Henry Kolesnik
"Some Guy" <Some@Guy.com> wrote in message news:41BC9EBE.752909A7@Guy.com...
"Some Guy" <Some@Guy.com> wrote in message news:41BC9EBE.752909A7@Guy.com...
Dave Bushong wrote:
[Dramatic generalization mode on]
Nearly all aircraft accidents are caused by a series of unlikely
events all happening together, none of which by itself would be
a problem.
[Dramatic generalization mode off]
Nice sweeping piece of dis-information there buddy.
How about this: Nearly all aircraft accidents are caused by a single
failure in a single component or a single failure to do something.
Pitot tubes that are taped over. Fuel tanks that explode. Structural
failure that causes entire pieces of fuselage to peel off while in
flight. Fuel leaks that turn large jets into gliders. Cabin fires
caused by the overload of a single wire powering the entertainment
system. Air pressure equalization valves that bleed cabin air
rendering the occupants unconscious and results in a ghost plane
flying thousands of miles before crashing. Failure to de-ice.
Overloading resulting in stalling upon take-off. Failure to secure
cargo upon takeoff. Being struck in the fuel tank by a piece of
debris on the runway kicked up by the tires. An engine ingesting a
flock of birds. A shipment of improperly-disarmed oxygen generators
placed in the cargo hold. Lack of proper lubrication of tail
jack-screws. Tail fins that are not as strongly connected to the
fuselage as they should be. Need I continue?
A series of events will surely happen AFTER any of those incidents,
none of which are either unlikely or unexpected, and by and large
would have no effect on the outcome.
Will the in-flight use of an FM radio EVER cause a plane to run out of
fuel? Or cause a sudden ice build-up on the wings? Or blow out a
tire upon landing? Or an overload of the electrical system leading to
a fire? Will the feeble RF emitted by the LO even be detectable
OUTSIDE the plane, where the plane's antennas are located?
If you read the various documents on the web relating to issues of
in-flight use of PED's (personal electronic devices) it's clear that
1) The FAA and NTSB are either negligent or a bunch of cowards for not
forcing the AIRCRAFT MANUFACTURERS to determine the level of
susceptibility of their planes to PED's. Instead the issue is pawned
off to the aircraft operators when logically it should be the airplane
2) The use of cell phones (analog and perhaps more frequently GSM)
seems to have the most influence of any PED. The next most frequent
culprit seems to be laptop computers.
3) No incidence of communication failure or disruption seems to have
ever been documented by a passenger's FM radio receiver.
4) MANY MANY incidences of navigation equipment errors caused by
improper installation / connection of the equipment, or interference
caused by one of the plane's other systems where these were first
attributed to a PED.
5) Planes have to fly near high-power commercial radio and TV
transmission towers. They fly through the beams of powerful radar
signals. They get struck by lightning. There are those that say that
for a (commercial jet) to be certified there is no way that a
certified plane could be susceptible to the stray RF given off by
PED's (at least PED's that are non-intentional radiators).
6) The authorities would probably not admit it, but the ban or
restrictions on PED use in planes probably has more to do with
insurance/liability reasons, or passenger distraction reasons, than it
does for technical (interference) reasons.
PED's are here to stay. There will be more of them, and people will
use them wherever they are. It makes just as much sense to ban them
or perform half-ass on-board supervision on a plane for these devices
as it is to ban them from cars. PED's used cars cause injury and
death each year (due to driver in-attention). Instead of banning
radios, phones, and entertainment systems in cars, they instead come
from the factory with them installed! Where's your crusade against
that situation? Where are your dire warnings here?
Would you want to add one more "unlikely event" to your next
Nothing caused by or brought on board by a passenger (short of
alcohol, a gun, a bomb, or otherwise a strong intent to do harm) will
or has ever caused anything bad to happen on a plane or to a plane.
No gun ever brought on board (and there have been MANY!) has ever
discharged. No can of hairspray has ever exploded in the cargo hold.
There is relatively little variety in the types, makes or models of
commercial airplanes flying today. There is a high degree of
uniformity in construction of these vehicles. There have been
millions of flights over the past, say 20 years. There have been many
hundred million passengers carried by these planes. There surely has
been ample opportunity for all sorts of PED's to be used on these
planes (surreptitiously or with consent). If any particular plane
model (or even specific plane) had a systemic or inherent
susceptibility to a PED, it would have been recognized by now.