AGW finally explained


Phil Allison

Hi to all my followers...

** Think there are two possibilities with AGW:

1. The Cruel God Theory.

We poor humans have been sitting on a knife edge for over a million years, with massive amounts of coal, gas and oil under the ground waiting to be used to vasty improve all our lives.

But we can use barley any of the damn stuff cos the CO2 produced thereby will immediately render the planet uninhabitable to punish us.

For what ??

2. Fallible Humans Theory:

The current AGW panic is not well based and driven mostly by folk with hidden agendas. Prophets of Doom are not a new thing.

When researchers get alarming results, they are duty bound to publish them - even if only computer model predictions with no history of accuracy.

Once a committee made up of international bureaucrats was given the god like task of deciding if the human race was really in peril - they opted for the least dangerous path, for themselves.

Money poured in for more research and was grabbed with both hands, everyone involved well knowing what was the needed outcome and what was not in order to keep the funds and jobs flowing.

Not a hoax as such, but a predictable phenomenon.

Funny thing how soon as computer climate models were written they predicted disaster.

We would *never* have known otherwise...

...... Phil
On 2019/11/09 2:48 p.m., Phil Allison wrote:
Hi to all my followers...

** Think there are two possibilities with AGW:

1. The Cruel God Theory.

We poor humans have been sitting on a knife edge for over a million years, with massive amounts of coal, gas and oil under the ground waiting to be used to vasty improve all our lives.

But we can use barley any of the damn stuff cos the CO2 produced thereby will immediately render the planet uninhabitable to punish us.

For what ??

2. Fallible Humans Theory:

The current AGW panic is not well based and driven mostly by folk with hidden agendas. Prophets of Doom are not a new thing.

When researchers get alarming results, they are duty bound to publish them - even if only computer model predictions with no history of accuracy.

Once a committee made up of international bureaucrats was given the god like task of deciding if the human race was really in peril - they opted for the least dangerous path, for themselves.

Money poured in for more research and was grabbed with both hands, everyone involved well knowing what was the needed outcome and what was not in order to keep the funds and jobs flowing.

Not a hoax as such, but a predictable phenomenon.

Funny thing how soon as computer climate models were written they predicted disaster.

We would *never* have known otherwise...

..... Phil

The problem is it doesn't explain the warming from around 1900 to 1940,
then the slight cooling from 1945 through around 1985, nor the leveling
off from around 2004 through 2015...until it is corrected.

Many models, and the experts only choose the ones that agree with
current observations - expect these models don't always hindcast well,
so they need to be tweaked.

Then there is the Medieval Warm Period, and the Little Ice Age to
explain away. Glaciers uncovering forests dating to 900AD...

Just a few bugs I'm sure in the system.

Now they say that angry white men are the root of the problem so have an
excuse to ignore anyone over 30 who happens to have light coloured skin
who questions the beliefs.

I consider myself a skeptic, and I would like some proof of the Climate

But I am past 65 and Caucasian in ancestry so my opinion (based on 1/2
century of experience and awareness) is worth nothing compared to a 16
year old girl in high school who has been self-aware for six or seven
years... however she does outrage well - like a regular Valley Girl!

John ;-#(#
Here is my explanation....every proposed solution to fix AWG advances leftist agendas. That is all i need to know wrote:

Here is my explanation....every proposed solution to
fix AWG advances leftist agendas. That is all i need to know

** I'm sure that is a complete co-incidence.

Why would lefties want to halt the free enterprise system ?

To create a one idea world government ?

I mean, they enjoy all the benefits too.

Are they mad at us for something ?

...... Phil
On Saturday, November 9, 2019 at 6:46:43 PM UTC-5, Phil Allison wrote: wrote:


Here is my explanation....every proposed solution to
fix AWG advances leftist agendas. That is all i need to know

** I'm sure that is a complete co-incidence.

Why would lefties want to halt the free enterprise system ?

To create a one idea world government ?

I mean, they enjoy all the benefits too.

Are they mad at us for something ?

They are mad at how God made the world. You are just the proxy object to vent it out on.

..... Phil
On Sat, 09 Nov 2019 15:04:28 -0800, bulegoge wrote:

Here is my explanation....every proposed solution to fix AWG advances
leftist agendas. That is all i need to know


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John Robertson wrote:

Hi to all my followers...

