Mark Harriss
Adam Anderson wrote:
Thanks for the information Adam, do you recommend any specific brands?.
The Sick Stegman unit I was looking at has a metal disc of nickel alloy,
something like invar I assume, would it be likely to last longer?.
Mark Harriss wrote:
I'm looking for absolute rotary encoders with at least 18 bit
resolution for a product currently in design, does anyone have
any brands or products they can recommend / not recommend?.
Optical encoders at that resolution will fail after a period of time as
the graticule's are too fine, even given small mechanical disturbances.
Geared encoders at that resolution will not perform due to mechanical
you need dual speed synchro resolvers and a resolver to digital converter.
Thanks for the information Adam, do you recommend any specific brands?.
The Sick Stegman unit I was looking at has a metal disc of nickel alloy,
something like invar I assume, would it be likely to last longer?.