On Saturday, November 9, 2019 at 2:48:53 PM UTC-8, Phil Allison wrote:
But, where's the explanation? Two theories (both trash, as far as I can tell) isn't
a 'final' position of any description. Neither has any relevance to planning for a
viable future on this planet, so even if one of 'em is right, it's worthless.
** Think there are two possibilities with AGW:
1. The Cruel God Theory.
We poor humans have been sitting on a knife edge for over a million years, with massive amounts of coal, gas and oil under the ground waiting to be used to vasty improve all our lives.
But we can use barley any of the damn stuff cos the CO2 produced thereby will immediately render the planet uninhabitable to punish us.
For what ??
2. Fallible Humans Theory:
The current AGW panic is not well based and driven mostly by folk with hidden agendas. Prophets of Doom are not a new thing.
But, where's the explanation? Two theories (both trash, as far as I can tell) isn't
a 'final' position of any description. Neither has any relevance to planning for a
viable future on this planet, so even if one of 'em is right, it's worthless.