** Think there are two possibilities with AGW:

1. The Cruel God Theory.

We poor humans have been sitting on a knife edge for over a million years, with massive amounts of coal, gas and oil under the ground waiting to be used to vasty improve all our lives.

But we can use barley any of the damn stuff cos the CO2 produced thereby will immediately render the planet uninhabitable to punish us.

For what ??

2. Fallible Humans Theory:

The current AGW panic is not well based and driven mostly by folk with hidden agendas. Prophets of Doom are not a new thing.

When researchers get alarming results, they are duty bound to publish them - even if only computer model predictions with no history of accuracy.

Once a committee made up of international bureaucrats was given the god like task of deciding if the human race was really in peril - they opted for the least dangerous path, for themselves.

Money poured in for more research and was grabbed with both hands, everyone involved well knowing what was the needed outcome and what was not in order to keep the funds and jobs flowing.

Not a hoax as such, but a predictable phenomenon.

Funny thing how soon as computer climate models were written they predicted disaster.

We would *never* have known otherwise...

The problem is it doesn't explain the warming from around 1900 to 1940,
then the slight cooling from 1945 through around 1985, nor the leveling
off from around 2004 through 2015...until it is corrected.

Many models, and the experts only choose the ones that agree with
current observations - expect these models don't always hindcast well,
so they need to be tweaked.

Then there is the Medieval Warm Period, and the Little Ice Age to
explain away. Glaciers uncovering forests dating to 900AD...

Just a few bugs I'm sure in the system.

Now they say that angry white men are the root of the problem so have an
excuse to ignore anyone over 30 who happens to have light coloured skin
who questions the beliefs.

I consider myself a skeptic, and I would like some proof of the Climate

But I am past 65 and Caucasian in ancestry so my opinion (based on 1/2
century of experience and awareness) is worth nothing compared to a 16
year old girl in high school who has been self-aware for six or seven
years... however she does outrage well - like a regular Valley Girl!

** Little Greta is like a Valley Girl ??

" Gag me with a spoon " !!!!


the original Valley Girl interviewed, age 14.

...... Phil
On Sunday, November 10, 2019 at 9:48:53 AM UTC+11, Phil Allison wrote:
Hi to all my followers...

** Think there are two possibilities with AGW:

1. The Cruel God Theory.

We poor humans have been sitting on a knife edge for over a million years, with massive amounts of coal, gas and oil under the ground waiting to be used to vasty improve all our lives.

But we can use barley any of the damn stuff cos the CO2 produced thereby will immediately render the planet uninhabitable to punish us.

For what ??

This rather ignores the reality that we've burnt enough fossil carbon to build our civilisation to the point where we could stop getting our energy that way and move over to solar cells, windmills and batteries.

A more responsible civilisation would leave enough fossil carbon in the ground to let the next civilisation get the same leg-up.

There's nothing particularly cruel in setting up the game so that the players are encouraged to behave responsibly.

2. Fallible Humans Theory:

The current AGW panic is not well based and driven mostly by folk with hidden agendas. Prophets of Doom are not a new thing.

It's kind of difficult to instill the same hidden agenda into the overwhelming majority of climate scientists - they are academics, and getting them all to have the same idea if the evidence doesn't support it would make herding cats look easy.

> When researchers get alarming results, they are duty bound to publish them - even if only computer model predictions with no history of accuracy.

Anthropogenic global warming is a historical fact. We've now got direct measurements of CO2 levels going back to 1958 that make it pretty clear what's causing it. The fine detail of what's going on is complicated, and computer models are handy for explaining what going on, and what's likely to happen if current trends continue. The models are accurate enough for what they need to do.

> Once a committee made up of international bureaucrats was given the god like task of deciding if the human race was really in peril - they opted for the least dangerous path, for themselves.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change was put together by politicians to give advice in a form that politicians could understand, There's nothing remotely god-like in reviewing the scientific literature as it gets published and popularising it down to a level that politicians can follow.

> Money poured in for more research and was grabbed with both hands, everyone involved well knowing what was the needed outcome and what was not in order to keep the funds and jobs flowing.

Phil doesn't know how much money was involved. Academic have always got money to do research, and research on climate change is particularly easy to justify.

The amount of money going into academic research in general hasn't gone up - so in that sense money hasn't poured in.

> Not a hoax as such, but a predictable phenomenon.

