Meat Plow
On Fri, 30 Jan 2009 05:47:47 -0600, "Mark Zacharias"
Old age sucks."Arfa Daily" <arfa.daily@ntlworld.com> wrote in message
Perhaps because audio CD's are CLV...
Mark Z.
Yeah, OK Mark. CLV servo it is ! Just another senior moment. I seem to
have more of them these days ... :-(
Still, the rest of what I said is valid.
I knew that you knew that. I was just foolin' around.
Yeah, I know that Mark. Dunno. The older I get, the more this nonsense
seems to just fly out of my mouth (fingers) ... Perhaps I'm going down
with some kind of early addle-brain. There's a prog on the telly next week
about poor old Terry Pratchett. He first noticed something was wrong, when
he kept typing spelleen misstaykes :-( I think that my problem is
that I spend too much late-night time sitting in front of this idiot
machine, instead of getting some sleep ...
Same problem here. Gets frustrating at times. I'll stop mid-sentence because
I can't bring forth a noun to continue. Then after perhaps 2 or 3 seconds it
comes and I finish the sentence. Short-term memory getting worse also,
although in truth this has always been a weakness of mine. Still able to
function at work though, so that's a blessing.
My hearing is getting really bad also.
With me it's early morning. I get up around 3:30 to 4:00 AM most days.
Spend a lot of time perusing old analog meters etc on eBay. Added several to
my collection lately, including an AVO 8 which I got interested in after
finding you had one. It's a Mark 5 Nato model, on it's way from Germany as
we speak. Not many AVO's in the U.S. it turns out...
Added several Simpsons (the American answer to AVO?) lately as well. The guy
at simpson260.com has offered to sell me his 9 remaining Simpsons. I don't
think I can do that though, nowhere to put them!
Mark Z.