Anthony William Sloman
On Friday, April 7, 2023 at 2:00:33â¯AM UTC+10, Joe Gwinn wrote:
On Wed, 05 Apr 2023 21:35:47 -0700, John Larkin
jla...@highlandSNIPMEtechnology.com> wrote:
Given a PC board in a crate, like PCIe or PXI or VME or something,
what would be a good way to check air flow across the board, to verify
that the box fans and filters are OK? Assume this board can\'t access
the fan tachs or anything like that.
I was thinking that I might stick a small thinfilm RTD in the air
stream and measure its temperature at two different voltages, to
estimate its self-heating, which would vary with air flow.
One can get 1000-ohm platinum RTDs for small dollars:
If the issue is just to tell if there is a lot of airflow, the
temperature delta does not need to be large, so a simple bridge with
AC source and synchronous detector should work.
Cheaper still are RTDs made of nickel, versus platinum. Nickel is OK
if the temperature in still air isn\'t too high.
Joe Gwinn