Phil's capacity to do prophecy has yet to be demonstrated. His capacity to soak up and retail denialist propaganda is demonstrated rather too often.

> Funny thing how soon as computer climate models were written they predicted disaster.

A rather slow moving and undramatic disaster. End of the world stories move a lot more rapidly.

> We would *never* have known otherwise...

A second prolonged drought in Australia, following up the Millenium Drought, and a spectacularly early and destructive start to the bush-fire season might have clued us in.

Not everybody is as clueless as Phil, oor such an easy mark for denialist propaganda.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
On Sunday, November 10, 2019 at 10:04:33 AM UTC+11, wrote:
> Here is my explanation....every proposed solution to fix AWG advances leftist agendas. That is all i need to know.

And probably all he can know.

It's not a useful perspective.

In Australia at the moment the party in power has clearly been generously bribed by the people who dig up coal and sell it top power stations to encourage the utility companies to build more coal burning power stations.

The utility companies - who are motivated by a supremely leftist desire to make money on on the power they sell - are putting all their investment into solar farms and windmill farms (which are cheaper per kilowatt hour generated). As the percentage of intermittent generation rises they have to start paying for pumped storage and battery storage, which does cost money, but not enough to make burning coal economically attractive.

That doesn't stop right-wing nitwits imagining that there's a left conspiracy going on - the right-wing wants a chicken in every pot and a left-wing conspiracy under every bed.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
On Sunday, November 10, 2019 at 10:37:54 AM UTC+11, John Robertson wrote:
On 2019/11/09 2:48 p.m., Phil Allison wrote:

Hi to all my followers...

** Think there are two possibilities with AGW:

1. The Cruel God Theory.

We poor humans have been sitting on a knife edge for over a million years, with massive amounts of coal, gas and oil under the ground waiting to be used to vasty improve all our lives.

But we can use barley any of the damn stuff cos the CO2 produced thereby will immediately render the planet uninhabitable to punish us.

For what ??

2. Fallible Humans Theory:

The current AGW panic is not well based and driven mostly by folk with hidden agendas. Prophets of Doom are not a new thing.

When researchers get alarming results, they are duty bound to publish them - even if only computer model predictions with no history of accuracy.

Once a committee made up of international bureaucrats was given the god like task of deciding if the human race was really in peril - they opted for the least dangerous path, for themselves.

Money poured in for more research and was grabbed with both hands, everyone involved well knowing what was the needed outcome and what was not in order to keep the funds and jobs flowing.

Not a hoax as such, but a predictable phenomenon.

Funny thing how soon as computer climate models were written they predicted disaster.

We would *never* have known otherwise...

The problem is it doesn't explain the warming from around 1900 to 1940,
then the slight cooling from 1945 through around 1985, nor the leveling
off from around 2004 through 2015...until it is corrected.

It doesn't have to. The El Nino/La Nina alternation shows up in the global temperature plot. We've know about that for quite a while because it shows up in other places.

The Multidecadal Atantic Oscillation

is larger, but slower, and wasn't documented until 1994.

Many models, and the experts only choose the ones that agree with
current observations - expect these models don't always hindcast well,
so they need to be tweaked.

The models need data about subsurface ocean currents which doesn't yet exist.

The ARGO buoy program has been collecting it since 2000. There are now 3800 Argo buoys, but there is a lot of ocean to monitor.

Then there is the Medieval Warm Period, and the Little Ice Age to
explain away. Glaciers uncovering forests dating to 900AD...

Both regional variations. Ocean currents remove heat from and deliver heat to different places as they move around.

> Just a few bugs I'm sure in the system.

The bug is in your comprehension. This isn't the first time I've posted the link to the Multidecadal Atlantic Oscillation wikipedia page.

Now they say that angry white men are the root of the problem so have an
excuse to ignore anyone over 30 who happens to have light coloured skin
who questions the beliefs.

Not exactly. Ignorant idiots get ignored independent of their age and skin colour.

I consider myself a skeptic, and I would like some proof of the Climate

You need to consider yourself a gullible sucker for climate change denial propaganda.

But I am past 65 and Caucasian in ancestry so my opinion (based on 1/2
century of experience and awareness) is worth nothing compared to a 16
year old girl in high school who has been self-aware for six or seven
years... however she does outrage well - like a regular Valley Girl!

She merely quoted the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which was put together to provide expert advice at a level that politicians could follow.

