro wind turbines?

Bart Bervoets
On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:49:24 -0700, "Richardson" <>

I work with German engineers and Japanese engineers long before you were
born don't chuknow?. They don't care about a few of my glitches here and
there, and I don't care about their glitches neither, many Japanese
engineers can't speak English. English is defined as communication tool,
not artificial intelligence as you think don't chu know dumbasses?
My guess would be you where hired through some sort of affirmative
action program.

A lot of large corporations have similar hiring practices as the
government; i.e. we must hire so many minorities, so many women, and
so many disabled and whatever the current politically correct BS is.

From your post's I would guess you fall in the disabled category
specifically mentally disabled.

We have a mentally disabled mail courier here. I could introduce you
to her, if you're interested?
On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 17:06:18 -0400, Hammy <> wrote:

On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:49:24 -0700, "Richardson" <

I work with German engineers and Japanese engineers long before you were
born don't chuknow?. They don't care about a few of my glitches here and
there, and I don't care about their glitches neither, many Japanese
engineers can't speak English. English is defined as communication tool,
not artificial intelligence as you think don't chu know dumbasses?

My guess would be you where hired through some sort of affirmative
action program.

A lot of large corporations have similar hiring practices as the
government; i.e. we must hire so many minorities, so many women, and
so many disabled and whatever the current politically correct BS is.

From your post's I would guess you fall in the disabled category
specifically mentally disabled.

We have a mentally disabled mail courier here. I could introduce you
to her, if you're interested?
Probably not a wise decision, since their progeny might have political

"John Fields" <> wrote in message
On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:49:24 -0700, "Richardson" <

I work with German engineers and Japanese engineers long before you were
born don't chuknow?. They don't care about a few of my glitches here and
there, and I don't care about their glitches neither,

Slop tolerates slop?

John Foo

Hey John Foo,

Many sellers left eBay, so don't you think it's heaven there. In fact many
of you Crooks used to be sellers there I can tell, that's why you knew
their rule to get someone busted. Your evil-doers didn't get me busted, I
simply think your cheap attitude annoy me more than anything else. I
explained to eBay clearly that an Alternator can be made into a Wind
generator, they finally get it. Here is proof of your crooks mumble jumble
about your own problem with them.
John Fields wrote:
On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 17:06:18 -0400, Hammy <> wrote:

On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:49:24 -0700, "Richardson" <

I work with German engineers and Japanese engineers long before you were
born don't chuknow?. They don't care about a few of my glitches here and
there, and I don't care about their glitches neither, many Japanese
engineers can't speak English. English is defined as communication tool,
not artificial intelligence as you think don't chu know dumbasses?

My guess would be you where hired through some sort of affirmative
action program.

A lot of large corporations have similar hiring practices as the
government; i.e. we must hire so many minorities, so many women, and
so many disabled and whatever the current politically correct BS is.

From your post's I would guess you fall in the disabled category
specifically mentally disabled.

We have a mentally disabled mail courier here. I could introduce you
to her, if you're interested?

Probably not a wise decision, since their progeny might have political


Now he's trying to pimp his mother.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
"Richardson" <> wrote in

"John Fields" <> wrote in message
On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:49:24 -0700, "Richardson" <

I work with German engineers and Japanese engineers long before you
were born don't chuknow?. They don't care about a few of my glitches
here and there, and I don't care about their glitches neither,

Slop tolerates slop?

John Foo

Hey John Foo,

Many sellers left eBay, so don't you think it's heaven there. In fact
many of you Crooks used to be sellers there I can tell, that's why you
knew their rule to get someone busted. Your evil-doers didn't get me
busted, I simply think your cheap attitude annoy me more than anything
else. I explained to eBay clearly that an Alternator can be made into
a Wind generator, they finally get it. Here is proof of your crooks
mumble jumble about your own problem with them.
Do you really think ebay can track you by using your mac address?
"Bart Bervoets" <> wrote in message
Well, i personally would like someone to explain this windmill thing
to me as i would like to build one and i too have tried to use an
induction motor and failed.

Some people suggest using a large servo motor.
That must be a suggestion from American jerks. Servo motor is made for
precision drive, not for power generation.

How can i make some good micro wind turbines?
Bart Bervoets
In Belgium people look for size first for Wind Turbines?

In America people look for easy-way-out first like Bail-out, or weaken PMA
generator, that's Junk comparing to Alternator Power. Why do I like the
Alternator so much for Wind generator? It's been tested for many decades,
it outputs so much power, it's flexible. The only problem with American
dumbasses is they don't know how to interface with it, they blame the
alternator instead of their weak brains, don't chu know?
"Michael A. Terrell" <> wrote in message
John Fields wrote:

On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 17:06:18 -0400, Hammy <> wrote:

On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:49:24 -0700, "Richardson" <

I work with German engineers and Japanese engineers long before you
born don't chuknow?. They don't care about a few of my glitches here
there, and I don't care about their glitches neither, many Japanese
engineers can't speak English. English is defined as communication
not artificial intelligence as you think don't chu know dumbasses?

My guess would be you where hired through some sort of affirmative
action program.

A lot of large corporations have similar hiring practices as the
government; i.e. we must hire so many minorities, so many women, and
so many disabled and whatever the current politically correct BS is.

From your post's I would guess you fall in the disabled category
specifically mentally disabled.

We have a mentally disabled mail courier here. I could introduce you
to her, if you're interested?

Probably not a wise decision, since their progeny might have political


Now he's trying to pimp his mother.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Why are you back again A-hole? Why don't you go run around the city with
your flag on top of your car? That should do Arab good for their oil
On 2009-07-26, Curbie <> wrote:
Automobile Alternators Sold for Wind-Turbine Energy *** SCAM ***

This is a scam being peddled in the net to steal money from people!

This scam has been totally debunked in the following thread:
you can't post URLs to usenet using google groups.
Automobile Alternators Sold for Wind-Turbine Energy *** SCAM ***

This is a scam being peddled in the net to steal money from people!

This scam has been totally debunked in the following thread:

If you have a lot of money, and can afford to roll the loaded dice on
this SCAM please consider the ramifications of funding this scam so
its promoters can steal from those people who can’t afford the loss.


Welcome to

