Yup! this guy he doesn't know much about the power of an Alternator, he
speaks just like you jerks. An alternator can produce 4-5 kilowatt easily
if you know how to double its current and its voltage, like I said before
your PMA generator is a piece of shit. I bought it to compare with my
Alernator-Wind generator, there is a big difference in power. I know you
dumbasses don't believe me because you can't never figure the hard part,
the easy part about anything in life you can figure out because you got the
brain of a monkey's penis...Don'tchaknow Punks?
When it comes to Electronics, you're good with the talk, not with the walk.
Alternator and Generator Comparison
for Wind Power
| Vehicle Alternators | Homemade PM Alternators | PM Converted Induction
Motors |
DC Generators | DC Brushless PM Motors | Induction Motors |
Para EspaĂąol, traduccióŽ ¤e Julio Andrade.
Vehicle Alternators
a.. Advantages: cheap, easy to find, pre-assembled.
b.. Disadvantages: high rpms required, gears or pulleys needed, low power
output, slip rings need maintenance.
c.. Suitability for Wind Power: POOR
The biggest problem with using car alternators for wind power is that they
are designed to rotate at too high a speed to be practical in wind power
applications without significant modifications. Even a small, seemingly
fast windmill might do most of its work at 600 rpm, not nearly fast enough
for a car or truck alternator. This means that gearing up with pulleys or
other methods is needed, so lots of power is lost to friction--a big
problem with wind or water power, but not a problem with a gasoline engine.
Check out how useful car alternators can be for building a small
gas-powered charger HERE.
A standard car or truck alternator is electromagnetic-- meaning that some
of the electricity produced by the unit must be used internally and sent to
the armature through brushes and slip rings to make the magnetic field.
Alternators that use electricity to generate the field current are less
efficient and more complicated. They are quite easy to regulate, however,
since the magnetic flux inside can be changed by adjusting the field power.
Also, the brushes and slip rings wear out, requiring more maintenance. Car
and truck alternators can also be rewound to produce power at lower speeds.
This is done by replacing the existing stator windings with more turns of
smaller gauge wire. This project is not for the faint of heart, but check
our PRODUCTS page for the inexpensive booklet Alternator Secrets by Thomas
Lindsay if you are interested. The booklet is invaluable for any alternator
experimentor! Also, some alternator/electric motor shops may have the
knowledge to do this for you.
Homemade Permanent Magnet Alternators
a.. Advantages: Low cost per watt of output, very efficient, huge power
output possible, extremely sturdy construction
b.. Disadvantages: A time-consuming, somewhat complicated project,
machining needed.
c.. Suitability for Wind Power: GOOD
speaks just like you jerks. An alternator can produce 4-5 kilowatt easily
if you know how to double its current and its voltage, like I said before
your PMA generator is a piece of shit. I bought it to compare with my
Alernator-Wind generator, there is a big difference in power. I know you
dumbasses don't believe me because you can't never figure the hard part,
the easy part about anything in life you can figure out because you got the
brain of a monkey's penis...Don'tchaknow Punks?
When it comes to Electronics, you're good with the talk, not with the walk.
Alternator and Generator Comparison
for Wind Power
| Vehicle Alternators | Homemade PM Alternators | PM Converted Induction
Motors |
DC Generators | DC Brushless PM Motors | Induction Motors |
Para EspaĂąol, traduccióŽ ¤e Julio Andrade.
Vehicle Alternators
a.. Advantages: cheap, easy to find, pre-assembled.
b.. Disadvantages: high rpms required, gears or pulleys needed, low power
output, slip rings need maintenance.
c.. Suitability for Wind Power: POOR
The biggest problem with using car alternators for wind power is that they
are designed to rotate at too high a speed to be practical in wind power
applications without significant modifications. Even a small, seemingly
fast windmill might do most of its work at 600 rpm, not nearly fast enough
for a car or truck alternator. This means that gearing up with pulleys or
other methods is needed, so lots of power is lost to friction--a big
problem with wind or water power, but not a problem with a gasoline engine.
Check out how useful car alternators can be for building a small
gas-powered charger HERE.
A standard car or truck alternator is electromagnetic-- meaning that some
of the electricity produced by the unit must be used internally and sent to
the armature through brushes and slip rings to make the magnetic field.
Alternators that use electricity to generate the field current are less
efficient and more complicated. They are quite easy to regulate, however,
since the magnetic flux inside can be changed by adjusting the field power.
Also, the brushes and slip rings wear out, requiring more maintenance. Car
and truck alternators can also be rewound to produce power at lower speeds.
This is done by replacing the existing stator windings with more turns of
smaller gauge wire. This project is not for the faint of heart, but check
our PRODUCTS page for the inexpensive booklet Alternator Secrets by Thomas
Lindsay if you are interested. The booklet is invaluable for any alternator
experimentor! Also, some alternator/electric motor shops may have the
knowledge to do this for you.
Homemade Permanent Magnet Alternators
a.. Advantages: Low cost per watt of output, very efficient, huge power
output possible, extremely sturdy construction
b.. Disadvantages: A time-consuming, somewhat complicated project,
machining needed.
c.. Suitability for Wind Power: GOOD