The climate change denial machine got cranked up a year or two later, when the fossil carbon extraction industry woke up to the implications for their long term cash flow.

You are ignorant and silly enough to be right on the middle of their target audience.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
On Sunday, November 10, 2019 at 10:46:27 AM UTC+11, Cursitor Doom wrote:
On Sat, 09 Nov 2019 15:04:28 -0800, bulegoge wrote:

Here is my explanation....every proposed solution to fix AWG advances
leftist agendas. That is all i need to know


That's about the level of reasoning that Cursitor Doom can follow.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
On Sunday, November 10, 2019 at 10:46:43 AM UTC+11, Phil Allison wrote: wrote:


Here is my explanation....every proposed solution to
fix AWG advances leftist agendas. That is all i need to know

** I'm sure that is a complete co-incidence.

Why would lefties want to halt the free enterprise system?

Communists wanted to control the whole economy. It worked badly enough in Russia that they got thrown out. The Chinese communists got the message, and settled for merely regulating their economy - more rigidly than democratic socialists do in places like Scandinavia, but loosely enough to let it work tolerably well.

Phil lacks the political sophistication to appreciate that the political left isn't monolithic, and that most of it - the parts that alive and an well today - are perfectly happy with the free enterprise system.

They feel the same need to regulate it to prevent it degenerating into cartels and monopolies as the political right - it was the Americans who pioneered Anti-Trust legislation, following up Adam Smith's ‘People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the publick, or in some contrivance to raise prices’.

> To create a one idea world government?

Phil's tiny brain has only got room for one idea, and he thinks that everybody is crippled in the same way.

I mean, they enjoy all the benefits too.

Are they mad at us for something ?

The madness is all yours.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
Bill Slowman drip piddled:

** Think there are two possibilities with AGW:

1. The Cruel God Theory.

We poor humans have been sitting on a knife edge for over a million years, with massive amounts of coal, gas and oil under the ground waiting to be used to vasty improve all our lives.

But we can use barley any of the damn stuff cos the CO2 produced thereby will immediately render the planet uninhabitable to punish us.

For what ??

This rather ignores the reality ....

** Bill's version of reality only.

2. Fallible Humans Theory:

The current AGW panic is not well based and driven mostly by folk with hidden agendas. Prophets of Doom are not a new thing.

It's kind of difficult to instill the same hidden agenda into the overwhelming majority of climate scientists

** No, their agenda is obvious.

When researchers get alarming results, they are duty bound to publish them - even if only computer model predictions with no history of accuracy.

Anthropogenic global warming is a historical fact.

** Massive non sequitur.

Only cheat Bill uses anymore.

> The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change was put together by politicians to give advice in a form that politicians could understand,

** Using bureaucrats ?

The famous "politician's logic" in play.

See " Yes Minister " vid.

Money poured in for more research and was grabbed with both hands, everyone involved well knowing what was the needed outcome and what was not in order to keep the funds and jobs flowing.

Phil doesn't know how much money was involved.

** The number of "climate scientist" exploded.

Not a hoax as such, but a predictable phenomenon.

Phil's capacity to do prophecy has yet to be demonstrated.

** Another massive non sequitur.

Funny thing how soon as computer climate models were written they predicted disaster.

We would *never* have known otherwise...

** Joke went right over Bill's pointy head.

No sense of the absurd at all....

....... Phil

...... Phil
On Sat, 9 Nov 2019 14:48:48 -0800 (PST), Phil Allison
<> wrote:

Hi to all my followers...

** Think there are two possibilities with AGW:

1. The Cruel God Theory.

We poor humans have been sitting on a knife edge for over a million years, with massive amounts of coal, gas and oil under the ground waiting to be used to vasty improve all our lives.

But we can use barley any of the damn stuff cos the CO2 produced thereby will immediately render the planet uninhabitable to punish us.

For what ??

2. Fallible Humans Theory:

The current AGW panic is not well based and driven mostly by folk with hidden agendas. Prophets of Doom are not a new thing.

When researchers get alarming results, they are duty bound to publish them - even if only computer model predictions with no history of accuracy.

Once a committee made up of international bureaucrats was given the god like task of deciding if the human race was really in peril - they opted for the least dangerous path, for themselves.

Money poured in for more research and was grabbed with both hands, everyone involved well knowing what was the needed outcome and what was not in order to keep the funds and jobs flowing.

