AD8045 mystery...

On 11/26/20 11:52 AM, John Larkin wrote:
On Thu, 26 Nov 2020 11:29:34 -0500, Phil Hobbs> wrote:

On 11/26/20 10:48 AM, John Larkin wrote:
On Wed, 25 Nov 2020 11:34:36 -0500, Phil Hobbs> wrote:

On 11/25/20 10:14 AM,
On Tue, 24 Nov 2020 23:07:57 -0500, Phil Hobbs> wrote:

On 11/24/20 10:33 PM,
On Tue, 24 Nov 2020 17:58:44 -0500, Phil Hobbs> wrote:

On 11/23/20 6:54 PM,
On Mon, 23 Nov 2020 15:11:05 -0500, Phil Hobbs> wrote:

On 11/23/20 2:43 PM, wrote:
On Mon, 23 Nov 2020 13:58:26 -0500, Phil Hobbs> wrote:

On 11/21/20 6:48 PM, Phil Hobbs wrote:
On 11/21/20 11:05 AM, wrote:
On Sat, 21 Nov 2020 07:05:11 -0500, Phil

On 11/21/20 12:39 AM,
On Fri, 20 Nov 2020 22:35:52 -0500,
Phil Hobbs

On 11/19/20 10:44 AM,
On Thu, 19 Nov 2020 10:30:17 -0500,
Phil Hobbs

On 11/19/20 8:22 AM, George
Herold wrote:
On Wednesday, November 18, 2020
at 2:27:39 PM UTC-5, Phil Hobbs
Hi, all.

So I have this SiPM/MPPC
front end. It has pop options
to use either an On Semi
MicroFC-10010 1-mm SiPM chip
or a packaged Hamamatsu
S13362-3050DG 3-mm MPPC with
integral TE cooler, both
bootstrapped by a SAV-551+
running at 20 mA. So far, it
all works.

(The SAV-551+ is amazingly
stable--I\'ve got a shipping
product that runs a very
similar bootstrap across a
2-inch FFC cable. Bandwidth
suffers a bit, but it shows
no tendency to oscillate.)

The mystery is in the TIA
stage. It\'s a vanilla op amp
TIA made from either an
ADA4899 (600 MHz, 300 V/us)
or AD8045 (1 GHz, 1300 V/us @
Av=1), which are pin
compatible in the 3-mm LFCSP
package. Both are voltage
feedback amps.

I\'m seeing a 3 dB bandwidth
of 220 MHz, together with a
faster rolloff than I expect:
-3 dB @ 220 MHz, -9 dB @ 320
MHz. It\'s not slew limiting,
because the waveform looks
pretty good on a 3-GHz scope
(TDS 694C) and the rolloff
stays the same when I drop
the input by 6 dB.

The layout is pretty tight
(the whole board is only an
inch square), so getting
enough stray capacitance
across R_F to account for it
is implausible--it would need
about 1.4 pF.
DecouplingBypassing is

For test, I removed the 0-ohm
jumper that connects the
bootstrapped SiPM to the
summing junction, and added a
1k input resistor, forming an
inverting amp with a nominal
gain of -0.5.

That\'s connected to the
terminated end of an RG-174/U
cable going to a PTS-500
synthesizer. The output goes
via a 10-ohm resistor into a
properly-terminated 50-ohm
cable (the TDS 694C is 50-ohm

Here I\'m expecting a
bandwidth somewhere between
the datasheet\'s 1 GHz @ Av=1
and 400 MHz @ Av=-1, but it\'s
way off. There\'s no visible
change when I put the jumper
back in, on account of the
swoopy bootstrap.

I was going to suggest looking
at the \'speed\' of the light
source. But the above seems to
point to something \'in\' the amp
stage... (Is that right?) (And
maybe check the light source
rise time anyway?)

George H.

So where do you suppose the
missing factor of ~3 in
bandwidth went?

This has the SiPM and bootstrap
disconnected (0 ohm jumper
removed) and a 1/20W leaded 1k
resistor bodged in to make an
inverting amp with a gain of

I\'m looking at the trace
capacitance to figure out if that
might be it. There\'s about 3/4
inch of 10-mil trace on the
summing junction, but that ought
to produce a high frequency peak
if anything. hard to find 1.4 pF
across the feedback resistor.
Once I\'m back in the lab I\'ll
measure a bare board with a
Boonton and see.


Phil Hobbs

What\'s the board stackup? Not the
specified one, but the real one.
I\'ve been burned by what some of
the fast-turn proto houses do.

The SJ capacitance is 2.4 pF, as measured on a Boonton, about
twice what I expected. That seems to
be the issue--in simulation it
produces a pretty big gain peak,
which reduces the bandwidth.

Time to Dremel the ground plane. :(

How many layers?

Only four, but of course ground is L2 and
there\'s an L3 ground pour in that area.
It is PCBway, so maybe they did the same
thing to me. (A generally very good
outfit in many ways, especially price and

Several of the chinese quick-turn houses
make 4-layer boards with very thin (like 4
mil) outer dielectrics. Maybe they roll
process the outers and glue them to a core
or something.

Maybe section the board to see what the
stackup actually is.

Monday I\'ll look at it under the good
microscope. (About three years ago, I got
a beautiful Mitutoyo FS-110 with 2x-50x
long working-distance objectives for $2k
on eBay. Apparently the guy didn\'t know
what he had, because he shipped this
massive precision instrument in a
cardboard box with foam peanuts. The box
was a mess when it got here, but the
scope survived because it\'s a beast.)

I sheared and sandpapered the example I
posted, and shot it with my super-good

I have one a bit like that, but with a better base:

It does need a rubber band to apply a rotational preload to the arm.

Here is a Dremel-optimized SMA


We\'ve had that problem too--you need some
extra pad area for the solder fillet, but
that makes a nasty capacitive
discontinuity at the connector.

The impedance of that SMA edge-launch
connector, center pin to the four ground
pins, is about 100 ohms in free air. So the
PCB has to be about 100 in the pin region
too. We\'ve worked that out, cutting away
inners and paving over the bottom with
ground. We simulated the whole geometry
with ATLC to get the dims right. That was

The case I posted was testing a laminate
sample, 20 mils thick.

The $1.50 edge-launches are just as good as
the $12 microwave connectors if the layout
is right, at least as far as we can resolve
with 30 ps TDR.

I sometimes cut away layer 2 (or more)
under critical circuit nodes. My triggered
Colpitts oscillator has a driven guard
patch on layer 5.

You bootstrap photodiodes, so you might
bootstrap the PCB too.

