John Fields
On Sat, 27 Nov 2004 16:53:47 -0800, John Larkin
<jjlarkin@highSNIPlandTHIStechPLEASEnology.com> wrote:
I don't know why you keep belaboring this point since I'm not
disagreeing with you about the way a phase measurement has to be made.
After all, I did describe my equipment setup and methodology early-on
in this thread and, if you like, I'll post some scope screen shots of
the tests.
What I'm saying, and what you seem loath to agree with is that with
respect to the circuit under discussion it doesn't matter how the
resistance of the load varies, as long as it stays resistive the
voltage and current through the resistance _must_ be in phase. Do you
Sure we are!-)
In the last half of each half-cycle.
That's a totally different proposition from the one that's being
discussed, which is that of the phase relationship between the
voltage across a resistance varying parametrically with the current
through it, _not_ with the phase relationship between voltage and
current in a load caused by an arbitrarily switched voltage waveform
impressed across a load resistance.
However, using your example and assuming that you mean firing angles
of 90° and 270° when you say a conduction angle of 50%, then consider:
With the TRIAC off and a multitude of instantaneous, coincidental
voltage and current measurements made during that quarter cycle, it
will be seen that there is no voltage across the load and no current
through it at any measurement point, so the phase angle between
voltage and current _must_ be 0°. Now, when the TRIAC fires, the
voltage across the load will be at either the positive or negative
peak of the voltage waveform and, neglecting the sign of the voltage,
current will flow in the load according to
I = --- (1)
Z = sqrt (R˛ + (Xl-Xc))
Assuming an ideal circuit with no stray inductances or capacitances,
the reactance terms drop out and what we're left with is
Z = sqrt R˛
which further reduces to
Z = R
Now, plugging that into (1) gives us the familiar
I = ---
which means that the current waveform through the resistance will
track the voltage waveform through the quarter cycle, i.e. they will
be in phase.
This can be verified by making a series of instantaneous, coincidental
voltage and current measurements on the load while the TRIAC is on.
It might even be a good idea to fire the TRIAC a little before 90° and
270° just to be able to zero in on the current peaks and verify that
they're coincident with the voltage peaks.
Finally, since we're not talking about the harmonics generated by the
TRIAC turn-on, since the load is resistive, and since the angle
between current and voltage remains at 0° at any point during the
cycle, I can't see where you think a phase shift is coming from.
John Fields
<jjlarkin@highSNIPlandTHIStechPLEASEnology.com> wrote:
---On Sat, 27 Nov 2004 17:52:36 -0600, John Fields
jfields@austininstruments.com> wrote:
but it still looks resistive because current is
staying precisely in phase with voltage, since where resitance is
gonna be or where it was doesn't matter. What does matter is what's
the resistance right now and what's the voltage across it right now.
Phase shift has to be measured over time. No instantaneous measurement
of a circuit can identify a phase shift, even a circuit with real
capacitors. "Gonna be and where it was" is fundamental to a
time-referenced measurement. What matters is how the current waveform
looks compared to the voltage waveform, and a point measurement isn't
a waveform.
I don't know why you keep belaboring this point since I'm not
disagreeing with you about the way a phase measurement has to be made.
After all, I did describe my equipment setup and methodology early-on
in this thread and, if you like, I'll post some scope screen shots of
the tests.
What I'm saying, and what you seem loath to agree with is that with
respect to the circuit under discussion it doesn't matter how the
resistance of the load varies, as long as it stays resistive the
voltage and current through the resistance _must_ be in phase. Do you
---There's no Xl or Xc in the circuit, and without a reactance the
impedance will be entirely resistive with no difference in phase
between E and I.
We're not getting anywhere on this, are we.
Sure we are!-)
---Do you propose that a
triac dimmer, driving a resistive load, runing at 50% conduction
angle, has no current-versus-line-voltage phase shift? Even though all
the load current flows in the last half of each cycle? That seems like
a phase shift to me.
In the last half of each half-cycle.
That's a totally different proposition from the one that's being
discussed, which is that of the phase relationship between the
voltage across a resistance varying parametrically with the current
through it, _not_ with the phase relationship between voltage and
current in a load caused by an arbitrarily switched voltage waveform
impressed across a load resistance.
However, using your example and assuming that you mean firing angles
of 90° and 270° when you say a conduction angle of 50%, then consider:
With the TRIAC off and a multitude of instantaneous, coincidental
voltage and current measurements made during that quarter cycle, it
will be seen that there is no voltage across the load and no current
through it at any measurement point, so the phase angle between
voltage and current _must_ be 0°. Now, when the TRIAC fires, the
voltage across the load will be at either the positive or negative
peak of the voltage waveform and, neglecting the sign of the voltage,
current will flow in the load according to
I = --- (1)
Z = sqrt (R˛ + (Xl-Xc))
Assuming an ideal circuit with no stray inductances or capacitances,
the reactance terms drop out and what we're left with is
Z = sqrt R˛
which further reduces to
Z = R
Now, plugging that into (1) gives us the familiar
I = ---
which means that the current waveform through the resistance will
track the voltage waveform through the quarter cycle, i.e. they will
be in phase.
This can be verified by making a series of instantaneous, coincidental
voltage and current measurements on the load while the TRIAC is on.
It might even be a good idea to fire the TRIAC a little before 90° and
270° just to be able to zero in on the current peaks and verify that
they're coincident with the voltage peaks.
Finally, since we're not talking about the harmonics generated by the
TRIAC turn-on, since the load is resistive, and since the angle
between current and voltage remains at 0° at any point during the
cycle, I can't see where you think a phase shift is coming from.
John Fields