Not a hoax as such, but a predictable phenomenon.

Funny thing how soon as computer climate models were written they predicted disaster.

We would *never* have known otherwise...

..... Phil

Consider (3), that CO2 is good for the planet, and God put us here to
dig all that sequestered carbon out of the ground and put it back
where it's most useful.


John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc

lunatic fringe electronics wrote:


Hi to all my followers...

** Think there are two possibilities with AGW:

1. The Cruel God Theory.

We poor humans have been sitting on a knife edge for over a million years, with massive amounts of coal, gas and oil under the ground waiting to be used to vasty improve all our lives.

But we can use barley any of the damn stuff cos the CO2 produced thereby will immediately render the planet uninhabitable to punish us.

For what ??

2. Fallible Humans Theory:

The current AGW panic is not well based and driven mostly by folk with hidden agendas. Prophets of Doom are not a new thing.

When researchers get alarming results, they are duty bound to publish them - even if only computer model predictions with no history of accuracy.

Once a committee made up of international bureaucrats was given the god like task of deciding if the human race was really in peril - they opted for the least dangerous path, for themselves.

Money poured in for more research and was grabbed with both hands, everyone involved well knowing what was the needed outcome and what was not in order to keep the funds and jobs flowing.

Not a hoax as such, but a predictable phenomenon.

Funny thing how soon as computer climate models were written they predicted disaster.

We would *never* have known otherwise...

Consider (3), that CO2 is good for the planet, and God put us here to
dig all that sequestered carbon out of the ground and put it back
where it's most useful.

** Cannot be for real, put up job from the coal industry.

Lead author is a Chinese Communist - so we know he is obliged to find data that supports China's continued massive use of the stuff.

Right ?

Though I would get one in before Bill pours his drivel all over it.

...... Phil ;-)
On Sunday, November 10, 2019 at 1:11:42 PM UTC+11, Phil Allison wrote:
Bill Slowman drip piddled:


** Think there are two possibilities with AGW:

1. The Cruel God Theory.

We poor humans have been sitting on a knife edge for over a million years, with massive amounts of coal, gas and oil under the ground waiting to be used to vasty improve all our lives.

But we can use barley any of the damn stuff cos the CO2 produced thereby will immediately render the planet uninhabitable to punish us.

For what ??

This rather ignores the reality ....

** Bill's version of reality only.

You know - the real world that most of live in, rather than the fantasy world cooked up by climate change denialists.

2. Fallible Humans Theory:

The current AGW panic is not well based and driven mostly by folk with hidden agendas. Prophets of Doom are not a new thing.

It's kind of difficult to instill the same hidden agenda into the overwhelming majority of climate scientists

** No, their agenda is obvious.

In the sense that there's a lunatic conspiracy theory that postulates one.

When researchers get alarming results, they are duty bound to publish them - even if only computer model predictions with no history of accuracy..

Anthropogenic global warming is a historical fact.

** Massive non sequitur.

Only cheat Bill uses anymore.

Phil doesn't like facts that take the argument to places Phil doesn't want it to go.

"Non sequitur" means "doesn't follow logically". Phil wants it to means "takes the argument to places where Phil looks silly".

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change was put together by politicians to give advice in a form that politicians could understand,

** Using bureaucrats?

Actually co-opted academics. They aren't career bureaucrats. The job is actually popularising scientific data down to a level that politicians can understand, which is the kind of job some bureaucrats do, but the people that do it come from the non-bureaucratic staff at universities and research organisations.

The famous "politician's logic" in play.

See " Yes Minister " vid.

Brilliant series. Didn't have anything to say about climate change.

Money poured in for more research and was grabbed with both hands, everyone involved well knowing what was the needed outcome and what was not in order to keep the funds and jobs flowing.

Phil doesn't know how much money was involved.

** The number of "climate scientist" exploded.


Not a hoax as such, but a predictable phenomenon.

Phil's capacity to do prophecy has yet to be demonstrated.

** Another massive non sequitur.

Using Phil's idiosyncratic definition of non sequitur.

Funny thing how soon as computer climate models were written they predicted disaster.

We would *never* have known otherwise...

** Joke went right over Bill's pointy head.

Phil's "jokes" do fall flat.

> No sense of the absurd at all....