I\'ve often done that in high-Z TIAs, like
10M. The bootstrap effectiveness is limited
by the capacitance to ground from the summing

I wasn\'t expecting it to be a big issue with
a 511-ohm TIA, but then I wasn\'t expecting
that much capacitance either. I\'ll have to
calculate whether the SAV-551+ can bootstrap
the pour as well as the SiPM.

The usual local feedback tricks such as the
PNP wraparound sort of need fast PNPs, which
are no longer made. :( (The
Renesas/Intersil ones are a sort-of

Well, I took out the Dremel, with one of JL\'s
fave dental burrs on it, and got the SJ
capacitance down to 1.2 pF. It was actually
pretty easy, and the results are sort of

Top-to-bottom dimension is 18 mm.

Is that a 2-layer board? They are usually about
15 pf per square inch, with a lot of fringing.

No, it\'s 4 layers, with ground on L2. The #40 wire
going down the middle of the canyon there replaces
an L3 trace.

If we get our pcb laser blaster going, we\'ll
mostly make 2-sided boards with all ground plane
on the back. It will also be a huge time saver if
we leave a lot of copper on the top, namely blast
away just enough copper to make the insulated
features. That will make a lot of capacitance,
and lots of coplanar waveguide.

I\'m envisioning secondary Dremel operations, or
maybe a lot of lasering.

Fun. BTW PCBway recently cut their assembly prices
by a lot.


Phil Hobbs

Did you ever section that board? Maybe the L2 ground
plane is very close to the layer 1 traces. Seems like
a lot of c for some tiny features like that.

We got our own p+p line because kitting and logistics
were a hassle for using outside assemblers.

Yeah, I cut one with snips and sanded it. The prepreg
was a bit skinny, but not 0.1 mm. Mostly I got
snookered by the AD8045 datasheet\'s specsmanship--their
headline 1-GHz bandwidth number turns out to be a
result of the details of the frequency compensation,
and only applies in the noninverting configuration.
Otherwise it\'s basically a pretty nice 600-MHz GBW op
amp, but not something for sub-nanosecond work.

The next version will connect the SAV-551+ bootstrap
directly to the inverting input of an EL5166 CFA, and
add a well-filtered chopamp to take out the resulting
DC offset. The pHEMT\'s source won\'t even notice the
current noise of the CFA, whereas if it were connected
to the PD it would dominate the noise.

A nuisance, but quite a preventable one--my least
favourite kind. :(

Bootstrap into opamp inverting input? I don\'t understand

Do you know about THS4303? It\'s a roughly current-mode
opamp with an internal g=+10 feedback network. 1.8 GHz
net bw, and noise is pretty good.

If you hang a pHEMT bootstrap on a photodiode, the gate and
source go up and down together to decent accuracy.

The classical bootstrap architecture is off to the side, so
that the TIA connects directly to the cathode of the PD.
That makes the DC and low-frequency behaviour of the
bootstrap device essentially irrelevant, which is nice.
The down side is that the current noise of the TIA stage
gets summed with the photocurrent, which can be a problem
in low light.

Alternatively, though, you can connect the op amp to the
source of the bootstrap device. There are op amps such as
the LM6171A, which is basically a CFA with a follower
driving its inverting input--this notion just uses the
follower to bootstrap the PD as well as driving the
inverting input. (Our QL01 nanowatt photoreceiver does

Since the bootstrap\'s source follows its gate, this is
pretty much equivalent except that (on the plus side) you
can use much gnarlier op amps, and (on the minus side) the
bootstrap has to have decent DC and low-frequency

I still don\'t understand. If the bootstrap output drives the
opamp, what is the input to the bootstrap?

Got a sketch?

Oh, OK, the fet is both the follower into the amp and the
bootstrap. I didn\'t understand where Rfb connected.

Some of our fast o/e conveters use an un-bootstrapped photodiode
right into the inverting input of a nasty gnarly cfb amp (opamps
have feelings too!)

\"nasty gnarly\" is a term of adulation in some circles. ;) My
current fave is the EL5166. Its gnarliness knows few bounds.

but we use pd\'s with under 1 pF capacitance, and we work with
milliwatts of light.

Nice when that happens. Then you can concentrate on making the
step response beautiful.

BTW we\'ve been using the P400 to calibrate out 24-channel time
stretcher, which uses an RC ramp and one FIN1002 per channel,
switching a SAV-551+ via a fast Schottky diode. (We talked about
that a month or so ago--it\'s the one where I\'m forward-biasing the

Looks like we can get 25-ps accuracy and single-digit picosecond
jitter, which I would not have expected. We\'ve got it taking a
whole bunch of data over TxG so that we can look at the effects of
(1) ramp slope on propagation delay and (2) signal voltage on the
aperture time. (The pHEMT switches at V_GS ~ 0.3V, but that
happens near the top of the switching edge at high signal voltages
and near the bottom at low voltages.

Jitter in the 10s of fs RMS can be done nowadays with affordable, or
frankly cheap, parts.

Sure, but we\'re calibrating with this big complicated DDG thing. ;)
We\'re using a 20-ns RC time constant on the ramp

What\'s the effective sampler bandwidth?

Around 1 GHz. The pHEMT charges up an 8-pf cap connected directly to
the input of a 6-channel simultaneous-sampling ADC, so effectively the
sampling circuit is a switch driving 8 pF, a very short trace, and the
ADC input, which (apart from pad capacitance) looks basically like a
40-ohm resistor and a 12-pF cap. So there\'s a fast bit and a slow bit
that have to be fixed in software.

> It\'s a change from using diodes.

Sure is. I\'m trying to use SAV-5xx+es in everything, to help persuade
MCL to keep making them. (They\'re generally very good about doing that

BTW I notice that NTE is selling the NTE2403, a near-replica of the
BFT92 5-GHz PNP. They cost $3, and have a sucky datasheet, but what can
you do? Digikey claims they\'re in active production.


Phil Hobbs

Dr Philip C D Hobbs
Principal Consultant
ElectroOptical Innovations LLC / Hobbs ElectroOptics
Optics, Electro-optics, Photonics, Analog Electronics
Briarcliff Manor NY 10510
Am 27.11.20 um 15:02 schrieb Phil Hobbs:

BTW I notice that NTE is selling the NTE2403, a near-replica of the
BFT92 5-GHz PNP.  They cost $3, and have a sucky datasheet, but what can
you do?  Digikey claims they\'re in active production.

For me, DK claim not know it at all.
I got a google hit that leads to DK, but even when I copy the
complete part number from there and search it from my account, they
suppose a typo. Weird.

> Cheers
On Fri, 27 Nov 2020 09:02:49 -0500, Phil Hobbs
<> wrote:

What\'s the effective sampler bandwidth?

