Terry Given
ChrisGibboGibson wrote:
I thought you knew the reason: because software is licensed not sold.
And the terms of the license specifically state that M$ (or anyone else)
neither knows nor cares if it works at all, let alone does what they
say. You dont buy the software, you buy permission to use it.....
Because it is not sold per se, the various forms of consumer protection
legislation do not come into play. Otherwise a large chunk of software
vendors would find themselves out of business overnight. Protel 98 would
have killed protel completely, and mathcad would have died a similar,
well-deserved death. The list is endless.....
Gidday Gibbo,I just did some googling but couldn't find it.....
There used to be a website taking the piss out of microshite and comparing it
to the real world......
How we just wouldn't accept a car that, occasionally, for no apparent reason,
wouldn't steer to the left, or the gear stick got "greyed out" and simply
couldn't be used.
Or the whole dashboard went blue, the steering wheel disappeared and the car
slowed to a halt and wouldn't work again until it was stopped, then we waited
15 minutes for it to perform a "scanengine" and told us not to simply stop the
engine running again but to ensure the system was shut down properly.
Yet for some reason people just put up with it on computers. I know if any
other tool did that we'd just throw it away.
Oh yeah, why is it the only time I see "this program has performed an illegal
operation, if the problem persists, contact the program vendor" is when
microshite software causes the crash?
I thought you knew the reason: because software is licensed not sold.
And the terms of the license specifically state that M$ (or anyone else)
neither knows nor cares if it works at all, let alone does what they
say. You dont buy the software, you buy permission to use it.....
Because it is not sold per se, the various forms of consumer protection
legislation do not come into play. Otherwise a large chunk of software
vendors would find themselves out of business overnight. Protel 98 would
have killed protel completely, and mathcad would have died a similar,
well-deserved death. The list is endless.....