On 30 Nov, 03:03, John Fields <jfie...@austininstruments.com> wrote:
the amp, they are not wires like I thought, but leads of a component
covered in clear insulation. And since that component is green, with a
black band, I take it to be a diode. The reason I didn't see the diode
before, was because it's covered in glue, which has dried out on one
transistor and the diode is hanging in midair. Should I just superglue
it back on, or is there a special type of glue for this?
I think you're right. I took another, closer look under the hood ofOn Fri, 28 Nov 2008 19:44:34 -0800 (PST), "Dave.H"
the19...@googlemail.com> wrote:
On 27 Nov, 12:50, "Dave.H" <the19...@googlemail.com> wrote:
I have an old stereo amplifier in whch some of the indicator lamps
have blown. Unfortunately two of these are enclosed in the VU meters,
I'm wondering if it's possible to open up the meters and replace them,
if not, hot glue some replacements to the exterior.
Another question I have about this amp. There are four (output)
transistor mounted on a large heatsink at the rear of the chassis, two
of these have two core wires glued on to them. These wires are
soldered in holes on the PC board that have the diode ( >| ) symbol.
What are the purpose of these wires?
I have the schematic that is glued to the bottom of the unit, I can
remove the bottom and scan it if it helps.
I'd guess that what's glued onto the transistors are diodes and that
they're being used as temperature sensors.
the amp, they are not wires like I thought, but leads of a component
covered in clear insulation. And since that component is green, with a
black band, I take it to be a diode. The reason I didn't see the diode
before, was because it's covered in glue, which has dried out on one
transistor and the diode is hanging in midair. Should I just superglue
it back on, or is there a special type of glue for this?