Around 1 GHz. The pHEMT charges up an 8-pf cap connected directly to
the input of a 6-channel simultaneous-sampling ADC, so effectively the
sampling circuit is a switch driving 8 pF, a very short trace, and the
ADC input, which (apart from pad capacitance) looks basically like a
40-ohm resistor and a 12-pF cap. So there\'s a fast bit and a slow bit
that have to be fixed in software.

I\'d expect a single sampler could be made faster. The gate transfer
curve is steep and squares up the sanpling signal. Might be fun to
play with.

It\'s a change from using diodes.

Sure is. I\'m trying to use SAV-5xx+es in everything, to help persuade
MCL to keep making them. (They\'re generally very good about doing that

BTW I notice that NTE is selling the NTE2403, a near-replica of the
BFT92 5-GHz PNP. They cost $3, and have a sucky datasheet, but what can
you do? Digikey claims they\'re in active production.


Phil Hobbs

Is NTE for real? I remember their dusty bubble-packed parts way in the
back at Radio Shack.


John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc trk

The cork popped merrily, and Lord Peter rose to his feet.
\"Bunter\", he said, \"I give you a toast. The triumph of Instinct over Reason\"
On 11/27/20 10:06 AM, Gerhard Hoffmann wrote:
Am 27.11.20 um 15:02 schrieb Phil Hobbs:

BTW I notice that NTE is selling the NTE2403, a near-replica of the
BFT92 5-GHz PNP.  They cost $3, and have a sucky datasheet, but what
can you do?  Digikey claims they\'re in active production.

For me, DK claim not know it at all.
I got a google hit that leads to DK, but even when I copy the
complete part number from there and search it from my account, they
suppose a typo. Weird.


The product page is at

and the sucky datasheet is at



Phil Hobbs

Dr Philip C D Hobbs
Principal Consultant
ElectroOptical Innovations LLC / Hobbs ElectroOptics
Optics, Electro-optics, Photonics, Analog Electronics
Briarcliff Manor NY 10510
On 11/27/20 10:48 AM, John Larkin wrote:
On Fri, 27 Nov 2020 09:02:49 -0500, Phil Hobbs> wrote:

What\'s the effective sampler bandwidth?

Around 1 GHz. The pHEMT charges up an 8-pf cap connected directly to
the input of a 6-channel simultaneous-sampling ADC, so effectively the
sampling circuit is a switch driving 8 pF, a very short trace, and the
ADC input, which (apart from pad capacitance) looks basically like a
40-ohm resistor and a 12-pF cap. So there\'s a fast bit and a slow bit
that have to be fixed in software.

I\'d expect a single sampler could be made faster. The gate transfer
curve is steep and squares up the sanpling signal. Might be fun to
play with.

The sampler is much, much faster than that--like 50 ps or so---but is
slowed down by the ADC front end. The 8-pF number is a compromise
between speed on the one hand (which favours a larger C in this regime
because the voltage-divider effect with the ADC\'s C_hold gets better),
and on the other hand stability. To save parts, we\'re driving three
samplers from each EL5167 CFA, and there\'s no buffer between the
sampling cap and the ADC input. (That saves us 40 op amps right there.)
Having one amp per three samplers per amp means that the poor thing
has to drive 24 pF of fast capacitance, and cope with not only the
charge injection but the sudden change of load capacitance when a pHEMT
turns off.

We\'re sampling round-robin fashion, so that the amps get the maximum
time to recover (i.e. 8 sample periods), but that\'s still only a few

There\'s some signal-level dependence of the aperture time because of the
finite slope of the FIN1002\'s output (about 4V/150ps), but since the
pHEMT\'s f_max is about 12 GHz, and it turns off in about 300 mV, that
~25V/ns slope makes a very nice abrupt turn-off.

It\'s a change from using diodes.

Sure is. I\'m trying to use SAV-5xx+es in everything, to help persuade
MCL to keep making them. (They\'re generally very good about doing that

BTW I notice that NTE is selling the NTE2403, a near-replica of the
BFT92 5-GHz PNP. They cost $3, and have a sucky datasheet, but what can
you do? Digikey claims they\'re in active production.

Is NTE for real? I remember their dusty bubble-packed parts way in the
back at Radio Shack.

Well, they claim to have some thousands in stock. The datasheet
parameters don\'t match any of the old NXP parts AFAICT, so maybe they\'re
actually getting them fabbed someplace. At $3 apiece sold direct, they
don\'t need to move 10**7 of them to make it worthwhile.

I have a reel of BFT92s, so we\'re set for internal use, but having an
actual supplier out there means that we can potentially keep using them
in licensed designs. (That three bucks will put a big dent in my
average BOM, of course.)

My main applications for fast PNPs are (a) folded cascodes, and (b) the
PNP wraparound trick for JFETs. You know the one--you put a resistor in
the drain and wrap a PNP around it--emitter to supply, base to drain,
collector to source.

That gets you the equivalent of a CPH3910 or BF862 with 20 times the
transconductance but the same noise. There are other ways of doing it,
but they take more parts and run slower because the signal path goes
through more stages.

The CPH3910 has an f_max ~ 700 MHz, so having a 5-GHz PNP means you can
run the local feedback loop at full speed without stability worries.


Phil Hobbs

Dr Philip C D Hobbs
Principal Consultant
ElectroOptical Innovations LLC / Hobbs ElectroOptics
Optics, Electro-optics, Photonics, Analog Electronics
Briarcliff Manor NY 10510
Am 27.11.20 um 16:48 schrieb Phil Hobbs:
On 11/27/20 10:06 AM, Gerhard Hoffmann wrote:
Am 27.11.20 um 15:02 schrieb Phil Hobbs:

BTW I notice that NTE is selling the NTE2403, a near-replica of the
BFT92 5-GHz PNP.  They cost $3, and have a sucky datasheet, but what
can you do?  Digikey claims they\'re in active production.

For me, DK claim not know it at all.
I got a google hit that leads to DK, but even when I copy the
complete part number from there and search it from my account, they
suppose a typo. Weird.


The product page is at

That\'s what I found by g**gling, but C-C C-V ing it into my own order
form gives \"device not found\".
Just trying to change to from the above address throws an
error 404.
On 11/27/20 11:40 AM, Gerhard Hoffmann wrote:
Am 27.11.20 um 16:48 schrieb Phil Hobbs:
On 11/27/20 10:06 AM, Gerhard Hoffmann wrote:
Am 27.11.20 um 15:02 schrieb Phil Hobbs:

BTW I notice that NTE is selling the NTE2403, a near-replica of the
BFT92 5-GHz PNP.  They cost $3, and have a sucky datasheet, but what
can you do?  Digikey claims they\'re in active production.

For me, DK claim not know it at all.
I got a google hit that leads to DK, but even when I copy the
complete part number from there and search it from my account, they
suppose a typo. Weird.


