Fred Bloggs
for_idea wrote:
and waste-of-time, but this is more than apparent to the rest of us.
be your problem, take that unused amplifier and configure it as follower
with OUT to IN(-), then tie IN(+) to the 4.5V reference or "pseudo-gnd".
You are not educated enough to recognize that Larry is an incompetentPlease! These words are not fair to Larry. His advices have help me
last night.
and waste-of-time, but this is more than apparent to the rest of us.
Is the third stage in the package with the unused opamp? If so, this mayI still have one thing not clear: why the signal from first two stages
is so clean, but after the third one, it suddenly becomes so bad. The
noise is not oscillation, nor interference. The high spikes of the
noise keep giving false alarms to the detection circuit.
be your problem, take that unused amplifier and configure it as follower
with OUT to IN(-), then tie IN(+) to the 4.5V reference or "pseudo-gnd".