Paul Hovnanian P.E.
Microscope with a calibrated reticule.
I've got a pocket magnifier with a scale with 0.001" resolution.
If you don't have a microscope, but you can get (or borrow) some decent
(optically flat) mounting slides (and a monochromatic light source),
this might work.
Lay the wire down on one slide and then lay the other slide down on the
wire so that the diameter of the wire causes the top slide to form an
inclined plane w.r.t the bottom slide.
Measure the distance from the wire to the end of the top slide.
Illuminate this with the light source and look for diffraction ridges
(near the point of contact between the two slides). Count the number of
ridges per centimeter. Since each diffraction ridge is caused by an
increase of one wavelength increase in gap between the slides, you can
work out the angel between the slides. And by similar triangles, work
out how high the wire is lifting the top slide.
Paul Hovnanian mailto
If God is perfect then why did He create discontinuous functions?
I've got a pocket magnifier with a scale with 0.001" resolution.
If you don't have a microscope, but you can get (or borrow) some decent
(optically flat) mounting slides (and a monochromatic light source),
this might work.
Lay the wire down on one slide and then lay the other slide down on the
wire so that the diameter of the wire causes the top slide to form an
inclined plane w.r.t the bottom slide.
Measure the distance from the wire to the end of the top slide.
Illuminate this with the light source and look for diffraction ridges
(near the point of contact between the two slides). Count the number of
ridges per centimeter. Since each diffraction ridge is caused by an
increase of one wavelength increase in gap between the slides, you can
work out the angel between the slides. And by similar triangles, work
out how high the wire is lifting the top slide.
Paul Hovnanian mailto
If God is perfect then why did He create discontinuous functions?