The product page is at

That\'s what I found by g**gling, but C-C  C-V ing it into my own order
form gives \"device not found\".
Just trying to change to from the above address throws an
error 404.

Try a VPN maybe? Mine (privateinternetaccess) has exit points in
Kazakhstan and Greenland as well as NA and mainland Europe.



Dr Philip C D Hobbs
Principal Consultant
ElectroOptical Innovations LLC / Hobbs ElectroOptics
Optics, Electro-optics, Photonics, Analog Electronics
Briarcliff Manor NY 10510
On Wednesday, November 25, 2020 at 11:34:58 AM UTC-5, Phil Hobbs wrote:
On 11/25/20 10:14 AM, wrote:
On Tue, 24 Nov 2020 23:07:57 -0500, Phil Hobbs> wrote:

On 11/24/20 10:33 PM, wrote:
On Tue, 24 Nov 2020 17:58:44 -0500, Phil Hobbs> wrote:

On 11/23/20 6:54 PM, wrote:
On Mon, 23 Nov 2020 15:11:05 -0500, Phil Hobbs> wrote:

On 11/23/20 2:43 PM, wrote:
On Mon, 23 Nov 2020 13:58:26 -0500, Phil Hobbs> wrote:

On 11/21/20 6:48 PM, Phil Hobbs wrote:
On 11/21/20 11:05 AM, wrote:
On Sat, 21 Nov 2020 07:05:11 -0500, Phil Hobbs> wrote:

On 11/21/20 12:39 AM, wrote:
On Fri, 20 Nov 2020 22:35:52 -0500, Phil Hobbs> wrote:

On 11/19/20 10:44 AM,
On Thu, 19 Nov 2020 10:30:17 -0500, Phil Hobbs> wrote:

On 11/19/20 8:22 AM, George Herold wrote:
On Wednesday, November 18, 2020 at 2:27:39 PM UTC-5,
Phil Hobbs wrote:
Hi, all.

So I have this SiPM/MPPC front end. It has pop
options to use either an On Semi MicroFC-10010 1-mm
SiPM chip or a packaged Hamamatsu S13362-3050DG 3-mm
MPPC with integral TE cooler, both bootstrapped by a
SAV-551+ running at 20 mA. So far, it all works.

(The SAV-551+ is amazingly stable--I\'ve got a
shipping product that runs a very similar bootstrap
across a 2-inch FFC cable. Bandwidth suffers a bit,
but it shows no tendency to oscillate.)

The mystery is in the TIA stage. It\'s a vanilla op
amp TIA made from either an ADA4899 (600 MHz, 300
V/us) or AD8045 (1 GHz, 1300 V/us @ Av=1), which are
pin compatible in the 3-mm LFCSP package. Both are
voltage feedback amps.

I\'m seeing a 3 dB bandwidth of 220 MHz, together with
a faster rolloff than I expect: -3 dB @ 220 MHz, -9
dB @ 320 MHz. It\'s not slew limiting, because the
waveform looks pretty good on a 3-GHz scope (TDS
694C) and the rolloff stays the same when I drop the
input by 6 dB.

The layout is pretty tight (the whole board is only
an inch square), so getting enough stray capacitance
across R_F to account for it is implausible--it would
need about 1.4 pF. DecouplingBypassing is good--

For test, I removed the 0-ohm jumper that connects
the bootstrapped SiPM to the summing junction, and
added a 1k input resistor, forming an inverting amp
with a nominal gain of -0.5.

That\'s connected to the terminated end of an
RG-174/U cable going to a PTS-500 synthesizer. The
output goes via a 10-ohm resistor into a
properly-terminated 50-ohm cable (the TDS 694C is
50-ohm only).

Here I\'m expecting a bandwidth somewhere between the
datasheet\'s 1 GHz @ Av=1 and 400 MHz @ Av=-1, but
it\'s way off. There\'s no visible change when I put
the jumper back in, on account of the swoopy

I was going to suggest looking at the \'speed\' of the
light source. But the above seems to point to something
\'in\' the amp stage... (Is that right?) (And maybe check
the light source rise time anyway?)

George H.

So where do you suppose the missing factor of ~3 in
bandwidth went?

This has the SiPM and bootstrap disconnected (0 ohm
jumper removed) and a 1/20W leaded 1k resistor bodged in
to make an inverting amp with a gain of -0.5.

I\'m looking at the trace capacitance to figure out if
that might be it. There\'s about 3/4 inch of 10-mil trace
on the summing junction, but that ought to produce a high
frequency peak if anything. hard to find 1.4 pF across
the feedback resistor. Once I\'m back in the lab I\'ll
measure a bare board with a Boonton and see.


Phil Hobbs

What\'s the board stackup? Not the specified one, but the
real one. I\'ve been burned by what some of the fast-turn
proto houses do.

The SJ capacitance is 2.4 pF, as measured on a Boonton, about
twice what I expected. That seems to be the issue--in
simulation it produces a pretty big gain peak, which reduces
the bandwidth.

Time to Dremel the ground plane. :(

How many layers?

Only four, but of course ground is L2 and there\'s an L3 ground
pour in that area. It is PCBway, so maybe they did the same
thing to me. (A generally very good outfit in many ways,
especially price and delivery.)

Several of the chinese quick-turn houses make 4-layer boards with
very thin (like 4 mil) outer dielectrics. Maybe they roll process
the outers and glue them to a core or something.

Maybe section the board to see what the stackup actually is.

Monday I\'ll look at it under the good microscope. (About three
years ago, I got a beautiful Mitutoyo FS-110 with 2x-50x long
working-distance objectives for $2k on eBay. Apparently the guy
didn\'t know what he had, because he shipped this massive
precision instrument in a cardboard box with foam peanuts. The
box was a mess when it got here, but the scope survived because
it\'s a beast.)

I sheared and sandpapered the example I posted, and shot it with
my super-good microscope

I have one a bit like that, but with a better base:

It does need a rubber band to apply a rotational preload to the arm.

Here is a Dremel-optimized SMA connector.


We\'ve had that problem too--you need some extra pad area for the
solder fillet, but that makes a nasty capacitive discontinuity at
the connector.

The impedance of that SMA edge-launch connector, center pin to the
four ground pins, is about 100 ohms in free air. So the PCB has to
be about 100 in the pin region too. We\'ve worked that out, cutting
away inners and paving over the bottom with ground. We simulated
the whole geometry with ATLC to get the dims right. That was cool.

The case I posted was testing a laminate sample, 20 mils thick.

The $1.50 edge-launches are just as good as the $12 microwave
connectors if the layout is right, at least as far as we can
resolve with 30 ps TDR.