Phil is absurd. I have written comedy sketches and some of them got performed and got laughs. Not enough to persuade me that I could make money at it.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
On Sunday, November 10, 2019 at 1:48:09 PM UTC+11, wrote:
On Sat, 9 Nov 2019 14:48:48 -0800 (PST), Phil Allison> wrote:

Hi to all my followers...

** Think there are two possibilities with AGW:

1. The Cruel God Theory.

We poor humans have been sitting on a knife edge for over a million years, with massive amounts of coal, gas and oil under the ground waiting to be used to vasty improve all our lives.

But we can use barley any of the damn stuff cos the CO2 produced thereby will immediately render the planet uninhabitable to punish us.

For what ??

2. Fallible Humans Theory:

The current AGW panic is not well based and driven mostly by folk with hidden agendas. Prophets of Doom are not a new thing.

When researchers get alarming results, they are duty bound to publish them - even if only computer model predictions with no history of accuracy.

Once a committee made up of international bureaucrats was given the god like task of deciding if the human race was really in peril - they opted for the least dangerous path, for themselves.

Money poured in for more research and was grabbed with both hands, everyone involved well knowing what was the needed outcome and what was not in order to keep the funds and jobs flowing.

Not a hoax as such, but a predictable phenomenon.

Funny thing how soon as computer climate models were written they predicted disaster.

We would *never* have known otherwise...

Consider (3), that CO2 is good for the planet, and God put us here to
dig all that sequestered carbon out of the ground and put it back
where it's most useful.

" “Studies have shown that plants acclimatize, or adjust, to rising carbon dioxide concentration and the fertilization effect diminishes over time.”

It can certainly be argued that digging up enough fossil carbon and burning it to avoid the next ice age was a good idea.

The fact that we weren't likely to switch back to a new ice age for another 20,000 years does suggest that we may need to leave at least some fossil carbon in the ground for when we are actually going to need it.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
On Sat, 9 Nov 2019 15:46:40 -0800 (PST), Phil Allison
<> wrote: wrote:


Here is my explanation....every proposed solution to
fix AWG advances leftist agendas. That is all i need to know

** I'm sure that is a complete co-incidence.

Why would lefties want to halt the free enterprise system ?


> To create a one idea world government ?


> I mean, they enjoy all the benefits too.

The benefits of being god are greater.

> Are they mad at us for something ?

Just mad.
On Sat, 9 Nov 2019 19:37:04 -0800 (PST), Phil Allison
<> wrote: wrote:


Hi to all my followers...

** Think there are two possibilities with AGW:

1. The Cruel God Theory.

We poor humans have been sitting on a knife edge for over a million years, with massive amounts of coal, gas and oil under the ground waiting to be used to vasty improve all our lives.

But we can use barley any of the damn stuff cos the CO2 produced thereby will immediately render the planet uninhabitable to punish us.

For what ??

2. Fallible Humans Theory:

The current AGW panic is not well based and driven mostly by folk with hidden agendas. Prophets of Doom are not a new thing.

When researchers get alarming results, they are duty bound to publish them - even if only computer model predictions with no history of accuracy.

Once a committee made up of international bureaucrats was given the god like task of deciding if the human race was really in peril - they opted for the least dangerous path, for themselves.

Money poured in for more research and was grabbed with both hands, everyone involved well knowing what was the needed outcome and what was not in order to keep the funds and jobs flowing.

Not a hoax as such, but a predictable phenomenon.

Funny thing how soon as computer climate models were written they predicted disaster.

We would *never* have known otherwise...

Consider (3), that CO2 is good for the planet, and God put us here to
dig all that sequestered carbon out of the ground and put it back
where it's most useful.

** Cannot be for real, put up job from the coal industry.

Lead author is a Chinese Communist - so we know he is obliged to find data that supports China's continued massive use of the stuff.

Right ?

Though I would get one in before Bill pours his drivel all over it.

..... Phil ;-)

Yeah, NASA is a big fraud. They keep publishing pictures that show
that the earth is round. And we all know that the moon landings were


John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc

lunatic fringe electronics
> Why would lefties want to halt the free enterprise system ?

Because they want people desperate so they will vote for more freebies.

The leftists promise more freebies, but do not deliver. The leftists are totally useless people and want to be superior, so everyone else has to dub down.

Like that movie 'The King And I", noones head may be higher than King. When he sits you all sit. It is a matter of power, and it is a game. I am learning the game.

Welcome to

