Jan Panteltje
On a sunny day (Sun, 14 Mar 2004 17:12:35 GMT) it happened CBFalconer
<cbfalconer@yahoo.com> wrote in <40548DCA.28B35064@yahoo.com>:
(Not even counting normal interrupts).
The exception is i2c protocol, it does not care a lot if you wait a while
before the next bit.
On serial better is to use a micro (cheap 2 $ PIC has serial port).
Par port is more complicated, but simple 4 bit read / 8 bit write
bidirectional with a micro is possible (else ECP etc).
These soft loop systems worked fine on MS DOS / DR DOS though, even had
a CB packet terminal program on a serial port in DOS.
As to upgrade to > win 98, I use dual boot Linux / win98, with as default
Linux, why sell yourself out to Bill Gates?
They sort of want control over you, your programs, the sites you visit, and
of cause your purse.
Not a day goes by without a new MS Windows virus warning, I have been with
Linux from SLS kernel 0.98 or so... and NEVER had ANYTHING that did any harm
how many years - let's see, just grabbed the old SLS disk 4
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 181475 Aug 3 1993 shadow.tgz -
So, that is almost 11 years, and NO attacks have succeeded in that time.
Recently I have been doing some deeper study of ipchains, the Linux packet
filtering, as I will be online 24/7 since ADSL is coming here this month
Very cool stuff, you have complete control over all traffic, with just a few
simple commands, easily scriptable.
No bloat, no constant 'security patches' needed, just simple to the point
good old programming.
Linux rocks, MS sucks.
<cbfalconer@yahoo.com> wrote in <40548DCA.28B35064@yahoo.com>:
the timing loop may be interrupted by the task switch.Which is quite enough to foul up software. I had an extremely low
cost application some years ago, whos primary function was to read
a miniature cassette tape recorded in the equivalent of MFM with
peculiar blocking. The interface was a single 25 cent CMOS chip,
largely to set proper disconnected defaults. The functions
included forward/reverse fast/slow (and off) motor control, head
loading, and reading BOT/EOT markers and the raw MFM. We didn't
mind tieing up the PC for the read period, so all was done in
software - including clock/data separation. This involved some
calibration against CPU clock speed and unfettered raw access to
the printer port.
In a multitasking system you cannot use software timing in any case, because
(Not even counting normal interrupts).
The exception is i2c protocol, it does not care a lot if you wait a while
before the next bit.
On serial better is to use a micro (cheap 2 $ PIC has serial port).
Par port is more complicated, but simple 4 bit read / 8 bit write
bidirectional with a micro is possible (else ECP etc).
These soft loop systems worked fine on MS DOS / DR DOS though, even had
a CB packet terminal program on a serial port in DOS.
As to upgrade to > win 98, I use dual boot Linux / win98, with as default
Linux, why sell yourself out to Bill Gates?
They sort of want control over you, your programs, the sites you visit, and
of cause your purse.
Not a day goes by without a new MS Windows virus warning, I have been with
Linux from SLS kernel 0.98 or so... and NEVER had ANYTHING that did any harm
how many years - let's see, just grabbed the old SLS disk 4
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 181475 Aug 3 1993 shadow.tgz -
So, that is almost 11 years, and NO attacks have succeeded in that time.
Recently I have been doing some deeper study of ipchains, the Linux packet
filtering, as I will be online 24/7 since ADSL is coming here this month
Very cool stuff, you have complete control over all traffic, with just a few
simple commands, easily scriptable.
No bloat, no constant 'security patches' needed, just simple to the point
good old programming.
Linux rocks, MS sucks.