I sometimes cut away layer 2 (or more) under critical circuit
nodes. My triggered Colpitts oscillator has a driven guard patch on
layer 5.

You bootstrap photodiodes, so you might bootstrap the PCB too.

I\'ve often done that in high-Z TIAs, like 10M. The bootstrap
effectiveness is limited by the capacitance to ground from the
summing junction.

I wasn\'t expecting it to be a big issue with a 511-ohm TIA, but then
I wasn\'t expecting that much capacitance either. I\'ll have to
calculate whether the SAV-551+ can bootstrap the pour as well as the

The usual local feedback tricks such as the PNP wraparound sort of
need fast PNPs, which are no longer made. :( (The Renesas/Intersil
ones are a sort-of exception.)

Well, I took out the Dremel, with one of JL\'s fave dental burrs on it,
and got the SJ capacitance down to 1.2 pF. It was actually pretty easy,
and the results are sort of interesting-looking.

Top-to-bottom dimension is 18 mm.

Is that a 2-layer board? They are usually about 15 pf per square inch,
with a lot of fringing.

No, it\'s 4 layers, with ground on L2. The #40 wire going down the
middle of the canyon there replaces an L3 trace.

If we get our pcb laser blaster going, we\'ll mostly make 2-sided
boards with all ground plane on the back. It will also be a huge time
saver if we leave a lot of copper on the top, namely blast away just
enough copper to make the insulated features. That will make a lot of
capacitance, and lots of coplanar waveguide.

I\'m envisioning secondary Dremel operations, or maybe a lot of

Fun. BTW PCBway recently cut their assembly prices by a lot.


Phil Hobbs

Did you ever section that board? Maybe the L2 ground plane is very
close to the layer 1 traces. Seems like a lot of c for some tiny
features like that.

We got our own p+p line because kitting and logistics were a hassle
for using outside assemblers.

Yeah, I cut one with snips and sanded it. The prepreg was a bit skinny,
but not 0.1 mm. Mostly I got snookered by the AD8045 datasheet\'s
specsmanship--their headline 1-GHz bandwidth number turns out to be a
result of the details of the frequency compensation, and only applies in
the noninverting configuration. Otherwise it\'s basically a pretty nice
600-MHz GBW op amp, but not something for sub-nanosecond work.

The next version will connect the SAV-551+ bootstrap directly to the
inverting input of an EL5166 CFA, and add a well-filtered chopamp to
take out the resulting DC offset. The pHEMT\'s source won\'t even notice
the current noise of the CFA, whereas if it were connected to the PD it
would dominate the noise.

A nuisance, but quite a preventable one--my least favourite kind. :(

Bootstrap into opamp inverting input? I don\'t understand that.

Do you know about THS4303? It\'s a roughly current-mode opamp with an
internal g=+10 feedback network. 1.8 GHz net bw, and noise is pretty

If you hang a pHEMT bootstrap on a photodiode, the gate and source go up
and down together to decent accuracy.

The classical bootstrap architecture is off to the side, so that the TIA
connects directly to the cathode of the PD. That makes the DC and
low-frequency behaviour of the bootstrap device essentially irrelevant,
which is nice. The down side is that the current noise of the TIA stage
gets summed with the photocurrent, which can be a problem in low light.

Alternatively, though, you can connect the op amp to the source of the
bootstrap device. There are op amps such as the LM6171A, which is
basically a CFA with a follower driving its inverting input--this
notion just uses the follower to bootstrap the PD as well as driving the
inverting input. (Our QL01 nanowatt photoreceiver does that.)

Since the bootstrap\'s source follows its gate, this is pretty much
equivalent except that (on the plus side) you can use much gnarlier op
amps, and (on the minus side) the bootstrap has to have decent DC and
low-frequency behaviour.


Phil Hobbs

I still don\'t understand. If the bootstrap output drives the opamp,
what is the input to the bootstrap?

Got a sketch?

Phil Hobbs
Thanks, though the second reminds me of the \'classic\' PH
front end where you return the current though the summing
junction, and so have an offset.

George H.
Dr Philip C D Hobbs
Principal Consultant
ElectroOptical Innovations LLC / Hobbs ElectroOptics
Optics, Electro-optics, Photonics, Analog Electronics
Briarcliff Manor NY 10510
On Wednesday, November 25, 2020 at 11:34:58 AM UTC-5, Phil Hobbs wrote:
On 11/25/20 10:14 AM, wrote:
On Tue, 24 Nov 2020 23:07:57 -0500, Phil Hobbs> wrote:

On 11/24/20 10:33 PM, wrote:
On Tue, 24 Nov 2020 17:58:44 -0500, Phil Hobbs> wrote:

On 11/23/20 6:54 PM, wrote:
On Mon, 23 Nov 2020 15:11:05 -0500, Phil Hobbs> wrote:

On 11/23/20 2:43 PM, wrote:
On Mon, 23 Nov 2020 13:58:26 -0500, Phil Hobbs> wrote:

On 11/21/20 6:48 PM, Phil Hobbs wrote:
On 11/21/20 11:05 AM, wrote:
On Sat, 21 Nov 2020 07:05:11 -0500, Phil Hobbs> wrote:

On 11/21/20 12:39 AM, wrote:
On Fri, 20 Nov 2020 22:35:52 -0500, Phil Hobbs> wrote:

On 11/19/20 10:44 AM,
On Thu, 19 Nov 2020 10:30:17 -0500, Phil Hobbs> wrote:

On 11/19/20 8:22 AM, George Herold wrote:
On Wednesday, November 18, 2020 at 2:27:39 PM UTC-5,
Phil Hobbs wrote:
Hi, all.

So I have this SiPM/MPPC front end. It has pop
options to use either an On Semi MicroFC-10010 1-mm
SiPM chip or a packaged Hamamatsu S13362-3050DG 3-mm
MPPC with integral TE cooler, both bootstrapped by a
SAV-551+ running at 20 mA. So far, it all works.

(The SAV-551+ is amazingly stable--I\'ve got a
shipping product that runs a very similar bootstrap
across a 2-inch FFC cable. Bandwidth suffers a bit,
but it shows no tendency to oscillate.)

The mystery is in the TIA stage. It\'s a vanilla op
amp TIA made from either an ADA4899 (600 MHz, 300
V/us) or AD8045 (1 GHz, 1300 V/us @ Av=1), which are
pin compatible in the 3-mm LFCSP package. Both are
voltage feedback amps.

I\'m seeing a 3 dB bandwidth of 220 MHz, together with
a faster rolloff than I expect: -3 dB @ 220 MHz, -9
dB @ 320 MHz. It\'s not slew limiting, because the
waveform looks pretty good on a 3-GHz scope (TDS
694C) and the rolloff stays the same when I drop the
input by 6 dB.

The layout is pretty tight (the whole board is only
an inch square), so getting enough stray capacitance
across R_F to account for it is implausible--it would
need about 1.4 pF. DecouplingBypassing is good--

For test, I removed the 0-ohm jumper that connects
the bootstrapped SiPM to the summing junction, and
added a 1k input resistor, forming an inverting amp
with a nominal gain of -0.5.

That\'s connected to the terminated end of an
RG-174/U cable going to a PTS-500 synthesizer. The
output goes via a 10-ohm resistor into a
properly-terminated 50-ohm cable (the TDS 694C is
50-ohm only).

Here I\'m expecting a bandwidth somewhere between the
datasheet\'s 1 GHz @ Av=1 and 400 MHz @ Av=-1, but
it\'s way off. There\'s no visible change when I put
the jumper back in, on account of the swoopy

I was going to suggest looking at the \'speed\' of the
light source. But the above seems to point to something
\'in\' the amp stage... (Is that right?) (And maybe check
the light source rise time anyway?)

George H.

So where do you suppose the missing factor of ~3 in
bandwidth went?

This has the SiPM and bootstrap disconnected (0 ohm
jumper removed) and a 1/20W leaded 1k resistor bodged in
to make an inverting amp with a gain of -0.5.

I\'m looking at the trace capacitance to figure out if
that might be it. There\'s about 3/4 inch of 10-mil trace
on the summing junction, but that ought to produce a high
frequency peak if anything. hard to find 1.4 pF across
the feedback resistor. Once I\'m back in the lab I\'ll
measure a bare board with a Boonton and see.


Phil Hobbs

What\'s the board stackup? Not the specified one, but the
real one. I\'ve been burned by what some of the fast-turn
proto houses do.

The SJ capacitance is 2.4 pF, as measured on a Boonton, about
twice what I expected. That seems to be the issue--in
simulation it produces a pretty big gain peak, which reduces
the bandwidth.

Time to Dremel the ground plane. :(

How many layers?

Only four, but of course ground is L2 and there\'s an L3 ground
pour in that area. It is PCBway, so maybe they did the same
thing to me. (A generally very good outfit in many ways,
especially price and delivery.)

Several of the chinese quick-turn houses make 4-layer boards with
very thin (like 4 mil) outer dielectrics. Maybe they roll process
the outers and glue them to a core or something.

Maybe section the board to see what the stackup actually is.

Monday I\'ll look at it under the good microscope. (About three
years ago, I got a beautiful Mitutoyo FS-110 with 2x-50x long
working-distance objectives for $2k on eBay. Apparently the guy
didn\'t know what he had, because he shipped this massive
precision instrument in a cardboard box with foam peanuts. The
box was a mess when it got here, but the scope survived because
it\'s a beast.)

I sheared and sandpapered the example I posted, and shot it with
my super-good microscope

I have one a bit like that, but with a better base:

It does need a rubber band to apply a rotational preload to the arm.

Here is a Dremel-optimized SMA connector.


We\'ve had that problem too--you need some extra pad area for the
solder fillet, but that makes a nasty capacitive discontinuity at
the connector.

The impedance of that SMA edge-launch connector, center pin to the
four ground pins, is about 100 ohms in free air. So the PCB has to
be about 100 in the pin region too. We\'ve worked that out, cutting
away inners and paving over the bottom with ground. We simulated
the whole geometry with ATLC to get the dims right. That was cool.

The case I posted was testing a laminate sample, 20 mils thick.

The $1.50 edge-launches are just as good as the $12 microwave
connectors if the layout is right, at least as far as we can
resolve with 30 ps TDR.

I sometimes cut away layer 2 (or more) under critical circuit
nodes. My triggered Colpitts oscillator has a driven guard patch on
layer 5.

You bootstrap photodiodes, so you might bootstrap the PCB too.

I\'ve often done that in high-Z TIAs, like 10M. The bootstrap
effectiveness is limited by the capacitance to ground from the
summing junction.

I wasn\'t expecting it to be a big issue with a 511-ohm TIA, but then
I wasn\'t expecting that much capacitance either. I\'ll have to
calculate whether the SAV-551+ can bootstrap the pour as well as the

The usual local feedback tricks such as the PNP wraparound sort of
need fast PNPs, which are no longer made. :( (The Renesas/Intersil
ones are a sort-of exception.)

Well, I took out the Dremel, with one of JL\'s fave dental burrs on it,
and got the SJ capacitance down to 1.2 pF. It was actually pretty easy,
and the results are sort of interesting-looking.

Top-to-bottom dimension is 18 mm.

Is that a 2-layer board? They are usually about 15 pf per square inch,
with a lot of fringing.

No, it\'s 4 layers, with ground on L2. The #40 wire going down the
middle of the canyon there replaces an L3 trace.

If we get our pcb laser blaster going, we\'ll mostly make 2-sided
boards with all ground plane on the back. It will also be a huge time
saver if we leave a lot of copper on the top, namely blast away just
enough copper to make the insulated features. That will make a lot of
capacitance, and lots of coplanar waveguide.

I\'m envisioning secondary Dremel operations, or maybe a lot of

Fun. BTW PCBway recently cut their assembly prices by a lot.


Phil Hobbs

Did you ever section that board? Maybe the L2 ground plane is very
close to the layer 1 traces. Seems like a lot of c for some tiny
features like that.

We got our own p+p line because kitting and logistics were a hassle
for using outside assemblers.

Yeah, I cut one with snips and sanded it. The prepreg was a bit skinny,
but not 0.1 mm. Mostly I got snookered by the AD8045 datasheet\'s
specsmanship--their headline 1-GHz bandwidth number turns out to be a
result of the details of the frequency compensation, and only applies in
the noninverting configuration. Otherwise it\'s basically a pretty nice
600-MHz GBW op amp, but not something for sub-nanosecond work.

The next version will connect the SAV-551+ bootstrap directly to the
inverting input of an EL5166 CFA, and add a well-filtered chopamp to
take out the resulting DC offset. The pHEMT\'s source won\'t even notice
the current noise of the CFA, whereas if it were connected to the PD it
would dominate the noise.

A nuisance, but quite a preventable one--my least favourite kind. :(

Bootstrap into opamp inverting input? I don\'t understand that.

Do you know about THS4303? It\'s a roughly current-mode opamp with an
internal g=+10 feedback network. 1.8 GHz net bw, and noise is pretty

If you hang a pHEMT bootstrap on a photodiode, the gate and source go up
and down together to decent accuracy.

The classical bootstrap architecture is off to the side, so that the TIA
connects directly to the cathode of the PD. That makes the DC and
low-frequency behaviour of the bootstrap device essentially irrelevant,
which is nice. The down side is that the current noise of the TIA stage
gets summed with the photocurrent, which can be a problem in low light.

Alternatively, though, you can connect the op amp to the source of the
bootstrap device. There are op amps such as the LM6171A, which is
basically a CFA with a follower driving its inverting input--this
notion just uses the follower to bootstrap the PD as well as driving the
inverting input. (Our QL01 nanowatt photoreceiver does that.)

Since the bootstrap\'s source follows its gate, this is pretty much
equivalent except that (on the plus side) you can use much gnarlier op
amps, and (on the minus side) the bootstrap has to have decent DC and
low-frequency behaviour.


Phil Hobbs

I still don\'t understand. If the bootstrap output drives the opamp,
what is the input to the bootstrap?

Got a sketch?

Phil Hobbs
Thanks, though the second reminds me of the \'classic\' PH
front end where you return the current though the summing
junction, and so have an offset.

George H.
Dr Philip C D Hobbs
Principal Consultant
ElectroOptical Innovations LLC / Hobbs ElectroOptics
Optics, Electro-optics, Photonics, Analog Electronics
Briarcliff Manor NY 10510
On 11/27/20 3:03 PM, George Herold wrote:
On Wednesday, November 25, 2020 at 11:34:58 AM UTC-5, Phil Hobbs wrote:
On 11/25/20 10:14 AM, wrote:
On Tue, 24 Nov 2020 23:07:57 -0500, Phil Hobbs> wrote:

On 11/24/20 10:33 PM, wrote:
On Tue, 24 Nov 2020 17:58:44 -0500, Phil Hobbs> wrote:

On 11/23/20 6:54 PM, wrote:
On Mon, 23 Nov 2020 15:11:05 -0500, Phil Hobbs> wrote:

On 11/23/20 2:43 PM, wrote:
On Mon, 23 Nov 2020 13:58:26 -0500, Phil Hobbs> wrote:

On 11/21/20 6:48 PM, Phil Hobbs wrote:
On 11/21/20 11:05 AM, wrote:
On Sat, 21 Nov 2020 07:05:11 -0500, Phil Hobbs> wrote:

On 11/21/20 12:39 AM, wrote:
On Fri, 20 Nov 2020 22:35:52 -0500, Phil Hobbs> wrote:

On 11/19/20 10:44 AM,
On Thu, 19 Nov 2020 10:30:17 -0500, Phil Hobbs> wrote:

On 11/19/20 8:22 AM, George Herold wrote:
On Wednesday, November 18, 2020 at 2:27:39 PM UTC-5,
Phil Hobbs wrote:
Hi, all.

So I have this SiPM/MPPC front end. It has pop
options to use either an On Semi MicroFC-10010 1-mm
SiPM chip or a packaged Hamamatsu S13362-3050DG 3-mm
MPPC with integral TE cooler, both bootstrapped by a
SAV-551+ running at 20 mA. So far, it all works.

(The SAV-551+ is amazingly stable--I\'ve got a
shipping product that runs a very similar bootstrap
across a 2-inch FFC cable. Bandwidth suffers a bit,
but it shows no tendency to oscillate.)

The mystery is in the TIA stage. It\'s a vanilla op
amp TIA made from either an ADA4899 (600 MHz, 300
V/us) or AD8045 (1 GHz, 1300 V/us @ Av=1), which are
pin compatible in the 3-mm LFCSP package. Both are
voltage feedback amps.

I\'m seeing a 3 dB bandwidth of 220 MHz, together with
a faster rolloff than I expect: -3 dB @ 220 MHz, -9
dB @ 320 MHz. It\'s not slew limiting, because the
waveform looks pretty good on a 3-GHz scope (TDS
694C) and the rolloff stays the same when I drop the
input by 6 dB.

The layout is pretty tight (the whole board is only
an inch square), so getting enough stray capacitance
across R_F to account for it is implausible--it would
need about 1.4 pF. DecouplingBypassing is good--

For test, I removed the 0-ohm jumper that connects
the bootstrapped SiPM to the summing junction, and
added a 1k input resistor, forming an inverting amp
with a nominal gain of -0.5.

That\'s connected to the terminated end of an
RG-174/U cable going to a PTS-500 synthesizer. The
output goes via a 10-ohm resistor into a
properly-terminated 50-ohm cable (the TDS 694C is
50-ohm only).

Here I\'m expecting a bandwidth somewhere between the
datasheet\'s 1 GHz @ Av=1 and 400 MHz @ Av=-1, but
it\'s way off. There\'s no visible change when I put
the jumper back in, on account of the swoopy

I was going to suggest looking at the \'speed\' of the
light source. But the above seems to point to something
\'in\' the amp stage... (Is that right?) (And maybe check
the light source rise time anyway?)

George H.

So where do you suppose the missing factor of ~3 in
bandwidth went?

This has the SiPM and bootstrap disconnected (0 ohm
jumper removed) and a 1/20W leaded 1k resistor bodged in
to make an inverting amp with a gain of -0.5.

I\'m looking at the trace capacitance to figure out if
that might be it. There\'s about 3/4 inch of 10-mil trace
on the summing junction, but that ought to produce a high
frequency peak if anything. hard to find 1.4 pF across
the feedback resistor. Once I\'m back in the lab I\'ll
measure a bare board with a Boonton and see.


Phil Hobbs

What\'s the board stackup? Not the specified one, but the
real one. I\'ve been burned by what some of the fast-turn
proto houses do.

The SJ capacitance is 2.4 pF, as measured on a Boonton, about
twice what I expected. That seems to be the issue--in
simulation it produces a pretty big gain peak, which reduces
the bandwidth.

Time to Dremel the ground plane. :(

How many layers?

Only four, but of course ground is L2 and there\'s an L3 ground
pour in that area. It is PCBway, so maybe they did the same
thing to me. (A generally very good outfit in many ways,
especially price and delivery.)

Several of the chinese quick-turn houses make 4-layer boards with
very thin (like 4 mil) outer dielectrics. Maybe they roll process
the outers and glue them to a core or something.

Maybe section the board to see what the stackup actually is.

Monday I\'ll look at it under the good microscope. (About three
years ago, I got a beautiful Mitutoyo FS-110 with 2x-50x long
working-distance objectives for $2k on eBay. Apparently the guy
didn\'t know what he had, because he shipped this massive
precision instrument in a cardboard box with foam peanuts. The
box was a mess when it got here, but the scope survived because
it\'s a beast.)

I sheared and sandpapered the example I posted, and shot it with
my super-good microscope

I have one a bit like that, but with a better base:

It does need a rubber band to apply a rotational preload to the arm.

Here is a Dremel-optimized SMA connector.


We\'ve had that problem too--you need some extra pad area for the
solder fillet, but that makes a nasty capacitive discontinuity at
the connector.

The impedance of that SMA edge-launch connector, center pin to the
four ground pins, is about 100 ohms in free air. So the PCB has to
be about 100 in the pin region too. We\'ve worked that out, cutting
away inners and paving over the bottom with ground. We simulated
the whole geometry with ATLC to get the dims right. That was cool.

The case I posted was testing a laminate sample, 20 mils thick.

The $1.50 edge-launches are just as good as the $12 microwave
connectors if the layout is right, at least as far as we can
resolve with 30 ps TDR.

I sometimes cut away layer 2 (or more) under critical circuit
nodes. My triggered Colpitts oscillator has a driven guard patch on
layer 5.

You bootstrap photodiodes, so you might bootstrap the PCB too.

I\'ve often done that in high-Z TIAs, like 10M. The bootstrap
effectiveness is limited by the capacitance to ground from the
summing junction.

I wasn\'t expecting it to be a big issue with a 511-ohm TIA, but then
I wasn\'t expecting that much capacitance either. I\'ll have to
calculate whether the SAV-551+ can bootstrap the pour as well as the

The usual local feedback tricks such as the PNP wraparound sort of
need fast PNPs, which are no longer made. :( (The Renesas/Intersil
ones are a sort-of exception.)

Well, I took out the Dremel, with one of JL\'s fave dental burrs on it,
and got the SJ capacitance down to 1.2 pF. It was actually pretty easy,
and the results are sort of interesting-looking.

Top-to-bottom dimension is 18 mm.

Is that a 2-layer board? They are usually about 15 pf per square inch,
with a lot of fringing.

No, it\'s 4 layers, with ground on L2. The #40 wire going down the
middle of the canyon there replaces an L3 trace.

If we get our pcb laser blaster going, we\'ll mostly make 2-sided
boards with all ground plane on the back. It will also be a huge time
saver if we leave a lot of copper on the top, namely blast away just
enough copper to make the insulated features. That will make a lot of
capacitance, and lots of coplanar waveguide.

I\'m envisioning secondary Dremel operations, or maybe a lot of

Fun. BTW PCBway recently cut their assembly prices by a lot.


Phil Hobbs

Did you ever section that board? Maybe the L2 ground plane is very
close to the layer 1 traces. Seems like a lot of c for some tiny
features like that.

We got our own p+p line because kitting and logistics were a hassle
for using outside assemblers.

Yeah, I cut one with snips and sanded it. The prepreg was a bit skinny,
but not 0.1 mm. Mostly I got snookered by the AD8045 datasheet\'s
specsmanship--their headline 1-GHz bandwidth number turns out to be a
result of the details of the frequency compensation, and only applies in
the noninverting configuration. Otherwise it\'s basically a pretty nice
600-MHz GBW op amp, but not something for sub-nanosecond work.

The next version will connect the SAV-551+ bootstrap directly to the
inverting input of an EL5166 CFA, and add a well-filtered chopamp to
take out the resulting DC offset. The pHEMT\'s source won\'t even notice
the current noise of the CFA, whereas if it were connected to the PD it
would dominate the noise.

A nuisance, but quite a preventable one--my least favourite kind. :(

Bootstrap into opamp inverting input? I don\'t understand that.

Do you know about THS4303? It\'s a roughly current-mode opamp with an
internal g=+10 feedback network. 1.8 GHz net bw, and noise is pretty

If you hang a pHEMT bootstrap on a photodiode, the gate and source go up
and down together to decent accuracy.

The classical bootstrap architecture is off to the side, so that the TIA
connects directly to the cathode of the PD. That makes the DC and
low-frequency behaviour of the bootstrap device essentially irrelevant,
which is nice. The down side is that the current noise of the TIA stage
gets summed with the photocurrent, which can be a problem in low light.

Alternatively, though, you can connect the op amp to the source of the
bootstrap device. There are op amps such as the LM6171A, which is
basically a CFA with a follower driving its inverting input--this
notion just uses the follower to bootstrap the PD as well as driving the
inverting input. (Our QL01 nanowatt photoreceiver does that.)

Since the bootstrap\'s source follows its gate, this is pretty much
equivalent except that (on the plus side) you can use much gnarlier op
amps, and (on the minus side) the bootstrap has to have decent DC and
low-frequency behaviour.


Phil Hobbs

I still don\'t understand. If the bootstrap output drives the opamp,
what is the input to the bootstrap?

Got a sketch?

Phil Hobbs

Thanks, though the second reminds me of the \'classic\' PH
front end where you return the current though the summing
junction, and so have an offset.

Well, the one in the book has a first-order temperature compensated fix
for that. ;)


Phil Hobbs

Dr Philip C D Hobbs
Principal Consultant
ElectroOptical Innovations LLC / Hobbs ElectroOptics
Optics, Electro-optics, Photonics, Analog Electronics
Briarcliff Manor NY 10510
On 28/11/20 5:58 am, Phil Hobbs wrote:
On 11/27/20 11:40 AM, Gerhard Hoffmann wrote:
Am 27.11.20 um 16:48 schrieb Phil Hobbs:
The product page is at
That\'s what I found by g**gling, but C-C  C-V ing it into my own order
form gives \"device not found\".
Just trying to change to from the above address throws an
error 404.

Try a VPN maybe?  Mine (privateinternetaccess) has exit points in
Kazakhstan and Greenland as well as NA and mainland Europe.

What\'s the bandwidth and latency like from there though? I usually
prefer to surface my VPN in a country with good internet and short ping

On 11/27/20 4:16 PM, Clifford Heath wrote:
On 28/11/20 5:58 am, Phil Hobbs wrote:
On 11/27/20 11:40 AM, Gerhard Hoffmann wrote:
Am 27.11.20 um 16:48 schrieb Phil Hobbs:
The product page is at

That\'s what I found by g**gling, but C-C  C-V ing it into my own
order form gives \"device not found\".
Just trying to change to from the above address throws an
error 404.

Try a VPN maybe?  Mine (privateinternetaccess) has exit points in
Kazakhstan and Greenland as well as NA and mainland Europe.

What\'s the bandwidth and latency like from there though? I usually
prefer to surface my VPN in a country with good internet and short ping


From here, I just measured 55/10 and 280 ms pings through Poland, and
39/26 with 250 ms pings through Bangladesh via Singapore. Not awful.

From a Frankfurt exit node, I can get to that page on but
not Same from a NJ exit node.

So it\'s a issue.


Phil Hobbs

Dr Philip C D Hobbs
Principal Consultant
ElectroOptical Innovations LLC / Hobbs ElectroOptics
Optics, Electro-optics, Photonics, Analog Electronics
Briarcliff Manor NY 10510

Welcome to

